This page was created by the IDL library routine mk_html_help2.

Last modified: Tue May 7 11:36:21 2013.

Directory Listing of Routines

Routine Descriptions


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  This is an experimental routine.  It will most likely disappear.
  Davin Larson

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Deprecated, 8-feb-2010,jmm

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  This routine checks the time ranges of the current ESA and SST  
  data stored in the common blocks to determine if it covers a
  particular time range.

  bool = thm_check_part_data(probe, type, trange)

  probe: String specifying the probe
  type: Standart string (or array of) specifying the type of 
        particle data requested (e.g. 'peif', 'pseb')
  trange: Two element array specifying the numeric time range

  1 if current data covers what is requested, 0 otherwise


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Procedure: THM_LOAD_ESA

Purpose:  Loads THEMIS ESA data

  probe = Probe name. The default is 'all', i.e., load all available probes.
          This can be an array of strings, e.g., ['a', 'b'] or a
          single string delimited by spaces, e.g., 'a b'
  datatype = The type of data to be loaded, for this case, there is only
          one option, the default value of 'mom', so this is a
          placeholder should there be more that one data type. 'all'
          can be passed in also, to get all variables.
  TRANGE= (Optional) Time range of interest  (2 element array), if
          this is not set, the default is to prompt the user. Note
          that if the input time range is not a full day, a full
          day's data is loaded
  level = the level of the data, the default is 'l2', or level-2
          data. A string (e.g., 'l2') or an integer can be used. 'all'
          can be passed in also, to get all levels.
  CDF_DATA: named variable in which to return cdf data structure: only works
          for a single spacecraft and datafile name.
  VARNAMES: names of variables to load from cdf: default is all.
  /GET_SUPPORT_DATA: load support_data variables as well as data variables
                      into tplot variables.
  /DOWNLOADONLY: download file but don't read it.
  /valid_names, if set, then this routine will return the valid probe, datatype
          and/or level options in named variables supplied as
          arguments to the corresponding keywords.
  files   named varible for output of pathnames of local files.
  /VERBOSE  set to output some useful info
  /NO_TIME_CLIP: Disables time clipping, which is the default
   thg_load_esa,/get_suppport_data,probe=['a', 'b']
 Written by Davin Larson, Dec 2006
 Updated to use thm_load_xxx by KRB, 2007-2-5
 Fixed bug in valid_names block, removed references to sst in coments
 jmm, 21-feb-2007
 Fixed bugs, added ylim, zlim calls for spec data, as in thm_load_sst
 Handles new version of Level2 data files, jmm, 12-oct-2007
 adds units and coordinates to all new variables, jmm, 24-feb-2008
 $LastChangedBy: kenb-mac $
 $LastChangedDate: 2007-02-08 09:48:04 -0800 (Thu, 08 Feb 2007) $
 $LastChangedRevision: 328 $
 $URL: svn+ssh:// $

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Procedure: thm_part_conv_units

Purpose: Takes the distribution data structure from a call to thm_part_dist_array and calibrates it.
Uses the ssl_general routine conv_units to perform the operation.  At this time, the operation is not 

  dist_data: An array of pointers to arrays of structures.  One pointer for each mode in the time series, structure for each sample within the mode array.
     Note: this routine modifes the contents of dist_data in place.(ie mutates dist_data) It has no return value. 
  units: String specifying units requested for the output data.  If unspecified, units will be "eflux".  
    If data is already in requested units, identify transform applied.
    Possible selections(not case sensitive): COUNTS,RATE,EFLUX,FLUX,DF
  fractional_counts: Flag to keep the ESA unit conversion routine from rounding 
                     to an even number of counts when removing the dead time 
                     correction (no effect if input data already in counts, 
                     no effect on SST data).
   error: Used to report presence of an error to calling routine.  
      error==0 means no error
      error!=0 means error
   fractional_counts: ESA does some rounding when it converts back to counts. You should probably set this keyword to stop the rounding.

  This routine is part of an ongoing process to sanitize, modularize, and simplify the THEMIS particle routines.  

See also:,

 $LastChangedBy: pcruce $
 $LastChangedDate: 2013-03-07 09:47:09 -0800 (Thu, 07 Mar 2013) $
 $LastChangedRevision: 11743 $
 $URL $

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Procedure: thm_part_copy

Purpose: Performs deep copy on particle data that is returned by thm_part_dist_array

Arguments:  Old: A particle data structure to be copied
            New: A variable name to which the particle data should be copied

Keywords: error=error:  Set to named variable. Returns 0 if no error, nonzero otherwise.

