;+ ;NAME: ; thm_ui_part_getspec_options ; ;PURPOSE: ; A interface to thm_part_products.pro for creating and loading THEMIS energy/ ; angular particle spectra into the GUI. Intended to be called from ; SPD_UI_INIT_LOAD_WINDOW.PRO using the SPEDAS load API. ; ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; thm_ui_part_getspec_options, tab_id, loadedData, historyWin, statusBar, $ ; treecopy, trObj, callSequence, $ ; loadTree=loadTree, $ ; timeWidget=timeid ; ;INPUT: ; tab_id: The widget id of the tab. ; loadedData: The loadedData object. ; historyWin: The history window object. ; statusText: The status bar object for the main Load window. ; treeCopyPtr: Pointer variable to a copy of the load widget tree. ; trObj: The GUI timerange object. ; callSequence: Reference to GUI call sequence object ; ;OUTPUT: ; loadTree = The Load widget tree. ; timeWidget = The time widget object. ; ;NOTES: ; ; ;HISTORY: ; 5-jan-2009, jmm, jimm@ssl.berkeley.edu ; 14-jan-2009, jmm, added statusbar object ; 15-jan-2009, jmm, added external_state, so that the active data ; widget on the dproc panel can be updated. ; 23-jan-2009, jmm, deletes tplot variables created during processing, ; correctly updates active data ; 13-may-2009, bck, moved code from Data Processing window to Load window ; 16-jul-2012, aaf, rewrote error checking on input values to match the ; behavior of other GUI windows ; ??-sept-2013, aaf, modified to use new spectrogram code ; 01-jul-2014, aaf, now conforms to standard SPEDAS load API ; 19-mar-2015, aaf, moments, combined data, eclipse corrections, use plugin replay API ; ; ;$LastChangedBy: nikos $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2019-01-31 09:51:05 -0800 (Thu, 31 Jan 2019) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 26523 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_6_1/projects/themis/spedas_plugin/thm_ui_part_getspec_options.pro $ ;- ; Helper function ; Checks if input from text widget is a valid number, returns NaN if not ; (imitates check done within spinner) function thm_ui_part_getspec_check_num, num compile_opt idl2, hidden if is_numeric(num,/sci) then begin on_ioerror, fail ; if we have a valid number, use calc to evaluate the expression calc, 'num='+num return, double(num) fail: return, !values.D_NAN endif else begin return,!values.D_NAN endelse end ; Helper function to abstract sensitization of FAC related widgets ; pro thm_ui_part_getspec_sens_fac, top_id compile_opt idl2, hidden ;check status of gyro and pa buttons id = widget_info(top_id, find_by_uname='pa') pa_set = widget_info(id,/button_set) id = widget_info(top_id, find_by_uname='gyro') gyro_set = widget_info(id,/button_set) ;sensitize widgets accordingly id = widget_info(top_id, find_by_uname='fac_base') widget_control, id, sensitive = pa_set or gyro_set id = widget_info(top_id, find_by_uname='gyro_base') widget_control, id, sensitive = pa_set or gyro_set id = widget_info(top_id, find_by_uname='pa_base') widget_control, id, sensitive = pa_set or gyro_set end ; Helper function to abstract sensitization of energy range widgets ; pro thm_ui_part_getspec_sens_erange, top_id compile_opt idl2, hidden ;check selection box id = widget_info(top_id, find_by_uname='energy_button') limit_energy = widget_info(id, /button_set) ;sensitze widgets accordingly id = widget_info(top_id, find_by_uname='energy_min') widget_control, id, sensitive = limit_energy id = widget_info(top_id, find_by_uname='energy_max') widget_control, id, sensitive = limit_energy end ; Helper function to abstract sensitization of ESA background widgets ; pro thm_ui_part_getspec_sens_esabgnd, top_id compile_opt idl2, hidden ;check selection box id = widget_info(top_id, find_by_uname='esa_bgnd_remove') esa_bgnd_remove = widget_info(id, /button_set) ;sensitze widgets accordingly id = widget_info(top_id, find_by_uname='esa_bgnd_base') widget_control, id, sensitive = esa_bgnd_remove end ; Helper function to edit data type list with regards to ; combed data and sst calibration options. ; pro thm_ui_part_getspec_datatype, state compile_opt idl2, hidden ;get combined data option combined_id = widget_info(state.tab_id, find_by_uname='combined') combined = widget_info(combined_id, /button_set) ;get sst calibration option ;sst calibrations should always be used for combined data sst_cal_id = widget_info(state.tab_id, find_by_uname='sst_cal') sst_cal = combined ? 1b: widget_info(sst_cal_id, /button_set) ;get appropriate datatype list if combined then begin valid_datatypes = state.validCombinedTypes endif else if sst_cal then begin valid_datatypes = state.validCalTypes endif else begin valid_datatypes = state.validDataTypes endelse ;set datatype list id = widget_info(state.tab_id, find_by_uname='data_type_list') widget_control, id, set_value=valid_datatypes ;sensitize/select sst calibration button based on combined data option widget_control, sst_cal_id, set_button=sst_cal, sens=~combined end ;+ ; Purpose: ; Helper function to check if strings from user input ; contain valid numbers. ; -returns 1 if widget contains a valid number, 0 otherwise ; -if the input is invalid or out of range then a pop-up ; message will be generated to notify