;+ ;PROCEDURE: mvn_altitude ;PURPOSE: ; Determines the altitude of MAVEN. Altitude is defined as the distance ; from a point (e.g., MAVEN) to a reference surface along a line normal ; to the reference surface. The reference surface is sometimes called the ; "datum". This routine recognizes four definitions of altitude: ; ; areocentric: The datum is a sphere with Mars' volumetric mean radius ; of 3389.50 km. ; ; areodetic: The datum is the IAU Mars ellipsoid: ; R_equator = 3396.19 km ; R_pole = 3376.20 km ; ; areoid: The datum is the Mars areoid, which is a gravitational ; equipotential ("sea level"). This surface is irregular ; but within ~2 km of the IAU Mars ellipsoid. ; ; topographic: The datum is the solid surface, based on laser altimeter ; data (MGS-MOLA). ; ; Areocentric and areodetic longitudes are identical, while the latitudes ; differ by less than 0.3 deg. The altitudes can differ by more than 10 km, ; (about an atmospheric scale height), so this is the main reason for ; choosing the ellipsoid (or the areoid) for the region around periapsis. ; ; The areoid and solid surface are irregular, so areocentric longitude and ; latitude are used for those reference surfaces. This is consistent with ; usage in the literature. ; ; The results are stored in TPLOT variables. ; ; You must have SPICE installed for this routine to work. ; ;USAGE: ; mvn_altitude, trange ; ;INPUTS: ; trange: Optional. Time range for calculating altitude. If not ; specified, then use the current range set by timespan. ; ;KEYWORDS: ; DT: Time resolution (sec). Default is to use the time resolution ; of maven_orbit_tplot (usually 10 sec). ; ; CART: A 3 x N array of cartesian coordinates in the IAU_MARS frame. ; If specified, then trange and DT are ignored and the result ; is returned via keyword RESULT. If not specified, then try ; to get this information from maven_orbit_tplot, and the result ; is stored in tplot variables as well as in RESULT. ; ; DATUM: String for specifying the datum. Can be one of "sphere", ; "ellipsoid", "areoid", or "surface". Default = 'sphere'. ; Minimum matching is used for this keyword. ; ; LATLON: Create tplot variables for latitude and longitude. If ; DATUM = 'ellipsoid', then you get areodetic latitude and ; longitude. ; ; RESULT: Returns a structure containing the altitude, latitude and ; longitude. If CART is set, then each of these will have N ; values. If CART is not set, then the structure will be ; compatible with tplot (x = time, y = altitude). ; ; PANS: Named variable to hold the tplot variables created. Variable ; names are in the form: mvn__, where is the ; parameter (alt, lon, lat) and is a three-letter code ; for the datum (sph, ell, are, sur). ; ; $LastChangedBy: ali $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2019-03-01 18:58:47 -0800 (Fri, 01 Mar 2019) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 26741 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_3_2/projects/maven/general/mvn_altitude.pro $ ; ;CREATED BY: David L. Mitchell ;- pro mvn_altitude, trange, dt=dt, cart=cart, datum=dtm, latlon=latlon, pans=pans, $ result=result @maven_orbit_common mk = spice_test() if (mk eq 0) then begin print,"Please install SPICE first." return endif ; Geodetic parameters for Mars (from the 2009 IAU Report) ; Archinal et al., Celest Mech Dyn Astr 109, Issue 2, 101-135, 2011 ; DOI 10.1007/s10569-010-9320-4 ; These are the values used by SPICE (pck00010.tpc). ; Last update: 2017-05-29. R_equ = 3396.19D ; +/- 0.1 R_pol = 3376.20D ; N pole = 3373.19 +/- 0.1 ; S pole = 3379.21 +/- 0.1 R_vol = 3389.50D ; +/- 0.2 flat = (R_equ - R_pol)/R_equ ; Make sure the datum is valid dlist = ['sphere','ellipsoid','areoid','surface'] if (size(dtm,/type) ne 