Usage: thm_part_copy,old,new

  $LastChangedBy: pcruce $
  $LastChangedDate: 2012-09-27 15:21:54 -0700 (Thu, 27 Sep 2012) $
  $LastChangedRevision: 10956 $
  $URL: svn+ssh:// $

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 wrapper function around the different routines called 'get_p???'
 used for ESA particle data and 'thm_sst_p???' routines that extract
 SST data.
 format = a string denoting the data that is desired: options are:
          'tha_peif': Full Esa mode data, ions, probe A
          'tha_peef': Full Esa mode data, electrons, probe A
          'tha_peir': Reduced Esa mode data, ions, probe A
          'tha_peer': Reduced Esa mode data, electrons, probe A
          'tha_peir': Burst Esa mode data, ions, probe A
          'tha_peer': Reduced Esa mode data, electrons, probe A
          'tha_psif': Full Sst mode data, ions, probe A
          'tha_psef': Full Sst mode data, electrons, probe A
          'tha_psir': Reduced Sst mode data, ions, probe A
          'tha_pser': Reduced Sst mode data, electrons, probe A
         For other probes, just replace 'tha' with the appropriate
         string, 'thb', 'thc', 'thd', 'the'
          If this is not set, then the string is constructed from the
          type and probe keywords
 time = an input time, if not passed in, then this routine will
        attempt to get the time from plotted data, via ctime, unless
        the index keyword is passed in (for SST) or
        when start, en, advance, retreat, or index are passed in.
 type = 4 character string denoting the type of data that you need,
        e.g., 'peif' for full mode esa data
 probe = the THEMIS probe, 'a','b','c','d','e'
 cursor = if set, then choose a time from the plot, using
 This overrides any input -- that is, the
          variable that was used becomes the input variable and the
          time obtained becomes the time of the data.
 index = an index for the data point that is to be returned
 start (ESA only) = if set, then get the first saved data point
 en (ESA only) = if set, get the last saved data point
 advance (ESA only) = if set, get the data point after the one that
                      was gotten last
 retreat (ESA only) = if set, get the data point before the one that
                      was gotten last
 times = if set, returns the time array for all the saved data points
 dat = the '3d data structure' for the given data type: In general
       this will be different for different data types, but there are
       elements that are common to all, Here is a sample for tha_psif
   DATA_NAME       STRING    'SST Ion Full distribution'
   UNITS_NAME      STRING    'Counts'
   UNITS_PROCEDURE STRING    'thm_sst_convert_units'
   TPLOTNAME       STRING    ''
   TIME            DOUBLE       1.1837675e+09
   END_TIME        DOUBLE       1.1837676e+09
   TRANGE          DOUBLE    Array[2] ;;not always present
   INDEX           LONG                 4
   NBINS           LONG                64
   NENERGY         LONG                16
   MAGF            FLOAT     Array[3]
   SC_POT          FLOAT           0.00000
   MASS            FLOAT         0.0104390
   CHARGE          FLOAT           0.00000
   VALID           INT              1
   MODE            INT              0
   CNFG            INT            577
   NSPINS          INT             64
   DATA            FLOAT     Array[16, 64]
   ENERGY          FLOAT     Array[16, 64]
   THETA           FLOAT     Array[16, 64]
   PHI             FLOAT     Array[16, 64]
   DENERGY         FLOAT     Array[16, 64]
   DTHETA          FLOAT     Array[16, 64]
   DPHI            FLOAT     Array[16, 64]
   BINS            INT       Array[16, 64]
   GF              FLOAT     Array[16, 64]
   INTEG_T         FLOAT     Array[16, 64]
   DEADTIME        FLOAT     Array[16, 64]
   GEOM_FACTOR     FLOAT          0.100000
   ATTEN           INT             10

 NOTE: 1.  that the .time tag refers to the interval start time. The
 .trange tag gives the time range, and is not always present.
       2.  For documentation on sun contamination correction keywords that
       may be passed in through the _extra keyword please see: or

$LastChangedBy: pcruce $
$LastChangedDate: 2013-01-10 18:10:18 -0800 (Thu, 10 Jan 2013) $
$LastChangedRevision: 11424 $
$URL: svn+ssh:// $

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   Find the sun direcion vector if requested

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Procedure: thm_part_dist_array

Purpose: Returns an array of pointers to ESA or SST particle distributions.(One pointer for new mode in the time series)  This routine
         is a wrapper for thm_part_dist, which returns single distributions.

