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FGM Level 2 Data Processing History
This web page contains significant dates for changes in the software and mastercdfs that are used to create THEMIS Level 2 files for the FGM (Flux-Gate Magnetometer) instrument.
Dates for reprocessing of FGM L2 files are included.
Files thx_12_fgm_yyyymmdd_v01.cdf (where x= a, b, c, d, or e):
Processing | Comments | ||
Date | |||
2007-06-15: | FGM L2 files released. | ||
2007-08-31: | Reprocessed L2 FGM, FBK files, due to changes in L1 files. | ||
2007-09-11: | Reprocessed all L2 files to clean out bad files. | ||
2007-11-07: | All L2 files are reprocessed due to changes in L1 state files which use improved spin calculations. | ||
2008-01-10: | Full L2 reprocessing. No changes in variables or file format. | ||
2008-04-18: | Full L2 reprocessing for TDAS version 4.00 QA. No changes in variables or file format. | ||
2008-09-11: | Reprocessed L2 FGM data for all probes prior to 7 August 2008, due to calibration changes. No changes in variables or file format. | ||
2008-10-20: | Reprocessed L2 FGM data for all probes to add btotal variables, changed variable order in master CDF's. | ||
2009-03-23: | Reprocessed L2 FGM data due to calibration changes. No changes in variables or file format. | ||
2009-09-10: | Reprocessed L2 FGM and FIT data due to changes in L1 STATE files. No changes in variables or file format. | ||
2010-02-27: | Reprocessed ESA, MOM, FIT, and FGM L2 files, due to new FGM calibrations, and new V03 L1 STATE data. No changes in variables or file format. | ||
2010-04-20: | Reprocessed FGM L2 files, due to new FGM calibrations, and new V03 L1 STATE data. No changes in variables or file format. | ||
2010-05-17: | Reprocessed THB (post 24-Jul-2009), THC (post 13-apr-2010) L2 files in response to filled data gaps from L0/L1 processing. | ||
2010-07-22: | Reprocessed full mission for EFI, ESA, FGM, FIT, MOM, and SCM; changed all L2 time formats to f12.8 (from e13.6, e19.12, and f12.2 in various files) and added solarwind mode flags to ESA and MOM files. Also implemented new calibration data for FGM. | ||
2010-09-10: | Reprocessed FGM post 29-Mar-2010 for new calibration data. | ||
2010-11-10: | Reprocessed FGM for Artemis probes B and C post 1-May-2010 for new calibration data. | ||
2011-01-07: | Reprocessed full mission for ESA, FBK, FGM, FFT, FIT, MOM, SCM, and SST; to correct for data gaps at day boundaries caused by time clipping in load routines. | ||
2011-06-20: | Reprocessed All probes FGM from 2010-10-15 on, due to new calibration data. | ||
2011-08-22: | FGM L2 files reprocessed with new calibration data, probe B after 2011-05-20, probe C from 2011-05-28, probe D from 2011-07-20, probe E from 2011-07-23. | ||
2011-09-30: | FGM L2 files reprocessed from 2011-09-01 on, to restore missing FGH data. | ||
2011-09-30: | Reprocessed All probes FGM from 2010-10-15 on, to replace missing FGH data. | ||
2011-12-14: | Reprocessed ARTEMIS probes B and C, FGM from 2011-08-18 on, with new calibration data. | ||
2012-02-29: | Reprocessed THEMIS probe A, FGM from 2010-12-01 on, with new calibration data. | ||
2012-03-07: | Reprocessed all probes, all dates FGM L2 data files, using new calibration data. | ||
2012-04-03: | Reprocessed FGM L2 data files for all probes, for dates after 5-Aug-2011, using new calibration data. | ||
2012-06-04: | Reprocessed all probes, full mission FGM L2 files, with new calibration data. | ||
2012-06-20: | Reprocessed THEMIS D FGM L2 files, from 2012-03-23 on, with new calibration data. | ||
2012-07-23: | Reprocessed all probes, FGM L2 files, after 2011-08-01, with new calibration data. | ||
2012-08-01: | Reprocessed FGM L2 files for probes B, from 2012-05-21, C, from 2012-05-07, E, from 2012-05-06 , with new calibration data. | ||
2012-09-01: | Reprocessed FGM L2 files for probes: A, from 2012-06-24, D, from 2012-06-06, E, from 2012-07-05 , with new calibration data. | ||
2012-09-06: | Reprocessed FGM L2 files for probes: B, from 2012-07-05, C, from 2012-07-17, with new calibration data. | ||
