This page was created by the IDL library routine
Last modified: Thu Apr 22 14:59:11 1999.
FUNCTION: cdf_attr_exists, cdf, attrname PURPOSE: determines if a specified CDF file has an attribute with a specified name INPUTS: cdf: either the cdf_id of an open CDF file, or the name of a CDF file attrname: name of the attribute to be asked about KEYWORDS: scope: if set, return the scope of the attribute (if it is present). The scope may be either of the strings 'GLOBAL_SCOPE' or 'VARIABLE_SCOPE'. The value of this variable is only meaningful if the return value is 1. OUTPUTS: return value is 1 if yes, 0 if no CREATED BY: Vince Saba LAST MODIFICATION: @(#) 1.1 98/04/14
NAME: cdf_info FUNCTION: cdf_info(id) PURPOSE: Returns a structure with useful information about a CDF file. In particular the number of file records is returned in this structure. INPUT: id: CDF file ID. CREATED BY: Davin Larson LAST MODIFIED: @(#) 1.3 98/08/07
FUNCTION: cdf_var_exists, cdf, varname PURPOSE: determines if a specified CDF file has a variable with a specified name INPUTS: cdf: either the cdf_id of an open CDF file, or the name of a CDF file attrname: name of the variable to be asked about KEYWORDS: OUTPUTS: return value is 1 if yes, 0 if no CREATED BY: Vince Saba LAST MODIFICATION: @(#) 1.1 98/04/14
PROCEDURE: loadallcdf PURPOSE: Loads selected CDF file variables into a data structure. VARYing data is returned through the keyword: DATA. NOVARY data is returned through the keyword: NOVARDATA. KEYWORDS: (all keywords are optional) FILENAMES: string (array); full pathname of file(s) to be loaded. (INDEXFILE, ENVIRONVAR, MASTERFILE and TIME_RANGE are ignored if this is set.) MASTERFILE: Full Pathname of indexfile. (INDEXFILE and ENVIRONVAR are ignored if this is set) INDEXFILE: File name (without path) of indexfile. This file should be located in the directory given by ENVIRONVAR. If not given then "PICKFILE" is used to select an index file. see "MAKE_CDF_INDEX" for information on producing this file. ENVIRONVAR: Name of environment variable containing directory of indexfiles (default is 'CDF_INDEX_DIR') TIME_RANGE: Two element vector specifying time range (default is to use trange_full; see "TPLOT/help.html#TIMESPAN">TIMESPAN" or "GET_TIMESPAN" for more info) CDFNAMES: Names of CDF variables to be loaded. (string array) TAGNAMES: String array of structure tag names. DATA: Named variable that data is returned in. RESOLUTION: Resolution in seconds to be returned. NOVARNAMES: Names of 'novary' variables to be loaded NOVARDATA: Named variable that 'novary' data is returned in. TPLOT_NAME: "TPLOT" string name. If set then a tplot variable is created. Individual elements can be referred to as 'NAME.ELEMENT' CARR_FILE: Load Carrington rotation files. SEE ALSO: "loadcdf","LOADCDFSTR","MAKECDF","MAKE_CDF_INDEX","GET_FILE_NAMES"," VERSION: 98/11/03 1.21 Created by Davin Larson, August 1996
PROCEDURE: loadcdf2 PURPOSE: Loads one type of data from specified cdf file. INPUT: CDF_file: the file to load data from (or the id of an open file) CDF_var: the variable to load x: the variable to load data into KEYWORDS: zvar: must be set if variable to be loaded is a zvariable. append: appends data to the end of x instead of overwriting it. nrecs: number of records to be read. no_shift: if set, do not perform dimen_shift to data. rec_start: CDF record number to begin reading. CREATED BY: Jim Byrnes, heavily modified by Davin Larson (was loadcdf) MODIFICATIONS: 96-6-26 added APPEND keyword LAST MODIFICATION: @(#) 1.5 98/08/13
PROCEDURE: loadcdfstr PURPOSE: loads data from specified cdf file into a structure. INPUT: x: A named variable to return the structure in novardata: A named variable to return the non-varying data. KEYWORDS: FILENAMES: [array of] CDF filename[s]. (or file id's) PATH: CDF file path. VARNAMES: [array of] CDF variable name[s] to be loaded. NOVARNAMES: [array of] CDF non-varying field names. TAGNAMES: optional array of structure tag names. RESOLUTION: resolution to return in seconds. APPEND: if set, append data to the end of x. TIME: If set, will create tag TIME using the Epoch variable. SEE ALSO: "LOADCDF2", "LOADALLCDF", "PRINT_CDF_INFO","MAKE_CDF_INDEX" CREATED BY: Davin Larson MODIFICATIONS: LAST MODIFICATION: @(#) 1.17 98/08/13
PROCEDURE: load_dst PURPOSE: loads DST data from a DST text file INPUTS: none, but will call "TPLOT/help.html#TIMESPAN">TIMESPAN" if time_range is not already set. KEYWORDS: time_range: 2 element vector specifying the time range. CREATED BY: Peter Schroeder LAST MODIFIED: @(#) 1.4 99/01/14