Required Keywords:
 PROBE: The THEMIS probe, 'a','b','c','d','e'.
 DATATYPE: Four character string denoting the type of data that you need.
          ESA Ions (full/reduced/burst)
            'peif' - Full mode
            'peir' - Reduced mode
            'peib' - Burst mode
          ESA Electrons
            'peef' - Full
            'peer' - Reduced
            'peeb' - Burst 
          SST Ions 
            'psif' - Full
            'psir' - Reduced
          SST Electrons 
            'psef' - Full 
            'pser' - Reduced
            'pseb' - Burst
 TRANGE: Time range of interest (2 element array, string or numerical).
         *This keyword may be ommitted if 'timespan is set. If neither 
          TRANGE nor 'timespan' is set the user will be prompted.

Optional Keywords:
 MAG_DATA: Tplot variable containing magnetic field data. The data will be 
           interpolated to the cadence of the requested particle distribution
           and added to the returned structures under the tag 'MAGF'.
 VEL_DATA: Tplot variable containing velocity data. The data will be 
           interpolated to the cadence of the requested particle distribution
           and added to the returned structures under the tag 'VELOCITY'.
           If not set V_3D_NEW.PRO will be used instead.
 SST_CAL: Flag to use new SST calibrations (BETA)
 GET_SUN_DIRECTION: Adds sun direction vector to the returned structures
           under the tag 'SUN_VECTOR'
 FRACTIONAL_COUNTS: Flag to keep the ESA unit conversion routine from rounding 
                    to an even number of counts when removing the dead time 
                    correction (no effect if input data already in counts, 
                    no effect on SST data). This will only be used by this
                    code when calculating the bulk velocity with V_3D_NEW.PRO
Other Keywords:
 FORMAT: (old) Single string that can be used instead of PROBE and DATATYPE
                (e.g. 'thb_psif' or 'tha_peeb')
           dist_array = thm_part_dist_array(probe='b',datatype='pseb', $
           timespan, '2008-2-26/04:50:00', 5, /min
           dist_array = thm_part_dist_array(probe='b',datatype='psif', $
                                            vel_data='tplot_vel', $

Contamination Removal:

 BACKGROUND REMOVAL(BGND) Description, Warnings and Caveats(from Vassilis Angelopoulos):
 This code allows for keywords that permit omni-directional or anode-dependent
 background removal from penetrating electrons in the ESA ion and electron 
 detectors. Anode-dependent subtraction is used when possible by default,
 i.e., when angle information is available; but user has full control by
 keyword specification. Default bgnd estimates use 3 lowest counts/s values.
 Scaling of the background (artificial scaling) can also allow playing with
 background estimates to account for noise statistics in the background itself.
 The parameters that have worked well for me during high bgnd levels are:
 ,/bgnd_remove, bgnd_type='anode', bgnd_npoints=3, bgnd_scale=1.5

 This background subtraction to be used at the inner magnetosphere,
 or when SST electron fluxes indicate presence of significant electron
 fluxes at the satellite (injections). At quiet times the code tends to remove
 real fluxes, so beware.
 Crib sheets for contamination removal with thm_part_getspec and thm_part_moments
 are listed below in 'See Also'.  The same keywords are valid for this code; a few
 are documented below.
Contamination/Background Keywords:

 The following keywords are passed to the appropriate data retrieval routines. 
 The resulting distributions will have the specified contamination removal applied.
 ESA Keywords:
   BGND_REMOVE: Flag to turn on ESA background removal.
   BGND_TYPE: String naming removal type, e.g. 'angle','omni', or 'anode'.
   BGND_NPOINTS: Number of lowest values points to average over when determining background.
   BGND_SCALE: Scaling factor that the background will be multiplied by before it is subtracted.
 SST Keywords:

   Check the list of keywords in THM_SST_REMOVE_SUNPULSE for more.

   MASK_REMOVE: Set this keyword to the proportion of values that must be 0 at 
                all energies to determine that a mask is present. Generally .99 
                or 1.0 is a good value. The mask is a set of points that are set 
                to 0 on-board the spacecraft.  By default they will be filled by 
                linear interpolation across phi.

