This page was created by the IDL library routine
Last modified: Thu Sep 27 14:05:48 2007.
NAME: bitplot INPUT: (optional if DATA keyword is set) x: array of x values y: array of y values PURPOSE: Plots 'ON' bits for housekeeping type data. Can be used by "tplot". See "_tplot_example" and "_get_example_dat" for an example. KEYWORDS: PSYMS: array of IDL plot psym values corresponding to each bit. OVERPLOT: create plot without erasing previous plot. DI: value to be given to first bit in plot. Default is 0. LIMITS: TPLOT limits structure corresponding to the variable plotted. DATA: TPLOT data structure corresponding to the variable plotted.
(See ssl_general/tplot/
Procedure: CLEAN_SPIKES, 'name' Purpose: Simple routine to remove spikes from tplot data. Author: unknown, Probably Frank Marcoline jmm, 4-jul-2007, made to work for negative data, by adding absolute values jmm, 30-jul-2007, Added more error checking $LastChangedBy$ $LastChangedDate$ $LastChangedRevision$ $URL$
(See ssl_general/tplot/
PROCEDURE: copy_data, oldname, newname PURPOSE: to copy a data structure INPUT: oldname: name associated with old data structure newname: name associated with new data structure KEYWORDS: LINK: if set, then the data is not copied but is linked to the old name. SEE ALSO: "get_data", "store_data" CREATED BY: Davin Larson LAST MODIFICATION: 1.10 97/05/20
(See ssl_general/tplot/
NAME: crosshairs PURPOSE: Display crosshairs on the plot window, display the data coordinates of the cursor position on the plot, and return the coordinates of clicked points. Use the mouse buttons to control operation: 1: Record and print a point 2: Delete the previously recorded point 3: Quit. CALLING SEQUENCE: crosshairs,x,y INPUTS: x,y: set to named variables to return the data coordinates of the cursor position where mouse button 1 was pressed. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: COLOR: set to a scalar byte to change the color of the crosshairs. note: you will not get the color you ask for. it's the nature of XOR graphics. could be useful to change colors though. LEGEND: set a position for the legend, in data coords. DOT_CURSOR: change the cursor to a dot. it's smaller and makes seeing the data easier. warning: will reset the cursor to crosshairs after quitting. if you had set your own cursor (changed from the default) it'll be replaced. FIX: if crosshairs crashes (if you Control-C out of it) then you probabaly want to call crosshairs,/fix all it does is calls: device,set_graphics=3,/cursor_cross but do you want to remember that line? FIX repairs the changes to the X device that crosshairs made. SILENT: don't print clicked points NOLEGEND: don't display the legend OUTPUTS: prints clicked data points to the terminal, prints the current cursor position on the graphics window (or last position before leaving the window) SIDE EFFECTS: can mess up your display. use crosshairs,/fix to fix. can leave junk on your plot. not recommended for use if you intend to call tvrd() before reploting. LAST MODIFICATION: @(#) 1.5 98/07/31 CREATED BY: Frank V. Marcoline NOTES: Inspired by IDL's
(See ssl_general/tplot/
PROCEDURE: ctime,time,y,z INPUT: time: Named variable in which to return the selected time (seconds since 1970) y: Named variable in which to return the y value z: Named variable in which to return the z value KEYWORDS: PROMPT: Optional prompt string NPOINTS: Max number of points to return PSYM: If set to a psym number, the cooresponding psym is plotted at selected points SILENT: Do not print data point information PANEL: Set to a named variable to return an array of tplot panel numbers coresponding to the variables points were chosen from. APPEND: If set, points are appended to the input arrays, instead of overwriting the old values. VNAME: Set to a named variable to return an array of tplot variable names, cooresponding to the variables points were chosen from. COLOR: An alternative color for the crosshairs. 0<=color<=!d.n_colors-1 SLEEP: Sleep time (seconds) between polling the cursor for events. Defaults to 0.1 seconds. Increasing SLEEP will slow ctime down, but will prevent ctime from monopolizing cpu time. INDS: Return the indices into the data arrays for the points nearest the recorded times to this named variable. VINDS: Return the second dimension of the v or y array. Thus TIME(i) is data.x(INDS(i)) and Y(i) is data.y(INDS(i),VINDS(i)) and V(i) is data.v(VINDS(i)) or data.v(INDS(i),VINDS(i)) for get_data,VNAME(i),data=data,INDS=INDS,VINDS=VINDS EXACT: Get the time,y, and (if applicable) z values from the data arrays. If on a multi-line plot, get the value from the line closest to the cursor along y. NOSHOW: Do not show the plot window. DEBUG: Avoids default error handling. Useful for debugging. DAYS, HOURS, MINUTES, SECONDS: Sets time granularity. For example with MINUTES=1, CTIME will find nearest minute to cursor position. PURPOSE: Interactively uses the cursor to select a time (or times) NOTES: If you use the keyword EXACT, ctime may run noticeablly slower. Reduce the number of time you cross panels, especially with tplots of large data sets. SEE ALSO: "crosshairs" CREATED BY: Davin Larson & Frank Marcoline LAST MODIFICATION: @(#) 1.44 02/11/01 WARNING! If ctime crashes, you may need to call: IDL> device,set_graph=3,/cursor_crosshair