PROCEDURE: load_ge_mgf PURPOSE: loads GEOTAIL MAGNETOMETER Experiment key parameter data for "TPLOT". INPUTS: none, but will call "TPLOT/help.html#TIMESPAN">TIMESPAN" if time range is not already set. KEYWORDS: POLAR: Also computes the B field in polar coordinates. TIME_RANGE: 2 element vector specifying the time range DATA: Data returned in this named variable RESTRICTIONS: This routine expects to find the master file: 'ge_k0_mgf_files' in the directory specified by the environment variable: 'CDF_DATA_DIR' See "MAKE_CDF_INDEX" for more info. SEE ALSO: "MAKE_CDF_INDEX","loadcdf","LOADCDFSTR","LOADALLCDF" CREATED BY: Davin Larson FILE: LAST MODIFICATION: 98/08/07
PROCEDURE: load_hkp_mfi PURPOSE: Creates TPLOT magnetic field variables from 3DP housekeeping data. To be used when key parameter file is not available. INPUTS: none KEYWORDS: none NOTES: 3DP housekeeping data gives direction of magnetic field only. A magnitude of 1 is assumed to create these variables. CREATED BY: Peter Schroeder LAST MODIFIED: %W% %E%
PROCEDURE: load_i8_mag PURPOSE: loads IMP-8 magnetometer key parameter data for "TPLOT". INPUTS: none, but will call "TPLOT/help.html#TIMESPAN">TIMESPAN" if time range is not already set. KEYWORDS: TIME_RANGE: 2 element vector specifying the time range DATA: returns data structure RESTRICTIONS: This routine expects to find the master file: 'i8_k0_mag_files' In the directory specified by the environment variable: 'CDF_DATA_DIR' See "MAKE_CDF_INDEX" for more info. SEE ALSO: "MAKE_CDF_INDEX","loadcdf","LOADCDFSTR","LOADALLCDF" CREATED BY: Davin Larson FILE: LAST MODIFICATION: 98/08/11
PROCEDURE: load_i8_pla PURPOSE: loads IMP-8 Plasma Experiment key parameter data for "TPLOT". INPUTS: none, but will call "TPLOT/help.html#TIMESPAN">TIMESPAN" if time range is not already set. KEYWORDS: TIME_RANGE: 2 element vector specifying the time range DATA: returns data structure RESTRICTIONS: This routine expects to find the master file: 'i8_k0_pla_files' In the directory specified by the environment variable: 'CDF_DATA_DIR' See "MAKE_CDF_INDEX" for more info. SEE ALSO: "MAKE_CDF_INDEX","loadcdf","LOADCDFSTR","LOADALLCDF" CREATED BY: Davin Larson FILE: LAST MODIFICATION: 98/08/11
PROCEDURE: load_ig_pci PURPOSE: loads INTERBALL Ground key parameter data for "TPLOT". INPUTS: none, but will call "TPLOT/help.html#TIMESPAN">TIMESPAN" if time range is not already set. KEYWORDS: TIME_RANGE: 2 element vector specifying the time range SEE ALSO: "MAKE_CDF_INDEX" CREATED BY: Davin Larson FILE: LAST MODIFICATION: 96/08/23
PROCEDURE: load_kp PURPOSE: Loads Kp and ap data from a text file Variables stored include: Kp: Kp index (multiplied by 10) ap: ap index Sol_Rot_Num: Bartels Solar Rotation Number Sol_Rot_Day: Number of day within Bartels 27-day cycle Kp_Sum: Sum of the eight Kp indices for the day ap_Mean: Mean of the eight ap indices for the day Cp: Cp or Planetary Daily Character Figure C9: Conversion of Cp to the 0-9 range Sunspot_Number: International Sunspot Number Solar_Radio_Flux: Ottawa 10.7-cm Solar Radio Flux Adjusted to 1 AU Flux_Qualifier: "0" indicates flux required no adjustment. "1" indicates flux required adjustment for burst in progress at time of measurement. "2" indicates a flux approximated by either interpolation or extrapolation. "3" indicates no observation. INPUTS: none, but will call "TPLOT/help.html#TIMESPAN">TIMESPAN" if time_range is not already set. KEYWORDS: time_range: 2 element vector specifying the time range. CREATED BY: Peter Schroeder LAST MODIFIED: @(#) 1.1 99/01/14
PROCEDURE: load_po_pwi PURPOSE: Loads Polar Plasma Wave Instrument key parameter data into "TPLOT" variables. INPUTS: none, but will call "TPLOT/help.html#TIMESPAN">TIMESPAN" if time range is not already set. KEYWORDS: DATA: Raw data can be returned through this named variable. TIME_RANGE: 2 element vector specifying the time range SEE ALSO: "MAKE_CDF_INDEX","loadcdf","LOADCDFSTR","LOADALLCDF" CREATED BY: Davin Larson FILE: LAST MODIFICATION: 98/08/11
PROCEDURE: load_so_cel PURPOSE: loads SOHO CEL key parameter data for "TPLOT". INPUTS: none, but will call "TPLOT/help.html#TIMESPAN">TIMESPAN" if time range is not already set. KEYWORDS: TIME_RANGE: 2 element vector specifying the time range MASTERFILE: (string) full filename of master index file CREATED BY: Davin Larson FILE: LAST MODIFICATION: 98/08/11
PROCEDURE: load_so_cst PURPOSE: loads SOHO CST key parameter data for "TPLOT". INPUTS: none, but will call "TPLOT/help.html#TIMESPAN">TIMESPAN" if time range is not already set. KEYWORDS: TIME_RANGE: 2 element vector specifying the time range CREATED BY: Davin Larson FILE: LAST MODIFICATION: 97/11/20