   METHOD_SUNPULSE_CLEAN:  set this to a string:  Either 'median' or 'spin_fit' or 'z_score_mod'
              'median':  This will remove all points that are greater 
                than 2.0 standard deviations from the median.By default they will be filled by a 
                linear interpolation across the phi angle by default. 
              'spin_fit':  This will remove all points that are greater
                than 2.0 standard deviations from a spin fit across phi angle.  The equation used to
                fit is A+B*sin(phi)+C*cos(phi). By default these points will be filled by a linear
                interpolation across the phi angle. The fitting is done using the svdfit routine
                from the idl distribution.
              'z_score_mod': This will remove all points that have a modified z-score(calculated across phi) greater than 3.5 
                The modified z-score is a normalized outlier detection test defined as follows:  
                #1 X_Bar = median(X+1)
                #2 Sigma = MAD = Median Absolute Deviation = median(abs(X-X_Bar))
                #3 Z_Score_Mod = .6745*(X - X_Bar)/Sigma
                This test can often get excellent results because it is insensitive to variation in standard deviation
                and skew in the distributions.  
   FILLIN_METHOD: Set this keyword to a string that specifies the method used to fill the points that are
             removed via the method_sunpulse_clean or the mask_remove keywords.
             If 'interpolation' is set, this routine will interpolate across the phi angle.  This is the 
               default behavior. Interpolation is done using the interp_gap routine.
             If 'spin_fit' is set this routine will perform a spin fit to the data after the points
               have been removed using the equation A+B*sin(phi)+C*cos(phi).  It will then generate
               expected values for each removed phi using the equation of fit.   The fitting is done using
               the svdfit routine from the idl distribution.  Note that if 'spin_fit' is selected for
               the clean method and the fill method, this routine will perform two spin fits.
   LIMIT_SUNPULSE_CLEAN: set this equal to a floating point number that will override the default of 2.0 standard
             deviation tolerance or 3.5 z_score_tolerance, used by the sunpulse cleaning methods by default.
             This keyword will only have an effect if the method_sunpulse_clean keyword is set.

   ENOISE_BINS: A 0-1 array that indicates which bins should be used to calculate 
               electronic noise.  A 0 indicates that the bin should be used for 
               electronic noise calculations.  This is basically the output from 
               the bins argument of edit3dbins. It should have dimensions 16x4.
   ENOISE_REMOVE_METHOD: (default: 'fit_median') set the keyword to a string specifying the method you want to use to calculate the electronic noise that will be subtracted 
               This function combines values across time.  The allowable options are:
                 'min':  Use the minimum value in the time interval for each bin/energy combination.
                 'average': Use the average value in the time interval for each bin/energy combination.
                 'median': Use the median value in the time interval for each bin/energy combination.
                 'fit_average': Fill in selected bins with a value that is interpolated across phi then subtracts the average of the difference
                                between the interpolated value and the actual value from each selected bin/energy combination.
                 'fit_median': Fill in selected bins with a value that is interpolated across phi then subtracts the median of the difference
                               between the interpolated value and the actual value from each selected bin/energy combination.
                 'fill': Fill the selected bins using the technique specified by enoise_remove_method_fit, or interpolation by default.
                         (note that if this method is used, enoise_bgnd_time is not required)
   ENOISE_REMOVE_FIT_METHOD: (default:'interpolation'):  Set this keyword to control the method used in 'fit_average' & 'fit_median' to
                    fit across phi. Options are 'interpolation' & 'spin_fit' By default, missing bins are interpolated across phi.  Setting
                    enoise_remove_fit_method='spin_fit' will instead try to fill by fitting to a curve of the form A+B*sin(phi)+C*cos(phi).
   ENOISE_BGND_TIMES: This should be either a 2 element array or a 2xN element array(where n is the number of elements in enoise_bins).  
                    The arguments represents the start and end times over which the electronic background will be calculated for each
                    bin.  If you pass a 2 element array the same start and end times can be used for each bin.  If you pass a 2xN element
                    array, then the Ith bin in enoise_bins will use the time enoise_bgnd_time[0,I] as the start time and enoise_bgnd_time[1,I] as
                    the end time for the calculation of the background for that bin.  If this keyword is not set then electronic noise will not 
                    be subtracted.

See Also: thm_part_slice2d, thm_clib_part_slice2d, 
          thm_crib_esa_bgnd_remove, thm_esa_bgnd_remove, 
          thm_crib_sst_contamination, thm_sst_remove_sunpulse

Created by Bryan Kerr
Modified by A. Flores

 $LastChangedBy: aaflores $
 $LastChangedDate: 2013-03-13 15:10:02 -0700 (Wed, 13 Mar 2013) $
 $LastChangedRevision: 11800 $
 $URL $

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PROCEDURE: thm_part_energy_interpolate
PURPOSE:  Interpolate particle data by energy between sst & esa distributions using a weighted curve fitting routine

  dist_sst: SST particle distribution structure in flux 
  dist_esa: ESA particle distribution structure in flux
  energies: The set of target energies to interpolated the SST to.
   Replaces dist_sst with the interpolated data set

  error: Set to 1 on error, zero otherwise
   #1 The number of time samples and the times of those samples must be the same for dist_sst & dist_esa (use
   #2 The number of angles and the angles of each sample must be the same for dist_sst & dist_esa (use
   thm_part_dist_array, thm_part_smooth, thm_part_subtract,thm_part_omni_convert,,

