;+ ;Procedure: fac_matrix_make ; ;Purpose: generates a field aligned coordinate transformation matrix ;from an input B vector array(and sometimes a position vector array) ;then stores it in a tplot variable ; ;Arguments: ; mag_var_name=the name of the tplot variable storing the magnetic field ; vectors to be used in transformation matrix generation. This ; variable must be in gse or gsm coordinates when passed to this procedure. ; pos_var_name(optional)=the name of the tplot variable storing the position ; vectors to be used in transformation matrix generation. This ; variable must be in gei coordinates when passed to this procedure. ; newname(optional)=the name of the tplot variable in which to store ; the output ; error(optional) = named variable that holds the error state of the ; computation 1 = success 0 = failure ; other_dim(optional) = the second axis for the field aligned ; coordinate system. ; /DEGAP: Set to call TDEGAP to remove any gaps from the data. See TDEGAP for ; for other options that can be invoked using the _extra keyword. ; E.g. thm_fac_matrix_make, 'tha_fgs', other_dim='xgse', /degap, dt=3 ; ; ************For all transformations Z = B************ ; ; Warning about coordinate systems: ; B field tplot variable must be in gse or gsm coordinates, ; depending on what transformation has been selected. ; Position tplot variable must be in gei coordinates. Gei is the default coordinate ; system of thm_load_state. ; ; Warning: The resulting transformation matrices will only correctly ; transform data from the coordinate system of the input variable to ; the field aligned coordinate system. So if mag_var_name is in gse ; coordinates then you should only use the output matrices to transform ; other data in gse coordinates. ; ; valid second coord(other_dim) options: ; ; 'Xgse', (DEFAULT) translates from gse or gsm into FAC ; Definition(works on GSE, or GSM): ; X Axis = on plane defined by Xgse - Z ; Second coordinate definition: Y = Z x X_gse ; Third coordinate, X completes orthogonal RHS ; (right hand system) triad: XYZ ; Note: X_gse is a unit vector pointing in direction from ; earth to the sun ; 'Rgeo',translate from geo into FAC using radial position vector ; Rgeo is radial position vector, positive radialy outwards. ; Second coordinate definition: Y = Z x Rgeo (eastward) ; Third coordinate, X completes orthogonal RHS XYZ. ; 'mRgeo',translate into FAC using radial position vector ; mRgeo is radial position vector, positive radially inwards. ; Second coordinate definition: Y = Z x mRgeo (westward) ; Third coordinate, X completes orthogonal RHS XYZ. ; 'Phigeo', translate into FAC using azimuthal position vector ; Phigeo is the azimuthal geo position vector, positive Eastward ; First coordinate definition: X = Phigeo x Z (positive outwards) ; Second coordinate, Y ~ Phigeo (eastward) completes orthogonal RHS XYZ ; 'mPhigeo', translate into FAC using azimuthal position vector ; mPhigeo is minus the azimuthal geo position vector; positive Westward ; First coordinate definition: X = mPhigeo x Z (positive inwards) ; Second coordinate, Y ~ mPhigeo (Westward) completes orthogonal RHS XYZ ; 'Phism', translate into FAC using azimuthal Solar Magnetospheric vector. ; Phism is "phi" vector of satellite position in SM coordinates. ; Y Axis = on plane defined by Phism-Z, normal to Z ; Second coordinate definition: X = Phism x Z ; Third completes orthogonal RHS XYZ ; 'mPhism', translate into FAC using azimuthal Solar Magnetospheric vector. ; mPhism is minus "phi" vector of satellite position in SM coordinates. ; Y Axis = on plane defined by