PROCEDURE: load_so_ern PURPOSE: loads SOHO ERN key parameter data for "TPLOT". INPUTS: none, but will call "TPLOT/help.html#TIMESPAN">TIMESPAN" if time_range is not already set. KEYWORDS: TIME_RANGE: 2 element vector specifying the time range SEE ALSO: "MAKE_CDF_INDEX","loadcdf","LOADCDFSTR","LOADALLCDF" CREATED BY: Davin Larson FILE: LAST MODIFICATION: 96/09/27
PROCEDURE: load_wi_3dp PURPOSE: loads WIND 3D Plasma Experiment key parameter data for "TPLOT". INPUTS: none, but will call "TPLOT/help.html#TIMESPAN">TIMESPAN" if time_range is not already set. KEYWORDS: DATA: Raw data can be returned through this named variable. NVDATA: Raw non-varying data can be returned through this variable. POLAR: Computes polar coordinates if set. TIME_RANGE: 2 element vector specifying the time range. VTHERMAL: if nonzero, calculates ion thermal velocities. RESOLUTION: Returns data at a given time resolution. In seconds. MASTERFILE: (String) full filename of master file. SEE ALSO: "MAKE_CDF_INDEX","loadcdf","LOADCDFSTR","LOADALLCDF" CREATED BY: Davin Larson FILE: LAST MODIFICATION: 98/08/11
PROCEDURE: load_wi_ehpd PURPOSE: loads WIND 3D Plasma Experiment key parameter data for "TPLOT". INPUTS: none, but will call "TPLOT/help.html#TIMESPAN">TIMESPAN" if time_range is not already set. KEYWORDS: DATA: Raw data can be returned through this named variable. NVDATA: Raw non-varying data can be returned through this variable. TIME_RANGE: 2 element vector specifying the time range. MASTERFILE: (string) full file name to the master file. RESOLUTION: number of seconds resolution to return. PREFIX: Prefix for TPLOT variables created. Default is 'ehpd' SEE ALSO: "MAKE_CDF_INDEX","loadcdf","LOADCDFSTR","LOADALLCDF" CREATED BY: Davin Larson FILE: LAST MODIFICATION: 98/08/11
PROCEDURE: load_wi_ehsp_3dp PURPOSE: loads WIND 3D Plasma Experiment key parameter data for "TPLOT". INPUTS: none, but will call "TPLOT/help.html#TIMESPAN">TIMESPAN" if time_range is not already set. KEYWORDS: DATA: Raw data can be returned through this named variable. NVDATA: Raw non-varying data can be returned through this variable. TIME_RANGE: 2 element vector specifying the time range. MASTERFILE: (string) full filename of master file. PREFIX: Prefix for tplot variables. Default is 'ehsp' RESOLUTION: Resolution to be returned in seconds. SEE ALSO: "MAKE_CDF_INDEX","loadcdf","LOADCDFSTR","LOADALLCDF" CREATED BY: Davin Larson FILE: LAST MODIFICATION: 98/08/12
PROCEDURE: load_wi_elm2 PURPOSE: loads WIND 3D Plasma Experiment key parameter data for "TPLOT". INPUTS: none, but will call "TPLOT/help.html#TIMESPAN">TIMESPAN" if time_range is not already set. KEYWORDS: DATA: Raw data can be returned through this named variable. NVDATA: Raw non-varying data can be returned through this variable. TIME_RANGE: 2 element vector specifying the time range. MASTERFILE: (string) full file name to the master file. RESOLUTION: number of seconds resolution to return. PREFIX: Prefix for TPLOT variables created. Default is 'el_mom' SEE ALSO: "MAKE_CDF_INDEX","loadcdf","LOADCDFSTR","LOADALLCDF" CREATED BY: Peter Schroeder LAST MODIFIED: @(#) 1.2 98/08/12
PROCEDURE: load_wi_elpd_3dp PURPOSE: loads WIND 3D Plasma Experiment key parameter data for "TPLOT". INPUTS: none, but will call "TPLOT/help.html#TIMESPAN">TIMESPAN" if time_range is not already set. KEYWORDS: DATA: Raw data can be returned through this named variable. TIME_RANGE: 2 element vector specifying the time range RESTRICTIONS: This routine expects to find the master file: 'wi_elsp_3dp_files' In the directory specified by the environment variable: 'CDF_INDEX_DIR' See "MAKE_CDF_INDEX" for more info. SEE ALSO: "MAKE_CDF_INDEX","loadcdf","LOADCDFSTR","LOADALLCDF" CREATED BY: Davin Larson FILE: LAST MODIFICATION: 98/10/21
PROCEDURE: load_wi_elpd_3dp PURPOSE: loads WIND 3D Plasma Experiment key parameter data for "TPLOT". INPUTS: none, but will call "TPLOT/help.html#TIMESPAN">TIMESPAN" if time_range is not already set. KEYWORDS: DATA: Raw data can be returned through this named variable. NVDATA: Raw non-varying data can be returned through this variable. TIME_RANGE: 2 element vector specifying the time range. NO_PLOT: Suppresses the display of the summary plot. MASTERFILE: (string) full filename of master file. PREFIX: (string) prefix for returned TPLOT variables. Default is 'elpd' RESOLUTION: Resolution to return in seconds. SEE ALSO: "MAKE_CDF_INDEX","loadcdf","LOADCDFSTR","LOADALLCDF" CREATED BY: Davin Larson FILE: LAST MODIFICATION: 98/08/12
PROCEDURE: load_wi_elsp_3dp PURPOSE: loads WIND 3D Plasma Experiment key parameter data for "TPLOT". INPUTS: none, but will call "TPLOT/help.html#TIMESPAN">TIMESPAN" if time_range is not already set. KEYWORDS: DATA: Raw data can be returned through this named variable. NVDATA: Raw non-varying data can be returned through this variable. TIME_RANGE: 2 element vector specifying the time range. MASTERFILE: (string) full file name to the master file. PREFIX: Prefix for TPLOT variables created. Default is 'elsp' SEE ALSO: "MAKE_CDF_INDEX","loadcdf","LOADCDFSTR","LOADALLCDF" CREATED BY: Davin Larson FILE: LAST MODIFICATION: 98/08/12