(See ssl_general/tplot/
PROCEDURE: cuts PURPOSE: to show x cuts or y cuts of a "tplot" spectrogram INPUT: none KEYWORDS: name: name of the variable you want cuts for CREATED BY: Peter Schroeder LAST MODIFICATION: @(#) 1.6 98/01/29
(See ssl_general/tplot/
FUNCTION: A = data_cut(name, t) PURPOSE: Interpolates data from a data structure. INPUT: name: Either a data structure or a string that can be associated with a data structure. (see "get_data" routine) the data structure must contain the element tags: "x" and "y" the y array may be multi dimensional. t: (scalar or array) x-values for interpolated quantities. RETURN VALUE: a data array: the first dimension is the dimension of t the second dimension is the dimension of name NOTE!! keyword options have been temporarily removed!!!! KEYWORDS: EXTRAPOLATE: Controls interpolation of the ends of the data. Effects: 0: Default action. Set new y data to NAN or to MISSING. 1: Extend the endpoints horizontally. 2: Extrapolate the ends. If the range of 't' is significantly larger than the old time range, the ends are likely to blow up. INTERP_GAP: Determines if points should be interpolated between data gaps, together with the GAP_DIST. IF the data gap > GAP_DIST, follow the action of INTERP_GAP 0: Default action. Set y data to MISSING. 1: Interpolate gaps GAP_DIST: Determines the size of a data gap above which interpolation is regulated by INTERP_GAP. Default value is 5, in units of the average time interval: delta_t = (t(end)-t(start)/number of data points) MISSING: Value to set the new y data to for data gaps. Default is NAN. CREATED BY: Davin Larson LAST MODIFICATION: @(#) 1.19 02/04/17 Added the four keywords. (fvm 9/27/95)
(See ssl_general/tplot/
FUNCTION: data_to_normal PURPOSE: convert data coordinates to normal coordinates INPUT: datav: data coordinates s: !AXIS structure KEYWORDS: none CREATED BY: Frank Marcoline. Hiested from Davin's normal_to_data. LAST MODIFICATION: @(#) 1.2 97/01/09 NOTE: I think this procedure is superceded by convert_coord.
(See ssl_general/tplot/
NAME: del_data PURPOSE: obsolete procedure! use "STORE_DATA" instead delete tplot variables del_data calls "store_data" with the DELETE keyword set let: input=['a','b','c','d','e','f'] then, del_data,input is the same as store_data,delete=input CALLING SEQUENCE: del_data,input INPUTS: input: strarr() or intarr() of tplot variables LAST MODIFICATION: @(#) 1.4 01/10/08 CREATED BY: Frank Marcoline
(See ssl_general/tplot/
PROCEDURE: draw_color_scale NAME: draw_color_scale PURPOSE: Procedure to draw a color scale. INPUTS: (none) KEYWORDS: RANGE: Array of two giving the range in data values the scale corresponds to. BRANGE: intarr(2) giving the range in color map values the scale spans. LOG: If set, make scale logarithmic. CHARSIZE: Character size to be used for scale. YTICKS: Functions like IDL plot yticks keyword. Used to set number of scale annotations. POSITION: fltarr(4) giving the position of the color scale in the window in the form (x0,y0,x1,y1). OFFSET: fltarr(2) giving the offsets from the right side of the current plot for calculating the x0 and x1 positions of the color scale. In device units. Ignored if POSITION keyword is set. TITLE: String title for color scale. CREATED BY: Davin Larson LAST MODIFIED: 1.17 05/29/07 MODIFIED BY: Patrick Cruce
(See ssl_general/tplot/
FUNCTION: find_handle(name) PURPOSE: Returns the index associated with a string name. This function is used by the "TPLOT" routines. INPUT: name (scalar string) name can also be the corresponding integer index to a TPLOT quantity, in which case name will be converted to the string handle. RETURN VALUE: tplot index. (0 if not found) CREATED BY: Davin Larson LAST MODIFICATION: @(#) 1.14 99/02/26
(See ssl_general/tplot/
FUNCTION: gettime(x) INPUTS: x: Null or double or string or integer OUTPUT: double, seconds since Jan 1, 1970 Examples: t = gettime('95-7-4/12:34') t = gettime('12:34:56') (get time on reference date) t = gettime(t+300.) (assumes t is a double) t = gettime(10) (t = 10 am on reference date) t = gettime(/key) (prompts user for time on reference date) t = gettime(key='Enter time: ') t = gettime(/curs) (select time using cursor in tplot routine) KEYWORDS: KEYBOARD: If non-zero then user is prompted to enter a time. If KEYBOARD is a string then that string is used as a prompt. CURSOR: if non-zero then user can select a time with the cursor. VALUES: if cursor keyword set, returns data values for time chosen. REFDATE: Sets the reference date if REFDATE is a string with format: "yyyy-mm-dd". CREATED BY: Davin Larson LAST MODIFICATION: @(#) 1.17 98/08/02