Phism-Z, normal to Z ; Second coordinate definition: X = mPhism x Z ; Third completes orthogonal RHS XYZ ; 'Ygsm', translate into FAC using cartesian Ygsm position as other dimension. ; Y Axis on plane defined by Ygsm and Z ; First coordinate definition: X = Ygsm x Z ; Third completes orthogonal RHS XYZ ; Example: ; fac_matrix_make,'tha_fgs',other_dim='Xgse',pos_var_name='tha_pos',newname='tha_fgs_fac_mat' ; ;Notes: ;--> Should filter NaNs to supress floating point errors ;--> Contains coordinate transformation specific code, if new ; coordinate systems are added, this code should be updated ; ; See also: ; cotrans,cotrans_get_coord,tvector_rotate,minvar_matrix_make,fac_crib ; ; ; $LastChangedBy: jimm $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2020-04-29 11:48:35 -0700 (Wed, 29 Apr 2020) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 28649 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/general/cotrans/special/fac/fac_matrix_make.pro $ ;- pro fac_matrix_make,mag_var_name,other_dim=other_dim, pos_var_name=pos_var_name, $ newname=newname, error=error, degap=degap, _extra=ex compile_opt idl2 ;the valid_coords array is positional...so the order of coordnames ;should match their processing order in the code below valid_coords = ['xgse','rgeo','mrgeo','phigeo','mphigeo','phism','mphism','ygsm'] error = 0 if not keyword_set(mag_var_name) then begin dprint,' fx requires mag_var_name to be set' return endif if tnames(mag_var_name) eq '' then begin dprint,' fx requires mag_var_name to be set' return endif if not keyword_set(other_dim) then begin other_dim='xgse' endif if not keyword_set(newname) then newname = mag_var_name + '_fac_mat' other_dim_l = strlowcase(other_dim) co_idx = where(strmatch(valid_coords, other_dim_l) ne 0) if(co_idx[0] eq -1L) then begin dprint,' fx was passed an illegal output coordinate'+other_dim dprint,' fx requires output other_dim to be: ' + strjoin(valid_coords,',') return end get_data,mag_var_name,data=d,limits=l,dlimits=dl ;temp variable, needs to be here, cause if there are no gaps tdegap ;fails, otherwise tdegap will overwrite store_data,mag_var_name+'_ctv_temp',data=d,limits=l,dlimits=dl ;remove any gaps in the data if keyword_set(degap) then tdegap,mag_var_name,newname=mag_var_name+'_ctv_temp', _extra=ex tnormalize,mag_var_name+'_ctv_temp',newname='fac_mat_z_temp',error=error_state if error_state eq 0 then begin dprint,' fx failed to normalize magnetic field vector' return endif del_data,mag_var_name+'_ctv_temp' get_data,'fac_mat_z_temp',data=d,dlimits=dl d_s = size(d.y,/dimensions) if(n_elements(d_s) ne 2 || d_s[1] ne 3) then begin dprint,' fx requires mag_var_name data to be an Nx3 Array' return endif ;adding position variable validation ;2008/05/06 if keyword_set(pos_var_name) then begin if tnames(pos_var_name) eq '' then begin dprint,'illegal position tplot variable name' return endif if n_elements(tnames(pos_var_name)) ne 1 then begin dprint,'can only input a single position tplot variable' return endif if cotrans_get_coord(pos_var_name) ne 'gei' then begin dprint,'position tplot variable must be in gei coordinates' return endif endif case other_dim_l of ;rhs coordinates constructed on plane Xgse - B valid_coords[0] : begin if(dl.data_att.coord_sys ne 'gse' && $ dl.data_att.coord_sys ne 'gsm') then begin dprint,' fx requires mag_var_name to be in GSE or GSM to generate a Xgse field aligned coordinate matrix' return endif get_data,'fac_mat_z_temp',data=d,dlimits=dl ;constructs an array of unit vectors ;for use in generation of series of ;unit vector cross products x_axis = transpose(rebin([1D,0D,0D],3,n_elements(d.x))) str_element,d,'v',SUCCESS=s dl_temp=dl dl_temp.data_att.coord_sys = 'gse' str_element,d,'v',SUCCESS=s if(s) then $ store_data,'fac_mat_x_temp',data={x:d.x,y:x_axis,v:d.v},dlimits=dl_temp $ else $ store_data,'fac_mat_x_temp',data={x:d.x,y:x_axis},dlimits=dl_temp case dl.data_att.coord_sys of 'gse' : ; no rotation required 'gsm' : ; no rotation required else : begin dprint,' FX failed to rotate Xgse vector onto input mag field system' return end endcase tcrossp,'fac_mat_z_temp','fac_mat_x_temp',newname='fac_mat_y_temp',error=error_state if(error_state eq 0) then begin dprint,' FX failed to create zx cross product in ' + valid_coords[0] return endif tnormalize,'fac_mat_y_temp',newname='fac_mat_y_temp',error=error_state if(error_state eq 0) then begin dprint,' FX failed to create zx cross product in ' + valid_coords[0] return endif tcrossp,'fac_mat_y_temp','fac_mat_z_temp',newname='fac_mat_x_temp',error=error_state if(error_state eq 0) then begin dprint,' FX failed to create yz cross product in ' + valid_coords[0] return endif ;the code above assumes the existence of coord_sys, but it probably shouldn't ; str_element,dl,'data_att',success=s2 ; s3 = 0 ; if s2 then $ ; str_element,dl.data_att,'coord_sys',success=s3 str_element,dl,'labels',success=s1 if s1 eq 1 then $ dl.labels = ['Y x B','B x Xgse','B'] end ;coordinates constructed on rhs coordinate system defined by B - Rgeo valid_coords[1] : begin if not keyword_set(pos_var_name) then begin dprint,' FX requires pos_var_name to be set for Rgeo coordinate transformation' return endif if tnames(pos_var_name) eq '' then begin dprint,' FX requires pos_var_name to be set for Rgeo coordinate transformation' return endif ;create temp variable so position vector is not overwritten get_data, pos_var_name, data=d_2,limits=l_2,dlimits=dl_2 pos_var_name_temp = pos_var_name+'_temp' store_data, pos_var_name_temp, data=d_2,limits=l_2,dlimits=dl_2 ;remove any gaps in the data if keyword_set(degap) then tdegap,pos_var_name_temp,newname=pos_var_name_temp, _extra=ex get_data,pos_var_name_temp,data=d_2,dlimits=dl_2 d_2_s = size(d_2.y,/dimensions) if(n_elements(d_2_s) ne 2 || d_2_s[1] ne 3) then begin dprint,' FX requires pos_var_name data to be an Nx3 Array' return endif if dl_2.data_att.coord_sys ne 'gei' then begin dprint,' FX requires position data to be in gei coordinates to generate Rgeo transformation' return endif tinterpol_mxn,pos_var_name,'fac_mat_z_temp',newname='fac_mat_pos_temp',error=error_state if error_state eq 0 then begin dprint,' FX failed to interpolate position data onto mag field data' return endif tnormalize,'fac_mat_pos_temp',newname='fac_mat_pos_temp',error=error_state if error_state eq 0 then begin dprint,' FX failed to normalize interpolated position data' return endif ; --vassilis begin insertion-- case dl.data_att.coord_sys of 'gse' : begin cotrans,'fac_mat_pos_temp','fac_mat_pos_temp',/gei2gse end 'gsm' : begin cotrans,'fac_mat_pos_temp','fac_mat_pos_temp',/gei2gse cotrans,'fac_mat_pos_temp','fac_mat_pos_temp',/gse2gsm end else : begin dprint,' FX failed to rotate data onto mag field system' return end endcase ; --vassilis end insertion-- tcrossp,'fac_mat_z_temp','fac_mat_pos_temp',newname='fac_mat_y_temp',error=error_state if(error_state eq 0) then begin dprint,' FX failed to generate B x Rgeo vector' return endif tnormalize,'fac_mat_y_temp',newname='fac_mat_y_temp',error=error_state if error_state eq 0 then begin dprint,' FX failed to normalize y-vector after cross-product' return endif tcrossp,'fac_mat_y_temp','fac_mat_z_temp',newname='fac_mat_x_temp',error=error_state