This page was created by the IDL library routine mk_html_help2.

Last modified: Wed Dec 20 10:37:44 2023.

Directory Listing of Routines

Routine Descriptions


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	This function returns the locations of the local extrema in a 
	given time series.

	Time Series Analysis

	Result = EXTREMA( Data )

	Data:  A vector of type integer or floating point.

	FLAT:  If set, all locations along broad flat extrema are returned.
		The default is for only the middle location to be returned.
	ENDS:  If set, end points are always returned as extrema.  The default 
		is to return the end points only if they lie outside the next 
		minimum and maximum.

	MAXIMA:  Returns the locations of the maxima.
	MINIMA:  Returns the locations of the minima.

	Result:  Returns the locations of the extrema.

	For each point, neighbouring values are compared to see if the given 
	point is an extremum.

	Define a vector.
	  data = [1,2,3,2]
	Find the local maxima.
	  result = extrema( data )
	The result should be [ 0, 2 ].

 	Written by:	Daithi A. Stone (, 2003-10-09.

(See projects/emm/OrbitGeometryPlotFiles/


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 Procedure to create a 2D cylindrical projection plot for a MAVEN spaecraft

      trange = mvn_cylplot_panel_brain, trange, res

      trange            - 2-elelment timerange over which to plot the

      res               - The time resolution to use when plotting

      [xy]range         - 2-element bounds for the plot, in
                          Rm. Default = [-3,3]

      showperiapsis     - Boolean: Indicate the location of
                          periapsis. Default = not set

      showticks         - Indicate regular intervals (centered on
                          periapsis) along the trajectory. Default =
                          not set

      tickinterval      - The interval at which to show ticks, in
                          seconds. Default = 600

      symsize           - Symbol size to use for the
                          trajectory. Sizes of periapsis, interval
                          ticks, crustal fields all scale from
                          this. Default = 1.

      charsize          - Character size to use for plot
                          axes. Default = 1

      noerase           - Boolean, default = 0. Setting to 1
                          indicates that and plot currently on the
                          plot device should not be erased.

      1. Berkeley MAVEN software
      2. - routine from David Fanning (coyote) to load
                      color tables, including Brewer colors.
      3. - Dave Brain version of

      1. This was developed for use with a single orbit
         trajectory. I'm not sure how it would work with
         something larger.
      2. This routine acts on tplot variables loaded using If it doesn't find them, it
         will load them.

 Dave Brain
 12 January, 2017 -Initial version

(See projects/emm/OrbitGeometryPlotFiles/


[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]

 Procedure to create a 2D cylindrical projection plot for a MAVEN spaecraft

      trange = mvn_cylplot_panel_brain, trange, res

      trange            - 2-elelment timerange over which to plot the

      res               - The time resolution to use when plotting

      [xy]range         - 2-element bounds for the plot, in
                          Rm. Default = [-3,3]

      showperiapsis     - Boolean: Indicate the location of
                          periapsis. Default = not set

      showticks         - Indicate regular intervals (centered on
                          periapsis) along the trajectory. Default =
                          not set

      tickinterval      - The interval at which to show ticks, in
                          seconds. Default = 600

      symsize           - Symbol size to use for the
                          trajectory. Sizes of periapsis, interval
                          ticks, crustal fields all scale from
                          this. Default = 1.

      charsize          - Character size to use for plot
                          axes. Default = 1

      noerase           - Boolean, default = 0. Setting to 1
                          indicates that and plot currently on the
                          plot device should not be erased.

      1. Berkeley MAVEN software
      2. - routine from David Fanning (coyote) to load
                      color tables, including Brewer colors.
      3. - Dave Brain version of

      1. This was developed for use with a single orbit
         trajectory. I'm not sure how it would work with
         something larger.
      2. This routine acts on tplot variables loaded using If it doesn't find them, it
         will load them.