(See ssl_general/tplot/
PROCEDURE: get_data , name, time, data, values PURPOSE: Retrieves the data and or limit structure associated with a name handle. This procedure is used by the "TPLOT" routines. INPUT: name scalar string or index of TPLOT variable time named variable to return time values. data named variable to return data (y) values. values named variable to return additional (v) values. KEYWORDS: DATA: named variable to hold the data structure. LIMITS: named variable to hold the limits structure. DLIMITS: named variable to hold the default limits structure. ALIMITS: named variable to hold the combined limits and default limits structures. DTYPE: named variable to hold the data type value. These values are: 0: undefined data type 1: normal data in x,y format 2: structure-type data in time,y1,y2,etc. format 3: an array of tplot variable names PTR: named variable to hold pointers to data structure. INDEX: named variable to hold the name index. This value will be 0 if the request was unsuccessful. SEE ALSO: "STORE_DATA", "TPLOT_NAMES", "TPLOT" CREATED BY: Davin Larson MODIFICATION BY: Peter Schroeder LAST MODIFICATION: @(#) 1.28 02/04/17
(See ssl_general/tplot/
PROCEDURE: get_timespan PURPOSE: To get timespan from tplot_com or by using timespan, if tplot time range not set. INPUT: t, actually returned to you KEYWORDS: none SEE ALSO: "timespan" CREATED BY: Davin Larson LAST MODIFICATION: @(#) 1.9 97/06/02
(See ssl_general/tplot/
PROCEDURE: get_ylimits, datastr, limits, trg PURPOSE: Calculates appropriate ylimits for a string array of "TPLOT" variables to be plotted in the same panel. INPUT: datastr string array of TPLOT variables limits limits structure to be modified (usually the limits structure of the TPLOT variable whose data field is a string array of TPLOT variables) trg time range over which to calculate the limits; double[2] CREATED BY: Peter Schroeder LAST MODIFIED: %W% %E%
(See ssl_general/tplot/
NAME: iton PURPOSE: Convert an index or array of indicies to data names. This exits because it is not always reasonable to make a program tell the difference between a data array and an index array, and because not all programs accept indicies as inputs instead of data names. CALLING SEQUENCE: names=iton(ind) INPUTS: ind: an index or array of indicies OPTIONAL INPUTS: none KEYWORD PARAMETERS: none OUTPUTS: a data name or array of data names OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: none COMMON BLOCKS: tplot_com SIDE EFFECTS: none EXAMPLE: for i=6,13 do store_data,iton(6),/delete LAST MODIFICATION: @(#) 1.5 97/06/11 CREATED BY: Frank Marcoline
(See ssl_general/tplot/
PROCEDURE makegap,dg,x,y PURPOSE: Creates data gaps (by inserting NaN) when the time between data points is larger than a value either passed in by the user or calculated to a default. INPUT: dg: If dg is positive, it is the maximum allowed time gap. Any time gaps greater than dg will be treated as data gaps. If dg is negative, the procedure will calculate a default value for dg of 20 times the the smallest time gap in the time series. x: The time array. y: The data array. KEYWORDS: v: Optional third dimension array. dy: Optional uncertainty in y. CREATED BY: Peter Schroeder LAST MODIFIED: @(#) 1.2 98/02/18
(See ssl_general/tplot/
PROCEDURE: mplot, x, y, [,dy] INPUT: x: 1 or 2 dimensional array of x values. y: 1 or 2 dimensional array of y values. dy; error bars for y; same dimensions as y. (optional) PURPOSE: General purpose procedure used to make multi-line plots. KEYWORDS: DATA: A structure that contains the elements 'x', 'y' ['dy']. This is an alternative way of inputing the data (used by "TPLOT"). LIMITS: Structure containing any combination of the following elements: ALL PLOT/OPLOT keywords (ie. PSYM,SYMSIZE,LINESTYLE,COLOR,etc.) ALL MPLOT keywords NSUMS: array of NSUM keywords. LINESTYLES: array of linestyles. LABELS: array of text labels. LABPOS: array of positions for LABELS. LABFLAG: integer, flag that controls label positioning. -1: labels placed in reverse order. 0: No labels. 1: labels spaced equally. 2: labels placed according to data. 3: labels placed according to LABPOS. BINS: flag array specifying which channels to plot. OVERPLOT: If non-zero then data is plotted over last plot. NOXLAB: if non-zero then xlabel tick marks are supressed. COLORS: array of colors used for each curve. NOCOLOR: do not use color when creating plot. NOTES: The values of all the keywords can also be put in the limits structure or in the data structure using the full keyword as the tag name. The structure value will overide the keyword value. CREATED BY: Davin Larson FILE: VERSION 1.43 LAST MODIFICATION: 02/11/01
(See ssl_general/tplot/
FUNCTION: normal_to_data PURPOSE: convert normal coordinates to data coordinates INPUT: normv: normal coordinates s: !AXIS structure KEYWORDS: none CREATED BY: Davin Larson LAST MODIFICATION: @(#) 1.5 98/08/02 NOTE: I think this procedure is superceded by convert_coord.