if(error_state eq 0) then begin dprint,' FX failed to generate Y x Z vector' return endif del_data,'fac_mat_pos_temp' del_data,pos_var_name_temp str_element,dl,'labels',success=s1 if s1 eq 1 then $ dl.labels = ['Y x B','B x Rgeo','B'] end ;coordinates constructed on rhs coordinate system defined by B - mRgeo valid_coords[2] : begin if not keyword_set(pos_var_name) then begin dprint,' FX requires pos_var_name to be set for mRgeo coordinate transformation' return endif if tnames(pos_var_name) eq '' then begin dprint,' FX requires pos_var_name to be set for mRgeo coordinate transformation' return endif ;create temp variable so position vector is not overwritten get_data, pos_var_name, data=d_2,limits=l_2,dlimits=dl_2 pos_var_name_temp = pos_var_name+'_temp' store_data, pos_var_name_temp, data=d_2,limits=l_2,dlimits=dl_2 ;remove any gaps in the data if keyword_set(degap) then tdegap,pos_var_name_temp,newname=pos_var_name_temp, _extra=ex get_data,pos_var_name_temp,data=d_2,dlimits=dl_2 d_2_s = size(d_2.y,/dimensions) if(n_elements(d_2_s) ne 2 || d_2_s[1] ne 3) then begin dprint,' FX requires pos_var_name data to be an Nx3 Array' return endif if dl_2.data_att.coord_sys ne 'gei' then begin dprint,' FX requires position data to be in gei coordinates to generate mRgeo transformation' return endif tinterpol_mxn,pos_var_name,'fac_mat_z_temp',newname='fac_mat_pos_temp',error=error_state if error_state eq 0 then begin dprint,' FX failed to interpolate position data onto mag field data' return endif tnormalize,'fac_mat_pos_temp',newname='fac_mat_pos_temp',error=error_state if error_state eq 0 then begin dprint,' FX failed to normalize interpolated position data' return endif ; --vassilis begin insertion-- case dl.data_att.coord_sys of 'gse' : begin cotrans,'fac_mat_pos_temp','fac_mat_pos_temp',/gei2gse end 'gsm' : begin cotrans,'fac_mat_pos_temp','fac_mat_pos_temp',/gei2gse cotrans,'fac_mat_pos_temp','fac_mat_pos_temp',/gse2gsm end else : begin dprint,' FX failed to rotate data onto mag field system' return end endcase ; --vassilis end insertion-- tcrossp,'fac_mat_pos_temp','fac_mat_z_temp',newname='fac_mat_y_temp',error=error_state if(error_state eq 0) then begin dprint,' FX failed to generate Rgeo x B = B x mRgeo vector' return endif tnormalize,'fac_mat_y_temp',newname='fac_mat_y_temp',error=error_state if error_state eq 0 then begin dprint,' FX failed to normalize y-vector after cross-product' return endif tcrossp,'fac_mat_y_temp','fac_mat_z_temp',newname='fac_mat_x_temp',error=error_state if(error_state eq 0) then begin dprint,' FX failed to generate Y x Z vector' return endif del_data,'fac_mat_pos_temp' del_data,pos_var_name_temp str_element,dl,'labels',success=s1 if s1 eq 1 then $ dl.labels = ['Y x B','B x mRgeo','B'] end ;begin Phigeo transformation valid_coords[3] : begin if not keyword_set(pos_var_name) then begin dprint,' FX requires pos_var_name to be set for Phigeo coordinate transformation' return endif if tnames(pos_var_name) eq '' then begin dprint,' FX requires pos_var_name to be set for Phigeo coordinate transformation' return endif ;create temp variable so position vector is not overwritten get_data, pos_var_name, data=d_2,limits=l_2,dlimits=dl_2 pos_var_name_temp = pos_var_name+'_temp' store_data, pos_var_name_temp, data=d_2,limits=l_2,dlimits=dl_2 ;remove any gaps in the data if keyword_set(degap) then tdegap,pos_var_name_temp,newname=pos_var_name_temp, _extra=ex get_data,pos_var_name_temp,data=d_2,dlimits=dl_2 d_2_s = size(d_2.y,/dimensions) if(n_elements(d_2_s) ne 2 || d_2_s[1] ne 3) then begin dprint,' FX