 Dave Brain
 12 January, 2017 -Initial version

(See projects/emm/OrbitGeometryPlotFiles/


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 Function to return a trange corresponding to the start and stop
 times (measured apoapsis to apoapsis) of a single MAVEN orbit
 containing the timestamp passed to the function

      trange = mvn_get_orbit_times( time )

      time              - single timestamp. If an array is passed
                          the function only acts on the first element

      none outside of Berkeley MAVEN software (I think)

 Dave Brain
 12 January, 2017 -Initial version

(See projects/emm/OrbitGeometryPlotFiles/


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 Procedure to create a 2D groundtrack plot for a MAVEN spaecraft
 trajectory. It automatically includes a map of crustal Br from MGS.

      trange = mvn_groundtrack_panel_brain, trange, res

      trange            - 2-elelment timerange over which to plot the

      res               - The time resolution to use when plotting

      terminator        - Boolean: Indicate the location of the
                          terminator and subsolar point at the
                          midpoint of the timerange, and shade the
                          nightside. Default = not set

      showtermrange     - Boolean: Indicate the *range* in terminator
                          location over the trange passed to the
                          routine. Automatically sets /terminator,
                          and adds terminator lines and subsolar
                          locations for the start and stop of the
                          timerange. Default = not set

      showperiapsis     - Boolean: Indicate the location of
                          periapsis. Default = not set

      showticks         - Indicate regular intervals (centered on
                          periapsis) along the trajectory. Default =
                          not set

      tickinterval      - The interval at which to show ticks, in
                          seconds. Default = 600

      symsize           - Symbol size to use for the
                          trajectory. Sizes of periapsis, interval
                          ticks, crustal fields all scale from
                          this. Default = 1.

      charsize          - Character size to use for plot
                          axes. Default = 1

      noerase           - Boolean, default = 0. Setting to 1
                          indicates that and plot currently on the
                          plot device should not be erased.

      1. Berkeley MAVEN software
      2. - routine from David Fanning (coyote) to load
                      color tables, including Brewer colors.
      3. - Dave Brain version of
      4. Map of crustal field Br - edit line ~116 to point to the
                                   relevant location on your machine

      1. This was developed for use with a single orbit
         trajectory. I'm not sure how it would work with
         something larger.
      2. This routine acts on tplot variables loaded using If it doesn't find them, it
         will load them.

 Dave Brain
 12 January, 2017 -Initial version

(See projects/emm/OrbitGeometryPlotFiles/


[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]

 Procedure to create a 2D groundtrack plot for a MAVEN spaecraft
 trajectory. It automatically includes a map of crustal Br from MGS.

      trange = mvn_groundtrack_panel_brain, trange, res

      trange            - 2-elelment timerange over which to plot the

      res               - The time resolution to use when plotting

      terminator        - Boolean: Indicate the location of the
                          terminator and subsolar point at the
                          midpoint of the timerange, and shade the
                          nightside. Default = not set

      showtermrange     - Boolean: Indicate the *range* in terminator
                          location over the trange passed to the
                          routine. Automatically sets /terminator,
                          and adds terminator lines and subsolar
                          locations for the start and stop of the
                          timerange. Default = not set

      showperiapsis     - Boolean: Indicate the location of
                          periapsis. Default = not set

      showticks         - Indicate regular intervals (centered on
                          periapsis) along the trajectory. Default =
                          not set

      tickinterval      - The interval at which to show ticks, in
                          seconds. Default = 600

      symsize           - Symbol size to use for the
                          trajectory. Sizes of periapsis, interval
                          ticks, crustal fields all scale from
                          this. Default = 1.

      charsize          - Character size to use for plot
                          axes. Default = 1

      noerase           - Boolean, default = 0. Setting to 1
                          indicates that and plot currently on the
                          plot device should not be erased.

      1. Berkeley MAVEN software
      2. - routine from David Fanning (coyote) to load
                      color tables, including Brewer colors.
      3. - Dave Brain version of
      4. Map of crustal field Br - edit line ~116 to point to the
                                   relevant location on your machine

      1. This was developed for use with a single orbit
         trajectory. I'm not sure how it would work with
         something larger.
      2. This routine acts on tplot variables loaded using If it doesn't find them, it
         will load them.