PROCEDURE: load_wi_em_3dp PURPOSE: loads WIND 3D Plasma Experiment key parameter data for "TPLOT". INPUTS: none, but will call "TPLOT/help.html#TIMESPAN">TIMESPAN" if time_range is not already set. KEYWORDS: DATA: Raw data can be returned through this named variable. NVDATA: Raw non-varying data can be returned through this variable. TIME_RANGE: 2 element vector specifying the time range. MASTERFILE: (string) full file name to the master file. PREFIX: Prefix for TPLOT variables created. Default is 'wi_em_' POLAR: If nonzero, compute velocities in polar coordinates. SEE ALSO: "MAKE_CDF_INDEX","loadcdf","LOADCDFSTR","LOADALLCDF" CREATED BY: Davin Larson FILE: LAST MODIFICATION: 98/08/12
PROCEDURE: load_wi_epa PURPOSE: loads WIND Energetic Particle Analyser key parameter data for "TPLOT". INPUTS: none, but will call "TPLOT/help.html#TIMESPAN">TIMESPAN" if time range is not already set. KEYWORDS: none SEE ALSO: "MAKE_CDF_INDEX" CREATED BY: Davin Larson FILE: LAST MODIFICATION: 98/08/12
PROCEDURE: load_wi_frm_3dp PURPOSE: loads WIND 3D Plasma Experiment key parameter data for "TPLOT". INPUTS: none, but will call "TPLOT/help.html#TIMESPAN">TIMESPAN" if time_range is not already set. KEYWORDS: DATA: Raw data can be returned through this named variable. NVDATA: Raw non-varying data can be returned through this variable. TIME_RANGE: 2 element vector specifying the time range. MASTERFILE: (string) full file name to the master file. PREFIX: Prefix for TPLOT variables created. Default is 'wi_frm' SEE ALSO: "MAKE_CDF_INDEX","loadcdf","LOADCDFSTR","LOADALLCDF" CREATED BY: Peter Schroeder FILE: LAST MODIFICATION: 97/02/26
PROCEDURE: load_wi_h0_mfi PURPOSE: loads WIND MAGNETOMETER high resolution data for "TPLOT". INPUTS: none, but will call "TPLOT/help.html#TIMESPAN">TIMESPAN" if time range is not already set. KEYWORDS: TIME_RANGE: 2 element vector specifying the time range POLAR: Also computes the B field in polar coordinates. DATA: Data returned in this named variable. HOUR: Load hourly averages instead of 3 second data. MINUTE: Load 60 second averages instead of 3 second data. NODATA: Returns 0 if data exists for time range, otherwise returns 1. GSM: If set, GSM data is retrieved. PREFIX: (string) prefix for tplot variables. Default is 'wi_' NAME: (string) name for tplot variables. Default is 'wi_Bh' RESOLUTION: Resolution to return in seconds. MASTERFILE: (string) full filename of master file. SEE ALSO: "MAKE_CDF_INDEX","loadcdf","LOADCDFSTR","LOADALLCDF" CREATED BY: Peter Schroeder LAST MODIFIED: @(#) 1.3 98/08/12
PROCEDURE: load_wi_hkp_3dp PURPOSE: loads WIND 3D Plasma Experiment key parameter data for "TPLOT". INPUTS: none, but will call "TPLOT/help.html#TIMESPAN">TIMESPAN" if time_range is not already set. KEYWORDS: DATA: Raw data can be returned through this named variable. NVDATA: Raw non-varying data can be returned through this variable. TIME_RANGE: 2 element vector specifying the time range. MASTERFILE: (string) full file name to the master file. RESOLUTION: number of seconds resolution to return. PREFIX: Prefix for TPLOT variables created. Default is 'wi_hkp' SEE ALSO: "MAKE_CDF_INDEX","loadcdf","LOADCDFSTR","LOADALLCDF" CREATED BY: Peter Schroeder LAST MODIFIED: @(#) 1.3 98/08/12
PROCEDURE: load_wi_mfi PURPOSE: loads WIND MAGNETOMETER Experiment key parameter data for "TPLOT". INPUTS: none, but will call "TPLOT/help.html#TIMESPAN">TIMESPAN" if time range is not already set. KEYWORDS: DATA: Raw data can be returned through this named variable. NVDATA: Raw non-varying data can be returned through this variable. TIME_RANGE: 2 element vector specifying the time range. MASTERFILE: (string) full file name to the master file. RESOLUTION: number of seconds resolution to return. PREFIX: Prefix for TPLOT variables created. Default is 'wi_' POLAR: Also computes the B field in polar coordinates. SEE ALSO: "MAKE_CDF_INDEX","loadcdf","LOADCDFSTR","LOADALLCDF" CREATED BY: Davin Larson FILE: LAST MODIFICATION: 98/08/12
PROCEDURE: load_wi_or PURPOSE: loads WIND 3D Plasma Experiment orbit data for "TPLOT". INPUTS: none, but will call "TPLOT/help.html#TIMESPAN">TIMESPAN" if time_range is not already set. KEYWORDS: DATA: Raw data can be returned through this named variable. TIME_RANGE: 2 element vector specifying the time range. RESOLUTION: number of seconds resolution to return. POLAR: Computes polar coordinates if set. PRE: If set, use predicted (pre) data. NODATA: Returns 1 if no data available. HEC: If set, retrieve HEC data. VAR_LAB: Return polar data and use as var_labels in tplot. GSM: If set, retrieve GSM data. LAT: If set, retrieve LAT data. SEE ALSO: "MAKE_CDF_INDEX","loadcdf","LOADCDFSTR","LOADALLCDF" CREATED BY: Davin Larson FILE: LAST MODIFICATION: 98/11/12