requires pos_var_name data to be an Nx3 Array' return endif if dl_2.data_att.coord_sys ne 'gei' then begin dprint,' FX requires position data to be in gei coordinates to generate Phigeo transformation' return endif tinterpol_mxn,pos_var_name,'fac_mat_z_temp',newname='fac_mat_pos_temp',error=error_state if(error_state eq 0) then begin dprint,' FX failed to interpolate position data onto mag field data' return endif ;obtain spherical coordinate unit vector phi in GEI (it is identical to phi GEO) ;first get theta,phi ;for some reason it truncates the names on this call so the names ;of the output variables are stored explicitly to make sure we can ;keep track of them xyz_to_polar,'fac_mat_pos_temp', magnitude = mag_name, theta = th_name,phi = phi_name get_data,phi_name,phi_t,phi_d get_data,th_name,theta_t,theta_d del_data, mag_name del_data, th_name del_data, phi_name ;allocate temporary storage variable y_2 = dindgen(n_elements(theta_t),3) ; next get unit vector phi coordinates in GEI system (overwrite y_2) y_2[*,0]=cos(theta_d*!PI/180.)*cos(phi_d*!PI/180.) y_2[*,1]=sin(theta_d*!PI/180.)*cos(phi_d*!PI/180.) y_2[*,2]=-sin(phi_d*!PI/180.) ; transform into mag field coordinate system str_element,d,'v',SUCCESS=s if(s) then $ store_data,'fac_mat_pos_temp',data={x:d.x,y:y_2, v:d.v} $ else $ store_data,'fac_mat_pos_temp',data={x:d.x,y:y_2} case dl.data_att.coord_sys of 'gse' : begin cotrans,'fac_mat_pos_temp','fac_mat_pos_temp',/gei2gse end 'gsm' : begin cotrans,'fac_mat_pos_temp','fac_mat_pos_temp',/gei2gse cotrans,'fac_mat_pos_temp','fac_mat_pos_temp',/gse2gsm end else : begin dprint,' FX failed to rotate data onto mag field system' return end endcase tcrossp,'fac_mat_pos_temp','fac_mat_z_temp',newname='fac_mat_x_temp',error=error_state if(error_state eq 0) then begin dprint,'FX failed to calculate Phigeo by z cross product' return endif tnormalize,'fac_mat_x_temp',newname='fac_mat_x_temp',error=error_state if(error_state eq 0) then begin dprint,'FX failed to normalize x temp' return endif tcrossp,'fac_mat_z_temp','fac_mat_x_temp',newname='fac_mat_y_temp',error=error_state if(error_state eq 0) then begin dprint,'FX failed to calculate z by x cross product' return endif del_data,'fac_mat_pos_temp' del_data,pos_var_name_temp str_element,dl,'labels',success=s1 if s1 eq 1 then $ dl.labels=['Phigeo x B','B x X','B'] end ;begin mPhigeo transformation valid_coords[4] : begin if not keyword_set(pos_var_name) then begin dprint,' FX requires pos_var_name to be set for mPhigeo coordinate transformation' return endif if tnames(pos_var_name) eq '' then begin dprint,' FX requires pos_var_name to be set for mPhigeo coordinate transformation' return endif ;create temp variable so position vector is not overwritten get_data, pos_var_name, data=d_2,limits=l_2,dlimits=dl_2 pos_var_name_temp = pos_var_name+'_temp' store_data, pos_var_name_temp, data=d_2,limits=l_2,dlimits=dl_2 ;remove any gaps in the data if keyword_set(degap) then tdegap,pos_var_name_temp,newname=pos_var_name_temp, _extra=ex get_data,pos_var_name_temp,data=d_2,dlimits=dl_2 d_2_s = size(d_2.y,/dimensions) if(n_elements(d_2_s) ne 2 || d_2_s[1] ne 3) then begin dprint,' FX requires pos_var_name data to be an Nx3 Array' return endif if dl_2.data_att.coord_sys ne 'gei' then begin dprint,' FX requires position data to be in gei coordinates to generate mPhigeo transformation' return endif tinterpol_mxn,pos_var_name,'fac_mat_z_temp',newname='fac_mat_pos_temp',error=error_state if(error_state eq 0) then begin dprint,' FX failed to interpolate position data onto mag field data' return endif ;obtain