This page was created by the IDL library routine
Last modified: Thu Oct 24 15:35:45 2019.
Function: file_extract_time_from_name Generic function that will extract the time from a file name that has YYYYMMDD_hhmmss as part of the name
(See projects/maven/general/
PROCEDURE: mvn_altitude PURPOSE: Determines the altitude of MAVEN. Altitude is defined as the distance from a point (e.g., MAVEN) to a reference surface along a line normal to the reference surface. The reference surface is sometimes called the "datum". This routine recognizes four definitions of altitude: areocentric: The datum is a sphere with Mars' volumetric mean radius of 3389.50 km. areodetic: The datum is the IAU Mars ellipsoid: R_equator = 3396.19 km ; R_pole = 3376.20 km areoid: The datum is the Mars areoid, which is a gravitational equipotential ("sea level"). This surface is irregular but within ~2 km of the IAU Mars ellipsoid. topographic: The datum is the solid surface, based on laser altimeter data (MGS-MOLA). Areocentric and areodetic longitudes are identical, while the latitudes differ by less than 0.3 deg. The altitudes can differ by more than 10 km, (about an atmospheric scale height), so this is the main reason for choosing the ellipsoid (or the areoid) for the region around periapsis. The areoid and solid surface are irregular, so areocentric longitude and latitude are used for those reference surfaces. This is consistent with usage in the literature. The results are stored in TPLOT variables. You must have SPICE installed for this routine to work. USAGE: mvn_altitude, trange INPUTS: trange: Optional. Time range for calculating altitude. If not specified, then use the current range set by timespan. KEYWORDS: DT: Time resolution (sec). Default is to use the time resolution of maven_orbit_tplot (usually 10 sec). CART: A 3 x N array of cartesian coordinates in the IAU_MARS frame. If specified, then trange and DT are ignored and the result is returned via keyword RESULT. If not specified, then try to get this information from maven_orbit_tplot, and the result is stored in tplot variables as well as in RESULT. DATUM: String for specifying the datum. Can be one of "sphere", "ellipsoid", "areoid", or "surface". Default = 'sphere'. Minimum matching is used for this keyword. LATLON: Create tplot variables for latitude and longitude. If DATUM = 'ellipsoid', then you get areodetic latitude and longitude. RESULT: Returns a structure containing the altitude, latitude and longitude. If CART is set, then each of these will have N values. If CART is not set, then the structure will be compatible with tplot (x = time, y = altitude). PANS: Named variable to hold the tplot variables created. Variable names are in the form: mvn_<par>_<dat>, where <par> is the parameter (alt, lon, lat) and <dat> is a three-letter code for the datum (sph, ell, are, sur). $LastChangedBy: ali $ $LastChangedDate: 2019-03-01 18:58:47 -0800 (Fri, 01 Mar 2019) $ $LastChangedRevision: 26741 $ $URL: svn+ssh:// $ CREATED BY: David L. Mitchell
(See projects/maven/general/