PROCEDURE: load_wi_phsp_3dp PURPOSE: loads WIND 3D Plasma Experiment key parameter data for "TPLOT". INPUTS: none, but will call "TPLOT/help.html#TIMESPAN">TIMESPAN" if time_range is not already set. KEYWORDS: DATA: Raw data can be returned through this named variable. NVDATA: Raw non-varying data can be returned through this variable. TIME_RANGE: 2 element vector specifying the time range. MASTERFILE: (string) full file name to the master file. PREFIX: Prefix for TPLOT variables created. Default is 'phsp' SEE ALSO: "loadcdf","LOADCDFSTR","LOADALLCDF" CREATED BY: Peter Schroeder LAST MODIFICATION: @(#) 1.3 99/02/17
PROCEDURE: load_wi_plsp_3dp PURPOSE: loads WIND 3D Plasma Experiment key parameter data for "TPLOT". INPUTS: none, but will call "TPLOT/help.html#TIMESPAN">TIMESPAN" if time_range is not already set. KEYWORDS: DATA: Raw data can be returned through this named variable. NVDATA: Raw non-varying data can be returned through this variable. TIME_RANGE: 2 element vector specifying the time range. MASTERFILE: (string) full file name to the master file. RESOLUTION: number of seconds resolution to return. PREFIX: Prefix for TPLOT variables created. Default is 'plsp' MOMENT: Load PESA Low moment data. SEE ALSO: "MAKE_CDF_INDEX","loadcdf","LOADCDFSTR","LOADALLCDF" CREATED BY: Davin Larson LAST MODIFICATION: @(#) 1.4 98/08/12
PROCEDURE: load_wi_pm_3dp PURPOSE: loads WIND 3D Plasma Experiment key parameter data for "TPLOT". INPUTS: none, but will call "TPLOT/help.html#TIMESPAN">TIMESPAN" if time_range is not already set. KEYWORDS: DATA: Raw data can be returned through this named variable. NVDATA: Raw non-varying data can be returned through this variable. TIME_RANGE: 2 element vector specifying the time range. MASTERFILE: (string) full file name to the master file. RESOLUTION: number of seconds resolution to return. PREFIX: Prefix for TPLOT variables created. Default is 'wi_pm_' POLAR: Computes polar coordinates if set. VTHERMAL: If set, calculates and stores thermal velocity. SEE ALSO: "MAKE_CDF_INDEX","loadcdf","LOADCDFSTR","LOADALLCDF" CREATED BY: Davin Larson FILE: LAST MODIFICATION: 98/08/12
PROCEDURE: load_wi_sfpd PURPOSE: loads WIND 3D Plasma Experiment key parameter data for "TPLOT". INPUTS: none, but will call "TPLOT/help.html#TIMESPAN">TIMESPAN" if time_range is not already set. KEYWORDS: DATA: Raw data can be returned through this named variable. NVDATA: Raw non-varying data can be returned through this variable. TIME_RANGE: 2 element vector specifying the time range. MASTERFILE: (string) full file name to the master file. RESOLUTION: number of seconds resolution to return. PREFIX: Prefix for TPLOT variables created. Default is 'sfpd' SEE ALSO: "MAKE_CDF_INDEX","loadcdf","LOADCDFSTR","LOADALLCDF" CREATED BY: Davin Larson FILE: LAST MODIFICATION: 98/08/12
PROCEDURE: load_wi_sfsp_3dp PURPOSE: loads WIND 3D Plasma Experiment key parameter data for "TPLOT". INPUTS: none, but will call "TPLOT/help.html#TIMESPAN">TIMESPAN" if time_range is not already set. KEYWORDS: DATA: Raw data can be returned through this named variable. NVDATA: Raw non-varying data can be returned through this variable. TIME_RANGE: 2 element vector specifying the time range. MASTERFILE: (string) full file name to the master file. RESOLUTION: number of seconds resolution to return. PREFIX: Prefix for TPLOT variables created. Default is 'sfsp' SEE ALSO: "MAKE_CDF_INDEX","loadcdf","LOADCDFSTR","LOADALLCDF" CREATED BY: Davin Larson FILE: LAST MODIFICATION: 98/08/12
PROCEDURE: load_wi_sosp_3dp PURPOSE: loads WIND 3D Plasma Experiment key parameter data for "TPLOT". INPUTS: none, but will call "TPLOT/help.html#TIMESPAN">TIMESPAN" if time_range is not already set. KEYWORDS: DATA: Raw data can be returned through this named variable. NVDATA: Raw non-varying data can be returned through this variable. TIME_RANGE: 2 element vector specifying the time range. MASTERFILE: (string) full file name to the master file. RESOLUTION: number of seconds resolution to return. PREFIX: Prefix for TPLOT variables created. Default is 'sosp' SEE ALSO: "loadcdf","LOADCDFSTR","LOADALLCDF" CREATED BY: Peter Schroeder FILE: LAST MODIFICATION: 98/08/12