(See ssl_general/tplot/
PROCEDURE: options, str, tag_name, value PURPOSE: Add (or change) an element of a structure. This routine is useful for changing plotting options for tplot, but can also be used for creating limit structures for other routines such as "SPEC3D" or "CONT2D" INPUT: str: Case 1: String (or array of strings) The limit structure associated with the "TPLOT" handle name is altered. Warning! wildcards accepted! "*" will change ALL tplot quantities! Case 2: Number (or array of numbers) The limit structure for the given "TPLOT" quantity is altered. The number/name association is given by "TPLOT_NAMES" Case 3: Structure or not set (undefined or zero) Structure to be created, added to, or changed. tag_name: string, tag name for value. value: (any type or dimension) value of new element. NOTES: if VALUE is undefined then it will be DELETED from the structure. if TAG_NAME is undefined, then the entire limit structure is deleted. KEYWORDS: DEFAULT: If set, modify the default limits structure rather than the regular limits structure (tplot variables only). SEE ALSO: "GET_DATA","STORE_DATA", "TPLOT", "XLIM", "YLIM", "ZLIM", "STR_ELEMENT" CREATED BY: Jasper Halekas Modified by: Davin Larson LAST MODIFICATION: @(#) 1.19 99/04/07
(See ssl_general/tplot/
PROCECURE: pmplot PURPOSE: Used for making log y-axis plots. Preformats data for use with "mplot". Plots negative data in red and positive data in green. KEYWORDS: DATA: A structure that contains the elements 'x', 'y' ['dy']. This is an alternative way of inputing the data (used by "TPLOT"). LIMITS: Structure containing any combination of the following elements: ALL PLOT/OPLOT keywords (ie. PSYM,SYMSIZE,LINESTYLE,COLOR,etc.) ALL PMPLOT keywords NSUMS: array of NSUM keywords. LINESTYLES: array of linestyles. LABELS: array of text labels. LABPOS: array of positions for LABELS. LABFLAG: integer, flag that controls label positioning. -1: labels placed in reverse order. 0: No labels. 1: labels spaced equally. 2: labels placed according to data. 3: labels placed according to LABPOS. BINS: flag array specifying which channels to plot. OVERPLOT: If non-zero then data is plotted over last plot. NOXLAB: if non-zero then xlabel tick marks are supressed. COLORS: array of colors used for each curve. NOCOLOR: do not use color when creating plot. NOTES: The values of all the keywords can also be put in the limits structure or in the data structure using the full keyword as the tag name. The structure value will overide the keyword value. LAST MODIFIED: @(#) 1.4 02/04/17
(See ssl_general/tplot/
PROCEDURE: scat_plot, xname, yname PURPOSE: Produces a scatter plot of selected tplot variables. Colors are scaled according to zname, if present INPUTS: xname: xvariable name yname: yvariable name zname: if present, color variable name KEYWORDS: TRANGE: two element vector giving start and end time. limits: a structure with plotting keywords begin_time: time at which to start plot end_time: time at which to end plot CREATED BY: Davin Larson LAST MODIFICATION: @(#) 1.13 02/04/17
(See ssl_general/tplot/
PROCEDURE specplot,x,y,z NAME: specplot PURPOSE: Creates a spectrogram plot. All plot limits and plot positions are handled by the keyword LIMITS. INPUT: x: xaxis values: dimension N. y: yaxis values: dimension M. (Future update will allow (N,M)) Z: color axis values: dimension (N,M). All options are passed in through a single structure. KEYWORDS: LIMITS: A structure that may contain any combination of the following elements: X_NO_INTERP: Prevents interpolation along the x-axis. Y_NO_INTERP: Prevents interpolation along the y-axis. NO_INTERP: Prevents interpolation along either axis NO_COLOR_SCALE: Prevents drawing of color bar scale. BOTTOM, TOP: Sets the bottom and top colors for byte-scaling ALL plot keywords such as: XLOG, YLOG, ZLOG, XRANGE, YRANGE, ZRANGE, XTITLE, YTITLE, TITLE, POSITION, REGION etc. (see IDL documentation for a description) The following elements can be included in LIMITS to effect DRAW_COLOR_SCALE: ZTICKS, ZRANGE, ZTITLE, ZPOSITION, ZOFFSET DATA: A structure that provides an alternate means of supplying the data and options. This is the method used by "TPLOT". X_NO_INTERP: Prevents interpolation along the x-axis. Y_NO_INTERP: Prevents interpolation along the y-axis. OVERPLOT: If non-zero then data is plotted over last plot. OVERLAY: If non-zero then data is plotted on top of data from last last plot. PS_RESOLUTION: Post Script resolution. Default is 150. NO_INTERP: If set, do no x or y interpolation. IGNORE_NAN: If nonzero, ignore data points that are not finite. Notes: - The arrays x and y MUST be monotonic! (increasing or decreasing) - The default is to interpolate in both the x and y dimensions. - Data gaps can be included by setting the z values to NAN (!values.f_nan). - If ZLOG is set then non-positive zvalues are treated as missing data. See Also: "XLIM", "YLIM", "ZLIM", "OPTIONS", "TPLOT", "DRAW_COLOR_SCALE" Author: Davin Larson, Space Sciences Lab $LastChangedBy: kenb-mac $ $LastChangedDate: 2007-07-09 12:02:58 -0700 (Mon, 09 Jul 2007) $ $LastChangedRevision: 1035 $ $URL: svn+ssh:// $
(See ssl_general/tplot/
NAME: split_vec PURPOSE: take a stored vector like 'Vp' and create stored vectors 'Vp_x','Vp_y','Vp_z' CALLING SEQUENCE: split_vec,names INPUTS: names: string or strarr, elements are data handle names OPTIONAL INPUTS: KEYWORD PARAMETERS: polar: Use '_mag', '_th', and '_phi' titles: an array of titles to use instead of the default or polar sufficies (NOT USED) names_out: The variable names of the new variables OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMON BLOCKS: SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: EXAMPLE: LAST MODIFICATION: 12-mar-2007, jmm CREATED BY: Frank V. Marcoline $LastChangedBy: jimm $ $LastChangedDate: 2007-03-12 16:25:30 -0700 (Mon, 12 Mar 2007) $ $LastChangedRevision: 461 $ $URL: svn+ssh:// $