the user ; ; Arguments: ; state: state data structure ; uname: uname of the widget to check ; namestring: string used to indentify quantity in the ; error message, e.g "phi min", "maximum energy" ; ; Keywords (optional): ; min: the minimum valid value for the quantity in question ; max: the maximum valid value for the quantity in question ; value: set to names keyword to return the numeric value ; of the widget ; ;- function thm_ui_part_getspec_check_input, state, uname, namestring, $ min=min, max=max, value=value compile_opt idl2, hidden tlb = state.tab_id ;get value id = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname=uname) widget_control, id, get_value=value ;convert to numerical if string is passed in if size(/type,value) eq 7 then begin value = thm_ui_part_getspec_check_num(value) endif ;if number is valid check against min & max values if finite(value,/nan) then begin msg = 'Invalid '+strlowcase(namestring)+'.' endif else if ~undefined(min) && value lt min then begin msg = namestring+' must be greater than or equal to ' + $ strtrim(string(min),1) + '.' endif else if ~undefined(max) && value gt max then begin msg = namestring+' must be less than or equal to ' + $ strtrim(string(max),1) + '.' endif else begin ;if we made it here then we're good to go return, 1 endelse ;report an issues with input x=dialog_message(msg,/center) ;return previous (valid) value if requested ;this will ensure a valid value is always passed back if arg_present(value) then begin str_element, state, uname, value endif return, 0 end ; Helper function to reset one or more widgets' value(s) ; pro thm_ui_part_getspec_reset_widget, state, uname compile_opt idl2, hidden for i=0, n_elements(uname)-1 do begin ;get widget id and type id = widget_info(state.tab_id, find_by_uname=uname[i]) type = widget_info(id, /type) ;get stored value str_element, state, uname[i], value ;update widget case type of 1: widget_control, id, set_button=value ;button 12: begin widget_control, id, get_value=list ;combobx widget_control, id, set_combobox_select=where(list eq value) end else: widget_control, id, set_value=value ;spinner/text endcase endfor end ; Helper function to copy a widget's value into the ; appropriate variable ; pro thm_ui_part_getspec_set_value, state, uname compile_opt idl2, hidden for i=0, n_elements(uname)-1 do begin ;get widget id and type id = widget_info(state.tab_id, find_by_uname=uname[i]) type = widget_info(id, /type) ;get appropriate value case type of 1: value = widget_info(id, /button_set) ;button 12: value = widget_info(id, /combobox_gettext) ;combobox else: widget_control, id, get_value=value ;spinner/text endcase ;strings from widget_control are often single-element arrays if n_elements(value) eq 1 then value=value[0] ;set value in state structure str_element, state, uname[i], value, /add endfor end ; Helper procedure to be called when ready to load spectra. ; -This procedure will check the applicable widgets for ; valid input and stores valid entries. ; -If the input is invalid the widgets will be reset ; pro thm_ui_part_getspec_set_values, state, error=error compile_opt idl2, hidden error= 1b tlb = state.tab_id ;Check phi input ; first check in inputs are valid, min > max allowed a0 = thm_ui_part_getspec_check_input(state,'phi_min','Phi min',min=0,max=360,value=pmin) a1 = thm_ui_part_getspec_check_input(state,'phi_max','Phi max',min=0,max=360,value=pmax) if ~a0 || ~a1 then begin return endif ;check start angle a3 = thm_ui_part_getspec_check_input(state,'start_angle','Start angle',value=sa) if ~a3 then begin return endif ;check theta input a0 = thm_ui_part_getspec_check_input(state,'theta_min','Theta min',min=-90,max=90,value=tmin) a1 = thm_ui_part_getspec_check_input(state,'theta_max','Theta max',min=-90,max=90,value=tmax) if ~a0 || ~a1 || tmin ge tmax then begin if a0 && a1 && tmin ge tmax then x=dialog_message('Theta minimum must be less than maximum.',/center) return endif ;check pitch angle input a0 = thm_ui_part_getspec_check_input(state,'pa_min','Pitch Angle min',min=0,max=180,value=pamin) a1 = thm_ui_part_getspec_check_input(state,'pa_max','Pitch Angle max',min=0,max=180,value=pamax) if ~a0 || ~a1 || pamin ge pamax then begin if a0 && a1 && pamin ge pamax then x=dialog_message('Pitch angle minimum must be less than maximum.',/center) return endif ;check gyrophase input a0 = thm_ui_part_getspec_check_input(state,'gyro_min','Gyrophase min',min=0,max=360,value=gvmin) a1 = thm_ui_part_getspec_check_input(state,'gyro_max','Gyrophase max',min=0,max=360,value=gvmax) if ~a0 || ~a1 || gvmin ge gvmax then begin if a0 && a1 && gvmin ge gvmax then x=dialog_message('Gyrophase minimum must be less than maximum.',/center) return endif ;check energy limit input if option is selected id = widget_info(state.tab_id, find_by_uname='energy_button') state.energy_button = widget_info(id, /button_set) ; Fix the reading of the energy state button if state.energy_button then begin e0 = thm_ui_part_getspec_check_input(state,'energy_min','Energy min',min=0,value=emin) e1 = thm_ui_part_getspec_check_input(state,'energy_max','Energy max',min=0,value=emax) if ~e0 || ~e1 || emin ge emax then begin if e0 && e1 && emin ge emax then x=dialog_message('Energy minimun must be less than maximum.',/center) return endif endif ;check regrid input r0 = thm_ui_part_getspec_check_input(state,'regrid_phi','Regrid dimension (long)',min=4) r1 = thm_ui_part_getspec_check_input(state,'regrid_theta','Regrid dimension (lat)',min=2) if ~r0 then begin return endif if ~r1 then begin return endif ;check background removal input bnp = thm_ui_part_getspec_check_input(state,'bgnd_npoints','Background points',min=1) bs = thm_ui_part_getspec_check_input(state,'bgnd_scale','Background scale',min=0) if ~bnp or ~bs then begin return endif ;if no errors then set all options and clear error flag error = 0b thm_ui_part_getspec_set_value, state, state.widget_list ; ;set suffix ; ;anything can be a suffix, as long as there are no spaces ; id = widget_info(state.tab_id, find_by_uname='suffix') ; widget_control, id, get_value = suffix ; state.suffix = strcompress(/remove_all, suffix) ; ;set SST contamination removal option ; id = widget_info(state.tab_id, find_by_uname='sst_method_clean') ; state.sst_method_clean = widget_info(id, /button_set) ; ; ;set SST calibration removal option ; id = widget_info(state.tab_id, find_by_uname='sst_cal') ; state.sst_cal = widget_info(id, /button_set) ; ; ;set ESA background removal option ; id = widget_info(state.tab_id, find_by_uname='esa_bgnd_remove') ; state.esa_bgnd_remove = widget_info(id, /button_set) ;set output types types = state.validoutputs for i=0, n_elements(types)-1 do begin id = widget_info(state.tab_id, find_by_uname=types[i]) if widget_info(id, /button_set) then outputs = array_concat(types[i],outputs) endfor ;leave blank string to denote no selection ;must use str_element to change the number of elements in the state variable str_element, state, 'outputs', keyword_set(outputs) ? outputs:'', /add_replace end ; Helper function ;------------------------------------------------------------- ; -Sets all widget to their default states/values ; -Called on startup and upon user requested options reset ; pro thm_ui_part_getspec_set_defaults, state compile_opt idl2, hidden ;------------------------------------------------------- ; Set defaults ;------------------------------------------------------- ;Set values in state structure ; -most widgets will be updated by checking the ; associated value stored in the state structure state.suffix = '' str_element, state, 'outputs', ['phi','theta','energy'], /add_replace state.phi_min = 0. state.phi_max = 360. state.theta_min = -90. state.theta_max = 90. state.pa_min = 0. state.pa_max = 180. state.gyro_min = 0. state.gyro_max = 360. state.start_angle = 0. state.energy_button = 0b state.energy_min = 0. state.energy_max = 1e7 state.fac_type = 'MPHIGEO' state.regrid_phi = 16 state.regrid_theta = 8 state.sst_cal = 1b state.sst_method_clean = 0b state.eclipse = 0b state.sc_pot = 1b state.esa_bgnd_remove = 1b state.bgnd_type = 'Anode' state.bgnd_npoints = 3.0 state.bgnd_scale = 1.0 state.combined = 0b ;clear probe and data type selections ; -only works once the widget it realized if widget_info(state.probelist, /realized) then begin widget_control, state.probeList , set_list_select=-1 widget_control, state.dataTypeList, set_list_select=-1 endif ;------------------------------------------------------- ; Update Widgets ; -no defaults set in this section, only widget updates ;------------------------------------------------------- ;update applicable widgets from state structures values thm_ui_part_getspec_reset_widget, state, state.widget_list ;update datatype list from other settings thm_ui_part_getspec_datatype, state ;update output selection buttons for i=0, n_elements(state.validOutputs)-1 do begin id=widget_info(state.tab_id, find_by_uname=state.validoutputs[i]) widget_control, id, set_button = in_set(state.validoutputs[i],state.outputs) endfor ;sensitize/desensitize FAC options thm_ui_part_getspec_sens_fac, state.tab_id ;sensitize/desensitize energy range options thm_ui_part_getspec_sens_erange, state.tab_id ;sensitize/desensitize ESA background options thm_ui_part_getspec_sens_esabgnd, state.tab_id spd_ui_message, 'Using default settings.', sb=state.statusbar, hw=state.historywin end ; Helper function ;---------------------------------------------------------- ; -Takes the current settings and calls the lower level ; spectrogram generation routine. ; pro thm_ui_part_getspec_apply, state, error=error compile_opt idl2, hidden error = 1 widget_control, /hourglass sb = state.statusbar hw = state.historywin ; Get requested options from widgets ;------------------------------------- ;check/get probe probe_idx = widget_info(state.probeList,/list_select) if probe_idx[0] eq -1 then begin spd_ui_message, 'Please select a probe.', sb=sb return endif if in_set(probe_idx,0) then begin probe = state.validProbes[1:n_elements(state.validProbes)-1] endif else begin probe = state.validProbes[probe_idx] endelse ;check/get data type data_idx = widget_info(state.dataTypeList,/list_select) if data_idx[0] eq -1 then begin spd_ui_message, 'Please select a datatype.', sb=sb return endif ;notify if no outputs have been selected for i=0, n_elements(state.validOutputs)-1 