7) then dtm = dlist[0] i = strmatch(dlist, dtm+'*', /fold) case (total(i)) of 0 : begin print, "Datum not recognized: ", dtm result = 0 return end 1 : datum = (dlist[where(i eq 1)])[0] else : begin print, "Datum is ambiguous: ", dlist[where(i eq 1)] result = 0 return end endcase ; If CART is provided, then calculate ALT, LON and LAT from that if (size(cart,/type) ne 0) then begin dcart = size(cart) if ((dcart[0] gt 2) or (dcart[1] ne 3)) then begin print,'CART must be a 3 x N array.' result = 0 return endif case strmid(strupcase(datum),0,3) of 'SPH' : begin cspice_recgeo, cart, R_vol, 0D, phi, the, dr phi *= !radeg indx = where(phi lt 0., count) if (count gt 0) then phi[indx] += 360. the *= !radeg end 'ELL' : begin cspice_recgeo, cart, R_equ, flat, phi, the, dr phi *= !radeg indx = where(phi lt 0., count) if (count gt 0) then phi[indx] += 360. the *= !radeg end 'ARE' : begin x = reform(cart[0,*]) y = reform(cart[1,*]) z = reform(cart[2,*]) cart_to_sphere, x, y, z, r, the, phi, /ph_0_360 dr = mvn_get_altitude(x,y,z) end 'SUR' : begin x = reform(cart[0,*]) y = reform(cart[1,*]) z = reform(cart[2,*]) cart_to_sphere, x, y, z, r, the, phi, /ph_0_360 dr = mvn_get_altitude(x,y,z,/topographic) end endcase result = {alt:dr, lon:phi, lat:the, datum:datum} return endif ; Get the time range if (size(trange,/type) eq 0) then begin tplot_options, get_opt=topt if (max(topt.trange_full) gt time_double('2013-11-18')) then trange = topt.trange_full if (size(trange,/type) eq 0) then begin print,"You must specify a time range." return endif endif tmin = min(time_double(trange), max=tmax) ; Get the cartesian coordinates of the spacecraft in the IAU_MARS frame if (size(state,/type) eq 0) then maven_orbit_tplot,/load if keyword_set(dt) then begin npts = ceil((tmax - tmin)/dt) t = tmin + dt*dindgen(npts) cart = fltarr(3,npts) cart[0,*] = spline(state.time, state.geo_x[*,0], t) cart[1,*] = spline(state.time, state.geo_x[*,1], t) cart[2,*] = spline(state.time, state.geo_x[*,2], t) endif else begin t = state.time cart = transpose(state.geo_x) endelse indx = where((t ge tmin) and (t le tmax), count) if (count eq 0) then begin print,'No ephemeris data within time range.' result = 0 return endif t = t[indx] cart = cart[*,indx] ; Calculate ALT, LON, LAT with respect to the datum. Store the result ; in a structure that is compatible with tplot. Make tplot variables. case strmid(strupcase(datum),0,3) of 'SPH' : begin cspice_recgeo, cart, R_vol, 0D, phi, the, dr phi *= !radeg indx = where(phi lt 0., count) if (count gt 0) then phi[indx] += 360. the *= !radeg end 'ELL' : begin cspice_recgeo, cart, R_equ, flat, phi, the, dr phi *= !radeg indx = where(phi lt 0., count) if (count gt 0) then phi[indx] += 360. the *= !radeg end 'ARE' : begin x = reform(cart[0,*]) y = reform(cart[1,*]) z = reform(cart[2,*]) cart_to_sphere, x, y, z, r, the, phi, /ph_0_360 dr = mvn_get_altitude(x,y,z) end 'SUR' : begin x = reform(cart[0,*]) y = reform(cart[1,*]) z = reform(cart[2,*]) cart_to_sphere, x, y, z, r, the, phi, /ph_0_360 dr = mvn_get_altitude(x,y,z,/topographic) end endcase result = {x : t , $ ; time y : dr , $ ; altitude (km) lon : phi , $ ; longitude (deg) lat : the , $ ; latitude (deg) datum : datum } ; datum ; Store the results in tplot dtm = strmid(strlowcase(datum),0,3) pname = 'mvn_alt_' + dtm store_data, pname, data=result options, pname, 'ytitle', 'ALT!c' + datum pans = [pname] if keyword_set(latlon) then begin pname = 'mvn_lon_' + dtm store_data, pname, data={x:t, y:phi, datum:datum} options, pname, 'ytitle', 'LON!c' + datum pans = [pans, pname] pname = 'mvn_lat_' + dtm store_data, pname, data={x:t, y:the, datum:datum} options, pname, 'ytitle', 'LAT!c' + datum pans = [pans, pname] endif return end