;+ ;FUNCTION: mvn_get_altitude ;PURPOSE: ; Calculates the altitude of the MAVEN spacecraft above the Martian ; surface (either the solid planet or the constant-pressure surface ; known as the 'areoid'). This routine is called by the more general ; mvn_altitude, which has other possible definitions for altitude. ; ;USAGE: ; mav_get_altitude, elon_sc, lat_sc,r_sc, alt_sc ; ;INPUTS: ; xpc: a 1-dimensional array of values of the east longitude ; of the spacecraft. UNITS: km ; ; ypc: a 1-dimensional array of values of the latitude ; of the spacecraft. UNITS: km ; ; zpc: a 1-dimensional array of values of the radial ; distance of the spacecraft from the planet's center ; of mass. UNITS: kilometers ;OUTPUT: ; The output array of spacecraft altitudes. ; UNITS: kilometers ; ;KEYWORDS: ; TOPOGRAPHIC: Set this keyword to anything nonzero if the spacecraft ; altitude above the planet's topography is ; desired. If this keyword is not specified, the ; altitude will be above the constant-pressure ; surface known as the areoid (the equivalent of ; sea level) and the relevant altitude for most ; MAVEN studies. ; ; MOLA_STRUC: Depreciated. Structure now stored in a common block. ; ; $LastChangedBy: dmitchell $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2017-05-29 15:49:17 -0700 (Mon, 29 May 2017) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 23361 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_3_2/projects/maven/general/mvn_get_altitude.pro $ ; ;CREATED BY: Robert J. Lillis 2013-01-22 ;- function mvn_get_altitude, xpc, ypc, zpc, topographic = topographic common mgs_mola, mola_struc if (size(mola_struc,/type) eq 0) then begin rootdir = 'maven/anc/spice/sav/' pathname = rootdir + 'mola_save_file_0.25deg.idl' file = mvn_pfp_file_retrieve(pathname) if (findfile(file[0]) eq '') then begin print,"File not found: ",pathname return, !values.f_nan endif restore, file[0] endif ; cart2latlong, xpc,ypc,zpc, r_sc, lat_sc,elon_sc cart_to_sphere, xpc, ypc, zpc, r_sc, lat_sc, elon_sc, /ph_0_360 nelon = n_elements (mola_struc.elon) nlat = n_elements (mola_struc.lat) elon_fractional_indices = elon_sc*(nelon/360.0) - 1.0 lat_fractional_indices = (90.0+lat_sc)*(nlat/180.0) -1.0 if keyword_set (topographic) then r = mola_struc.r_pl else r = $ mola_struc.r_areoid r_surface_km = 0.001*interpolate (r,elon_fractional_indices, $ lat_fractional_indices) alt_sc = r_sc - r_surface_km return, alt_sc end