2012-11-04: | Reprocessed FGM L2 files for probes: A, from 2012-08-18, B, from 2012-08-24, C, from 2012-08-23, D and E, from 2012-08-19, with new calibration data. | ||
2013-01-03: | Reprocessed FGM L2 files for probes: B, from 2012-09-01, C, from 2012-08-01, with new calibration data. | ||
2013-05-20: | Reprocessed FGM L2 files for probes: A, from 2012-12-29, B, from 2012-11-01, C, from 2012-10-13, D, from 2013-01-03 and E, from 2013-01-01, with new calibration data. | ||
2013-10-25: | Reprocessed FGM L2 files for probes: A from 2013-07-27; B from 2013-08-12; C from 2013-08-11: D from 2013-08-08: E from 2013-08-01, with new calibration data. | ||
2014-06-04: | Reprocessed FGM L2 files for probes: A, B, D, E from 2014-04-01 on; with new calibration data. | ||
2014-08-18: | Reprocessed FGM L2 files for probes: A from 2013-12-02, B from 2014-05-11, C from 2014-01-14, D from 2014-05-11, E from 2014-05-11 on; with new calibration data. | ||
2014-09-05: | Reprocessed FGM L2 files for probe C from 2011-11-16 to 2011-12-10 with new calibration data. | ||
2014-09-16: | Reprocessed FGM L2 files for probes: A from 2014-06-28, B from 2014-07-01, D from 2014-06-23, E from 2014-07-04 on; with new calibration data. | ||
2014-09-24: | Reprocessed FGM L2 files for probes: A from 2014-08-13, B from 2013-04-01, C from 2013-03-01, with new calibration data. | ||
2015-02-04: | Reprocessed FGM L2 files for probes: A from 2014-08-08, B from 2014-09-01, C from 2014-09-01, D from 2014-08-16, E from 2014-08-11, with new calibration data. | ||
2015-06-24: | Reprocessed FGM L2 files for probes: A, after 2015-01-12, B, after 2015-01-11, C, after 2015-03-28, D, after 2015-03-24, E after 2015-03-26, with new calbration data. | ||
2016-03-21: | Reprocessed FGM L2 files for probes: A, after 2015-09-30, B, after 2015-10-20, C, after 2015-10-20, D, after 2015-12-20, E after 2015-04-30, with new calbration data. | ||
2016-05-24: | Reprocessed FGM L2 files for probes: A, after 2016-02-29, B, from 2015-11-18 to 2015-12-03, and after 2016-02-28, C, after 2016-02-28, D, after 2016-02-17, E after 2016-02-23, with new calibration data. | ||
2016-07-19: | Reprocessed FGM L2 files for probes: A, after 2016-04-30, B after 2016-04-29, C, after 2016-04-30, D, after 2016-04-20, E after 2016-04-30, with new calibration data. | ||
2016-09-16: | Reprocessed FGM L2 files for probes: A, after 2015-04-02, B, after 2016-07-03, C, after 2016-07-02, D, after 2016-01-31, E, from 2014-06-29 to 2014-07-14 and after 2016-07-03. | ||
2017-04-18 to 2017-05-04: | Reprocessed FGM, FIT, MOM, ESA, SST and EFI L2 files for all probes for the full mission with new magnetic field calibration data. | ||
2017-07-31: | Reprocessed FGM L2 files for all probes, after 2017-02-28, with new spin-calibration data. | ||
2017-09-21: | Reprocessed FGM L2 files for probes: A, from 2017-06-28, B, from 2017-06-29, C, from 2017-06-05, D, from 2017-06-29, E, from 2017-06-29, with updated calibration data. | ||
2018-02-09: | Reprocessed FGM L2 files for probes: A, from 2017-07-21, B, from 2017-08-31, C, from 2017-08-31, D, from 2017-08-03, E, from 2017-08-03, with updated calibration data. | ||
2018-04-10: | Reprocessed FGM L2 files for all probes after 2017-07-31, with updated spin calibration data. | ||
2018-08-17: | Reprocessed FGM L2 files for all probes after 2017-12-31, with updated calibration offsets and spin calibration data. | ||
2019-07-08: | Reprocessed FGM L2 files for probes A, D, E from 2018-07-01 on, and probes B, C from 2017-03-01 on with updated calibration offsets and spin calibration data. | ||
2019-11-15: | Reprocessed All probe L2 files for THEMIS-A:Oct 6-12 2019;Oct 25-29 2019, THEMIS-D:Oct 26-27 2019,THEMIS-E:Oct 26-28 2019;June 21-22 2012, all but 2012 files due to power outage of October 2019. | ||
2020-04-20: | Reprocessed FGM L2 files for dates from 2019-03-30, with updated calibration offsets and spin calibration data. | ||