 Dave Brain
 12 January, 2017 -Initial version

(See projects/emm/OrbitGeometryPlotFiles/


[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]

 Procedure to create tplot variables containing ephemeris information
 at a given time resolution over a given range. I realize
 there's a routine for this in the Berkeley distribution. I
 wanted things organized my own way, and had already started creating
 something when I found it.

      mvn_load_eph_brain, trange, 30d0

      trange            - timerange over which to load ephemeris

      res               - time resolution, in seconds. Default = 60

      none outside of Berkeley MAVEN software (I think)

 Dave Brain
 19 February, 2015 - Initial version (approximate date). Not the
                     prettiest code ever.

(See projects/emm/OrbitGeometryPlotFiles/


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 Routine to create an ephemeris survey plot with 6 different panels,
  given a single timestamp. The plot is for the entire orbit
  containing that timestamp

 Syntax: mvn_orbit_survey_plot_ephemeris, time, fileroot, screen=screen

      time              - any UTC timestamp, as string or double precision

      fileroot          - the name of the file, without extension
                          (i.e. no '.jpg' at the end)

      screen            - boolean keyword to send the output to the
                          screen; used for testing. Default = 0

      overlay           - Structure describing the image/data to be
                          overlaid on the sphere of Mars. Contains
                          the following tags:

                           LAT: N-element array of latitudes of each
                           point to be painted on the sphere.

                           ELON: N-element array of East longitudes
                           of each point to be painted on the sphere

                           DATA: N-element array of values
                           (e.g. brightnesses etc.) to be painted on
                           the sphere

                           COLOR_TABLE: which color table is wanted
                           for the overlay

                           LOG: 0 or 1 for whether the data should be
                           plotted with a logarithmic color scale

                           RANGE: the color scale range for the data

                           OBSPOS: in the case of images of Mars
                           captured by orbital assets, this is the
                           position of the "camera", in Cartesian

                           DESCRIPTION: a string, briefly describing
                           what is being overlaid on the
                           sphere. Ideally this should be less than
                           20 characters

                           FILENAME: if the image comes from a
                           particular file

 obspos: pos, description:disk [0, 0].bands[band_index], $
          Filename:file, time: time}

      There are many code dependencies here, not including the
      obvious dependency on Berkeley's MAVEN software. I haven't had
      time to compile a complete list, but here's a partial
      list of code by Dave Brain that is needed to run this routine: - gets start/stop times for orbit - loads ephemeris info into tplot vars - makes a projection plot - makes a cylindrical coords plot - makes a groundtrack - makes a 3D projection - establishes a postscript plot - positions a plot - resets plotting system variables - Dave Brain version of - Dave Fanning (coyote) version of loadct, with
                   brewer color mode enabled.

   1. VERY IMPORTANT! Three of the routines contain a hard link to a
      file containing crustal field information. This link needs to be
      edited for the location of the file on your machine.
      Please check header comments for:
   2. This routine make use of the ImageMagick "convert" utility,
      installed on Dave's machine. This step is used when
      converting the .eps file producded by the program into a .jpg
      file. If you don't have "convert", simply comment out
      the lines below that create the .jpg and remove the .eps
      files. (lines ~219-223, right under ;;;Cleanup)
   3. This is optimized to work on Dave's machine. No
      guarantees about your machine!

 Dave Brain
 18 Jan, 2017 - Original version

(See projects/emm/OrbitGeometryPlotFiles/


[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]

 Procedure to create a 2D orbit projection plot for a MAVEN spaecraft

      trange = mvn_orbproj_panel_brain, trange, res, /xy

      trange            - 2-elelment timerange over which to plot the

      res               - The time resolution to use when plotting

      xy, xz, yz        - Boolean keywords indicating which
                          projection to plot. No default.

      solidmars         - Boolean: Treat Mars as a solid
                          object (don't plot trajectory behind
                          the planet). Default = not set

      crustalfields     - Three options:
                            0: no crustal field info used in plot
                            1: colored crustal field map used
                            image: a 3x 360x 180-element array

      showbehind        - Boolean: Even if Mars is solid, show the
                          trajectory behind the planet (using
                          different, smaller symbols). Default = not

      [xy]range         - 2-element bounds for the plot, in
                          Rm. Default = [-3,3]

      showperiapsis     - Boolean: Indicate the location of
                          periapsis. Default = not set

      showticks         - Indicate regular intervals (centered on
                          periapsis) along the trajectory. Default =
                          not set

      tickinterval      - The interval at which to show ticks, in
                          seconds. Default = 600

      symsize           - Symbol size to use for the
                          trajectory. Sizes of periapsis, interval
                          ticks, crustal fields all scale from
                          this. Default = 1.