  $LastChangedBy: pcruce $
  $LastChangedDate: 2013-03-07 09:47:09 -0800 (Thu, 07 Mar 2013) $
  $LastChangedRevision: 11743 $
  $URL: svn+ssh:// $

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PROCEDURE: thm_part_getanbins
   Create 3 arrays used by THM_PART_MOMENTS2 to turn on/off energy/angle bins

	Generates a [number of energy channels]x[number of angle bins] array
       (en_an_bins), an array [number of angle bins]x1 array (an_bins), and an
       array [number of energy channels]x1 array (en_bins) of 1's and 0's used
       by THM_PART_MOMENTS2 to turn on/off energy and angle bins based on the
       theta/phi/pitch angles, energy ranges, and data types requested by the
       user in THM_PART_GETSPEC. THM_PART_MOMENTS2 will also call this function
       if there's a mode change since modes have different angle maps.
       NOTE: pitch angles not yet implemented

  phi   = Angle range of interest (2 element array) in degrees relative to
          probe-sun direction in the probe's spin plane. Specify angles in
          ascending order (e.g. [270, 450]) to specify the 'daylight'
          hemisphere in DSL coordinates. Default is all (e.g. [0, 360]).
  theta = Angle range of interest (2 element array) in degrees relative to
          spin plane, e.g. [-90, 0] or [-45, 45] in the probe's spin plane.
          Specify in acending order. Default is all (e.g. [-90, 90]).
  pitch = NOT IMPLEMENTED YET Angle range of interest (2 element array) in degrees relative to
          the magnetic field. Default is all (e.g. [0, 180]).
  erange= Energy range (in eV) of interest (2 element array). Default is all.
  data_type = The type of data to be loaded. Energy/angle bins are now derived
              from dat structure in THM_PART_MOMENTS2.


CREATED BY:	Bryan Kerr
 v0.1	11/21/07: Initial release.
 v0.2	11/28/07: Added ability to handle eESA and *SST data types.
 v0.3  12/04/07: Improved ability to better handle phi input from
 v0.4  12/13/07: Added check and warning if no energy bins fall within ERANGE.
 v0.6  01/09/08: Added reduced mode (peir) capability.
 v0.6.01 01/09/08: Corrected peir phi bin map
 v0.6.3 01/15/08: All reduced modes implemented. Generalized to arbitrary angle
                  maps and energy ranges.
 v0.7  01/31/08: Added en_bins reference
 v0.8.12 02/26/08: Fixed bug that fails to properly handle cases when no phi
                   bins occur within PHI range.
 v1.0 05/09/08: Ready for Release v4.0.

  $LastChangedBy: aaflores $
  $LastChangedDate: 2012-02-13 09:59:58 -0800 (Mon, 13 Feb 2012) $
  $LastChangedRevision: 9719 $
  $URL: svn+ssh:// $

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Purpose: Helper function to access ESA common blocks and 
         return array of indices for mode changes.

  When editing this code:
   -make sure calls to scope_varfetch do not copy 
    unnecessary data (see IDL documentation)

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Purpose: Helper function to access SST common block and 
         return array of indices for mode changes.

  When editing this code:
   -make sure calls to scope_varfetch do not copy 
    unnecessary data (see IDL documentation)
   -make sure not to free pointers copied from the 
    common block

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Purpose: Helper function to access raw SST data stored in tplot
         variables and return array of indices for mode changes.
         Data loaded with thm_load_sst2 (/sst_cal keyword on higher
         level routines) is stored in tplot vars instead of the 
         original common block.


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   Access particle data common blocks to determine
 where mode changes occure and how many samples are
 in each configuration.
   probe: String specifying the spacecraft (e.g. 'a','b',...)
   datatype: String specifying the type of data (e.g. 'peif')
   tindex: Array of indices specifying which samples are 
           within the time range.
   returned value: Array of indices correspinding to the first
                   distribution for each new configuration.
                n: The total number of samples for each 

   indices = thm_part_dist_array_getmodechange(probe='a', datatype='psif', $
                                          tindex=time_index_array, n=n)

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PROCEDURE: thm_part_getspec
	Generates tplot variables containing energy-time angular particle spectra
	for any angle range and/or any energy range.

