This page was created by the IDL library routine
Last modified: Wed Jun 12 10:49:46 2024.
NAME: themis_fileconfig PURPOSE: A widget that allows the user to set some of the fields in the !themis system variable: Also allows the user to set the THEMIS configuration text file, and save it HISTORY: 17-may-2007, jmm, 2-jul-2007, jmm, 'Add trailing slash to data directories, if necessary 5-may-2008, cg, removed text boxes and replaced with radio buttons or pulldowns, fixed reset to default 10-aug-2011, lphilpott, Added option to set a template to load on startup of gui. Changed layout of widgets slightly to make things line up in both windows and linux. 24-oct-2013 clr, removed graphic buttons and goes wind and istp code. panel is now tabbed $LastChangedBy: jwl $ $LastChangedDate: 2022-03-01 13:51:02 -0800 (Tue, 01 Mar 2022) $ $LastChangedRevision: 30635 $ $URL: svn+ssh:// $
(See projects/themis/spedas_plugin/
NAME: thm_ui_gen_overplot PURPOSE: Widget wrapper for spd_ui_overplot used to create THEMIS overview plots in SPEDAS. CALLING SEQUENCE: See SPEDAS plugin API INPUT: gui_id: The id of the main GUI window. historyWin: The history window object. oplot_calls: The number calls to thm_gen_overplot callSequence: object that stores sequence of procedure calls that was used to load data windowStorage: standard windowStorage object windowMenus: standard menu object loadedData: standard loadedData object drawObject: standard drawObject object OUTPUT: none $LastChangedBy: nikos $ $LastChangedDate: 2022-03-16 21:14:08 -0700 (Wed, 16 Mar 2022) $ $LastChangedRevision: 30684 $ $URL: svn+ssh:// $
(See projects/themis/spedas_plugin/
NAME: thm_ui_part_getspec_options PURPOSE: A interface to for creating and loading THEMIS energy/ angular particle spectra into the GUI. Intended to be called from SPD_UI_INIT_LOAD_WINDOW.PRO using the SPEDAS load API. CALLING SEQUENCE: thm_ui_part_getspec_options, tab_id, loadedData, historyWin, statusBar, $ treecopy, trObj, callSequence, $ loadTree=loadTree, $ timeWidget=timeid INPUT: tab_id: The widget id of the tab. loadedData: The loadedData object. historyWin: The history window object. statusText: The status bar object for the main Load window. treeCopyPtr: Pointer variable to a copy of the load widget tree. trObj: The GUI timerange object. callSequence: Reference to GUI call sequence object OUTPUT: loadTree = The Load widget tree. timeWidget = The time widget object. NOTES: HISTORY: 5-jan-2009, jmm, 14-jan-2009, jmm, added statusbar object 15-jan-2009, jmm, added external_state, so that the active data widget on the dproc panel can be updated. 23-jan-2009, jmm, deletes tplot variables created during processing, correctly updates active data 13-may-2009, bck, moved code from Data Processing window to Load window 16-jul-2012, aaf, rewrote error checking on input values to match the behavior of other GUI windows ??-sept-2013, aaf, modified to use new spectrogram code 01-jul-2014, aaf, now conforms to standard SPEDAS load API 19-mar-2015, aaf, moments, combined data, eclipse corrections, use plugin replay API $LastChangedBy: nikos $ $LastChangedDate: 2019-01-31 09:51:05 -0800 (Thu, 31 Jan 2019) $ $LastChangedRevision: 26523 $ $URL: svn+ssh:// $
(See projects/themis/spedas_plugin/
Purpose: Helper function to check if strings from user input contain valid numbers. -returns 1 if widget contains a valid number, 0 otherwise -if the input is invalid or out of range then a pop-up message will be generated to notify the user Arguments: state: state data structure uname: uname of the widget to check namestring: string used to indentify quantity in the error message, e.g "phi min", "maximum energy" Keywords (optional): min: the minimum valid value for the quantity in question max: the maximum valid value for the quantity in question value: set to names keyword to return the numeric value of the widget
(See projects/themis/spedas_plugin/
Procedure: thm_ui_part_products Purpose: Wrapper interface between SPEDAS GUI plugin and thm_part_products and thm_part_combine. Input: API Required: loaded_data: SPEDAS loaded data object history_window: SPEDAS history window object status_bar: SPEDAS status bar object Unique (options not passed to particle routines): load_flags: flag array denoting which requested probe/datatype/output combinations are to be processed (controls overwrite & replay) Output: none Notes: -This routine should comply with the SPEDAS plugin replay API -Some particle routines pass keywords to lower level routines through _extra $LastChangedBy: aaflores $ $LastChangedDate: 2015-07-09 19:17:31 -0700 (Thu, 09 Jul 2015) $ $LastChangedRevision: 18063 $ $URL: svn+ssh:// $
(See projects/themis/spedas_plugin/