This page was created by the IDL library routine mk_html_help2.

Last modified: Mon Oct 5 16:03:45 2020.

Directory Listing of Routines

Routine Descriptions


[List of Routines]
Procedure: fac_matrix_make

Purpose:  generates a field aligned coordinate transformation matrix
from an input B vector array(and sometimes a position vector array)
then stores it in a tplot variable

   mag_var_name=the name of the tplot variable storing the magnetic field
   vectors to be used in transformation matrix generation.  This
   variable must be in gse or gsm coordinates when passed to this procedure.
   pos_var_name(optional)=the name of the tplot variable storing the position
   vectors to be used in transformation matrix generation.  This
   variable must be in gei coordinates when passed to this procedure.
   newname(optional)=the name of the tplot variable in which to store
   the output
   error(optional) = named variable that holds the error state of the
   computation 1 = success 0 = failure
   other_dim(optional) = the second axis for the field aligned
   coordinate system.
   /DEGAP: Set to call TDEGAP to remove any gaps from the data. See TDEGAP for
           for other options that can be invoked using the _extra keyword.
           E.g. thm_fac_matrix_make, 'tha_fgs', other_dim='xgse', /degap, dt=3

   ************For all transformations Z = B************

   Warning about coordinate systems:
   B field tplot variable must be in gse or gsm coordinates,
   depending on what transformation has been selected.
   Position tplot variable must be in gei coordinates. Gei is the default coordinate
   system of thm_load_state.

   Warning:  The resulting transformation matrices will only correctly
   transform data from the coordinate system of the input variable to
   the field aligned coordinate system.  So if mag_var_name is in gse
   coordinates then you should only use the output matrices to transform
   other data in gse coordinates.

   valid second coord(other_dim) options:

         'Xgse', (DEFAULT) translates from gse or gsm into FAC
                    Definition(works on GSE, or GSM):
                    X Axis = on plane defined by Xgse - Z
                    Second coordinate definition: Y = Z x X_gse
                    Third coordinate, X completes orthogonal RHS
                    (right hand system) triad: XYZ
                    Note: X_gse is a unit vector pointing in direction from
                          earth to the sun
         'Rgeo',translate from geo into FAC using radial position vector
                    Rgeo is radial position vector, positive radialy outwards.
                    Second coordinate definition: Y = Z x Rgeo (eastward)
                    Third coordinate, X completes orthogonal RHS XYZ.
         'mRgeo',translate into FAC using radial position vector
                    mRgeo is radial position vector, positive radially inwards.
                    Second coordinate definition: Y = Z x mRgeo (westward)
                    Third coordinate, X completes orthogonal RHS XYZ.
         'Phigeo', translate into FAC using azimuthal position vector
                    Phigeo is the azimuthal geo position vector, positive Eastward
                    First coordinate definition: X = Phigeo x Z (positive outwards)
                    Second coordinate, Y ~ Phigeo (eastward) completes orthogonal RHS XYZ
         'mPhigeo', translate into FAC using azimuthal position vector
                    mPhigeo is minus the azimuthal geo position vector; positive Westward
                    First coordinate definition: X = mPhigeo x Z (positive inwards)
                    Second coordinate, Y ~ mPhigeo (Westward) completes orthogonal RHS XYZ
         'Phism', translate into FAC using azimuthal Solar Magnetospheric vector.
                 Phism is "phi" vector of satellite position in SM coordinates.
                 Y Axis = on plane defined by Phism-Z, normal to Z
                 Second coordinate definition: X = Phism x Z
                 Third completes orthogonal RHS XYZ
         'mPhism', translate into FAC using azimuthal Solar Magnetospheric vector.
                 mPhism is minus "phi" vector of satellite position in SM coordinates.
                 Y Axis = on plane defined by Phism-Z, normal to Z
                 Second coordinate definition: X = mPhism x Z
                 Third completes orthogonal RHS XYZ
         'Ygsm', translate into FAC using cartesian Ygsm position as other dimension.
                 Y Axis on plane defined by Ygsm and Z
                 First coordinate definition: X = Ygsm x Z
                 Third completes orthogonal RHS XYZ


(See general/cotrans/special/fac/