;+ ;PROCEDURE: load_kp ;PURPOSE: ; Loads Kp and ap data from a text file ; Variables stored include: ; Kp: Kp index (multiplied by 10) ; ap: ap index ; Sol_Rot_Num: Bartels Solar Rotation Number ; Sol_Rot_Day: Number of day within Bartels 27-day cycle ; Kp_Sum: Sum of the eight Kp indices for the day ; ap_Mean: Mean of the eight ap indices for the day ; Cp: Cp or Planetary Daily Character Figure ; C9: Conversion of Cp to the 0-9 range ; Sunspot_Number: International Sunspot Number ; Solar_Radio_Flux: Ottawa 10.7-cm Solar Radio Flux Adjusted to 1 AU ; Flux_Qualifier: "0" indicates flux required no adjustment. ; "1" indicates flux required adjustment for burst ; in progress at time of measurement. "2" indicates a flux ; approximated by either interpolation or extrapolation. ; "3" indicates no observation. ; ;INPUTS: ; none, but will call "timespan" if time_range is not already set. ; ;KEYWORDS: ; time_range: 2 element vector specifying the time range. ; ;CREATED BY: Peter Schroeder ;LAST MODIFIED: @(#)load_kp.pro 1.1 99/01/14 ;- pro load_kp,time_range=trange file_prefix = '/disks/aeolus/disk1/wind/data/kp/' if not keyword_set(trange) then get_timespan,tr else tr=time_double(trange) if n_elements(tr) eq 1 then tr = [tr, tr+86399d0] begintime = time_struct(tr(0)) endtime = time_struct(tr(1)) years = begintime.year+indgen(endtime.year-begintime.year+1) nyears = n_elements(years) kpdata = intarr(8.*366.*nyears) apdata = kpdata kptimes = dblarr(8.*366.*nyears) daytimes = dblarr(366.*nyears) srndata = intarr(366.*nyears) srddata = srndata kpsdata = srndata apmdata = srndata cpdata = fltarr(366.*nyears) c9data = srndata ssndata = srndata srfdata = cpdata fqdata = srndata i = 0. for j=0,nyears-1 do begin file = file_prefix+strcompress(years(j),/rem) print,'Loading '+file+'...' get_lun,lun openr,lun,file on_ioerror,bad while not eof(lun) do begin full_line = '' readf,lun,full_line year = strmid(full_line,0,2) month = strmid(full_line,2,2) day = strmid(full_line,4,2) srndata[i] = fix(strmid(full_line,6,4)) srddata[i] = fix(strmid(full_line,10,2)) for k = 0,7 do kpdata[k+i*8] = fix(strmid(full_line,12+2*k,2)) kpsdata[i] = fix(strmid(full_line,28,3)) for k = 0,7 do apdata[k+i*8] = fix(strmid(full_line,31+3*k,3)) apmdata[i] = fix(strmid(full_line,55,3)) cpdata[i] = float(strmid(full_line,58,3)) c9data[i] = fix(strmid(full_line,61,1)) ssndata[i] = fix(strmid(full_line,62,3)) srfdata[i] = float(strmid(full_line,65,5)) fqdata[i] = fix(strmid(full_line,70,1)) kptimes[i*8.:(i+1)*8.-1.] = time_double('19'+year+'-'+month+'-'+$ day+'/'+string(indgen(8)*3)+':00:00') daytimes[i] = time_double('19'+year+'-'+month+'-'+day) i = i+1. endwhile bad: close,lun free_lun,lun endfor store_data,'Kp',data={x: kptimes[0:i*8-1], y: kpdata[0:i*8-1]} store_data,'ap',data={x: kptimes[0:i*8-1], y: apdata[0:i*8-1]} store_data,'Sol_Rot_Num',data={x: daytimes[0:i-1], y: srndata[0:i-1]} store_data,'Sol_Rot_Day',data={x: daytimes[0:i-1], y: srddata[0:i-1]} store_data,'Kp_Sum',data={x: daytimes[0:i-1], y: kpsdata[0:i-1]} store_data,'ap_Mean',data={x: daytimes[0:i-1], y: apmdata[0:i-1]} store_data,'Cp',data={x: daytimes[0:i-1], y: cpdata[0:i-1]} store_data,'C9',data={x: daytimes[0:i-1], y: c9data[0:i-1]} store_data,'Sunspot_Number',data={x: daytimes[0:i-1], y: ssndata[0:i-1]} store_data,'Solar_Radio_Flux',data={x: daytimes[0:i-1], y: srfdata[0:i-1]} store_data,'Flux_Qualifier',data={x: daytimes[0:i-1], y: fqdata[0:i-1]} end