;+ ;Deprecated, 8-feb-2010,jmm ;- pro thm_cal_mom,scs=scs, create=create, verbose=verbose message, /info, 'This program is obsolete and is no longer used in TDAS' message, /info, 'To obtain calibrated THEMIS MOM data, please call THM_LOAD_MOM, ' message, /info, 'without setting /raw, or type = ''raw''.' ; This file section will need to be ;sc = 'tha' ;calsource = !themis ;calsource.remote_data_dir = 'http://sprg.ssl.berkeley.edu/~davin/themis/' ; temporary cluge, comment out when files are in place ;cal_relpathname = sc+'/l1/mom/0000/'+sc+'_l1_mom_cal_v01.sav' ;cal_file = file_retrieve(cal_relpathname, _extra=calsource) ;if file_test(cal_file) then restore,file=cal_file,verbose=verbose ;if keyword_set(create) then begin ; cal_data = replicate(1.,13,4) ; cal_sc_pot = 100./(2.^15) + 0. ; default conversion for space_craft potential. ; Comment="Version 1 of the THEMIS moment calibration" ; save,file=cal_file,cal_data,cal_sc_pot,description=comment ;endif ; ; ;if not keyword_set(scs) then scs = 'th'+['a'] ; ;instrs= ['si','ei','ee','se'] +'m' ;This seems odd! Order needs checking!; ; ;for s=0,n_elements(scs)-1 do begin ; sc = scs[s] ; get_data,sc+'_mom',ptr=p ; get_data,sc+'_mom_pot',ptr=pot ; ; if keyword_set(p) then begin ; dim = size(/dimen,*p.y) ; ; for i=0,3 do begin ; instr = instrs[i] ; ; dens = (*p.y)[*,0,i] * cal_data[0,i] ; ; vel = fltarr(dim[0],3) ; for m = 0,2 do vel[*,m] = (*p.y)[*,1+m,i] * cal_data[1+m,i] / dens ; ; pt = fltarr(dim[0],6) ; for m = 0,5 do pt[*,m] = (*p.y)[*,4+m,i] * cal_data[4+m,i] ; ; hf = fltarr(dim[0],3) ; for m = 0,2 do hf[*,m] = (*p.y)[*,10+m,i] * cal_data[10+m,i] ; ; store_data,sc+'_'+instr+'_dens',data={x:p.x, y:dens} ; store_data,sc+'_'+instr+'_vel', data={x:p.x, y:vel } ; store_data,sc+'_'+instr+'_pt', data={x:p.x, y:pt } ; store_data,sc+'_'+instr+'_hf', data={x:p.x, y:hf } ; ; endfor ; ; sc_pot = *pot.y * cal_sc_pot ; store_data,sc+'_scm_pot',data={x:p.x, y:sc_pot } ; endif ;endfor end