Data Descriptions
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L2 MOM Data Quality Flag Descriptions
There is a data_quality flag variable associated with each MOM L2 data type. (Data types include: 'peim' = Particle ESA Ion, 'peem' = Particle ESA Electron). For information on the ESA instrument, please read instrument_esa.shtml and esa_non_ideal.shtml. Note that not all of the conditions discussed in the above link are flagged. For each data type, a flag value of 0 indicates that the data currently has no issues. A non-zero value for the flag means that there may be problems. Non-zero values are totals of the values described below. For example, a flag value of 33 means that the spacecraft potential is missing (flag = 1) and the ion density is more than twice the electron density (flag = 32). Note that Level 2 on-board moment data is only available after 2 August, 2007 for probe A and 10 August 2007 for the other probes.
For each data type:
Flag Value 0 = Okay data.
Flag Value 1 = No spacecraft potential available. Photoelectrons which would normally be excluded from density calculations are included in the calculations, resulting in inaccurate values for electron moments. Ion moments are less affected. All data prior to EFI boom deployment (THA (P5) 14 Jan 2008, 1700 UT.THB (P1) 17 Nov 2007, 0600 UT, THC (P2) 16 May 2007, 2100 UT, THD (P3) 7 Jun 2007, 1700 UT, THE (P4) 7 Jun 2007, 1900 UT) are flagged.
Flag Value 4 = ESA low-energy mode in effect for electrons. ESA parameter tables are not uploaded for low-energy mode, so the on-board electron moments are unreliable.
Flag Value 8 = ESA low-energy mode in effect for ions. ESA parameter tables are not uploaded for low-energy mode, so the on-board ion moments are unreliable.
Flag Value 16 = Electron density > 2 X Ion Density. Possible effect of photoelectrons.
Flag Value 32 = Ion density > 2 X Electron Density. Possible effect of cold Ions.
Flag Value 64 = Maneuver flag.
Link to the MOM Data Variable Descriptions | Link to ESA Instrument Information | |
Link to the MOM Data Processing History |