NAME: mvn_file_source( [default_source] ) PURPOSE: Returns a structure that contains all the information (or options) needed to download and return MAVEN data file names. The structure is stored in a common block variable and has persistance. This funtion is used primarily by the routine mvn_pfp_file_source(). However users might wish to change the default values. see "file_retrieve" for specific information on how to use the options in this structure. Typical Usage: source=mvn_file_source() ; get the options printdat, source ; display the options Examples: #1a: tempsource = mvn_file_source(verbose=4,local_data_dir='tempdir/') ; temporarily change VERBOSE and LOCAL_DATA_DIR files = mvn_pfp_file_retrieve(source=tempsource) INPUT: default_source (optional) if this is a structure then it will be returned as the output KEYWORDS: SET = [0,1] : If set, then new options (KEYWORDS or DEFAULT_SOURCE) are made to the common block variable are therefor persistant. DO NOT USE THIS KEYWORD INSIDE publically distributed code - IT WILL PRODUCE SIDE EFFECTS FOR OTHERS! ! RESET = [0,1] : If set then the default is restored. DO NOT USE THIS KEYWORD INSIDE publically distributed code - IT WILL PRODUCE SIDE EFFECTS FOR OTHERS! ! EXAMPLE 1: printdat, mvn_file_source(/set, USER_PASS='user:password') ; Add the user and password to enable authentication on the remote server. #1b help,/structure, mvn_file_source(verbose=3,/set) ; Permanentaly change the verbose level for all subsequent calls files = mvn_pfp_file_retrieve() #1c help,/structure, mvn_file_source(no_server=1,/set) ; Permanently disable searching on the remote server #2 help,/structure, mvn_file_source(/reset) ; reset structure to the default. OUTPUT: Structure: see "FILE_RETRIEVE" for a description of each structure element. $LastChangedBy: davin-mac $ $LastChangedDate: 2015-11-06 14:01:30 -0800 (Fri, 06 Nov 2015) $ $LastChangedRevision: 19295 $ $URL: svn+ssh:// $
(See projects/maven/general/
FUNCTION: mvn_frame_name PURPOSE: Expands a MAVEN frame name fragment to the full frame name recognized by SPICE. You can omit the leading 'MAVEN_' or 'IAU_' from the fragment. Case folded minimum matching is performed. For example, all of the following are expanded to 'MAVEN_STATIC': 'maVEn_st', 'sta', 'St'. 'GEO' is accepted as a synonym for 'MARS'. Simply returns the input if the fragment is not recognized or ambiguous. USAGE: spice_frame = mvn_frame_name(frame) INPUTS: frame: Sring scalar or array of MAVEN frame name fragments. KEYWORDS: SUCCESS: An array of integers with the same number of elements as frame: 0 = match not found or ambiguous 1 = unique match found RESET: Refresh the list of frame names. LIST: Print a list of frame names and exit. Returns the null string. $LastChangedBy: dmitchell $ $LastChangedDate: 2018-06-29 15:42:33 -0700 (Fri, 29 Jun 2018) $ $LastChangedRevision: 25425 $ $URL: svn+ssh:// $ CREATED BY: David L. Mitchell
(See projects/maven/general/
FUNCTION: mvn_get_altitude PURPOSE: Calculates the altitude of the MAVEN spacecraft above the Martian surface (either the solid planet or the constant-pressure surface known as the 'areoid'). This routine is called by the more general mvn_altitude, which has other possible definitions for altitude. USAGE: mav_get_altitude, elon_sc, lat_sc,r_sc, alt_sc INPUTS: xpc: a 1-dimensional array of values of the east longitude of the spacecraft. UNITS: km ypc: a 1-dimensional array of values of the latitude of the spacecraft. UNITS: km zpc: a 1-dimensional array of values of the radial distance of the spacecraft from the planet's center of mass. UNITS: kilometers OUTPUT: The output array of spacecraft altitudes. UNITS: kilometers KEYWORDS: TOPOGRAPHIC: Set this keyword to anything nonzero if the spacecraft altitude above the planet's topography is desired. If this keyword is not specified, the altitude will be above the constant-pressure surface known as the areoid (the equivalent of sea level) and the relevant altitude for most MAVEN studies. MOLA_STRUC: Depreciated. Structure now stored in a common block. $LastChangedBy: dmitchell $ $LastChangedDate: 2017-05-29 15:49:17 -0700 (Mon, 29 May 2017) $ $LastChangedRevision: 23361 $ $URL: svn+ssh:// $ CREATED BY: Robert J. Lillis 2013-01-22