 probe  = Probe name. The default is 'all', i.e., load all available probes.
          This can be an array of strings, e.g., ['a', 'b'] or a
          single string delimited by spaces, e.g., 'a b'
 trange = (Optional) Time range of interest  (2 element array), if
          this is not set, the default is to prompt the user. Note
          that if the input time range is not a full day, a full
          day's data is loaded.
 phi    = Angle range of interest (2 element array) in degrees relative to
          probe-sun direction in the probe's spin plane. Specify angles in
          ascending order (e.g. [90, 180]) to specify the 'daylight'
          hemisphere in DSL coordinates. Default is all 360 degrees (e.g.
          [0, 360]). If the phi range is greater than 360 degrees, then the phi
          bins at the beginning of the phi range are added and wrapped around
          the end of phi range. For example, if phi=[-90,360], the phi bins
          corresponding to 270-360 degrees are appended to the bottom of the plot.
          Also controls which bins are selected for
          pitch/gyrovelocity spectra. Phi is limited to be between -360
          and 720 degrees. Note that, if the ENERGY keyword is set (as
          is true in the default case). This is also true for 'pa'
          and 'gyro' cases.
 theta  = Angle range of interest (2 element array) in degrees relative to
          spin plane, e.g. [-90, 0] or [-45, 45] in the probe's spin plane.
          Specify in acending order. Default is all (e.g. [-90, 90]). Also
          controls which bins are selected for pitch/gyrovelocity spectra.
 pitch  = Angle range of interest (2 element array) in degrees relative to
          the magnetic field. Default is all (e.g. [0, 180]). Has no effect
          on phi/theta spectra plots.
 gyro   = Gyrovelocity angle range of interest (2 element array) in degrees.
          Same rules as specifying phi apply to gyrophse. Default is all
          (e.g. [0, 360]). Has no effect on phi/theta spectra plots.
 erange = Energy range (in eV) of interest (2 element array). Default is all.
 data_type = The type of data to be loaded (e.g. ['peif', 'peef'])
 start_angle = Angle at which to begin plotting the data the bottom of the
               plot along the y-axis. At this time this works for phi only. If
               not set, keyword defaults to first element of phi input.
 suffix = Suffix to add to tplot variable names.
 /AUTOPLOT: Set to activiate a simple plotting routine to display tplot
            variables created by this routine.
 /ENERGY: Set to output tplot variables containing the energy spectrum of the
          energy/angle ranges input above.
 angle  = Type of angular spectrum tplot variable created and plotted using the
          energy/angle ranges input above e.g. 'phi'. Default is 'phi'. The
          type of angular spectra is appended to its corresponding tplot
          variable name. All possible options are:
          phi   = phi angular spectrum
          theta = theta angular spectrum
          pa    = pitch angular spectrum (only works with full angle ranges)
          gyro  = gyrovelocity angular spectrum  (only works with full angle
          NOTE: If neither of ENERGY and ANGLE keywords are specified, then
                then both are turned on with ANGLE defaulting to 'phi'.
 /GET_SUPPORT_DATA: load support_data variables as well as data variables into
                    tplot variables.
 regrid = [m,n]  Number of angle bins, used to re-grid (2-element array) along
          phi (gyrovelocity) and theta (pitch), respectively, when calculating
          pitch/gyrovelocity angle spectrum. For example, e.g. [32,16] creates
          a regularly-spaced array of 32 phi angles by 16 theta angles that
          resample the probe(s) native angle bin array. Default is [16,8].
          Keyword has no effect on phi and theta spectragrams. Accuracy of the
          spectragrams increases when more angle bins are used to re-grid.
          Suitable numbers for m and n are numbers like 2^k. So far, k=2-6 has
          been tested and work. Other numbers will work provided 180/n and
          360/m are rational.
 other_dim = Keyword passed to THM_FAC_MATRIX_MAKE for conversion to field
             aligned coordinates to create pitch angle and gyrovelocity
             spectra. See THM_FAC_MATRIX_MAKE for valid input. Default is
 /NORMALIZE: Set to normalize the flux for each time sample to 0-1.
 badbins2mask = A 0-1 array that indicates which SST bins will be masked with
                NaN to eliminate things like sun contamination. The array
                should have the same number of elements as the number of angle
                bins for a given data type. A 0 indicates that will be masked
                with a NaN. This is basically the output from the bins argument
                of EDIT3DBINS.
 datagap = Maximum time gap in seconds over which to interpolate the plot.
           Sets the DATAGAP flag in the dlimits which SPECPLOT uses to
           interpolate pixels in time gaps less than DATAGAP.  Use this keyword
           when overlaying spectra plots, allowing the underlying spectra to be
           shown in the data gaps of the overlying spectra.  Default is zero.
 fractional_counts = Flag to keep the ESA unit conversion routine from rounding 
                     to an even number of counts when removing the dead time 
                     correction (no effect if input data already in counts, 
                     no effect on SST data).

  dist_array:  Provide an array of data instead of having thm_part_getspec/thm_part_moments2 load the data directly.
    This allows preprocessing/sanitization operations to be performed prior to moment generation.