(See ssl_general/tplot/
PROCEDURE: store_data,name,DATA=data,LIMITS=limits,DLIMITS=dlimits, NEWNAME=newname,DELETE=delete PURPOSE: Store time series structures in static memory for later retrieval by the tplot routine. Three structures can be associated with the string 'name': a data structure (DATA) that typically contains the x and y data. A default limits structure (DLIMITS) and a user limits structure (LIMITS) that will typically contain user defined limits and options (typically plot and oplot keywords). The data structure and the default limits structure will be over written each time a new data set is loaded. The limit structure is not over-written. INPUT: name: string name to be associated with the data structure and/or the limits structure. Also, can enter tplot index as name. The name should not contain spaces or the characters '*' and '?' KEYWORDS: DATA: variable that contains the data structure. LIMITS; variable that contains the limit structure. DLIMITS; variable that contains the default limits structure. NEWNAME: new tplot handle. Use to rename tplot names. DELETE: array of tplot handles or indices to delete from common block. MIN: if set, data values less than this value will be made NaN. (obsolete) MAX: if set, data values greater than this value will be made NaN. (obsolete) NOSTRSW: if set, do not transpose multidimensional data arrays in structures. The default is to transpose. SEE ALSO: "GET_DATA", "TPLOT_NAMES", "TPLOT", "OPTIONS" CREATED BY: Davin Larson MODIFIED BY: Peter Schroeder VERSION: @(#) 1.44 02/04/17
(See ssl_general/tplot/
PROCEDURE: strplot, x, y INPUT: x: array of x values. y: array of y strings. PURPOSE: Procedure used to print strings in a "TPLOT" style plot. KEYWORDS: DATA: A structure that contains the elements 'x', 'y.' This is an alternative way of inputing the data. LIMITS: The limits structure including PLOT and XYOUTS keywords. OVERPLOT: If set, then data is plotted over last plot. DI: Not used. Exists for backward compatibility. LAST MODIFIED: @(#) 1.2 98/08/03
(See ssl_general/tplot/
NAME: timebar PURPOSE: plot vertical lines on tplots at specified times CALLING SEQUENCE: timebar,t INPUTS: t: dblarr of times at which to draw vertical lines, seconds since Jan, 1, 1970. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: COLOR: byte or bytarr of color values LINESTYLE: int or intarr of linestyles THICK: int or intarr of line thicknesses for any of the above keywords, a scalar input will apply to all times VERBOSE: print more error messages; useful for debugging VARNAME: TPLOT variable name indicating panel in which to plot timebar BETWEEN: array of two TPLOT variable names indicating between which two panels to plot timebar TRANSIENT: timebar,t,/transient called once plots a timebar. Called twice, it deletes the timebar. Note: 1) all other keywords except VERBOSE be the same for both calls. 2) COLOR will most likely not come out what you ask for, but since it's transient anyway, shouldn't matter. OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMON BLOCKS: tplot_com EXAMPLE: load_3dp_data,'95-01-01',2 & get_pmom tplot,['Np','Tp','Vp'] t=time_double('95-01-01/1:12') timebar,t ;put a white line at 1:12 am, Jan, 1, 1995 ctime,t1,t2 ;select two times from the plot timebar,[t1,t2],color=!d.n_colors-2 ;plot them in red SEE ALSO: "CTIME","TPLOT" CREATED BY: Frank V. Marcoline LAST MODIFICATION: 99/01/21 FILE: 1.9 VERSION:
(See ssl_general/tplot/
FUNCTION: timerange PURPOSE: To get timespan from tplot_com or by using timespan, if tplot time range not set. INPUT: tr (optional) KEYWORDS: CURRENT Set to 1 to get the current time range as set by tlimit. RETURNS: two element time range vector. (double) SEE ALSO: "timespan" REPLACES: "get_timespan" CREATED BY: Davin Larson $LastChangedBy: kenb-mac $ $LastChangedDate: 2007-06-05 08:30:27 -0700 (Tue, 05 Jun 2007) $ $LastChangedRevision: 731 $ $URL: svn+ssh:$
(See ssl_general/tplot/
PROCEDURE: timespan, t1, dt PURPOSE: Define a time span for the "tplot" routine. INPUTS: t1: starting time (seconds since 1970 or string) dt: duration of time span (DAYS is default) KEYWORDS: set one of the following: SECONDS MINUTES HOURS DAYS (default) CREATED BY: Davin Larson LAST MODIFICATION: @(#) 1.14 97/06/04
(See ssl_general/tplot/
PROCEDURE: tlimit,t1,t2 PURPOSE: defines time range for "tplot" (tplot must be called first) INPUTS: Starting and Ending times. These can be string, double (seconds since 1970), or hours since refdate. If no Input is given then the cursor is used to select times from the most recent time plot. KEYWORD: REFDATE: new TPLOT reference data in seconds (double). FULL: use full limits. LAST: use the last plot's limits. ZOOM: set to a value between 0 (no range in times) and 1 (full time range) to zoom in on the center of the time range. WINDOW: window in which to plot new time range. OLD_TVARS: use this to pass an existing tplot_vars structure and override the one in the tplot_com common block. This can be used to select which window and set of data to define a time range in. NEW_TVARS: returns the tplot_vars structure created when plotting the newly defined time range. DAYS, HOURS, MINUTES, SECONDS: passed to "ctime" for cursor input of time range. SILENT If true, don't print output with x/y values under cursor. Default value for Windows is silent=1, default for others is silent = 0. EXAMPLES: tlimit ; Use the cursor tlimit,'12:30','14:30' tlimit, 12.5, 14.5 tlimit,t,t+3600 ; t must be set previously tlimit,/FULL ; full limits tlimit,/LAST ; previous limits CREATED BY: Davin Larson FILE: VERSION: 1.26 LAST MODIFICATION: 98/08/06