(See projects/maven/general/
FUNCTION: mvn_get_scpot PURPOSE: Given a time, returns the spacecraft potential. Only works after the potentials have been restored/calculated by mvn_scpot. AUTHOR: David L. Mitchell CALLING SEQUENCE: pot = mvn_get_scpot(time) INPUTS: time: Time or array of times for getting the potential, in any format accepted by time_double(). KEYWORDS: OUTPUTS: $LastChangedBy: dmitchell $ $LastChangedDate: 2018-09-12 14:13:48 -0700 (Wed, 12 Sep 2018) $ $LastChangedRevision: 25778 $ $URL: svn+ssh:// $
(See projects/maven/general/
PROCEDURE: mvn_nadir PURPOSE: Determines the direction of nadir at the position of the spacecraft in one or more coordinate frames. The results are stored in TPLOT variables. You must have SPICE installed for this routine to work. If SPICE is already initialized (e.g., mvn_swe_spice_init), this routine will use the current loadlist. Otherwise, this routine will try to initialize SPICE based on the current timespan. USAGE: mvn_nadir, trange INPUTS: trange: Optional. Time range for calculating the nadir direction. If not specified, then use current range set by timespan. KEYWORDS: DT: Time resolution (sec). Default is to use the time resolution of maven_orbit_tplot (usually 10 sec). FRAME: String or string array for specifying one or more frames to transform the nadir direction into. Any frame recognized by SPICE is allowed. The default is 'MAVEN_SPACECRAFT'. Other possibilities are: 'MAVEN_APP', 'MAVEN_STATIC', etc. Type 'mvn_frame_name(/list)' to see a full list of frames. POLAR: If set, convert the direction to polar coordinates and store as additional tplot variables. Phi = atan(y,x)*!radeg ; [ 0, 360] The = asin(z)*!radeg ; [-90, +90] PANS: Named variable to hold the tplot variables created. For the default frame, this would be 'Nadir_MAVEN_SPACECRAFT'. SUCCESS: Returns 1 on normal completion, 0 otherwise $LastChangedBy: dmitchell $ $LastChangedDate: 2019-09-24 15:48:26 -0700 (Tue, 24 Sep 2019) $ $LastChangedRevision: 27792 $ $URL: svn+ssh:// $ CREATED BY: David L. Mitchell
(See projects/maven/general/
NAME: MVN_ORBIT_NUM function: mvn_orbit_num() PURPOSE: returns database structure that contains orbit information about each MAVEN orbit. Alternatively - Returns the time if given the orbit number or returns the orbit number if given the time. Typical CALLING SEQUENCE: orbdata = mvn_orbit_num() store_data,'orbnum',orbdata.peri_time,orbdata.num,dlimit={ytitle:'Orbit'} tplot,var_label='orbnum' TYPICAL USAGE: print, mvn_orbit_num(time=systime(1) ) ; prints current MAVEN orbit number print , time_string( mvn_orbit_num(orbnum = 6.0) ; prints the time of periapsis of orbit number 6 timebar, mvn_orbit_num( orbnum = indgen(300) ) ; plots a vertical line at periapsis for the first 300 orbits Author: Davin Larson - October, 2014 $LastChangedBy: jimm $ $LastChangedDate: 2017-02-02 15:24:16 -0800 (Thu, 02 Feb 2017) $ $LastChangedRevision: 22720 $ $URL: svn+ssh:// $
(See projects/maven/general/
FUNCTION mvn_pfp_file_next_revision(filename,ndigits, [extension=extension]) Returns the filename with the next revision number Warning: unpredictable results at rollover.