do begin id = widget_info(state.tab_id, find_by_uname=state.validOutputs[i]) if widget_info(id, /button_set) then outputs_set = 1b endfor if ~keyword_set(outputs_set) then begin spd_ui_message, 'Please select one or more output types.', sb=sb return endif ;check/get time range state.tr->getproperty, starttime=start_obj state.tr->getproperty, endtime=stop_obj start_obj->getProperty,tstring=startText stop_obj->getProperty,tstring=stopText trange = time_double([startText, stopText]) ;check that start and end times are not out of order/equal if trange[0] ge trange[1] then begin spd_ui_message, 'Error: End time less than/equal to Start time.', sb=sb return endif ;check that start and end times are not in the future if (trange[0] gt systime(/sec)) AND (trange[1] gt systime(/sec)) then begin spd_ui_message, "Error: Start and end times are later than today's date. ", sb=sb return endif ;Check editable widget values and copy into appropriate variables ;in the state structure if valid. thm_ui_part_getspec_set_values, state, error=error if keyword_set(error) then return ;get current tplot names so that extra varaibles can be cleaned later tnames_before = tnames('*',create_time=ct) ;get status of energy limit selection; ; -energy limits will only be applied if the button is set; id = widget_info(state.tab_id, find_by_uname='energy_button'); limit_energy = widget_info(id, /button_set) ; Copy options out of state structure ; -numerical values have already been checked ;------------------------------------- trange = time_double([startText, stopText]) outputs = state.outputs combined = state.combined suffix = strcompress(/remove_all, state.suffix) phi = [state.phi_min, state.phi_max] theta = [state.theta_min, state.theta_max] pitch = [state.pa_min, state.pa_max] gyro = [state.gyro_min, state.gyro_max] energy = state.energy_button ? [state.energy_min, state.energy_max]:0 start_angle = state.start_angle regrid = [state.regrid_phi,state.regrid_theta] fac_type = strlowcase(state.fac_type) use_eclipse_corrections = state.eclipse ? 2:0 use_sc_pot = state.sc_pot esa_bgnd_remove = state.esa_bgnd_remove bgnd_type = state.bgnd_type bgnd_npoints = state.bgnd_npoints bgnd_scale = state.bgnd_scale sst_cal = state.sst_cal sst_method_clean = state.sst_method_clean ;get appropriate list of valid datatypes ;combined data will also use sst calibrations if combined then begin valid_datatypes = state.validCombinedTypes endif else if sst_cal then begin valid_datatypes = state.validCalTypes endif else begin valid_datatypes = state.validDataTypes endelse ;get datatype selection if ~combined && in_set(data_idx,0) then begin datatype = valid_datatypes[1:*] endif else begin datatype = valid_datatypes[data_idx] endelse ; Check for overwrite ;---------------------------------- clobber = '' ;must be defined later ;initialize flags to control overwrite ;array must be created and reformed to maintain dimensionality (IDL bug?) flag_dimensions = [n_elements(probe),n_elements(datatype),n_elements(outputs)] load_flags = replicate(1b,flag_dimensions) load_flags = reform(load_flags,flag_dimensions) ;list out valid moment variables moment_outputs = [ 'avgtemp', $ 'density', $ 'eflux', $ 'flux', $ 'mftens', $ 'ptens', $ 'sc_current', $ 'velocity', $ 'vthermal', $ 'magt3', $ 't3', $ 'symm', $ 'symm_theta', $ 'symm_phi', $ 'symm_ang', $ 'delta_time' ] for k=0, n_elements(probe)-1 do begin for j=0, n_elements(datatype)-1 do begin for i=0, n_elements(outputs)-1 do begin ;names of existing variables in gui existing_names = state.loadedData->getGroupNames() if ~is_string(existing_names) then existing_names = '' ;check for presense of variable(s) ;requesting moments loads multiple products it is checked separately if outputs[i] eq 'moments' then begin ;moments load in an "all or nothing" fassion so the overwrite option ;should reflect that for simplicity and maintainability name = ssl_set_intersection('th'+probe[k]+'_'+datatype[j]+'_'+moment_outputs+suffix, existing_names) ;null set intersection will return -1L query = ~is_num(name) prompttext = 'One or more moments for datatype "th'+probe[k]+'_'+datatype[j]+ $ '" already exist. Do you want to overwrite them? '+ $ ' Click "No" continue with the existing variables or "Cancel" to stop.'+ $ ssl_newline()+' '+ssl_newline()+'The following will be overwritten: '+ $ ssl_newline()+strjoin(name,', ') endif else begin name = 'th'+probe[k]+'_'+datatype[j]+'_eflux'+'_'+outputs[i]+suffix query = in_set(name, existing_names) prompttext = 'The variable "' + name + $ '" already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?'