;+ ;Procedure: enp_matrix_make ; ;Purpose: ; Creates a set of matrices that will rotate data from the input coordinate system into ; ENP.(ie creates a GEI->ENP transformation matrix), ; You can use the invert keyword on tvector rotate to go from ENP->GEI ; E: sat to earth (in orbtial plane) ; N: east (in orbital plane) ; P: north (perpendicular to orbtial plane). ; ; Defined relative to another coordinate system: ; P_sat = spacecraft position in geocentric inertial coordinate system ; V_sat = deriv(P_sat) (spacecraft velocity in the same coordinate system.) ; ; P_enp = P_sat cross V_sat ; E_enp = -P_sat ; N_enp = P_enp cross P_sat ; ;Inputs: ; pos_tvarname: Tplot Variable storing the spacecraft position in an intertial earth-centered cartesian coordinate system(like gei) ; You can use globbing to pass multiple position vectors simultaneously. ('th?_state_pos') ; ;Outputs: ; xxx2enp transformation matrix ; ; Keywords: ; ; fail=fail: Will be set to 1 if operation failed, returns 0 if operation succeeded. Will not signal failure if ; at least one input was processed. ; suffix: The suffix to be appended to the tplot variables that the output matrices will be stored in. ; (Default: '_enp_mat' or '_pen_mat') ; newname: The name of the output matrix. If this keyword is used with multiple input values, the outputs ; may overwrite each other. So you should only set this keyword if there is a single value for the state input. ; velocity_tvar: Set this keyword to the name of a tplot variable or variables that store velocities matching the positions. ; This way the routine doesn't need to calculate the velocity using derivatives ; ; orbital_elements: Set this keyword to a 3-element array with orbital elements so the transformation can be generated without reference to the velocity at all. ; If this keyword is set, this method will take precedence over velocity_tvar method, or position derivative method. ; orbital_elements[0] = time in double precision seconds since 1970, (can use time_double('2007-03-23') to generate) ; orbital_elements[1] = right ascension of the ascending node and ; orbital_elements[2] = inclination ; ; Can also pass in a 2xN element array if you want orbital elements ; to be interpolated to the specific time. Finally, can be a ; 2xNxM element array, if you want to provide orbital elements for each tplot variable being processed. ; ; ;Examples: ; ; enp_matrix_make,'g10_pos_gei' ; tvector_rotate,'g10_pos_gei_enp_mat','g10_b_gei' ;GEI->ENP ; -OR- ; tvector_rotate,'g10_pos_gei_enp_mat','g10_b_enp',/invert ;ENP->GEI ; ; See ssl_general/cotrans/special/enp/enp_crib.pro ; ;Notes: ; 1. Because velocity is calculated using the derivative of position, ; there should be a small numerical error at the end points of the time series ; ; 2. Orbital elements method is based upon technique from Paul Lotaniu's C-based GEI2ENP transformation. ; ; 3. Note, the assumption of constant orbital elements means there will be an error at the GEI-POS-Z 0-crossing, that ; is proportional to the error in the orbital elements, if the single orbital element method is used. ; ; $LastChangedBy: pcruce $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2010-10-26 16:26:08 -0700 (Tue, 26 Oct 2010) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 7886 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_6_1/general/cotrans/special/enp/enp_matrix_make.pro $ ;- ;propagate orbital elements pro enp_matrix_propagate_orbit,tms,elements,ras=ras,inc=inc compile_opt idl2,hidden dim = dimen(elements) if n_elements(dim) eq 1 then begin ras = elements[1] inc = elements[2] endif else begin otms = reform(elements[0,*]) ras = interpol(reform(elements[1,*]),otms,tms) inc = interpol(reform(elements[2,*]),otms,tms) endelse end pro enp_matrix_make,pos_tvarname,fail=fail,suffix=suffix,newname=newname,velocity_tvar=velocity_tvar,orbital_elements=orbital_elements compile_opt idl2 fail = 1 if ~keyword_set(pos_tvarname) then begin dprint,'pos_tvarname not set' return endif varnames = tnames(pos_tvarname) if varnames[0] eq '' then begin dprint,'Failed, no tvars match pos_tvarname' return endif if keyword_set(velocity_tvar) then begin velnames = tnames(velocity_tvar) if velnames[0] eq '' then begin dprint,'Failed, velocity_tvar is invalid tplot variable.' return endif if n_elements(velnames) ne n_elements(varnames) then begin dprint,'Failed, number of position tvars and velocity tvars does not match' return endif endif if ~keyword_set(suffix) then begin suffix = '_enp_mat' endif if keyword_set(orbital_elements) then begin if ~is_num(orbital_elements) then begin dprint,'Failed, orbital_elements has illegal type' return endif orb_dim = dimen(orbital_elements) if orb_dim[0] ne 3 then begin dprint,'Failed, orbital_elements has wrong dimensions return endif if n_elements(orb_dim) eq 3 && orb_dim[2] ne n_elements(varnames) && orb_dim[2] ne 1 then begin dprint,'Failed, number of orbital_elements provided must match number of variables being transformed' return endif endif for i = 0,n_elements(varnames)-1 do begin undefine,vdata source_sys = cotrans_get_coord(varnames[i]) get_data,varnames[i],data=d,dlimits=dl,limits=l if ~is_struct(d) then begin dprint,varnames[i] + ' does not have a valid data component. Skipping variable.' continue endif if ~in_set(strlowcase(tag_names(d)),'y') then begin dprint,varnames[i] + ' does not have a valid data component. Skipping variable.' continue endif if ~in_set(strlowcase(tag_names(d)),'x') then begin dprint,varnames[i] + ' does not have a valid time component. Skipping variable.' continue endif if in_set(strlowcase(tag_names(d)),'v') then begin vdata = d.v endif tdata = d.x dim = dimen(d.y) dData = double(d.y) undefine,d if n_elements(dim) ne 2 || dim[1] ne 3 || dim[0] eq 1 then begin dprint,varnames[i] + ' data component has incorrect dimensions. Skipping variable.' continue endif ; Method is based upon technique from Paul Lotaniu's C-based GEI2ENP transformation. if keyword_set(orbital_elements) then begin out = dblarr(dim[0],3,3) if n_elements(orb_dim) eq 3 then begin eles = reform(orbital_elements[*,*,i]) endif else begin eles = orbital_elements endelse enp_matrix_propagate_orbit,tData,eles,ras=ras,inc=inc cosi=cos(inc*!DTOR) sini=sin(inc*!DTOR) cosnod=cos(ras*!DTOR) sinnod=sin(ras*!DTOR) rs=sqrt(total(dData^2,2)) cosw = (dData[*,0]/rs)*cosnod + (dData[*,1]/rs)*sinnod sinw = -(dData[*,0]/rs)*sinnod + (dData[*,1]/rs)*cosnod out[*,0,0] = -cosnod*cosw + sinnod*sinw*cosi out[*,0,1] = -cosnod*sinw - sinnod*cosw*cosi out[*,0,2] = sinnod*sini out[*,1,0] = -sinnod*cosw - cosnod*sinw*cosi out[*,1,1] = -sinnod*sinw + cosnod*cosw*cosi out[*,1,2] = -cosnod*sini out[*,2,0] = -sini*sinw out[*,2,1] = sini*cosw out[*,2,2] = cosi ;the transform above is enp->gei out = transpose(out,[0,2,1]) endif else begin if ~keyword_set(velnames) then begin velData = dblarr(dim) velData[*,0] = deriv(tData,dData[*,0]) velData[*,1] = deriv(tData,dData[*,1]) velData[*,2] = deriv(tData,dData[*,2]) endif else begin tinterpol_mxn,velnames[i],varnames[i],out=d if ~is_struct(d) then begin dprint,velnames[i] + ' does not have a valid data component. Skipping variable.' continue endif if ~in_set(strlowcase(tag_names(d)),'y') then begin dprint,velnames[i] + ' does not have a valid data component. Skipping variable.' continue endif velData = d.y endelse tcrossp,dData,velData,out=pData eData = -dData tcrossp,pData,dData,out=nData ;waits till the end to normalize, cross products produce reliable directions indepedent of vector magnitude tnormalize,pData,out=pUnit tnormalize,eData,out=eUnit tnormalize,nData,out=nUnit out = dblarr(dim[0],3,3) out[*,0,*] = eUnit out[*,1,*] = nUnit out[*,2,*] = pUnit endelse if n_elements(vData) gt 0 then begin outd = {x:temporary(tData),y:temporary(out),v:temporary(vData)} endif else begin outd = {x:temporary(tData),y:temporary(out)} endelse ;tvector rotate uses this flag to determine if it should take axes ;labels from the transformation matrix str_element,dl,'labflag',value=0,/add_replace str_element,dl,'data_att.coord_sys',coord_sys,/add_replace str_element,dl,'data_att.source_sys',source_sys,/add_replace if ~keyword_set(newname) then begin store_data,varnames[i]+suffix,data=outd,dlimits=dl,limits=l endif else begin store_data,newname,data=outd,dlimits=dl,limits=l endelse success=1 endfor ;if at least one output is processed, ;then set fail = 0 if keyword_set(success) then begin fail = 0 endif end