;+ ;PROCEDURE: ; mvn_scpot_defaults ; ;PURPOSE: ; Sets defaults for mvn_scpot and related routines. These are stored ; in a common block (mvn_scpot_com). ; ;AUTHOR: ; David L. Mitchell ; ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; mvn_scpot_defaults ; ;INPUTS: ; none - simply sets defaults for the common block. ; ;KEYWORDS: ; ERANGE: Energy range over which to search for the potential. ; Default = [3.,30.] ; ; THRESH: Threshold for the minimum slope: d(logF)/d(logE). ; Default = 0.05 ; ; A smaller value includes more data and extends the range ; over which you can estimate the potential, but at the ; expense of making more errors. ; ; MINFLUX: Minimum peak energy flux. Default = 1e6. ; ; DEMAX: The largest allowable energy width of the spacecraft ; potential feature. This excludes features not related ; to the spacecraft potential at higher energies (often ; observed downstream of the shock). Default = 6 eV. ; ; ABINS: When using 3D spectra, specify which anode bins to ; include in the analysis: 0 = no, 1 = yes. ; Default = replicate(1,16) ; ; DBINS: When using 3D spectra, specify which deflection bins to ; include in the analysis: 0 = no, 1 = yes. ; Default = replicate(1,6) ; ; OBINS: When using 3D spectra, specify which solid angle bins to ; include in the analysis: 0 = no, 1 = yes. ; Default = reform(ABINS#DBINS,96). Takes precedence over ; ABINS and OBINS. ; ; MASK_SC: Mask the spacecraft blockage. This is in addition to any ; masking specified by the above three keywords. ; Default = 1 (yes). ; ; BADVAL: If the algorithm cannot estimate the potential, then set it ; to this value. Units = volts. Default = NaN. ; ; MIN_LPW_POT : Minumum valid LPW potential. ; ; MIN_STA_POT : Minumum valid STA potential. ; ; MAX_STA_ALT : Maximum altitude for limiting range of STA potentials. ; ; MAXDT: Maximum time gap to interpolate across. Default = 64 sec. ; ; LIST: Take no action. Just list the defaults. ; ;OUTPUTS: ; ; $LastChangedBy: dmitchell $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2017-11-30 21:10:28 -0800 (Thu, 30 Nov 2017) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 24364 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_3_2/projects/maven/general/mvn_scpot_defaults.pro $ ; ;- pro mvn_scpot_defaults, erange=erange2, thresh=thresh2, dEmax=dEmax2, $ abins=abins, dbins=dbins, obins=obins2, mask_sc=mask_sc, $ badval=badval2, minflux=minflux2, maxdt=maxdt2, $ min_lpw_pot=min_lpw_pot2, list=list, $ min_sta_pot=min_sta_pot2, max_sta_alt=max_sta_alt2 @mvn_swe_com @mvn_scpot_com ; List the defaults if keyword_set(list) then begin print, "" if (size(Espan,/type) ne 0) then begin print, "mvn_scpot_com" print, " erange: ", Espan print, " thresh: ", thresh print, " dEmax: ", dEmax print, " minflux: ", minflux print, " badval: ", badval print, " min_lpw_pot: ", min_lpw_pot print, " min_sta_pot: ", min_sta_pot print, " max_sta_alt: ", max_sta_alt print, " maxdt: ", maxdt endif else print, "mvn_scpot_com: defaults not set" print, "" return endif ; Define spacecraft potential data structure ; There are 6 methods used to estimate the potential: ; -1 : Invalid : No method works or has been attempted ; 0 : Manual : No algorithm at all, set by a human ; 1 : LPW : I/V curves calibrated by SWE+ and STA methods ; 2 : SWE+ : Sharp break in solar wind/sheath electron energy spectrum ; 3 : SWE- : Position of He-II photoelectron feature in SPEC data ; 4 : STA : Low-energy cutoff of H+ distribution (away from periapsis) ; : or shift of O2+ and O+ energy w.r.t ram energy (near periapsis) ; 5 : SWE/SHD : Position of He-II photoelectron feature in PAD data mvn_pot_struct = {time : 0D , $ ; unix time potential : 0. , $ ; spacecraft potential (V) method : -1 } ; method used (see above) ; Defaults for the SWE+ method if (n_elements(swe_sc_mask) ne 192) then mvn_swe_calib, tab=5 Espan = [3.,30.] ; energy search range thresh = 0.05 ; minimum value of d(logF)/d(logE) dEmax = 6. ; maximum width of d(logF)/d(logE) minflux = 1.e6 ; minimum 40-eV energy flux obins = swe_sc_mask ; FOV mask when 3D data are used ; Other defaults badval = !values.f_nan ; fill value for potential when no method works min_lpw_pot = -14. ; minimum valid LPW potential min_sta_pot = -20. ; minimum valid STA potential near periapsis max_sta_alt = 200. ; maximum altitude for limiting STA potential range maxdt = 64D ; maximum time gap to interpolate across ; Override defaults by keyword. Affects all routines that use mvn_scpot_com. if (n_elements(erange2) gt 1) then Espan = float(minmax(erange2)) if (size(thresh2,/type) gt 0) then thresh = float(thresh2) if (size(dEmax2,/type) gt 0) then dEmax = float(dEmax2) if (size(minflux2,/type) gt 0) then minflux = float(minflux2) if (size(badval2,/type) gt 0) then badval = float(badval2) if (size(maxdt2,/type) gt 0) then maxdt = float(maxdt2) if (size(min_lpw_pot2,/type) gt 0) then min_lpw_pot = float(min_lpw_pot2) if (size(min_sta_pot2,/type) gt 0) then min_sta_pot = float(min_sta_pot2) if (size(max_sta_alt2,/type) gt 0) then max_sta_alt = float(max_sta_alt2) if ((size(obins,/type) eq 0) or keyword_set(abins) or keyword_set(dbins) or $ keyword_set(obins2) or (size(mask_sc,/type) ne 0)) then begin if (n_elements(abins) ne 16) then abins = replicate(1B, 16) if (n_elements(dbins) ne 6) then dbins = replicate(1B, 6) if (n_elements(obins2) ne 96) then begin obins = replicate(1B, 96, 2) obins[*,0] = reform(abins # dbins, 96) obins[*,1] = obins[*,0] endif else obins = byte(obins2 # [1B,1B]) if (size(mask_sc,/type) eq 0) then mask_sc = 1 if keyword_set(mask_sc) then obins = swe_sc_mask * obins endif return end