+ $ ' Click "No" continue with the existing variable or "Cancel" to stop.' endelse ;query the user if the variable already exists if query then begin ;only query if neither "yes to all" nor "no to all" have been selected if clobber ne 'yestoall' AND clobber ne 'notoall' then begin clobber = spd_ui_prompt_widget(state.tab_id, sb, hw, promptText=promptText,$ title='Variable already exists.', defaultvalue='cancel', $ /no, /yes, /allno, /allyes, /cancel, frame_attr=8) ;re-initialize hourglass after prompt widget has been called widget_control, /hourglass endif ;if answer was "yes" or "yes to all" then nothing need be done if clobber eq 'no' then load_flags[k,j,i] = 0b if clobber eq 'notoall' then load_flags[k,j,i] = 0b if clobber eq 'cancel' then begin spd_ui_message, 'Load canceled by user.', sb=sb, hw=hw return endif endif endfor endfor endfor ; Generate products and load into gui ;---------------------------------- thm_ui_part_products, loaded_data=state.loadeddata, $ history_window=hw, $ status_bar=sb, $ load_flags=load_flags, $ probe=probe, $ datatype=datatype, $ trange=trange, $ outputs=outputs, $ suffix=suffix, $ energy=energy, $ phi=phi, $ theta=theta, $ gyro=gyro, $ pitch=pitch, $ start_angle=start_angle, $ regrid=regrid, $ fac_type=fac_type, $ use_eclipse_corrections=use_eclipse_corrections, $ use_sc_pot=use_sc_pot, $ esa_bgnd_remove = esa_bgnd_remove, $ bgnd_type = bgnd_type, $ bgnd_npoints = bgnd_npoints, $ bgnd_scale = bgnd_scale, $ sst_cal=sst_cal, $ sst_method_clean=sst_method_clean ; Add operation to call sequence ;---------------------------------- state.callsequence->addplugincall, 'thm_ui_part_products', $ load_flags=load_flags, $ probe=probe, $ datatype=datatype, $ trange=trange, $ outputs=outputs, $ suffix=suffix, $ energy=energy, $ phi=phi, $ theta=theta, $ gyro=gyro, $ pitch=pitch, $ start_angle=start_angle, $ regrid=regrid, $ fac_type=fac_type, $ use_eclipse_corrections=use_eclipse_corrections, $ use_sc_pot=use_sc_pot, $ esa_bgnd_remove = esa_bgnd_remove, $ bgnd_type = bgnd_type, $ bgnd_npoints = bgnd_npoints, $ bgnd_scale = bgnd_scale, $ sst_cal=sst_cal, $ sst_method_clean=sst_method_clean error = 0 return end ;event handler Pro thm_ui_part_getspec_options_event, event widget_control, /hourglass err_xxx = 0 Catch, err_xxx IF (err_xxx NE 0) THEN BEGIN Catch, /Cancel Help, /Last_Message, Output = err_msg print, err_msg dummy = dialog_message('An unknown error occured and the window must be restarted. See console for details.', /center, _extra=_extra) if is_struct(state) then begin for i=0, n_elements(err_msg)-1 do begin spd_ui_message, err_msg[i], sb=state.statusBar, hw=state.historyWin endfor endif if widget_valid(base) then begin Widget_Control, base, Set_UValue=state, /No_Copy endif Widget_Control, event.TOP, Set_UValue=state, /No_Copy widget_control, event.top,/destroy RETURN ENDIF ;ignore events from widgets without a uval widget_control, event.id, get_uvalue = uval if undefined(uval) then return ;get state structure base = event.handler widget_control, base, Get_UValue=state, /no_copy ;identify widget by uval and handle event ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- case uval of 'energy_button': begin ;sensitize energy limit spinners thm_ui_part_getspec_sens_erange, state.tab_id end 'fac_set': begin ;sensitize FAC options as needed thm_ui_part_getspec_sens_fac, state.tab_id end 'esa_bgnd_remove':begin ;sensitize/desensitize ESA background options thm_ui_part_getspec_sens_esabgnd, state.tab_id end 'CLEARDATA': begin widget_control, state.dataTypeList, set_list_select=-1 end 'CLEARPROBE': begin widget_control, state.probeList , set_list_select=-1 end 'SST_CAL': begin ;update datatype list from other settings thm_ui_part_getspec_datatype, state end 'COMBINED': begin ;update datatype list from other settings thm_ui_part_getspec_datatype, state end 'HELP':begin ;assume help file is in this dir info = routine_info('thm_ui_part_getspec_options',/source) xdisplayfile, file_dirname(info.path,/mark)+'thm_ui_part_getspec_options.txt', $ group=state.tab_id, /modal, done_button='Done', $ title='HELP: THEMIS Derived Particle Products' end 'RESET':begin thm_ui_part_getspec_set_defaults, state end 'APPLY':begin widget_control, /hourglass thm_ui_part_getspec_apply, state, error=error end else: endcase ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- widget_control, base, set_uvalue=state, /NO_COPY return end Pro thm_ui_part_getspec_options, tab_id, loadedData, historyWin, statusBar, $ treecopy, trObj, callSequence, $ loadTree=loadTree, $ timeWidget=timeid compile_opt idl2, hidden widget_control, /hourglass ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;Set up initial widget bases for easier formatting ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ mainBase = widget_base(tab_id, /col, tab_mode=1, event_pro='thm_ui_part_getspec_options_event') topBase = widget_base(mainBase, /row, ypad=8) topCol1Base = widget_base(topBase, /col, space=4) instrLabelBase = widget_base(topcol1base, /row) instrumentBase = widget_base(topCol1Base, /col, /frame, xpad=5) timeBase = widget_base(instrumentBase) dataButtonsBase = widget_base(instrumentBase, /col, /nonexclusive, xpad=5) dataBase = widget_base(instrumentBase, /row) topCol2Base = widget_base(topBase, /col, space=2) col2row1 = widget_base(topcol2base, ypad=2, /col) ;zero padding to keep tops aligned output_label_base = widget_base(col2row1, /row, /align_left) output_base = widget_base(col2row1, /row, /frame, ypad=6, xpad=5) col2row2 = widget_base(topcol2base, ypad=2, /col) angle_range_label_base = widget_base(col2row2, /row, /align_left) angle_range_base = widget_base(col2row2, /col, /frame, ypad=8, xpad=5) col2row3 = widget_base(topcol2base, ypad=2, /col) energy_range_label_base = widget_base(col2row3, /row, /align_left) energy_range_base = widget_base(col2row3, /col, /frame, ypad=4, xpad=5) col2row4 = widget_base(topcol2base, ypad=2, /col) start_angle_label_base = widget_base(col2row4, /row, /align_left) start_angle_base = widget_base(col2row4, /col, /frame, ypad=4, xpad=5) topCol3Base = widget_base(topBase, /col, space=6) col4row1 = widget_base(topcol3base, ypad=2, /col) suffixLabelBase = widget_base(col4row1,/col) suffixBase = widget_base(col4row1, /row, /frame, ypad=8, xpad=10) col3row2 = widget_base(topcol3base, ypad=2, /col) fac_label_base = widget_base(col3row2, /row, /align_left) fac_base = widget_base(col3row2, /col, /frame, ypad=4, xpad=5, uname='fac_base') col3row3 = widget_base(topcol3base, ypad=2, /col) esa_label_base = widget_base(col3row3, /row, /align_left) esa_base = widget_base(col3row3, /col, /frame, ypad=4, xpad=5) col3row4 = widget_base(topcol3base, ypad=2, /col) sst_label_base = widget_base(col3row4, /row, /align_left) sst_base = widget_base(col3row4, /col, /frame, ypad=4, xpad=5) buttonBase = widget_base(mainBase, /row, /align_center) ;data input options dataLabel = widget_label(instrLabelBase, value='Data Selection: ', /align_left) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; NOTE: Default widget values and states will be handled in the helper funtion ; thm_ui_part_getspec_set_defaults. ; Changes to any defaults shoudl be made there. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ loadtree = obj_new() ;calling function needs object passed back ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Time selection ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tr = trObj timeid = spd_ui_time_widget(timeBase,$ statusBar,$ historyWin,$ timeRangeObj=tr,$ uvalue='TIME_WIDGET',$ uname='time_widget') ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Probe selection ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ validProbesVisible = [' * (All)', ' A (P5)', ' B (P1)', ' C (P2)', ' D (P3)', ' E (P4)'] validProbes = ['*', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'] probeBase = Widget_Base(dataBase, /col) plBase = Widget_base(probeBase, /row) probeListBase = Widget_Base(plBase, /col) probeLabel = Widget_Label(probeListBase, Value='Probe: ', /align_left) probeList = Widget_List(probeListBase, Value=validProbesVisible, /multiple, uval='PROBE', XSize=16, YSize=11) probeButtonBase = Widget_Base(probeListBase, /row, /align_center) probeClearButton = Widget_Button(probeButtonBase, value=' Clear Probe ', uvalue='CLEARPROBE', /align_center) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Data type selection ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ suffix = '' validDataTypes = ['*', $ 'peif', 'peir', 'peib', 'peef', 'peer', 'peeb', $ 'psif', 'psir', 'psef', 'pser', 'pseb'] validCalTypes = ['*', $ 'peif', 'peir', 'peib', 'peef', 'peer', 'peeb', $ 'psif', 'psef', 'pseb'] validCombinedTypes= [ 'ptiff', 'ptirf', 'ptibb', 'ptifb', 'ptibf', $ 'pteff', 'pterf', 'ptebb', 'ptefb', 'ptebf' ] eclipse_button = widget_button(dataButtonsBase, value='Apply Eclipse Corrections', $ uname='eclipse', tooltip='Apply spacecraft spin corrections during eclipses') pot_button = widget_button(dataButtonsBase, value='Use Spacecraft Potential', $ uname='sc_pot', tooltip='Apply spacecraft potential corrections when producing moments') sstButton = widget_button(dataButtonsBase, value='Use SST Calibrations', $ uname='sst_cal', uval='SST_CAL', tooltip= $ 'Use newest SST calibrations (not available for reduced data).') combinedButton = widget_button(dataButtonsBase, value='Combined Data', $ uname='combined', uval='COMBINED', tooltip= $ 'Generate data from interpolated ESA+SST distributions. '+ $ 'The last two characters of the data type represent '+ $ 'ESA and SST data types respectively. '+ $ 'Processing time will significantly increase.') dataTypeBase = Widget_Base(DataBase, /col) dataL1Base = Widget_Base(dataTypeBase, /col) dataButtonBase = Widget_Base(dataTypeBase, /col, /align_center) dataTypeLabel = Widget_Label(dataL1Base, Value='Data Type:', /align_left) dataTypeList = Widget_List(dataL1Base, Value=validDataTypes, uval='DATATYPE', $ uname='data_type_list', /Multiple, XSize=16, YSize=11) dataClearButton = Widget_Button(dataButtonBase, value=' Clear Data Type ', uvalue='CLEARDATA', /align_center) ;suffix suffixlabel = widget_label(suffixLabelBase, value = 'Variable Name: ', /align_left) suffixlabel = widget_label(suffixBase, value = 'Suffix: ', /align_left) suffixid = widget_text(suffixBase, value=suffix, xsize=22, ysize=1, uname='suffix', /editable) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;Output selection ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ outputs = ['phi', 'theta', 'energy'] validOutputs = ['energy', 'phi', 'theta', 'pa', 'gyro', 'moments'] spec_label = widget_label(output_label_base, value='Output Selection') output_col_1 = widget_base(output_base, /nonexclusive) energy_button = widget_button(output_col_1, value='Energy', uname='energy', $ tooltip='Energy spectrogram. Averages over all look directions.') moments_button = widget_button(output_col_1, value='Moments', uname='moments', $ tooltip='Various