PROCEDURE: load_wi_sp_mfi PURPOSE: loads WIND MAGNETOMETER 3 second data for "TPLOT". INPUTS: none, but will call "TPLOT/help.html#TIMESPAN">TIMESPAN" if time range is not already set. KEYWORDS: TIME_RANGE: 2 element vector specifying the time range POLAR: Also computes the B field in polar coordinates. DATA: Data returned in this named variable. NODATA: Returns 0 if data exists for time range, otherwise returns 1. GSM: If set, GSM data is retrieved. PREFIX: (string) prefix for tplot variables. Default is 'wi_' NAME: (string) name for tplot variables. Default is 'wi_B3' RESOLUTION: Resolution to return in seconds. MASTERFILE: (string) full filename of master file. SEE ALSO: "MAKE_CDF_INDEX","loadcdf","LOADCDFSTR","LOADALLCDF" CREATED BY: Davin Larson FILE: VERSION: 1.13 LAST MODIFICATION: 98/08/12
PROCEDURE: load_wi_swe PURPOSE: loads WIND Solar Wind Experiment key parameter data for "TPLOT". INPUTS: none, but will call "TPLOT/help.html#TIMESPAN">TIMESPAN" if time range is not already set. KEYWORDS: DATA: Raw data can be returned through this named variable. TIME_RANGE: 2 element vector specifying the time range. MASTERFILE: (string) full file name to the master file. POLAR: If set, calculate and store velocity in polar coordinates. SEE ALSO: "MAKE_CDF_INDEX","loadcdf","LOADCDFSTR","LOADALLCDF" CREATED BY: Davin Larson FILE: LAST MODIFICATION: 98/08/12
PROCEDURE: load_wi_wav PURPOSE: loads WIND WAVES Experiment key parameter data for "TPLOT". INPUTS: none, but will call "TPLOT/help.html#TIMESPAN">TIMESPAN" if time range is not already set. KEYWORDS: DATA: Raw data can be returned through this named variable. NVDATA: Raw non-varying data can be returned through this variable. TIME_RANGE: 2 element vector specifying the time range. MASTERFILE: (string) full file name to the master file. RESOLUTION: number of seconds resolution to return. NE_FILTER: Name of electron density variable to be used as filter. MOON: Load moon position data. SOLAR: Load solar data. SEE ALSO: "MAKE_CDF_INDEX","loadcdf","LOADCDFSTR","LOADALLCDF" CREATED BY: Davin Larson FILE: LAST MODIFICATION: 98/08/12
PROCEDURE: makecdf, datavary, datanovary=datanovary, filename=filename, status=status, $ gattributes=gattr, vattributes=vattr, tagsvary=tagsvary, $ tagsnovary=tagsnovary, overwrite=overwrite PURPOSE: Creates a CDF file given an array of structures KEYWORDS: filename: Name of file to be created. datanovary: a structure containing the time invariant data to be written to CDF (like array descriptors). tagsvary: array of strings that will be used as the CDF variable names for the values stored in the datavary structure. Default CDF variable names are the names of the tags of the datavary structure. Note that, since IDL internally capitalizes all variable and tag names, the CDF variable names will be all caps in the default, so the tagsvary keyword should generally be used to control capitalization of the CDF variable names. tagsnovary: array of strings that will be used as the CDF variable names for the values stored in the datanovary structure. Default CDF variable names are the names of the tags of the datanovary structure. Note that, since IDL internally capitalizes all variable and tag names, the CDF variable names will be all caps in the default, so the tagsnovary keyword should generally be used to control capitalization of the CDF variable names. gattributes: a structure specifying the names, entry numbers, and values of the global CDF attributes that will be written to the CDF file. The tagnames of the gattributes structure are actually dummy placeholders which are not used (but must all be unique, or course). The value of each field is a struture containing three fields, 'name', which contains the name of the attribute, 'entry', which contains the entry number (many attributes contain just a single entry, generally just entry 0, and some contain several entries, generally entries 0,1,2,3, etc), and 'value' which contains the value of the attribute for the specified entry. (see the example below) vattributes: a structure specifying, for each CDF variable that has variable attributes, the names and values of the variable CDF attributes that will be written to the CDF file. The tagnames of the vattributes structure are actually dummy placeholders and are not used. The values of the fields of the vattributes structure should each be a structure, with a 'varname' field containing the name of a CDF variable, and an 'attrlist' field which contains a structure containing the set of attribute names and values for the specified variable. (see the example below) overwrite: if set, overwrite any existing CDF file with the specified name (default is to not overwrite any such existing file). status: status is 0 on successful return, nonzero on unsuccessful return. A routine that calls makecdf should in general use the status keyword parameter and verify that the CDF write has completed successfully. INPUT: datavary: an array of structures containing the time variant data to be written to CDF. Each element of the array is a structure containing the values for one time. Datavary must have a tag named 'time' that contains the time in seconds since 01-01-1970/00:00:00 UT. An additional CDF variable named 'Epoch', of type CDF_EPOCH, will be written to the CDF, and will be computed from 'time'. EXAMPLE: To make a CDF file named 'foo.cdf' containing tplot variables 'el_0' and 'el_high', and with two global attributes, named 'foo' (with one entry with value 'bar') and 'goo' (with two entries, one with value 1.0, and one with value 2.0), and with two variable attributes, 'VALIDMIN' and 'VALIDMAX', with VALIDMIN for el_0 to be set to 1.0, and VALIDMAX of el_0 to be set to 2.0, and VALIDMIN of el_high to be set to 1.0 and VALIDMAX of el_high to be set to 2.0, give the following IDL commands: > make_cdf_structs, ['el_0', 'el_high'], datavary, datanovary > gattr = {foo0: {name:'foo', entry:0, value:'bar'}, $ goo0: {name:'goo', entry:0, value:1.0 }, $ goo1: {name:'goo', entry:1, value:2.0 }} > vattr_el_0 = {VALIDMIN:1.0, VALIDMAX:2.0} > vattr_el_high = {VALIDMIN:1.0, VALIDMAX:2.0} > vattr = {el_0: {varname:'el_0', attrlist:vattr_el_0}, $ el_high: {varname:'el_high', attrlist:vattr_el_high}} > makecdf, file='foo', datavary, datanovary=datanovary, $ tagsvary=['time', 'el_0', 'el_high'], tagsnovary=['el_0_en', 'el_high_pa'], $ gattr=gattr, vattr=vattr Note that, in the above specification of vattr, the names of the CDF variables (el_0 and el_high in this example), appear to be repeated in two places each. The first occurrence of each, in the tagname, is actually just an unused dummy, and the second occurrence of each, in the string value of varname, is the CDF variable name. This is because IDL variable names and tag names can't be used to specify the more general strings that CDF variable names can have. Similarly with gattr. The resulting CDF file will contain an Epoch variable (computed from the time), a time variable (taken by default from the 'x' component of the first named tplot variable, but specifiable otherwise by the 'times' keyword to 'make_cdf_structs'), and, for each tplot variable named in the argument list to 'make_cdf_structs', the 'y' component, with a name taken from 'tagsvary', and the 'v' component, with a name taken from 'tagsnovary'. Thus the CDF file from the above commands will contain the CDF variables Epoch: This is of type CDF_EPOCH, and is calculated from the time variable below time: by default, the 'x' tag from the tplot variable 'el_0' el_0: the 'y' tag from the tplot variable 'el_0' el_high: the 'y' tag from the tplot variable 'el_high' el_0_en: the 'v' tag from the tplot variable 'el_0' el_high_pa: the 'v' tag from the tplot variable 'el_high' SEE ALSO: "loadcdf", "LOADCDFSTR" "", "" VERSION: @(#) 1.6 08/13/98
PROCEDURE: makecdf2, data, sktfile=sktfile, cdffile=cdffile, $ gattributes=gattr, vattributes=vattr, overwrite=overwrite, $ status=status, verbose=verbose PURPOSE: Creates a CDF file from a structure of arrays INPUT: data: (this sounds complicated to describe, but see the EXAMPLE below) The structure containing the data to write out to CDF. The 'data' structure will contain exactly one field for each variable that is to be written to the output CDF (with the exception that additional variables 'Epoch' and 'Time_PB5' will be written to the CDF file, if they have been specified in the skeleton file input via the 'sktfile' keyword parameter). Each field of the 'data' structure is itself a structure containing exactly 4 fields, named 'name', 'value', 'recvary', and 'fill'. The 'name' field of the n-th field of 'data' should be the name of the n-th CDF variable in the output CDF file. The 'value' field of the n-th field of 'data' should be an array containing the values of the n-th variable (the i-th element of the array is the value at the i-th time). The 'recvary' field of the n-th field of 'data' should be 1 if the n-th variable is time varying and 'recvary' should be 0 if the n-th variable is time invariant. Time invariant variables are generally things like various kinds of array descriptors that don't depend on the time. The 'fill' field of the n-th field of 'data' should be 1 if the variable should have its values overwritten with ISTP standard FILLVAL's for all times for which data are missing or invalid, as specified by the values of the 'quality_flag' variable, otherwise, 'fill' should be zero. NOTE: the first field of the 'data' structure must contain the time values in seconds since 01-01-1970/00:00:00 UT. NOTE: all of the time variant variable arrays in the 'data' structure must be based on