;+ ;PROCEDURE: tplot_restore ,filenames=filenames, all=all, sort=sort ;PURPOSE: ; Restores tplot data, limits, name handles, options, and settings. ;INPUT: ;KEYWORDS: ; filenames: file name or array of filenames to restore. If ; no file name is chosen and the all keyword is not set, ; tplot_restore will look for and restore a file called ; saved.tplot. ; all: restore all *.tplot files in current directory ; append: append saved data to existing tplot variables ; sort: sort data by time after loading in ; get_tvars: load tplot_vars structure (the structure containing tplot ; options and settings even if such a structure already exists ; in the current session. The default is to only load these ; if no such structure currently exists in the session. ; restored_varnames=the tplot variable names for the restored data ;SEE ALSO: "TPLOT_SAVE","STORE_DATA", "GET_DATA", "TPLOT" ; ;CREATED BY: Peter Schroeder ;LAST MODIFICATION: Added restore_varnames, 19-jun-2007, jmm ; ;- pro tplot_restore,filenames=filenames,all=all,append=append,sort=sort,$ get_tvars=get_tvars,verbose=verbose, restored_varnames=restored_varnames @tplot_com.pro tplot_quant__define if keyword_set(all) then filenames = findfile('*.tplot') if data_type(filenames) ne 7 then $ filenames = 'saved.tplot' n = n_elements(filenames) restored_varnames = '' for i=0,n-1 do begin restore,filenames(i),/relaxed if keyword_set(tv) then begin chkverb = where(tag_names(tv.options) eq 'VERBOSE',verbosethere) if not verbosethere then begin optstruct = tv.options setstruct = tv.settings newopt = create_struct(optstruct,'VERBOSE',0) tv = 0 tv = {options: newopt, settings: setstruct} optstruct = 0 setstruct = 0 newopt = 0 endif endif if (n_elements(tplot_vars) eq 0) or keyword_set(get_tvars) then $ if keyword_set(tv) then tplot_vars = tv if keyword_set(dq) then begin for j=0,n_elements(dq.name)-1 do begin thisdq = dq(j) print,thisdq.name restored_varnames = [restored_varnames, thisdq.name] names = str_sep(thisdq.name,'.') ; if n_elements(names) ge 2 then report,'Trying to restore '+thisdq.name if keyword_set(append) then get_data,thisdq.name,ptr=olddata if keyword_set(append) and keyword_set(olddata) then begin if keyword_set(*thisdq.dh) then begin ; if n_elements(names) eq 1 then begin if thisdq.dtype eq 1 then begin newx = ptr_new([*olddata.x,*(*thisdq.dh).x]) newy = ptr_new([*olddata.y,*(*thisdq.dh).y]) ptr_free,(*thisdq.dh).x,(*thisdq.dh).y oldv = ptr_new() str_element,olddata,'v',oldv if ptr_valid(oldv) then begin if ndimen(*oldv) eq 1 then $ newv = ptr_new(*oldv) else $ newv = ptr_new([*oldv,*(*thisdq.dh).v]) ptr_free,(*thisdq.dh).v newdata={x: newx, y: newy, v: newv} endif else newdata={x: newx, y: newy} olddata = 0 endif else begin newdata = olddata dattags = tag_names(olddata) for k = 0,n_elements(dattags)-1 do begin str_element,*thisdq.dh,dattags(k),foo foo = *foo str_element,newdata,dattags(k),[*olddata.(k),foo],/add endfor endelse store_data,verbose=verbose,thisdq.name,data=newdata ; endif endif endif else begin store_data,verbose=verbose,thisdq.name,data=*thisdq.dh,limit=*thisdq.lh,dlimit=*thisdq.dl,/nostrsw ; if n_elements(names) ge 2 then $ ; store_data,verbose=verbose,thisdq.name,limit=*thisdq.lh,dlimit=*thisdq.dl $ ; else $ ; store_data,verbose=verbose,thisdq.name,data=*thisdq.dh,limit=*thisdq.lh,dlimit=*thisdq.dl,/nostrsw endelse if keyword_set(sort) then tplot_sort,thisdq.name endfor ptr_free,dq.dh,dq.dl,dq.lh endif dq = 0 tv = 0 endfor If(n_elements(restored_varnames) Gt 1) Then $ restored_varnames = restored_varnames[1:*] end