pro fill_bad_wi_mfi,d bad = where(d.dqf,nbad) if nbad ne 0 then begin tags = tag_names(d) for i=0,n_tags(d)-1 do begin ; help, tags(i), d(bad).(i) dt = data_type(d.(i)) if tags(i) eq 'TIME' then dt=0 if (dt eq 4) or (dt eq 5) then d(bad).(i)=!values.f_nan endfor endif end ;+ ;PROCEDURE: load_wi_mfi ;PURPOSE: ; loads WIND MAGNETOMETER Experiment key parameter data for "tplot". ; ;INPUTS: none, but will call "timespan" if time ; range is not already set. ;KEYWORDS: ; DATA: Raw data can be returned through this named variable. ; NVDATA: Raw non-varying data can be returned through this variable. ; TIME_RANGE: 2 element vector specifying the time range. ; MASTERFILE: (string) full file name to the master file. ; RESOLUTION: number of seconds resolution to return. ; PREFIX: Prefix for TPLOT variables created. Default is 'wi_' ; POLAR: Also computes the B field in polar coordinates. ;SEE ALSO: ; "make_cdf_index","loadcdf","loadcdfstr","loadallcdf" ; ;CREATED BY: Davin Larson ;FILE: ;LAST MODIFICATION: 02/11/01 ;- pro load_wi_mfi,time_range=trange,data=d,nvdata=nd,polar=polar, $ prefix= prefix, $ resolution = res, $ cdfnames = cdfnames, $ bartel=bartel, $ masterfile=masterfile if not keyword_set(masterfile) then masterfile = 'wi_k0_mfi_files' if keyword_set(bartel) then masterfile = 'wi_k0_mfi_B_files' cdfnames = ['BGSEc','RMS','DQF'] loadallcdf,masterfile=masterfile,cdfnames=cdfnames,data=d, $ novarnames=novarnames,novard=nd,time_range=trange, $ res=res,filter_proc='fill_bad_wi_mfi' if not keyword_set(d) then begin print,'No data loaded' return endif fill_bad_wi_mfi,d if data_type(prefix) eq 7 then px=prefix else px = 'wi_' ;name = px+'B' store_data,px+'B',data={x:d.time,y:dimen_shift(d.BGSEc,1)},max=900. $ , dlim={labels:['Bx','By','Bz']} store_data,px+'B_rms',data={x:d.time,y:dimen_shift(d.RMS,1)},max=900. if keyword_set(polar) then begin xyz_to_polar,px+'B',/ph_0_360 options,px+'B_mag','ytitle','|B|' options,px+'B_th','ytitle','!4h!X!DB!U' ylim,px+'B_th',-90.,90.,0 options,px+'B_phi','ytitle','!4u!X!DB!U' ylim,px+'B_phi',0.,360. options,px+'B_phi','psym',3 endif end