FUNCTION iton,ind ;+ ;NAME: iton ;PURPOSE: ; Convert an index or array of indicies to data names. ; This exits because it is not always reasonable to make ; a program tell the difference between a data array ; and an index array, and because not all programs ; accept indicies as inputs instead of data names. ;CALLING SEQUENCE: names=iton(ind) ;INPUTS: ind: an index or array of indicies ;OPTIONAL INPUTS: none ;KEYWORD PARAMETERS: none ;OUTPUTS: a data name or array of data names ;OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: none ;COMMON BLOCKS: tplot_com ;SIDE EFFECTS: none ;EXAMPLE: for i=6,13 do store_data,iton(6),/delete ;LAST MODIFICATION: @(#) 1.5 97/06/11 ;CREATED BY: Frank Marcoline ;- @tplot_com ndq = n_elements(data_quants) if data_type(ind) eq 0 then return,tplot_vars.options.varnames if data_type(ind) eq 7 then begin ;input is a string to match a = where(strpos(,ind,0) ge 0,c) if c eq 0 then return,0 return,data_quants(a).name endif nind = n_elements(ind) a = where((ind LT 1) OR (ind GE ndq),count) IF count GT 0 THEN BEGIN print,'Data quantities ',a,' do not exist. return,strarr(nind) ENDIF ELSE return,data_quants(ind).name END