ESA PEER/PEIR/PEIF Background Removal Keywords:

/bdnd_remove:  Turn on ESA background removal.

bgnd_type(Default 'anode'): Set to string naming background removal type:
'angle','omni', or 'anode'.

bgnd_npoints(Default = 3): Set to the number of lowest values points to average over when determining background.
bgnd_scale(Default=1): Set to a scaling factor that the background will be multiplied by before it is subtracted

 /GUI_FLAG: Flag tells code to recognize status bar and history window objects.
 gui_statusBar = Object reference to status bar object in GUI.
 gui_historyWin = Object reference to history window object in GUI.
EXAMPLE: thm_part_getspec, probe='d', trange=['07-06-17','07-06-19']


NOTES:  For documentation on sun contamination correction keywords that
  may be passed in through the _extra keyword please see: or

BACKGROUND REMOVAL(BGND) Description, Warnings and Caveats(from Vassilis Angelopoulos):
 This code allows for keywords that permit omni-directional or anode-dependent
 background removal from penetrating electrons in the ESA ion and electron 
 detectors. Anode-dependent subtraction is used when possible by default,
 i.e., when angle information is available; but user has full control by
 keyword specification. Default bgnd estimates use 3 lowest counts/s values.
 Scaling of the background (artificial scaling) can also allow playing with
 background estimates to account for noise statistics in the background itself.
 The parameters that have worked well for me during high bgnd levels are:
 ,/bgnd_remove, bgnd_type='anode', bgnd_npoints=3, bgnd_scale=1.5

 The same keywords when used in thm_part_getspec, and thm_part_moments
 are understood and passed to the data extraction routines, such that 
 they will do the removal before computing moments or spectra.

 This background subtraction to be used at the inner magnetosphere,
 or when SST electron fluxes indicate presence of significant electron
 fluxes at the satellite (injections). At quiet times the code tends to remove
 real fluxes, so beware.

CREATED BY:	Bryan Kerr

  $LastChangedBy: bckerr $
  $LastChangedDate: 2008-06-13 13:29:12 -0700 (Fri, 13 Jun 2008) $
  $LastChangedRevision: 3204 $
  $URL: svn+ssh:// $

(See themis/spacecraft/particles/


[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]
 Helper function to check support data's existence and time range
(Main procedure further below)

 tvar - string representing tplot variable
 tr - two element numerical time range

 Returns 1 if time range is covered by the data

(See themis/spacecraft/particles/


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  Returns structure containing particle distribution 
  attributes based on APID and config word. 

  APID: Numerical APID (e.g. '045A'xu)
  config_word: Two-byte config word 
               Can be passed in as:  
                 -single element variable (e.g. '1234'xu)
                 -two element array (e.g. ['12'xu,'34'xu])
                 -two separate arguments (e.g. '12'xu, '34'xu)
  config_word2: (optional) see above

  struct = thm_part_get_config( '454'xu, '0101'xu)
  struct = thm_part_get_config( '454'xu, ['01'xu,01'xu])
  struct = thm_part_get_config( '454'xu, '01'xu, '01'xu)

  Returns anonymous structure containing distribution attributes:
    {  apid:            APID from input
       config_word:     Config word from input
       esa_flag:            Flag denoting esa data (1b=esa)
       esa_solarwind_flag:  ESA solar wind flag
       valid_flag:      Flag for valid data (1b=valid)
       nspins:          Number of spins per distribution
       angle_bins:      Number of angle bins
       energy_bins:     Number of energy bins
       sweep_mode:      Integer denoting sweep mode index (thm_read_esa_sweep_*)
       angle_mode:      Integer denoting angle mode index (thm_read_esa_angle_*)


(See themis/spacecraft/particles/


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PROCEDURE: thm_part_omni_convert
PURPOSE:  Converts a particle distribution to omni directional by summing over angle.

   A single particle distribution structure, or a particle distribution array from thm_part_dist_array
   Replaces dat with an omni summed particle distribution structure, or a particle distribution array from thm_part_dist_array

  error: Set to 1 on error, zero otherwise


  $LastChangedBy: pcruce $
  $LastChangedDate: 2013-02-20 15:26:03 -0800 (Wed, 20 Feb 2013) $
  $LastChangedRevision: 11594 $
  $URL: svn+ssh:// $

(See themis/spacecraft/particles/


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Procedure: thm_part_smooth

  This routine applies time-smoothing to particle data using a convolution method.  Default is boxcar, 
    but other kernels may be supplied by the user.