(See ssl_general/tplot/
FUNCTION: names=tnames(s [,n]) PURPOSE: Returns an array of "TPLOT" names This routine accepts wildcard characters. CALLING SEQUENCE: nam=tnames('wi*') ; match tplot variables that start with 'wi' INPUTS: s: a match string (ie. '*B3*' ) OPTIONAL INPUTS: s: an array of indices for tplot variables KEYWORD PARAMETERS: INDEX: named variable in which the the indices are returned. TRANGE: named variable in which the start / end times are returned CREATE_TIME named variable in which the creation time is stored. TPLOT: if set then returns only the variables plotted in the most recent call to TPLOT DATAQUANTS: if set then it returns the entire array of current stored TPLOT data quantities. OUTPUTS: a data name or array of data names OTHER OUTPUTS: n: the number of matched strings COMMON BLOCKS: tplot_com SIDE EFFECTS: none EXAMPLE: print,tnames('*wi*') VERSION: 1.8 @(#) 1.8 02/11/01 copied from CREATED BY: Davin Larson Feb 1999
(See ssl_general/tplot/
PROCEDURE: tplot [,datanames] PURPOSE: Creates a time series plot of user defined quantities. INPUT: datanames: A string of space separated datanames. wildcard expansion is supported. if datanames is not supplied then the last values are used. Each name should be associated with a data quantity. (see the "STORE_DATA" and "GET_DATA" routines.) Alternatively datanames can be an array of integers or strings. run "TPLOT_NAMES" to show the current numbering. KEYWORDS: TITLE: A string to be used for the title. Remembered for future plots. ADD_VAR: Set this variable to add datanames to the previous plot. If set to 1, the new panels will appear at the top (position 1) of the plot. If set to 2, they will be inserted directly after the first panel and so on. Set this to a value greater than the existing number of panels in your tplot window to add panels to the bottom of the plot. LASTVAR: Set this variable to plot the previous variables plotted in a TPLOT window. PICK: Set this keyword to choose new order of plot panels using the mouse. WINDOW: Window to be used for all time plots. If set to -1, then the current window is used. VAR_LABEL: String [array]; Variable(s) used for putting labels along the bottom. This allows quantities such as altitude to be labeled. VERSION: Must be 1,2,3, or 4 (3 is default) Uses a different labeling scheme. Version 4 is for rocket-type time scales. OVERPLOT: Will not erase the previous screen if set. NAMES: The names of the tplot variables that are plotted. NOCOLOR: Set this to produce plot without color. TRANGE: Time range for tplot. NEW_TVARS: Returns the tplot_vars structure for the plot created. Set aside the structure so that it may be restored using the OLD_TVARS keyword later. This structure includes information about various TPLOT options and settings and can be used to recreates a plot. OLD_TVARS: Use this to pass an existing tplot_vars structure to override the one in the tplot_com common block. HELP: Set this to print the contents of the tplot_vars.options (user-defined options) structure. RESTRICTIONS: Some data must be loaded prior to trying to plot it. Try running "_GET_EXAMPLE_DAT" for a test. EXAMPLES: (assumes "_GET_EXAMPLE_DAT" has been run) tplot,'amp slp flx2' ;Plots the named quantities tplot,'flx1',/ADD ;Add the quantity 'flx1'. tplot ;Re-plot the last variables. tplot,var_label=['alt'] ;Put Distance labels at the bottom. For a long list of examples see "_TPLOT_EXAMPLE" OTHER RELATED ROUTINES: Examples of most usages of TPLOT and related routines are in the crib sheet: "_TPLOT_EXAMPLE" Use "TNAMES" function to return an array of current names. Use "TPLOT_NAMES" to print a list of acceptable names to plot. Use "TPLOT_OPTIONS" for setting various global options. Plot limits can be set with the "YLIM" procedure. Spectrogram limits can be set with the "ZLIM" procedure. Time limits can be set with the "TLIMIT" procedure. The "OPTIONS" procedure can be used to set all IDL plotting keyword parameters (i.e. psym, color, linestyle, etc) as well as some keywords that are specific to tplot (i.e. panel_size, labels, etc.) For example, to change the relative panel width for the quantity 'slp', run the following: OPTIONS,'slp','panel_size',1.5 TPLOT calls the routine "SPECPLOT" to make spectrograms and calls "MPLOT" to make the line plots. See these routines to determine what other options are available. Use "GET_DATA" to retrieve the data structure (or limit structure) associated with a TPLOT quantity. Use "STORE_DATA" to create new TPLOT quantities to plot. The routine "DATA_CUT" can be used to extract interpolated data. The routine "TSAMPLE" can also be used to extract data. Time stamping is performed with the routine "TIME_STAMP". Use "CTIME" or "GETTIME" to obtain time values. tplot variables can be stored in files using "TPLOT_SAVE" and loaded again using "TPLOT_RESTORE" CREATED BY: Davin Larson June 1995 FILE: VERSION: 1.97 LAST MODIFICATION: 02/11/01 $LastChangedBy: davin-win $ $LastChangedDate: 2007-05-04 12:26:58 -0700 (Fri, 04 May 2007) $ $LastChangedRevision: 644 $ $URL: svn+ssh:// $
(See ssl_general/tplot/