(See projects/maven/general/
Function: files = mvn_pfp_file_retrieve(PATHNAME) Purpose: Retrieve or Download MAVEN data files (i.e. L0 files) (Can be used to generate filenames too) INPUT: PATHNAME: string specifying relative path to files. Default might change- Currently: 'maven/pfp/l0/YYYY/MM/mvn_pfp_all_l0_YYYYMMDD_v???.dat' PATHNAME must be relative to the LOCAL_DATA_DIR and REMOTE_DATA_DIR fields of the source keyword. "globbed" filenames (*,?) are accepted. typical usage: files = mvn_pfp_file_retrieve('maven/pfp/l0/YYYY/MM/mvn_pfp_all_l0_YYYYMMDD_v???.dat',/daily_names) ; get L0 files for user defined time span files = mvn_pfp_file_retrieve(pathname,/daily_names,trange=trange) ; set time range Keywords: (All are optional - none are recommended) L0: set to 1 to return PFP L0 files DAILY_NAMES : resolution (in days) for generating file names. YYYY, yy, MM, DD, hh, mm, ss, .f, DOY, DOW, TDIFF are special characters that will be substituted with the appropriate date/time field Be especially careful of extensions that begin with '.f' since these will be translated into a fractional second. See "time_string" TFORMAT keyword for more info. TRANGE : two element vector containing start and end times (UNIX_TIME or UT string). if not present then timerange() is called to obtain the limits. SOURCE: alternate file source. Default is whatever is return by the function: mvn_file_source() (see "mvn_file_source" for more info) FILES: if provided these will be passed through as output. VALID_ONLY: Set to 1 to prevent non existent files from being returned. CREATE_DIR: Generates a filename and creates the directories needed to create the file without errors. Will not check for file on remote server. KEYWORDS Passed on to "FILE_RETRIEVE": LAST_VERSION : [0,1] if set then only the last matching file is returned. (Default is defined by source) VALID_ONLY: [0,1] If set then only existing files are returned. (Default is defined by source keyword) VERBOSE: set verbosity level (2 is typical) USER_PASS: user:password combination for the remote server LIMITATIONS: Beware of file pathnames that include the character sequences: YY, MM, DD, hh, mm, ss, .f since these can be retranslated to the time
(See projects/maven/general/
Function: files = mvn_pfp_spd_download(PATHNAME) Purpose: Retrieve or Download MAVEN data files. (Can be used to generate filenames too). Note that this is a Hacked version of mvn_pfp_file_retrieve, to use for SPICE kernels which are no longer able to be accessed via file_retrieve, jmm, 2017-01-30 INPUT: PATHNAME: string specifying relative path to files. Default might change- Currently: 'maven/pfp/l0/YYYY/MM/mvn_pfp_all_l0_YYYYMMDD_v???.dat' PATHNAME must be relative to the LOCAL_DATA_DIR and REMOTE_DATA_DIR fields of the source keyword. "globbed" filenames (*,?) are accepted. typical usage: files = mvn_pfp_spd_download('maven/pfp/l0/YYYY/MM/mvn_pfp_all_l0_YYYYMMDD_v???.dat',/daily_names) ; get L0 files for user defined time span files = mvn_pfp_spd_download(pathname,/daily_names,trange=trange) ; set time range Keywords: (All are optional - none are recommended) L0: set to 1 to return PFP L0 files DAILY_NAMES : resolution (in days) for generating file names. YYYY, yy, MM, DD, hh, mm, ss, .f, DOY, DOW, TDIFF are special characters that will be substituted with the appropriate date/time field Be especially careful of extensions that begin with '.f' since these will be translated into a fractional second. See "time_string" TFORMAT keyword for more info. TRANGE : two element vector containing start and end times (UNIX_TIME or UT string). if not present then timerange() is called to obtain the limits. SOURCE: alternate file source. Default is whatever is return by the function: mvn_file_source() (see "mvn_file_source" for more info) FILES: if provided these will be passed through as output. VALID_ONLY: Set to 1 to prevent non existent files from being returned. CREATE_DIR: Generates a filename and creates the directories needed to create the file without errors. Will not check for file on remote server. KEYWORDS Passed on to "SPD_DOWNLOAD": LAST_VERSION : [0,1] if set then only the last matching file is returned. (Default is defined by source) VALID_ONLY: [0,1] If set then only existing files are returned. (Default is defined by source keyword) VERBOSE: set verbosity level (2 is typical) LIMITATIONS: Beware of file pathnames that include the character sequences: YY, MM, DD, hh, mm, ss, .f since these can be retranslated to the time $LastChangedBy: jimm $ $LastChangedDate: 2017-03-24 14:19:59 -0700 (Fri, 24 Mar 2017) $ $LastChangedRevision: 23030 $ $URL: svn+ssh:// $
(See projects/maven/general/
PROCEDURE: mvn_ramdir PURPOSE: Calculates the spacecraft orbital velocity relative to the body-fixed rotating Mars frame (IAU_MARS). If you sit on the spacecraft and look in this direction, the flow will be in your face. This vector can be rotated into any coordinate frame recognized by SPICE. The default is MAVEN_SPACECRAFT. The co-rotation velocity in the IAU_MARS frame as a function of altitude (h) and latitude (lat) is: V_corot = (240 m/s)*[1 + h/3390]*cos(lat) Models (LMD and MTGCM) predict that peak horizontal winds are 190-315 m/s near the exobase and 155-165 m/s near the homopause. These are comparable to the co-rotation velocity. The spacecraft velocity is ~4200 m/s in this altitude range, so winds could result in up to a ~4-deg angular offset of the actual flow from the nominal ram direction. You must have SPICE installed for this routine to work. If SPICE is already initialized (e.g., mvn_swe_spice_init), this routine will use the current loadlist. Otherwise, this routine will try to initialize SPICE based on the current timespan. USAGE: mvn_ramdir, trange INPUTS: trange: Optional. Time range for calculating the RAM direction. If not specified, then use current range set by timespan. KEYWORDS: DT: Time resolution (sec). Default is to use the time resolution of maven_orbit_tplot (usually 10 sec). FRAME: String or string array for specifying one or more frames to transform the ram direction into. Any frame recognized by SPICE is allowed. The default is 'MAVEN_SPACECRAFT'. Other possibilities are: 'MAVEN_APP', 'MAVEN_STATIC', etc. Type 'mvn_frame_name(/list)' to see a full list of frames. POLAR: If set, convert the direction to polar coordinates and store as additional tplot variables. Phi = atan(y,x)*!radeg ; [ 0, 360] The = asin(z)*!radeg ; [-90, +90] MSO: Calculate ram vector in the MSO frame instead of the rotating IAU_MARS frame. May be useful at high altitudes. PANS: Named variable to hold the tplot variables created. For the default frame, this would be 'V_sc_MAVEN_SPACECRAFT'. SUCCESS: Returns 1 on normal operation, 0 otherwise. $LastChangedBy: dmitchell $ $LastChangedDate: 2019-09-24 15:47:43 -0700 (Tue, 24 Sep 2019) $ $LastChangedRevision: 27791 $ $URL: svn+ssh:// $ CREATED BY: David L. Mitchell
(See projects/maven/general/
PROCEDURE: mvn_scpot PURPOSE: Merges five separate methods for estimating the spacecraft potential. In cases where more than one method yields a potential, this routine sets a hierarchy for which method takes precedence. The hierarchy depends on location (altitude, shadow). The five methods are: SWE+ : Estimate positive potentials by looking for a sharp break in the electron energy spectrum. Mainly for the solar wind and sheath. (Author: D. Mitchell) SWE- : Estimate negative potentials by measuring shifts in position of the He-II photoelectron peak. Mainly for the ionosphere. (Author: S. Xu) SWE/LPW : Use LPW I-V curves, empirically calibrated by the SWE+ and SWE- methods. Works almost everywhere, except in the EUV shadow or when the spacecraft charges to large