      charsize          - Character size to use for plot
                          axes. Default = 1

      noerase           - Boolean, default = 0. Setting to 1
                          indicates that and plot currently on the
                          plot device should not be erased.
      overlay           - Structure describing the image to be
                          overlaid on the sphere of Mars. Contains
                          the following tags:
                           LAT: N-element array of latitudes of each
                           point to be painted on the sphere.
                           ELON: N-element array of East longitudes
                           of each point to be painted on the sphere
                           DATA: N-element array of values
                           (e.g. brightnesses etc.) to be painted on
                           the sphere
                           COLOR_TABLE: which color table is wanted
                           for the overlay
                           LOG: 0 or 1 for whether the data should be
                           plotted with a logarithmic color scale
                           RANGE: the color scale range for the data

      night              - If this keyword is set along with /yz,
                           that it will plot the view from the
                           nightside towards the dayside
      1. Berkeley MAVEN software
      2. - routine from David Fanning (coyote) to load
                      color tables, including Brewer colors.
      3. - Dave Brain version of
      4. Map of crustal field Br - edit line ~177 to point to the
                                   relevant location on your machine

      1. This was developed for use with a single orbit
         trajectory. I'm not sure how it would work with
         something larger.
      2. This routine acts on tplot variables loaded using If it doesn't find them, it
         will load them.

 Dave Brain
 12 January, 2017 -Initial version

(See projects/emm/OrbitGeometryPlotFiles/


[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]

 Procedure to create a 2D orbit projection plot for a MAVEN spaecraft

      trange = mvn_orbproj_panel_brain, trange, res, /xy

      trange            - 2-elelment timerange over which to plot the

      res               - The time resolution to use when plotting

      xy, xz, yz        - Boolean keywords indicating which
                          projection to plot. No default.

      solidmars         - Boolean: Treat Mars as a solid
                          object (don't plot trajectory behind
                          the planet). Default = not set

      crustalfields     - Boolean: Color Mars with a map of the
                          radial component of crustal magnetic field,
                          as measured by MGS. Default = 1

      showbehind        - Boolean: Even if Mars is solid, show the
                          trajectory behind the planet (using
                          different, smaller symbols). Default = not

      [xy]range         - 2-element bounds for the plot, in
                          Rm. Default = [-3,3]

      showperiapsis     - Boolean: Indicate the location of
                          periapsis. Default = not set

      showticks         - Indicate regular intervals (centered on
                          periapsis) along the trajectory. Default =
                          not set

      tickinterval      - The interval at which to show ticks, in
                          seconds. Default = 600

      symsize           - Symbol size to use for the
                          trajectory. Sizes of periapsis, interval
                          ticks, crustal fields all scale from
                          this. Default = 1.

      charsize          - Character size to use for plot
                          axes. Default = 1

      noerase           - Boolean, default = 0. Setting to 1
                          indicates that and plot currently on the
                          plot device should not be erased.
      overlay           - Structure describing the image to be
                          overlaid on the sphere of Mars. Contains
                          the following tags:
                           LAT: N-element array of latitudes of each
                           point to be painted on the sphere.
                           ELON: N-element array of East longitudes
                           of each point to be painted on the sphere
                           DATA: N-element array of values
                           (e.g. brightnesses etc.) to be painted on
                           the sphere
                           COLOR_TABLE: which color table is wanted
                           for the overlay
                           LOG: 0 or 1 for whether the data should be
                           plotted with a logarithmic color scale
                           RANGE: the color scale range for the data

      night              - If this keyword is set along with /yz,
                           that it will plot the view from the
                           nightside towards the dayside
      1. Berkeley MAVEN software
      2. - routine from David Fanning (coyote) to load
                      color tables, including Brewer colors.
      3. - Dave Brain version of
      4. Map of crustal field Br - edit line ~177 to point to the
                                   relevant location on your machine

      1. This was developed for use with a single orbit
         trajectory. I'm not sure how it would work with
         something larger.
      2. This routine acts on tplot variables loaded using If it doesn't find them, it
         will load them.