COMMON BLOCK: tplot_com WARNING! THIS COMMON BLOCK IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE! DON'T BE TOO SURPRISED IF VARIABLES ARE ADDED, CHANGED, OR DISAPPEAR! data_quants: structure array, handle to location of ALL data. tplot_vars: structure containing all tplot window and plotting information. SEE ALSO: "tplot_options" and "tplot" MODIFIED BY: Peter Schroeder CREATED BY: Davin Larson LAST MODIFICATION: 01/10/08 VERSION: @(#) 1.21
(See ssl_general/tplot/
PROCEDURE: tplot_file , name [,filename] PURPOSE: OBSOLETE PROCEDURE! Use "TPLOT_SAVE" and "TPLOT_RESTORE" instead. Store tplot data in a file. gets the data, limits and name handle associated with a name string This procedure is used by the tplot routines. INPUT: name (string, tplot handle) filename: file name KEYWORDS: SAVE: set to save files. RESTORE:set to restore files. SEE ALSO: "STORE_DATA", "GET_DATA", "TPLOT" CREATED BY: Davin Larson LAST MODIFICATION: 98/08/06
(See ssl_general/tplot/
PROCEDURE: tplot_keys PURPOSE: Sets up function keys on user keyboard to perform frequent "tplot" functions and procedures. Definitions will be explained when run. INPUT: (none) OUTPUT: (none) CREATED BY: Davin Larson LAST MODIFIED: @(#) 1.5 02/11/22
(See ssl_general/tplot/
PROCEDURE: tplot_names [, datanames ] PURPOSE: Lists current stored data names that can be plotted with the TPLOT routines. INPUT: (Optional) An string (or array of strings) to be displayed The strings may contain wildcard characters. Optional array of strings. Each string should be associated with a data quantity. (see the "store_data" and "get_data" routines) KEYWORDS: TIME_RANGE: Set this keyword to print out the time range for each quantity. CREATE_TIME: Set to print creation time. VERBOSE: Set this keyword to print out more info on the data structures NAMES: Named variable in which the array of valid data names is returned. ASORT: Set to sort by name. TSORT: Set to sort by creation time. CURRENT: Set to display only names in last call to tplot. EXAMPLE tplot_names,'*3dp*' ; display all names with '3dp' in the name CREATED BY: Davin Larson SEE ALSO: "TNAMES" "TPLOT" MODS: Accepts wildcards LAST MODIFICATION: @(#) 1.19 01/10/08
(See ssl_general/tplot/
PROCEDURE: tplot_options [,string,value] NAME: tplot_options PURPOSE: Sets global options for the "tplot" routine. INPUTS: string: option to be set. value: value to be given the option. KEYWORDS: HELP: Display current options structure. VAR_LABEL: String [array], variable[s] to be used for plot labels. FULL_TRANGE: 2 element double array specifying the full time range. TRANGE: 2 element double array specifying the current time range. DATANAMES: String containing names of variable to plot REFDATE: Reference date. String with format: 'YYYY-MM-DD'. This reference date is used with the gettime subroutine. WINDOW: Window to be used for all time plots. (-1 specifies current window. VERSION: plot label version. (1 or 2 or 3) TITLE: string used for the tplot title OPTIONS: tplot options structure to be passed to replace the current structure. GET_OPTIONS:returns the new tplot options structure. EXAMPLES: tplot_options,'ynozero',1 ; set all panels to YNOZERO=1 tplot_options,'title','My Data' ; Set title tplot_options,'xmargin',[10,10] ; Set left/right margins to 10 characters tplot_options,'ymargin',[4,2] ; Set top/bottom margins to 4/2 lines tplot_options,'position',[.25,.25,.75,.75] ; Set plot position (normal coord) tplot_options,'wshow',1 ; de-iconify window with each tplot tplot_options,'version',3 ; Sets the best time ticks possible tplot_options,'window',0 ; Makes tplot always use window 0 tplot_options,/help ; Display current options tplot_options,get_options=opt ; get option structure in the variable opt. SEE ALSO: "TPLOT", "OPTIONS", "TPLOT_COM" CREATED BY: Davin Larson 95/08/29 LAST MODIFICATION: 01/10/08 VERSION: @(#) 1.16
(See ssl_general/tplot/
PROCEDURE: tplot_panel [,time,y] INPUTS: (optional) time: dblarr of time values associated with a variable to overplot in a designated "tplot" panel. y: array of variable values to be plotted. KEYWORDS: VARIABLE: (string) name of previously plotted tplot variable. OPLOTVAR: Data that will be plotted on top of the selected panel DELTATIME: Named variable in which time offset is returned. PANEL: Returns panel number of designated tplot variable. PSYM: Sets the IDL plot PSYM value for overplot data. PURPOSE: Sets the graphics parameters to the specified tplot panel. The time offset is returned through the optional keyword DELTATIME. LAST MODIFICATION: @(#) 1.9 02/04/17
(See ssl_general/tplot/
NAME: tplot_positions PURPOSE: Return a set of plot positions for tplot. Given the number of plots, the margins, and the relative sizes of the plot panels, determine the plot coordinates. The positions are the device coordinates of the plot, not of the plot region. (See IDL User's Guide Chapter 14.10) If the margins are not specifically set, first the limit structures are checked, then ![x,y].margin are checked, then some defaults are used. CALLING SEQUENCE: positions = tplot_positions(panels) INPUTS: panels: the number of plots, an integer KEYWORD PARAMETERS: xm,xom,ym,yom: the x and y inner and outer margins these are two element arrays. ![x,y].margin and ![x,y].omargin are used if left off sizes: fltarr(panels) containing the relative plot sizes OUTPUTS: positions = fltarr(4,n_elements(panels)) positions(*,i) is the ith plot position (x0,y0,x1,y1) EXAMPLE: LAST MODIFICATION: @(#) 1.2 97/05/30
(See ssl_general/tplot/
PROCEDURE: tplot_quant__define This procedure defines the tplot_quant structure.