negative potentials. (Author: Y. Harada) STA- : Estimate negative potentials by the low energy cutoff of the H+ distribution (away from periapsis), or energy shifts, relative to the ram energy, of O+ and O2+ (near periapsis). (Author: J. McFadden) SWEPAD : Use pitch angle resolved photoelectron spectra to estimate negative potentials in the wake. Combined with the STA- method, may be used to distinguish spacecraft and Mars potentials. Only works with burst data. (Author: S. Xu) The general order of precedence is: SWE/LPW, SWE+, SWE-, STA-, and SWEPAD (when activated by keyword). AUTHOR: David L. Mitchell CALLING SEQUENCE: mvn_scpot INPUTS: none - energy spectra are obtained from SWEA common block. KEYWORDS: POTENTIAL: Returns a time-ordered array of structures: {time : 0D , $ potential : 0. , $ method : -1 } The methods are: -1 (invalid), 0 (manually set), 1 (SWE/LPW), 2 (SWE+), 3 (SWE-), 4 (STA-), 5 (SWEPAD). The optimal value depends on the plasma environment. SETVAL: Make no attempt to estimate the potential, just set it to this value. Units = volts. No default. COMPOSITE: The composite potential (SWE/LPW, SWE+, SWE-, STA-) has been pre-calculated with this routine and stored in save files. Set this keyword to simply restore this file and save lots of time. (Works for multiple days and can span UT day boundaries.) This is the default. Set this keyword to zero to force a recalculation. NOCALC: Do not perform a recalculation. Use the composite potential or nothing. LPWPOT: Use pre-calculated LPW/SWE derived potentials. There is a ~2-week delay in the production of this dataset. You can set this keyword to the full path and filename of a tplot save/restore file, if one exists. Otherwise, this routine will determine the potential from SWEA and STATIC. Default = 1 (yes). POSPOT: Calculate positive potentials with mvn_swe_sc_pot. Default = 1 (yes). NEGPOT: Calculate negative potentials with mvn_swe_sc_negpot. Default = 1 (yes). STAPOT: Use STATIC-derived potentials to fill in gaps. This is especially useful in the high-altitude shadow region. Assumes that you have calculated STATIC potentials. (See Default = 1 (yes). SHAPOT: Calculate negative potentials with 'mvn_swe_sc_negpot_ twodir_burst'. Two estimates are obtained, one each for the parallel and anti-parallel electron populations. If both directions yield a potential, then the one closer to zero is chosen for merging with other methods. Requires keyword NEGPOT to be set. Default = 1 (yes). PANS: Named varible to hold the tplot panels created. SUCCESS: Returns exit status. OUTPUTS: None - Result is stored in common blocks, returned via the POTENTIAL keyword, and stored as TPLOT variables. Two TPLOT variables are created: one with a single merged potential and one showing the five unmerged methods in one panel. $LastChangedBy: dmitchell $ $LastChangedDate: 2018-04-02 10:25:22 -0700 (Mon, 02 Apr 2018) $ $LastChangedRevision: 24975 $ $URL: svn+ssh:// $
(See projects/maven/general/
COMMON BLOCK: mvn_scpot_com PURPOSE: Stores the spacecraft potential information. Place this near the top of any routine that needs access to the common block. mvn_sc_pot : spacecraft potential structure mvn_pot_struct : potential structure template Espan : energy search range for swe+ method thresh : minimum value of d(logF)/d(logE) for swe+ method dEmax : maximum width of d(logF)/d(logE) for swe+ method minflux : minimum 40-eV energy flux for swe+ method badval : fill value for potential when no method works ee : 4x oversampled energy array dfs : 4x oversampled d(logF)/d(logE) d2fs : 4x oversampled d2(logF)/d(logE)2 min_lpw_pot : minimum valid LPW potential maxdt : maximum time gap to interpolate over min_sta_pot : minimum valid STA potential for altitudes below sta_peri_alt max_sta_alt : maximum altitude for limiting range of STA potentials $LastChangedBy: dmitchell $ $LastChangedDate: 2017-11-30 21:10:58 -0800 (Thu, 30 Nov 2017) $ $LastChangedRevision: 24365 $ $URL: svn+ssh:// $ CREATED BY: David L. Mitchell FILE:
(See projects/maven/general/
PROCEDURE: mvn_scpot_comp_dailysave PURPOSE: USAGE: mvn_scpot_comp_dailysave,start_day=start_day,end_day=end_day,ndays=ndays INPUTS: None KEYWORDS: start_day: Save data over this time range. If not specified, then timerange() will be called end_day: The end day of intented time range ndays: Number of dates to process. Will be overwritten if start_day & end_day are given. If both end_day and ndays are not specified, ndays=7 $LastChangedBy: xussui $ $LastChangedDate: 2018-05-23 13:50:00 -0700 (Wed, 23 May 2018) $ $LastChangedRevision: 25251 $ $URL: svn+ssh:// $ CREATED BY: Shaosui Xu, 08/01/2017 FILE:
(See projects/maven/general/
PROCEDURE: mvn_scpot_defaults PURPOSE: Sets defaults for mvn_scpot and related routines. These are stored in a common block (mvn_scpot_com). AUTHOR: David L. Mitchell CALLING SEQUENCE: mvn_scpot_defaults INPUTS: none - simply sets defaults for the common block. KEYWORDS: ERANGE: Energy range over which to search for the potential. Default = [3.,30.] THRESH: Threshold for the minimum slope: d(logF)/d(logE). Default = 0.05 A smaller value includes more data and extends the range over which you can estimate the potential, but at the expense of making more errors. MINFLUX: Minimum peak energy flux. Default = 1e6. DEMAX: The largest allowable energy width of the spacecraft potential feature. This excludes features not related to the spacecraft potential at higher energies (often observed downstream of the shock). Default = 6 eV. ABINS: When using 3D spectra, specify which anode bins to include in the analysis: 0 = no, 1 = yes. Default = replicate(1,16) DBINS: When using 3D spectra, specify which deflection bins to include in the analysis: 0 = no, 1 = yes. Default = replicate(1,6) OBINS: When using 3D spectra, specify which solid angle bins to include in the analysis: 0 = no, 1 = yes. Default = reform(ABINS#DBINS,96). Takes precedence over ABINS and OBINS. MASK_SC: Mask the spacecraft blockage. This is in addition to any masking specified by the above three keywords. Default = 1 (yes). BADVAL: If the algorithm cannot estimate the potential, then set it to this value. Units = volts. Default = NaN. MIN_LPW_POT : Minumum valid LPW potential. MIN_STA_POT : Minumum valid STA potential. MAX_STA_ALT : Maximum altitude for limiting range of STA potentials. MAXDT: Maximum time gap to interpolate across. Default = 64 sec. LIST: Take no action. Just list the defaults. OUTPUTS: $LastChangedBy: dmitchell $ $LastChangedDate: 2017-11-30 21:10:28 -0800 (Thu, 30 Nov 2017) $ $LastChangedRevision: 24364 $ $URL: svn+ssh:// $
(See projects/maven/general/
PROCEDURE: mvn_scpot_restore PURPOSE: Reads in save files mvn_swe_l3_scpot_YYYYMMDD_v??_r??, create tplot varibles for s/c pot, store potential structures in results and/or full USAGE: mvn_scpot_restore, trange INPUTS: trange: Restore data over this time range. If not specified, then uses the current tplot range or timerange() will be called KEYWORDS: ORBIT: Restore mvn_swe_l3_scpot data by orbit number. RESULTS: Hold the structure of composited potentials TPLOT: Create tplot varibles for the composited s/c potentials as well as for all the available s/c pots FULL: Hold the structure of composited potentials and all other potential structures SUCCESS: Set to 1 if valid potentials are found. $LastChangedBy: xussui $ $LastChangedDate: 2019-08-19 12:20:30 -0700 (Mon, 19 Aug 2019) $ $LastChangedRevision: 27618 $ $URL: svn+ssh:// $ CREATED BY: Shaosui Xu 06-23-17 FILE: mvn_scpot_restore
(See projects/maven/general/