 Dave Brain
 12 January, 2017 -Initial version

(See projects/emm/OrbitGeometryPlotFiles/


[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]

 Procedure to create a 2D orbit projection plot for a MAVEN spaecraft

      trange = mvn_orbproj_panel_brain, trange, res, /xy

      trange            - 2-elelment timerange over which to plot the

      res               - The time resolution to use when plotting

      xy, xz, yz        - Boolean keywords indicating which
                          projection to plot. No default.

      solidmars         - Boolean: Treat Mars as a solid
                          object (don't plot trajectory behind
                          the planet). Default = not set

      crustalfields     - Boolean: Color Mars with a map of the
                          radial component of crustal magnetic field,
                          as measured by MGS. Default = 1

      showbehind        - Boolean: Even if Mars is solid, show the
                          trajectory behind the planet (using
                          different, smaller symbols). Default = not

      [xy]range         - 2-element bounds for the plot, in
                          Rm. Default = [-3,3]

      showperiapsis     - Boolean: Indicate the location of
                          periapsis. Default = not set

      showticks         - Indicate regular intervals (centered on
                          periapsis) along the trajectory. Default =
                          not set

      tickinterval      - The interval at which to show ticks, in
                          seconds. Default = 600

      symsize           - Symbol size to use for the
                          trajectory. Sizes of periapsis, interval
                          ticks, crustal fields all scale from
                          this. Default = 1.

      charsize          - Character size to use for plot
                          axes. Default = 1

      noerase           - Boolean, default = 0. Setting to 1
                          indicates that and plot currently on the
                          plot device should not be erased.

      1. Berkeley MAVEN software
      2. - routine from David Fanning (coyote) to load
                      color tables, including Brewer colors.
      3. - Dave Brain version of
      4. Map of crustal field Br - edit line ~177 to point to the
                                   relevant location on your machine

      1. This was developed for use with a single orbit
         trajectory. I'm not sure how it would work with
         something larger.
      2. This routine acts on tplot variables loaded using If it doesn't find them, it
         will load them.

 Dave Brain
 12 January, 2017 -Initial version

(See projects/emm/OrbitGeometryPlotFiles/


[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]

 Procedure to create a 2D orbit projection plot for a MAVEN spaecraft

      trange = mvn_orbproj_panel_brain, trange, res, /xy

      trange            - 2-elelment timerange over which to plot the

      res               - The time resolution to use when plotting

      [xy]range         - 2-element bounds for the plot, in
                          Rm. Default = [-3,3]

      obstime           - The time to use when orienting Mars with
                          respect to the Sun. Default = mean(trange)

      obspos            - explicitly defined the observer's
                          position in MSO coordinates

      showperiapsis     - Boolean: Indicate the location of
                          periapsis. Default = not set

      showticks         - Indicate regular intervals (centered on
                          periapsis) along the trajectory. Default =
                          not set

      tickinterval      - The interval at which to show ticks, in
                          seconds. Default = 600

      symsize           - Symbol size to use for the
                          trajectory. Sizes of periapsis, interval
                          ticks, crustal fields all scale from
                          this. Default = 1.

      charsize          - Character size to use for plot
                          axes. Default = 1

      noerase           - Boolean, default = 0. Setting to 1
                          indicates that and plot currently on the
                          plot device should not be erased.

      1. Berkeley MAVEN software
      2. - routine from David Fanning (coyote) to load
                      color tables, including Brewer colors.
      3. - Dave Brain version of
      4. Map of crustal field Br - edit line ~178 to point to the
                                   relevant location on your machine

      1. This was developed for use with a single orbit
         trajectory. I'm not sure how it would work with
         something larger.
      2. This routine acts on tplot variables loaded using If it doesn't find them, it
         will load them.