the exact same time array (that set of times given in the first field of the 'data' structure). If you have a set of arrays to write out to CDF which are not all based on the same time array, you must first do the appropriate interpolations to generate a set of arrays that are all based on the same time array. See the routine '' for one simple way to do this with tplot variables. KEYWORDS: sktfile: name of the skeleton file that is to be used to specify the global attributes and their values, variable attributes and their values, and variable types and sizes. The value used for this parameter should not include any '.skt' suffix. cdffile: Name of CDF file to be created. Do not include any '.cdf' suffix. gattributes: FIX vattributes: FIX overwrite: if set, overwrite any existing CDF file with the specified name (default is to not overwrite any such existing file). status: status is 0 on successful return, nonzero on unsuccessful return. A routine that calls makecdf2 should in general use the status keyword parameter and verify that the CDF write has completed successfully. verbose: if set, display diagnostic messages. Useful for debugging. EXAMPLE: Consider making a CDF file of the FAST EESA summary data, as is done by the IDL routine ''. Assume that an appropriate skeleton file named 'fa_k0_ees_template.skt' has been created, containing the appropriate variable definitions and the appropriate global and variable scope attributes and their values. Assume that all the standard data necessary has been stored with 'store_data' in IDL. Then to make the CDF file named 'fa_k0_ees.cdf'containing the variables 'unix_time', 'el_0', 'el_90', 'el_180', 'el_en', 'el_low', 'el_low_pa', 'el_high', 'el_high_pa', 'JEe', and 'Je', you could give the following IDL commands: > get_data, 'el_0', data=el_0 > get_data, 'el_90', data=el_90 > get_data, 'el_180', data=el_180 > get_data, 'el_low', data=el_low > get_data, 'el_high', data=el_high > get_data, 'JEe', data=JEe > get_data, 'Je', data=Je > > data = {unix_time: {name:'unix_time', value:el_0.x, recvary:1, fill:0}, $ > el_0: {name:'el_0', value:el_0.y, recvary:1, fill:1}, $ > el_90: {name:'el_90', value:el_90.y, recvary:1, fill:1}, $ > el_180: {name:'el_180', value:el_180.y, recvary:1, fill:1}, $ > el_en: {name:'el_en', value:el_0.v, recvary:1, fill:1}, $ > el_low: {name:'el_low', value:el_low.y, recvary:1, fill:1}, $ > el_low_pa: {name:'el_low_pa', value:el_low.v, recvary:1, fill:1}, $ > el_high: {name:'el_high', value:el_high.y, recvary:1, fill:1}, $ > el_high_pa: {name:'el_high_pa', value:el_high.v, recvary:1, fill:1}, $ > JEe: {name:'JEe', value:JEe.y, recvary:1, fill:1}, $ > Je: {name:'Je', value:Je.y, recvary:1, fill:1}} > > makecdf2, data, sktfile='fa_k0_ees_template', $ cdffile='fa_k0_ees', status=status, /overwrite > if status ne 0 then begin > message, /info, 'makecdf2 failed.' > return > endif Note that in the above, the name of the field containing time was named 'unix_time', and not 'time'. In general, CDF variables can be named anything you want, but there are a few special exceptions. IF A CDF CONTAINS AN 'EPOCH' VARIABLE, THE FOLLOWING VARIABLE NAMES SHOULD NOT BE USED: TIME, YEAR, MONTH, DAY, HOUR, MINUTE, SECOND, MSEC, IYEAR, IMONTH, IDAY, IHOUR, IMINUTE, ISECOND, IMSEC. THIS IS BECAUSE MANY STANDARD CDF ANALYSIS TOOLS USE THESE NAMES FOR SPECIFIC PURPOSES. This is because of certain assumptions made by various software tools developed by CDHF. SEE ALSO: "time_align" VERSION: @(#) 1.2 98/08/13
NAME: make_cdf_index PROCEDURE: make_cdf_index, [pattern] PURPOSE: Creates an index file for CDF files. The index file will have one line for each CDF file found. Each line contains the start time, end time and filename with the following format: YYYY-MM-DD/hh:mm:ss YYYY-MM-DD/hh:mm:ss fullpathname.cdf CDF files may be distributed over many directories or disks. INPUT: pattern: (string) file pattern, default is: '*.cdf' KEYWORDS: DATA_DIREC (string) data directory(s) INDEX_FILENAME: (string) Name of index file to be created. NO_DUPLICATES: Set to 1 if duplicate days are to be ignored. SEE ALSO: "MAKECDF","loadcdf","LOADCDFSTR","LOADALLCDF", CREATED BY: Davin Larson, August 1996 VERSION: 97/11/20 1.4
WARNING!!! This Function is OBSOLETE try not to use it... FUNCTION: pb5_to_time INPUT: pb5 array from cdf files (especially kpd files) OUTPUT: double array, seconds since 1970 SEE ALSO: "PRINT_CDF_INFO", "loadcdf" CREATED BY: Davin Larson LAST MODIFICATION: @(#) 1.5 95/10/18
PROCEDURE: print_cdf_info PURPOSE: prints information about a specified cdf file INPUT: filename: The name of the file for which info is desired. KEYWORDS: none CREATED BY: unknown LAST MODIFICATION: @(#) 1.10 96/12/02