PROCEDURE: mvn_scpot_survey PURPOSE: Makes a survey of the spacecraft potential at periapsis +/- 1 minute. USAGE: mvn_scpot_survey, result=result INPUTS: None. KEYWORDS: DOPLOT: Create tplot variables. $LastChangedBy: dmitchell $ $LastChangedDate: 2018-04-06 16:07:33 -0700 (Fri, 06 Apr 2018) $ $LastChangedRevision: 25020 $ $URL: svn+ssh:// $ CREATED BY: David L. Mitchell 2017-04-02 FILE: mvn_scpot_survey
(See projects/maven/general/
NAME: mvn_set_userpass,username,password PURPOSE: Sets the username and password for automatic file retrieval Typical Usage: mvn_set_userpass,'','passwd!'[,/TEMPORARY] ; This line is typically put in your IDL_STARTUP routine. Keywords: TEMPORARY: Set this keyword to prevent the username and password from being stored in an environment variable $LastChangedBy: $ $LastChangedDate: $ $LastChangedRevision: $ $URL: $
(See projects/maven/general/
NAME: mvn_spc_clear_spice_kernels PURPOSE: Clears spice kernels, and unsets the 'kernel verified' flag in the mvn_spc_met_to_unixtime so that mvn_spc_met_to_unixtime doesn't crash CALLING SEQUENCE: mvn_spc_clear_spice_kernels $LastChangedBy: jimm $ $LastChangedDate: 2015-03-16 11:57:01 -0700 (Mon, 16 Mar 2015) $ $LastChangedRevision: 17140 $ $URL: svn+ssh:// $
(See projects/maven/general/
Function: mvn_spc_unixtime_to_met Purpose: Convert unixtime to MET (mission Elapsed Time) Note: This routine MUST remain reasonably efficient since it could potentially be called from within an inner FOR loop. Author: Davin Larson $LastChangedBy: davin-mac $ $LastChangedDate: 2014-01-21 17:00:30 -0800 (Tue, 21 Jan 2014) $ $LastChangedRevision: 13959 $ $URL: svn+ssh:// $
(See projects/maven/general/
PROCEDURE: mvn_sundir PURPOSE: Determines the direction of the Sun at the position of the spacecraft in one or more coordinate frames. The results are stored in TPLOT variables. You must have SPICE installed for this routine to work. If SPICE is already initialized (e.g., mvn_swe_spice_init), this routine will use the current loadlist. Otherwise, this routine will try to initialize SPICE based on the current timespan. USAGE: mvn_sundir, trange INPUTS: trange: Optional. Time range for calculating the Sun direction. If not specified, then use current range set by timespan. KEYWORDS: DT: Time resolution (sec). Default = 1. FRAME: String or string array for specifying one or more frames to transform the Sun direction into. Any frame recognized by SPICE is allowed. The default is 'MAVEN_SPACECRAFT'. Other possibilities are: 'MAVEN_APP', 'MAVEN_STATIC', etc. Type 'mvn_frame_name(/list)' to see a full list of frames. POLAR: If set, convert the direction to polar coordinates and store as additional tplot variables. Phi = atan(y,x)*!radeg ; [ 0, 360] The = asin(z)*!radeg ; [-90, +90] PANS: Named variable to hold the tplot variables created. For the default frame, this would be 'Sun_MAVEN_SPACECRAFT'. SUCCESS: Returns 1 on normal completion, 0 otherwise. $LastChangedBy: dmitchell $ $LastChangedDate: 2019-09-24 15:48:26 -0700 (Tue, 24 Sep 2019) $ $LastChangedRevision: 27792 $ $URL: svn+ssh:// $ CREATED BY: David L. Mitchell
(See projects/maven/general/
PROCEDURE: mvn_topography PURPOSE: Calculates topographic profiles along the orbit track based on laser altimeter measurements by MGS-MOLA. Topography is relative to the areoid (same as published maps). The result is stored in a TPLOT variable. USAGE: mvn_topography INPUTS: None: Gets all necessary inputs from tplot. KEYWORDS: PANS: Named variable to hold the tplot variable created. $LastChangedBy: dmitchell $ $LastChangedDate: 2017-05-31 11:09:39 -0700 (Wed, 31 May 2017) $ $LastChangedRevision: 23376 $ $URL: svn+ssh:// $ CREATED BY: David L. Mitchell
(See projects/maven/general/
FUNCTION mvn_usr_dir() NAME: mvn_usr_dir PURPOSE: returns a user directory that can be used to store user specific files. Use sparingly! Typical Usage: file = mvn_usr_dir() + '/mvn_user_pass.sav' Keywords: $LastChangedBy: $ $LastChangedDate: $ $LastChangedRevision: $ $URL: $
(See projects/maven/general/