This page was created by the IDL library routine mk_html_help2.

Last modified: Wed Jun 12 10:49:46 2024.

Directory Listing of Routines

Routine Descriptions


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 Purpose:  A crib showing how to transform data from ENP coordinates to GEI coordinates and vice versa

   E: sat to earth (in orbtial plane)
   N: east (in orbital plane)
   P: north (perpendicular to orbtial plane).

  Defined relative to another coordinate system:
   P_sat = spacecraft position in geocentric inertial coordinate system
   V_sat = deriv(P_sat)   (spacecraft velocity in the same coordinate system.)

   P_enp = P_sat cross V_sat
   E_enp = -P_sat
   N_enp = P_enp cross P_sat


 $LastChangedBy: egrimes $
 $LastChangedDate: 2014-02-11 08:33:06 -0800 (Tue, 11 Feb 2014) $
 $LastChangedRevision: 14275 $
 $URL: svn+ssh:// $

(See general/cotrans/special/enp/


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Procedure: enp_matrix_make

  Creates a set of matrices that will rotate data from the input coordinate system into
  ENP.(ie creates a GEI->ENP transformation matrix),
  You can use the invert keyword on tvector rotate to go from ENP->GEI
   E: sat to earth (in orbtial plane)
   N: east (in orbital plane)
   P: north (perpendicular to orbtial plane).

  Defined relative to another coordinate system:
   P_sat = spacecraft position in geocentric inertial coordinate system
   V_sat = deriv(P_sat)   (spacecraft velocity in the same coordinate system.)

   P_enp = P_sat cross V_sat
   E_enp = -P_sat
   N_enp = P_enp cross P_sat
  pos_tvarname:  Tplot Variable storing the spacecraft position in an intertial earth-centered cartesian coordinate system(like gei)
                 You can use globbing to pass multiple position vectors simultaneously. ('th?_state_pos')  
  xxx2enp transformation matrix

   fail=fail: Will be set to 1 if operation failed, returns 0 if operation succeeded.  Will not signal failure if
        at least one input was processed.
  suffix: The suffix to be appended to the tplot variables that the output matrices will be stored in.
         (Default: '_enp_mat' or '_pen_mat')
  newname: The name of the output matrix.  If this keyword is used with multiple input values, the outputs
          may overwrite each other.  So you should only set this keyword if there is a single value for the state input.
  velocity_tvar:  Set this keyword to the name of a tplot variable or variables that store velocities matching the positions.
           This way the routine doesn't need to calculate the velocity using derivatives  
  orbital_elements: Set this keyword to a 3-element array with orbital elements so the transformation can be generated without reference to the velocity at all.
                    If this keyword is set, this method will take precedence over velocity_tvar method, or position derivative method.
     orbital_elements[0] = time in double precision seconds since 1970, (can use time_double('2007-03-23') to generate)                 
     orbital_elements[1] = right ascension of the ascending node and
     orbital_elements[2] = inclination
     Can also pass in a 2xN element array if you want orbital elements
     to be interpolated to the specific time. Finally, can be a
     2xNxM element array, if you want to provide orbital elements for each tplot variable being processed.

  tvector_rotate,'g10_pos_gei_enp_mat','g10_b_gei'  ;GEI->ENP
  tvector_rotate,'g10_pos_gei_enp_mat','g10_b_enp',/invert ;ENP->GEI
  See ssl_general/cotrans/special/enp/
  1. Because velocity is calculated using the derivative of position,
  there should be a small numerical error at the end points of the time series
  2. Orbital elements method is based upon technique from Paul Lotaniu's C-based GEI2ENP transformation.

  3. Note, the assumption of constant orbital elements means there will be an error at the GEI-POS-Z 0-crossing, that
  is proportional to the error in the orbital elements, if the single orbital element method is used.

 $LastChangedBy: pcruce $
 $LastChangedDate: 2010-10-26 16:26:08 -0700 (Tue, 26 Oct 2010) $
 $LastChangedRevision: 7886 $
 $URL: svn+ssh:// $

(See general/cotrans/special/enp/