 Dave Brain
 12 January, 2017 -Initial version

(See projects/emm/OrbitGeometryPlotFiles/


[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]

 Procedure to create a 2D orbit projection plot for a MAVEN spaecraft

      trange = mvn_orbproj_panel_brain, trange, res, /xy

      trange            - 2-elelment timerange over which to plot the

      res               - The time resolution to use when plotting

      [xy]range         - 2-element bounds for the plot, in
                          Rm. Default = [-3,3]

      obstime           - The time to use when orienting Mars with
                          respect to the Sun. Default = mean(trange)

      obspos            - explicitly defined the observer's
                          position in MSO coordinates

      showperiapsis     - Boolean: Indicate the location of
                          periapsis. Default = not set

      showticks         - Indicate regular intervals (centered on
                          periapsis) along the trajectory. Default =
                          not set

      tickinterval      - The interval at which to show ticks, in
                          seconds. Default = 600

      symsize           - Symbol size to use for the
                          trajectory. Sizes of periapsis, interval
                          ticks, crustal fields all scale from
                          this. Default = 1.

      charsize          - Character size to use for plot
                          axes. Default = 1

      noerase           - Boolean, default = 0. Setting to 1
                          indicates that and plot currently on the
                          plot device should not be erased.

      1. Berkeley MAVEN software
      2. - routine from David Fanning (coyote) to load
                      color tables, including Brewer colors.
      3. - Dave Brain version of
      4. Map of crustal field Br - edit line ~178 to point to the
                                   relevant location on your machine

      1. This was developed for use with a single orbit
         trajectory. I'm not sure how it would work with
         something larger.
      2. This routine acts on tplot variables loaded using If it doesn't find them, it
         will load them.

 Dave Brain
 12 January, 2017 -Initial version

(See projects/emm/OrbitGeometryPlotFiles/


[Previous Routine] [List of Routines]


       This function provides a symbol catalog for specifying a number of plotting symbols.


       David Fanning, Ph.D.
       1645 Sheely Drive
       Fort Collins, CO 80526 USA
       Phone: 970-221-0438
       Coyote's Guide to IDL Programming:




       Plot, findgen(11), PSYM=SYMCAT(theSymbol)

       To connect symbols with lines, use a negative value for the PSYM keyword:

       Plot, findgen(11), PSYM=-SYMCAT(theSymbol)


       theSymbol:    The number of the symbol you wish to use. Possible values are:

       0  : No symbol.
       1  : Plus sign.
       2  : Asterisk.
       3  : Dot (period).
       4  : Open diamond.
       5  : Open upward triangle.
       6  : Open square.
       7  : X.
       8  : Defined by the user with USERSYM.
       9  : Open circle.
      10  : Histogram style plot.
      11  : Open downward triangle.
      12  : Open rightfacing triangle.
      13  : Open leftfacing triangle.
      14  : Filled diamond.
      15  : Filled square.
      16  : Filled circle.
      17  : Filled upward triangle.
      18  : Filled downward triangle.
      19  : Filled rightfacing triangle.
      20  : Filled leftfacing triangle.
      21  : Hourglass.
      22  : Filled Hourglass.
      23  : Bowtie.
      24  : Filled bowtie.
      25  : Standing Bar.
      26  : Filled Standing Bar.
      27  : Laying Bar.
      28  : Filled Laying Bar.
      29  : Hat up.
      30  : Hat down.
      31  : Hat right.
      32  : Hat down.
      33  : Big cross.
      34  : Filled big cross.
      35  : Circle with plus.
      36  : Circle with X.
      37  : Upper half circle.
      38  : Filled upper half circle.
      39  : Lower half circle.
      40  : Filled lower half circle.
      41  : Left half circle.
      42  : Filled left half circle.
      43  : Right half circle.
      44  : Filled right half circle.
      45  : Star.
      46  : Filled star.


       The return value is whatever is appropriate for passing along
       to the PSYM keyword of (for example) a PLOT or OPLOT command.
       For the vast majority of the symbols, the return value is 8.




       Written by David W. Fanning, 2 September 2006. Loosely based on the
          program MC_SYMBOL introduced on the IDL newsgroup 1 September 2006,
          and MPI_PLOTCONFIG__DEFINE from the Coyote Library.
       2 October 2006. DWF. Modified to allow PSYM=8 and PSYM=10 to have
          their normal meanings. This shifted previous symbols by two values
          from their old meanings. For example, an hourglass went from symbol
          number 19 to 21.

(See projects/emm/OrbitGeometryPlotFiles/