(See ssl_general/tplot/
PROCEDURE: tplot_restore ,filenames=filenames, all=all, sort=sort PURPOSE: Restores tplot data, limits, name handles, options, and settings. INPUT: KEYWORDS: filenames: file name or array of filenames to restore. If no file name is chosen and the all keyword is not set, tplot_restore will look for and restore a file called saved.tplot. all: restore all *.tplot files in current directory append: append saved data to existing tplot variables sort: sort data by time after loading in get_tvars: load tplot_vars structure (the structure containing tplot options and settings even if such a structure already exists in the current session. The default is to only load these if no such structure currently exists in the session. restored_varnames=the tplot variable names for the restored data SEE ALSO: "TPLOT_SAVE","STORE_DATA", "GET_DATA", "TPLOT" CREATED BY: Peter Schroeder LAST MODIFICATION: Added restore_varnames, 19-jun-2007, jmm
(See ssl_general/tplot/
PROCEDURE: tplot_save , name ,filename=filename, limits=limits PURPOSE: Store tplot data in a file. INPUT: name: (optional) tplot handle or array of tplot handles to save. If no name is supplied, tplot_save will save all defined tplot handles. KEYWORDS: filename: file name in which to save data. A default suffix of .tplot or .lim will be added to this depending on whether the limits keyword has been set. If not given, the default file name is saved.tplot or saved.lim. limits: will save only limits structures. No data will be saved. SEE ALSO: "STORE_DATA", "GET_DATA", "TPLOT", "TPLOT_RESTORE" CREATED BY: Peter Schroeder LAST MODIFICATION: 97/05/14
(See ssl_general/tplot/
PROCEDURE: tplot_sort,name PURPOSE: Sorts tplot data by time (or x). INPUT: name: name of tplot variable to be sorted. KEYWORDS: CREATED BY: Peter Schroeder LAST MODIFICATION: %W% %E%
(See ssl_general/tplot/
PROCEDURE: xlim,lim, [min,max, [log]] PURPOSE: To set plotting limits for plotting routines. This procedure will add the tags 'xrange', 'xstyle' and 'xlog' to the structure lim. This structure can be used in other plotting routines such as "SPEC3D". INPUTS: lim: structure to be added to. (Created if non-existent) min: min value of range max: max value of range KEYWORDS: LOG: (optional) 0: linear, 1: log See also: "OPTIONS", "YLIM", "ZLIM" Typical usage: xlim,lim,-20,100 ; create a variable called lim that can be passed to ; a plotting routine such as "SPEC3D". CREATED BY: Davin Larson LAST MODIFICATION: @(#) 1.9 02/04/17
(See ssl_general/tplot/
PROCEDURE: ylim [, str [ , min, max, [ LOG=log ] ] ] PURPOSE: Sets y-axis limits for plotting routines. Adds the tags 'yrange', 'ystyle' and 'ylog' to the structure str, or to the limit structure associated with the string str. INPUTS: str is a: CASE 1: structure (or zero or non-existent) Structure to be added to. (Created if non-existent) CASE 2: string (handle associated with a "TPLOT" variable) The limits structure associated with this string is used. This structure can be retrieved with the "GET_DATA" procedure. min: min value of yrange max: max value of yrange KEYWORDS: LOG: (optional) 0: linear, 1: log DEFAULT: Sets default tplot limits. STYLE: value to set the IDL plot YSTYLE keyword Typical usage: ylim,lim,-20,100 ; create (or add to) the structure lim ylim,'Ne',.01,100,1 ; Change limits of the "TPLOT" variable 'Ne'. NO INPUTS: ylim ; Set "TPLOT" limits using the cursor. SEE ALSO: "OPTIONS", "TLIMIT", "XLIM", "ZLIM" CREATED BY: Davin Larson VERSION: LAST MODIFICATION: 01/06/25
(See ssl_general/tplot/
PROCEDURE: ylimit PURPOSE: Interactive setting of y-limits for the "TPLOT" procedure. SEE ALSO: "YLIM", a noninteractive version which calls this routine. NOTES: This procedure will probably be made obsolete by embedding it in. "YLIM". Run "TPLOT" prior to using this procedure. CREATED BY: Davin Larson FILE: VERSION: 1.11 LAST MODIFICATION: 98/08/06
(See ssl_general/tplot/
PROCEDURE: zlim,lim, [min,max, [log]] PURPOSE: To set plotting limits for plotting routines. This procedure will add the tags 'zrange', 'zstyle' and 'xlog' to the structure lim. This structure can be used in other plotting routines. INPUTS: lim: structure to be added to. (Created if non-existent) min: min value of range max: max value of range log: (optional) 0: linear, 1: log If lim is a string then the limit structure associated with that "TPLOT" variable is modified. See also: "OPTIONS", "YLIM", "XLIM", "SPEC" Typical usage: zlim,'ehspec',1e-2,1e6,1 ; Change color limits of the "TPLOT" variable ; 'ehspec'. CREATED BY: Davin Larson LAST MODIFICATION: @(#) 1.2 02/11/01
(See ssl_general/tplot/
PROCEDURE: _get_example_dat NAME: _get_example_dat PURPOSE: A procedure that generates sample data for "TPLOT". See the crib sheet: "_tplot_example" for instructions on using this routine. CREATED BY: Davin Larson 96-2-19 FILE: VERSION: 1.4 LAST MODIFICATION: 96/10/14
(See ssl_general/tplot/
DEMONSTRATION OF TPLOT AND RELATED ROUTINES PURPOSE: A sample crib sheet that explains how to use the "TPLOT" procedure. Written by Peter Schroeder 97-9-17
(See ssl_general/tplot/
CRIB SHEET EXAMPLE PURPOSE: A sample crib sheet that explains how to use the "TPLOT" procedure. Written by Davin Larson 96-2-19
(See ssl_general/tplot/