2020-08-03: | Reprocessed FGM L2 files for THEMIS A from 2020-02-28, THEMIS B from 2018-07-03, THEMIS C from 2018-06-30, THEMIS D from 2020-03-23, THEMIS E from 2020-03-23, with updated calibration offsets. | ||
2020-08-31: | Reprocessed FGM L2 files for all probes, from 2020-04-01 on, with updated spin calibration data. | ||
2021-06-16: | Reprocessed FGM L2 files for all probes, from 2020-06-18 on, with updated calibration data. | ||
2021-07-19: | Reprocessed FGM L2 files for probes B and C, from 2020-06-01 on, with updated calibration data. | ||
2021-08-23: | Reprocessed FGM L2 files for all probes, from 2021-02-01 on, with updated calibration data. | ||
2022-07-11: | Reprocessed FGM L2 files for all probes, from 2021-07-14 on, with updated calibration data. | ||
2023-05-30: | Reprocessed FGM L2 files for probe A, from 2019-06-10 on, for probes B and C, from 2021-06-01 on, and probe D, from 2022-02-24, with updated calibration data. | ||
2023-06-05: | Temporarily halted THEMIS E FGM L2 file production, and removed THEMIS E FGM L2 files post 2023-04-27, due to calibration offset anomaly. | ||
2023-07-12: | Reprocessed FGM and FIT L2 files for all probes, from 2022-10-30 on, with updated FGM calibration data. | ||
2023-08-14: | Reprocessed FGM and FIT L2 files for all probes, full mission up to 2022-10-30, to insure match between FGS data in both files, and match with calibrated L1 data. | ||
2023-09-08: | Reprocessed FGM and FIT L2 files for probe A, after 2023-04-29; for probe B, after 2022-11-01; for probe C, after 2022-08-01; for probe D, after 2022-12-02; for probe E, after 2022-12-01, with updated calibration data. | ||
2023-09-26: | Reprocessed FGM and FIT L2 files for probe C, after 2022-07-31, with corrected Bz offset. | ||
2023-11-06: | Reprocessed FGM and FIT L2 files for probe A, after 2023-07-19; for probe B, after 2023-03-01; for probe C, after 2022-07-01; for probe D, after 2023-07-15; for probe E, after 2023-03-01, with updated calibration data. | ||
2023-12-18: | Reprocessed FGM and FIT L2 files for probe A, after 2020-04-01; for probe B, after 2023-09-01; for probe C, after 2023-08-28; for probe D, after 2023-08-29; for probe E, after 2021-08-01, with updated calibration data. | ||
2024-01-16: | Reprocessed FGM and FIT L2 files for all probes, after 2023-10-29, with updated calibration data. | ||
2024-03-25: | Reprocessed FGM and FIT L2 files for all probes, after 2023-12-31, with updated calibration data. | ||
2024-05-08: | Reprocessed FGM and FIT L2 files for all probes, THA and D after 2024-03-01, THB and C after 2023-09-01, and THE after 2023-04-24, with updated calibration data. | ||
2024-05-14: | Reprocessed FGM and FIT L2 files for probe E after 2023-04-24, with updated calibration software. | ||
2024-05-24: | Reprocessed FGM and FIT L2 files for probe E after 2024-03-30, with updated calibration data, and temporarily suspended THEMIS E L2 FGM file production for dates after 2024-04-22. | ||
2024-06-19: | Reprocessed FGM and FIT L2 files for probes A,B,C,D from 2024-03-31 on, with updated calibration data. | ||
2024-08-29: | Reprocessed FGM and FIT L2 files for probes A,B,C,D from 2024-06-02 on, with updated calibration data. | ||
2025-01-06: | Created L1B data with estimates of spin-axis Bz, from spin-plane B, for 2024-06 and 2024-07. Processed FGM and FIT L2 files for probe E from 2024-04-22 through 2024-07-31, with updated calibration data, and new L1B data. | ||
2025-01-22: | Created L1B data with estimates of spin-axis Bz, from spin-plane B, for 2024-08 through 2024-12. Processed FGM and FIT L2 files for probe E from 2024-05-14 through 2024-12-31, with updated calibration data, and new L1B data. | ||
2025-01-24: | Reprocessed FGM and FIT L2 files for probes A,B,C,D from 2024-03-01 through 2025-01-19, with updated calibration data. | ||
2025-02-06: | Reprocessed FGM and FIT L2 files for probes A,B,C,D from 2024-10-01 through 2025-02-06, with updated calibration data. |
Link to the FGM Data Variable Descriptions | Link to FGM Instrument Information |