;+ ; NAME: ; EXTREMA ; ; PURPOSE: ; This function returns the locations of the local extrema in a ; given time series. ; ; CATEGORY: ; Time Series Analysis ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; Result = EXTREMA( Data ) ; ; INPUTS: ; Data: A vector of type integer or floating point. ; ; KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ; FLAT: If set, all locations along broad flat extrema are returned. ; The default is for only the middle location to be returned. ; ENDS: If set, end points are always returned as extrema. The default ; is to return the end points only if they lie outside the next ; minimum and maximum. ; ; OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: ; MAXIMA: Returns the locations of the maxima. ; MINIMA: Returns the locations of the minima. ; ; OUTPUTS: ; Result: Returns the locations of the extrema. ; ; PROCEDURE: ; For each point, neighbouring values are compared to see if the given ; point is an extremum. ; ; EXAMPLE: ; Define a vector. ; data = [1,2,3,2] ; Find the local maxima. ; result = extrema( data ) ; The result should be [ 0, 2 ]. ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by: Daithi A. Stone (stoned@atm.ox.ac.uk), 2003-10-09. ;- ;*********************************************************************** FUNCTION EXTREMA, $ Data, $ FLAT=flatopt, ENDS=endsopt, $ MAXIMA=maxima, MINIMA=minima ;*********************************************************************** ; Constants and Options ; Length of the time series nx = n_elements( data ) ; We need to know if we need to use long integers for indices if size (nx,/type) eq 2 then begin idtype = 1 endif else begin idtype = 1l endelse ; Pad data vector ends x = [ data[0*idtype], data, data[nx-1] ] ; Set keyword options flatopt = keyword_set( flatopt ) endsopt = keyword_set( endsopt ) ; Initialise the vectors containing the locations of the maxima and minima. ; Note it is important to set the initial value to zero. ; The initial value will be removed later. maxima = [ 0 ] minima = [ 0 ] ;*********************************************************************** ; Determine the Location of the Extrema ; Iterate through all non-end point values for i = idtype, nx do begin ; Find left neighbouring value, or left edge of a flat section idleft = max( where( x[0*idtype:i-1] ne x[i] ) ) ; Check for no left neighbour if idleft eq -1 then idleft = 0 ; Find right neighbouring value, or right edge of a flat section idright = i + 1 + min( where( x[i+1:nx+1] ne x[i] ) ) ; Check for no right neighbour if idright eq i then idright = nx + 1 ; Determine if we actually want to take an extremum (FLAT option) check = 1 if not( flatopt ) then begin if i ne ( idleft + idright ) / 2 then check = 0 endif ; Check for extrema provided we want to do so if check then begin ; Check for minimum if ( x[i] le x[idleft] ) and ( x[i] le x[idright] ) then begin minima = [ minima, i - 1 ] endif else begin ; Check for non-minimum flat section if flatopt and ( x[i] eq x[i-1] ) and ( x[i] eq x[i+1] ) then begin minima = [ minima, i - 1 ] endif endelse ; Check for maximum if ( x[i] ge x[idleft] ) and ( x[i] ge x[idright] ) then begin maxima = [ maxima, i - 1 ] endif else begin ; Check for non-maximum flat section if flatopt and ( x[i] eq x[i-1] ) and ( x[i] eq x[i+1] ) then begin maxima = [ maxima, i - 1 ] endif endelse endif endfor ; Count the number of maxima and minima (excluding initialising values) nmaxima = n_elements( maxima ) - 1 nminima = n_elements( minima ) - 1 ; Remove initialising values from maxima and minima vectors maxima = maxima[1*idtype:nmaxima] minima = minima[1*idtype:nminima] ; Check if we want to include "non-extreme" end points if not( endsopt ) then begin ; Check for minimum at first point if ( minima[0*idtype] eq 0 ) and ( nminima gt 1 ) then begin ; Find neighbouring non-identical minimum id = min( where( data[minima] ne data[0*idtype] ) ) ; Compare against that minimum if data[minima[0*idtype]] gt data[minima[id]] then begin ; Remove initial minimum id = min( where( data[minima] ne data[0*idtype] ) ) minima = minima[id:nminima-1] nminima = n_elements( minima ) endif endif ; Check for maximum at first point if ( maxima[0*idtype] eq 0 ) and ( nmaxima gt 1 ) then begin ; Find neighbouring non-identical maximum id = min( where( data[maxima] ne data[0*idtype] ) ) ; Compare against that maximum if data[maxima[0*idtype]] lt data[maxima[id]] then begin ; Remove initial maximum id = min( where( data[maxima] ne data[0*idtype] ) ) maxima = maxima[id:nmaxima-1] nmaxima = n_elements( maxima ) endif endif ; Check for minimum at last point if ( minima[nminima-1] eq nx - 1 ) and ( nminima gt 1 ) then begin ; Find neighbouring non-identical minimum id = max( where( data[minima] ne data[nx-1] ) ) ; Compare against that minimum if data[minima[nminima-1]] gt data[minima[id]] then begin ; Remove initial minimum id = max( where( data[minima] ne data[nx-1] ) ) minima = minima[0*idtype:id] nminima = n_elements( minima ) endif endif ; Check for maximum at last point if ( maxima[nmaxima-1] eq nx - 1 ) and ( nmaxima gt 1 ) then begin ; Find neighbouring non-identical maximum id = max( where( data[maxima] ne data[nx-1] ) ) ; Compare against that maximum if data[maxima[nmaxima-1]] lt data[maxima[id]] then begin ; Remove initial maximum id = max( where( data[maxima] ne data[nx-1] ) ) maxima = maxima[0*idtype:id] nmaxima = n_elements( maxima ) endif endif endif ; Define extrema output extrema = [ minima, maxima ] ; Remove repeat values (can occur in flat areas) check = 0 ctr = 0 * idtype nextrema = n_elements( extrema ) while check eq 0 do begin id = where( extrema ne extrema[ctr], nid ) if nid ne nextrema - 1 then begin extrema = extrema[[ctr,id]] nextrema = nid + 1 endif ctr = ctr + 1 if ctr ge nextrema - 1 then check = 1 endwhile ; Sort extrema locations id = sort( extrema ) extrema = extrema[id] ;*********************************************************************** ; The End return, extrema END