spherical coordinate unit vector phi in GEI (it is identical to phi GEO) ;first get theta,phi ;for some reason it truncates the names on this call so the names ;of the output variables are stored explicitly to make sure we can ;keep track of them xyz_to_polar,'fac_mat_pos_temp', magnitude = mag_name, theta = th_name,phi = phi_name get_data,phi_name,phi_t,phi_d get_data,th_name,theta_t,theta_d del_data, mag_name del_data, th_name del_data, phi_name ;allocate temporary storage variable y_2 = dindgen(n_elements(theta_t),3) ; next get unit vector phi coordinates in GEI system (overwrite y_2) y_2[*,0]=cos(theta_d*!PI/180.)*cos(phi_d*!PI/180.) y_2[*,1]=sin(theta_d*!PI/180.)*cos(phi_d*!PI/180.) y_2[*,2]=-sin(phi_d*!PI/180.) ; transform into mag field coordinate system str_element,d,'v',SUCCESS=s if(s) then $ store_data,'fac_mat_pos_temp',data={x:d.x,y:y_2, v:d.v} $ else $ store_data,'fac_mat_pos_temp',data={x:d.x,y:y_2} case dl.data_att.coord_sys of 'gse' : begin cotrans,'fac_mat_pos_temp','fac_mat_pos_temp',/gei2gse end 'gsm' : begin cotrans,'fac_mat_pos_temp','fac_mat_pos_temp',/gei2gse cotrans,'fac_mat_pos_temp','fac_mat_pos_temp',/gse2gsm end else : begin dprint,' FX failed to rotate data onto mag field system' return end endcase tcrossp,'fac_mat_z_temp','fac_mat_pos_temp',newname='fac_mat_x_temp',error=error_state if(error_state eq 0) then begin dprint,'FX failed to calculate mPhigeo by z cross product' return endif tnormalize,'fac_mat_x_temp',newname='fac_mat_x_temp',error=error_state if(error_state eq 0) then begin dprint,'FX failed to normalize x temp' return endif tcrossp,'fac_mat_z_temp','fac_mat_x_temp',newname='fac_mat_y_temp',error=error_state if(error_state eq 0) then begin dprint,'FX failed to calculate z by x cross product' return endif del_data,'fac_mat_pos_temp' del_data,pos_var_name_temp str_element,dl,'labels',success=s1 if s1 eq 1 then $ dl.labels=['mPhigeo x B','B x X','B'] end ;begin Phism transformation valid_coords[5]: begin if not keyword_set(pos_var_name) then begin dprint,' FX requires pos_var_name to be set for Phism coordinate transformation' return endif if tnames(pos_var_name) eq '' then begin dprint,' FX requires pos_var_name to be set for Phism coordinate transformation' return endif ;create temp variable so position vector is not overwritten get_data, pos_var_name, data=d_2,limits=l_2,dlimits=dl_2 pos_var_name_temp = pos_var_name+'_temp' store_data, pos_var_name_temp, data=d_2,limits=l_2,dlimits=dl_2 ;remove any gaps in the data if keyword_set(degap) then tdegap,pos_var_name_temp,newname=pos_var_name_temp, _extra=ex get_data,pos_var_name_temp,data=d_2,dlimits=dl_2 d_2_s = size(d_2.y,/dimensions) if(n_elements(d_2_s) ne 2 || d_2_s[1] ne 3) then begin dprint,' FX requires pos_var_name data to be an Nx3 Array' return endif if dl_2.data_att.coord_sys ne 'gei' then begin dprint,' FX requires position data to be in gei coordinates to generate Phism transformation' return endif cotrans,pos_var_name_temp,pos_var_name_temp,/gei2gse cotrans,pos_var_name_temp,pos_var_name_temp,/gse2gsm cotrans,pos_var_name_temp,pos_var_name_temp,/gsm2sm tinterpol_mxn,pos_var_name_temp,'fac_mat_z_temp',newname='fac_mat_pos_temp',error=error_state if(error_state eq 0) then begin dprint,' FX failed to interpolate position data onto mag field data' return endif ;obtain spherical coordinate unit vector phi in SM ;first get theta,phi ;for some reason it truncates the names on this call so the names ;of the output variables are stored explicitly to make sure we can ;keep track of them xyz_to_polar,'fac_mat_pos_temp', magnitude = mag_name, theta = th_name,phi = phi_name get_data,phi_name,phi_t,phi_d get_data,th_name,theta_t,theta_d del_data, mag_name del_data, th_name del_data, phi_name ;allocate temporary storage variable y_2 = dindgen(n_elements(theta_t),3) ; next get unit vector phi coordinates in SM system (overwrite y_2) y_2[*,0]=-sin(phi_d*!PI/180.) y_2[*,1]=cos(phi_d*!PI/180.) y_2[*,2]=0. str_element,d,'v',SUCCESS=s if(s) then $ store_data,'fac_mat_pos_temp',data={x:d.x,y:y_2, v:d.v} $ else $ store_data,'fac_mat_pos_temp',data={x:d.x,y:y_2} case dl.data_att.coord_sys of 'gse' : begin cotrans,'fac_mat_pos_temp','fac_mat_pos_temp',/sm2gsm cotrans,'fac_mat_pos_temp','fac_mat_pos_temp',/gsm2gse end 'gsm' : begin cotrans,'fac_mat_pos_temp','fac_mat_pos_temp',/sm2gsm end else : begin dprint,' FX failed to rotate data onto mag field system' return end endcase tcrossp,'fac_mat_pos_temp','fac_mat_z_temp',newname='fac_mat_x_temp',error=error_state if(error_state eq 0) then begin dprint,'FX failed to calculate Phism by z cross product' return endif tnormalize,'fac_mat_x_temp',newname='fac_mat_x_temp',error=error_state if(error_state eq 0) then begin dprint,'FX failed to normalize x temp' return endif tcrossp,'fac_mat_z_temp','fac_mat_x_temp',newname='fac_mat_y_temp',error=error_state if(error_state eq 0) then begin dprint,'FX failed to calculate z by x cross product' return endif del_data,'fac_mat_pos_temp' del_data,pos_var_name_temp str_element,dl,'labels',success=s1 ;what are the labels? if s1 eq 1 then $ dl.labels=['Phism x B','B x X','B'] end ;begin mPhism transformation valid_coords[6]: begin if not keyword_set(pos_var_name) then begin dprint,' FX requires pos_var_name to be set for mPhism coordinate transformation' return endif if tnames(pos_var_name) eq '' then begin dprint,' FX requires pos_var_name to be set for mPhism coordinate transformation' return endif ;create temp variable so position vector is not overwritten get_data, pos_var_name, data=d_2,limits=l_2,dlimits=dl_2 pos_var_name_temp = pos_var_name+'_temp' store_data, pos_var_name_temp, data=d_2,limits=l_2,dlimits=dl_2 ;remove any gaps in the data if keyword_set(degap) then tdegap,pos_var_name_temp,newname=pos_var_name_temp, _extra=ex get_data,pos_var_name_temp,data=d_2,dlimits=dl_2 d_2_s = size(d_2.y,/dimensions) if(n_elements(d_2_s) ne 2 || d_2_s[1] ne 3) then begin dprint,' FX requires pos_var_name data to be an Nx3 Array' return endif if dl_2.data_att.coord_sys ne 'gei' then begin dprint,' FX requires position data to be in gei coordinates to generate mPhism transformation' return endif cotrans,pos_var_name_temp,pos_var_name_temp,/gei2gse cotrans,pos_var_name_temp,pos_var_name_temp,/gse2gsm cotrans,pos_var_name_temp,pos_var_name_temp,/gsm2sm tinterpol_mxn,pos_var_name_temp,'fac_mat_z_temp',newname='fac_mat_pos_temp',error=error_state if(error_state eq 0) then begin dprint,' FX failed to interpolate position data onto mag field data' return endif ;obtain spherical coordinate unit vector phi in SM ;first get theta,phi ;for some reason it truncates the names on this call so the names ;of the output variables are stored explicitly to make sure we can ;keep track of them xyz_to_polar,'fac_mat_pos_temp', magnitude = mag_name, theta = th_name,phi = phi_name get_data,phi_name,phi_t,phi_d get_data,th_name,theta_t,theta_d del_data, mag_name del_data, th_name del_data, phi_name ;allocate temporary storage variable y_2 = dindgen(n_elements(theta_t),3) ; next get unit vector phi coordinates in SM system (overwrite y_2) y_2[*,0]=-sin(phi_d*!PI/180.) y_2[*,1]=cos(phi_d*!PI/180.) y_2[*,2]=0. str_element,d,'v',SUCCESS=s if(s) then $ store_data,'fac_mat_pos_temp',data={x:d.x,y:y_2, v:d.v} $ else $ store_data,'fac_mat_pos_temp',data={x:d.x,y:y_2} case dl.data_att.coord_sys of 'gse' : begin cotrans,'fac_mat_pos_temp','fac_mat_pos_temp',/sm2gsm cotrans,'fac_mat_pos_temp','fac_mat_pos_temp',/gsm2gse end 'gsm' : begin cotrans,'fac_mat_pos_temp','fac_mat_pos_temp',/sm2gsm end else : begin dprint,' FX failed to rotate data onto mag field system' return end endcase tcrossp,'fac_mat_z_temp','fac_mat_pos_temp',newname='fac_mat_x_temp',error=error_state if(error_state eq 0) then begin dprint,'FX failed to calculate mPhism by z cross product' return endif tnormalize,'fac_mat_x_temp',newname='fac_mat_x_temp',error=error_state if(error_state eq 0) then begin dprint,'FX failed to normalize x temp' return endif tcrossp,'fac_mat_z_temp','fac_mat_x_temp',newname='fac_mat_y_temp',error=error_state if(error_state eq 0) then begin dprint,'FX failed to calculate z by x cross product' return endif del_data,'fac_mat_pos_temp' del_data,pos_var_name_temp str_element,dl,'labels',success=s1 if s1 eq 1 then $ dl.labels=['mPhism x B','B x X','B'] end ;begin Ygsm transformation (similar to other_dim=Xgse) valid_coords[7]: begin if(dl.data_att.coord_sys ne 'gse' && $ dl.data_att.coord_sys ne 'gsm') then begin dprint,' fx requires mag_var_name to be in GSE or GSM to generate a Ygsm field aligned coordinate matrix' return endif get_data,'fac_mat_z_temp',data=d,dlimits=dl ;constructs an array of unit vectors ;for use in generation of series of ;unit vector cross products y_axis = transpose(rebin([0D,1D,0D],3,n_elements(d.x))) str_element,d,'v',SUCCESS=s dl_temp=dl dl_temp.data_att.coord_sys = 'gsm' if(s) then $ store_data,'fac_mat_y_temp',data={x:d.x,y:y_axis,v:d.v},dlimits=dl_temp $ else $ store_data,'fac_mat_y_temp',data={x:d.x,y:y_axis},dlimits=dl_temp case dl.data_att.coord_sys of 'gse' : begin cotrans,'fac_mat_y_temp','fac_mat_y_temp',/gsm2gse end 'gsm' : ; no rotation required else : begin dprint,' FX failed to rotate Ygsm vector onto input mag field system' return end endcase tcrossp,'fac_mat_y_temp','fac_mat_z_temp',newname='fac_mat_x_temp',error=error_state if(error_state eq 0) then begin dprint,' FX failed to create yz cross product in Ygsm' return endif tnormalize,'fac_mat_x_temp',newname='fac_mat_x_temp',error=error_state if(error_state eq 0) then begin dprint,' FX failed to normalize Ygsm in Ygsm' return endif tcrossp,'fac_mat_z_temp','fac_mat_x_temp',newname='fac_mat_y_temp',error=error_state if(error_state eq 0) then begin dprint,' FX failed to create zx cross product in Ygsm' return endif str_element,dl,'labels',success=s1 if s1 eq 1 then $ dl.labels = ['Ygsm x B','B x X','B'] end else: begin dprint,'no valid other_dimension' return end endcase get_data,'fac_mat_x_temp',data=d_x del_data,'fac_mat_x_temp' get_data,'fac_mat_y_temp',data=d_y del_data,'fac_mat_y_temp' get_data,'fac_mat_z_temp',data=d_z del_data,'fac_mat_z_temp' ;generate output variable and store it out = dindgen(d_s[0],3,3) out[*,0,*] = d_x.y out[*,1,*] = d_y.y out[*,2,*] = d_z.y ;out = transpose(out, [0, 2, 1]) str_element,d,'v',SUCCESS=s if(s) then $ d = {x:d.x,y:out,v:d.v} $ else $ d = {x:d.x,y:out} ;dl.data_att.coord_sys=valid_coords[0] str_element,dl,'data_att.source_sys',dl.data_att.coord_sys,/add dl.data_att.coord_sys=other_dim_l ;tvector rotate uses this flag to determine if it should take axes ;labels from the transformation matrix str_element,dl,'labflag',success=s if s eq 1 then $ dl.labflag = 1 $ else $ str_element,dl,'labflag',value=1,/add_replace store_data,newname,data=d,dlimits=dl error = 1 return end