     The data to be smoothed.  Data should have been loaded using  This data will be modified 
     during the operation of this routine.
  width=width The width of a boxcar smooth.  (Default=3,just creates a boxcar kernel.)
  kernel=kernel  A 1-d array containing a kernel to be applied by CONVOL across time.  If you don't want to shift the levels of the data,
         total(kernel) should equal 1.0d.  If kernel= is set, width= is ignored. 
  scale_factor=scale_factor  A scale_factor to be applied to the convol.  (See convol documentation for details)
  trange=trange: Specify a time based subset of the data for the smoothing to be applied to.  Allows different smoothing parameters to be applied at
    different times by calling this routine multiple times.
  _extra=ex:  You can provide any of the normal convol keywords when using this routine(e.g. /edge_wrap, /edge_truncate,invalid=i,missing=i,/nan,etc...)
  error=error:  After completion, will be set 1 if error occured, zero otherwise
  #1. The CONVOL routine is applied separately to each mode.  This is because the cadence and shape of the dist array will change across mode boundaries.
    Be aware that this can cause strange artifacts at mode boundaries in smoothed particle data.
  #2. See the CONVOL documentation in the IDL help for more info on how the smoothing is performed.
  ;5-point boxcar smooth
  ;21-point boxcar smooth
  ;Manually normalized gaussian smooth
  x= dindgen(101)/10.-5.
  ;automatically normalized gaussian smooth
  x= dindgen(101)/10.-5.
See also:,,CONVOL(in IDL help)

 $LastChangedBy: pcruce $
 $LastChangedDate: 2012-09-21 16:55:28 -0700 (Fri, 21 Sep 2012) $
 $LastChangedRevision: 10943 $
 $URL $

(See themis/spacecraft/particles/


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PROCEDURE: thm_part_sphere_interpolate
PURPOSE:  Interpolate particle data to match the look direcitons of another distribution

  source: A particle dist_data structure to be modified by interpolation to match target
  target: A particle dist_data structure whose look directions will be matched
   Replaces source with a spherically interpolated target

  error: Set to 1 on error, zero otherwise
   #1 Interpolation done using IDL library routine "griddata"
   #2 This code assumes that source & target have been time interpolated to match each other 
   This has a done of TBDs, we need to come back and fix them when time is available.  With TBDs this code will not have general purpose utility...
   thm_part_dist_array, thm_part_smooth, thm_part_subtract,thm_part_omni_convert,

  $LastChangedBy: pcruce $
  $LastChangedDate: 2013-03-12 13:13:53 -0700 (Tue, 12 Mar 2013) $
  $LastChangedRevision: 11781 $
  $URL: svn+ssh:// $

(See themis/spacecraft/particles/


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PROCEDURE: thm_part_subtract
PURPOSE:  Subtracts from a particle distribution down to a minimum.
(If units are in counts, you can use this to do 1 or N count subtraction)

   A particle distribution array from thm_part_dist_array
   Replaces dat with a data structure with the requested counts subtract

  error: Set to 1 on error, zero otherwise
  subtract_value: The amount to subtract(default: 1)
  minimum_value: The minimum after subtraction.(default 5e-3) Prevents asymptotes in moment calculations, negative values 
 dist_data = thm_part_dist_array(probe='a',type='peif',trange=['2012-02-08/09','2012-02-08/12']) ;load data(loaded in counts, by default)
 thm_part_subtract,dist_data ;subtract one count level 
 thm_part_moments,inst='peif',probe='a',dist_array=dist_data ;calculate moments
   Works with, see crib, for examples on new particle processing routines

  $LastChangedBy: pcruce $
  $LastChangedDate: 2013-01-18 08:57:01 -0800 (Fri, 18 Jan 2013) $
  $LastChangedRevision: 11462 $
  $URL: svn+ssh:// $

(See themis/spacecraft/particles/


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PROCEDURE: thm_part_time_interpolate
PURPOSE:  Interpolate particle data to match the time grid of another distribution, or to an arbitary time grid

  source: A particle dist_data structure to be modified by interpolation to match target
  target: A particle dist_data structure whose times will be matched, or an array of target times for interpolatuion.
   Replaces source with a time interpolated dist_data structure

  error: Set to 1 on error, zero otherwise
   Any target times that occur between modes will contain samples filled with NANs.  Effective interpolation is very very tricky between modes.(Read: It will probably never happen)
   Accepts any keywords normally accepted by IDL interpol
   This has a done of TBDs, we need to come back and fix them when time is available.
   thm_part_dist_array, thm_part_smooth, thm_part_subtract,thm_part_omni_convert

  $LastChangedBy: pcruce $
  $LastChangedDate: 2013-03-07 09:47:09 -0800 (Thu, 07 Mar 2013) $
  $LastChangedRevision: 11743 $
  $URL: svn+ssh:// $

(See themis/spacecraft/particles/