products derived from moments of the particle distribution.') output_col_2 = widget_base(output_base, /nonexclusive) phi_button = widget_button(output_col_2, value='Phi', uname='phi', $ tooltip='Phi (longitudinal) spectrogram. Averages over energy and theta (latitude).') theta_button = widget_button(output_col_2, value='Theta', uname='theta', $ tooltip='Theta (latitudinal) spectrogram. Averages over energy and phi (longitude).') output_col_3 = widget_base(output_base, /nonexclusive) gyro_button = widget_button(output_col_3, value='Gyrophase', uname='gyro', uval='fac_set', $ tooltip='Field aligned longitudinal spectrogram. Averages over energy and latitude in field alligned coordinates.') pa_button = widget_button(output_col_3, value='Pitch Angle', uname='pa', uval='fac_set', $ tooltip='Field aligned colatitude spectrogram. Averages over energy and longitude in field alligned coordinates.') ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Angle Range Limits ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ phi = [0,360.] theta = [-90,90.] gyro = [0,360] pa = [0,180] angle_range_label = widget_label(angle_range_label_base, value='Angular Ranges (min/max):') phi_range_base = widget_base(angle_range_base, /row) phi_range_label = widget_label(phi_range_base, value='Phi: ') phi_min = spd_ui_spinner(phi_range_base, label='', value=phi[0], uname='phi_min', $ tooltip = 'Minimum phi used to calculate all outputs.') phi_max = spd_ui_spinner(phi_range_base, label='', value=phi[1], uname='phi_max', $ tooltip = 'Maximum phi used to calculate all outputs.') theta_range_base = widget_base(angle_range_base, /row) theta_range_label = widget_label(theta_range_base, value='Theta: ') theta_min = spd_ui_spinner(theta_range_base, label='', value=theta[0], uname='theta_min', $ tooltip = 'Minimum theta used to calculate all outputs.') theta_max = spd_ui_spinner(theta_range_base, label='', value=theta[1], uname='theta_max', $ tooltip = 'Maximum theta used to calculate all outputs.') gyro_range_base = widget_base(angle_range_base, /row, uname='gyro_base') gyro_range_label = widget_label(gyro_range_base, value='Gyro: ') gyro_min = spd_ui_spinner(gyro_range_base, label='', value=gyro[0], uname='gyro_min', $ tooltip = 'Minimum gyrophase used to calculate field aligned spectrograms.') gyro_max = spd_ui_spinner(gyro_range_base, label='', value=gyro[1], uname='gyro_max', $ tooltip = 'Maximum gyrophase used to calculate field aligned spectrograms.') pa_range_base = widget_base(angle_range_base, /row, uname='pa_base') pa_range_label = widget_label(pa_range_base, value='PA: ') pa_min = spd_ui_spinner(pa_range_base, label='', value=pa[0], uname='pa_min', $ tooltip = 'Minimum pitch angle used to calculate field aligned spectrograms.') pa_max = spd_ui_spinner(pa_range_base, label='', value=pa[1], uname='pa_max',$ tooltip = 'Maximum gyrophase used to calculate field aligned spectrograms.') ;dynamically resize angle range labels geo = widget_info(theta_range_label,/geo) widget_control, phi_range_label, xsize = geo.scr_xsize widget_control, gyro_range_label, xsize = geo.scr_xsize widget_control, pa_range_label, xsize = geo.scr_xsize ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Energy Range Limits ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ energy = [0,1e7] energy_range_label = widget_label(energy_range_label_base, value='Energy Range (min/max):') energy_range_base2 = widget_base(energy_range_base, /row, xpad=0) energy_range_bbase = widget_base(energy_range_base2, /nonexclusive, xpad=0, ypad=0) energy_range_button = widget_button(energy_range_bbase, value='Energy (eV):', $ uname='energy_button', uval='energy_button', $ tooltip='Limit the energy range used to calculate all spectrograms.') energy_min = spd_ui_spinner(energy_range_base2, label='', value=energy[0], uname='energy_min', $ tooltip = 'Minimum energy used to calculate all outputs.', inc=100) energy_max = spd_ui_spinner(energy_range_base2, label='', value=energy[1], uname='energy_max', $ tooltip = 'Maximum energy used to calculate all outputs.', inc=100) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Start Angle ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ phi_start = 0. start_angle_label = widget_label(start_angle_label_base, value='Phi/Gyro Start Angle: ') start_angle_base2 = widget_base(start_angle_base, /row, xpad=0) start_angle = spd_ui_spinner(start_angle_base2, label='Start plot at (degrees): ', $ value=phi_start, incr=5, uname='start_angle', $ tooltip='Start phi and gyrophase y axes at this value.') ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; FAC Options ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ regrid = [16,8.] facs = ['MPHIGEO', 'PHIGEO', 'XGSE'] fac_label = widget_label(fac_label_base, value='Field Aligned Coordinates:') regrid_base = widget_base(fac_base, /row) regrid_label = widget_label(regrid_base, value='Bin Num (long,lat): ') regrid_phi = spd_ui_spinner(regrid_base, value=regrid[0], incr=2, label='', text_box_size=4, $ uname='regrid_phi', tooltip='Number of bins across rphi (field aligned longitude).') regrid_theta = spd_ui_spinner(regrid_base, value=regrid[1], incr=2, label='', text_box_size=4, $ uname='regrid_theta', tooltip='Number of bins across rtheta (field aligned longitude).') coord_base = widget_base(fac_base, /row) coord_label = widget_label(coord_base, value='FAC Variant: ') coord_list = widget_combobox(coord_base, value=facs, uname='fac_type') ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ESA Background ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ esa_bgnd_remove = 1b bgnd_type = ['Anode','Angle','Omni'] bgnd_npoints = 3.0 bgnd_scale = 1.0 ; esa_label = widget_label(esa_label_base, value='ESA Background') esa_bgnd_button_base = widget_base(esa_label_base, /nonexclusive,/col, ypad=0) esa_bgnd_button = widget_button(esa_bgnd_button_base, $ value='Subtract ESA Background', $ uvalue='esa_bgnd_remove', uname='esa_bgnd_remove', $ tooltip='Calculate ESA background and subtract from '+ $ 'each time sample. Click "Help" for more information.') esa_bgnd_base = widget_base(esa_base, uname='esa_bgnd_base', /col, ypad=0) bgnd_type_base = widget_base(esa_bgnd_base, /row) bgnd_type_label = widget_label(bgnd_type_base, value='Type: ') bgnd_type_list = widget_combobox(bgnd_type_base, value=bgnd_type, uname='bgnd_type') bgnd_npoints_base = widget_base(esa_bgnd_base, /row) bgnd_npoints_spinner = spd_ui_spinner(bgnd_npoints_base, label='Number of Points: ', $ uname='bgnd_npoints', incr=1, value=bgnd_npoints, $ getXLabelSize=scr_xsize, min_value=1, text_box_size=6, $ tooltip='The number of lowest values points to '+ $ 'average over when determining background.') widget_control, bgnd_type_label, xsize = scr_xsize+1 bgnd_scale_base = widget_base(esa_bgnd_base, /row) bgnd_scale_spinner = spd_ui_spinner(bgnd_scale_base, label='Scaling: ', $ uname='bgnd_scale', incr=.05, value=bgnd_scale, $ xlabelsize=scr_xsize, min_value=0, text_box_size=6, $ tooltip='A scaling factor that the background '+ $ 'will be multiplied by before it is subtracted.') ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; SST Contamination ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sst_method_clean = 0b sst_label = widget_label(sst_label_base, value='SST Contamination:') sst_cont_button_base = widget_base(sst_base, /nonexclusive,/col) sst_cont_button = widget_button(sst_cont_button_base, $ value='Mask Default Bins', uname='sst_method_clean', $ tooltip='Mast the default set of contaminated SST bins.') ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Main Buttons ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ apply_button = Widget_Button(buttonBase, Value = ' Apply ', XSize = 70, $ UValue = 'APPLY', tooltip='Create particle spectra from active data') resetButton = Widget_Button(buttonBase, value='Reset All', uvalue='RESET', $ tooltip='Reset all settings to their default values.') helpButton = Widget_Button(buttonBase, Value='Help', XSize=70, UValue='HELP', $ tooltip='Open Help Window.') ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Widget formatting ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;dynamically resize the second column's framed bases geo = widget_info(energy_range_base,/geo) widget_control, output_base, xsize=geo.scr_xsize widget_control, angle_range_base, xsize=geo.scr_xsize widget_control, start_angle_base, xsize=geo.scr_xsize ;dynamically resize the third column's framed bases geo = widget_info(fac_base,/geo) widget_control, sst_base, xsize=geo.scr_xsize widget_control, suffixbase, xsize=geo.scr_xsize ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Set state, initialize widgets, and realize ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ state = {tab_id:tab_id, $ ; GUI objects & variables loadedData:loadedData, historyWin:historyWin, callSequence:callSequence, $ statusBar:statusBar, probeList:probeList, tr:tr, $ ; Widgets dataTypeList:dataTypeList, $ probeClearButton:probeClearButton, $ dataClearButton:dataClearButton, $ ; Widget support variables (lists etc) validProbes:validProbes, $ validDataTypes:validDataTypes, $ validCalTypes:validCalTypes, $ validCombinedTypes:validCombinedTypes, $ validOutputs:validOutputs, $ ; Stored Options (initialized in thm_ui_part_getspec_set_defaults) ; The nomenclature here should match the uvalue of the corresponding ; widget so that it's value can be set with thm_ui_part_getspec_set_value phi_min:0d, phi_max:0d, $ theta_min:0d, theta_max:0d, $ pa_min:0d, pa_max:0d, $ gyro_min:0d, gyro_max:0d, $ energy_button:0b, $ energy_min:0d, energy_max:0d, $ outputs:[''], $ start_angle:0d, $ regrid_phi:0d, regrid_theta:0d, $ fac_type:'', $ eclipse:0b, $ sc_pot:1b, $ esa_bgnd_remove:0b, $ bgnd_type:'', $ bgnd_npoints:0d, $ bgnd_scale:0d, $ sst_cal:0b, $ sst_method_clean:0b, $ combined:0b, $ suffix:'', $ widget_list: ['phi_min','phi_max', $ 'theta_min','theta_max', $ 'pa_min','pa_max', $ 'gyro_min','gyro_max', $ 'energy_min','energy_max', $ 'start_angle', $ 'suffix', $ 'fac_type', $ 'regrid_phi', 'regrid_theta', $ 'eclipse', $ 'esa_bgnd_remove', $ 'sc_pot', $ 'bgnd_type', $ 'bgnd_npoints', $ 'bgnd_scale', $ 'sst_cal', $ 'sst_method_clean', $ 'combined'] $ } ;Set widget values and states thm_ui_part_getspec_set_defaults, state widget_control, widget_info(tab_id, /child), set_uvalue=state, /no_copy Return End