;+ ;NAME: ; spd_ui_panel_options ;PURPOSE: ; A widget interface for selecting data ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; spd_uifile, master_widget_id ;INPUT: ; master_widget_id = the id number of the widget that calls this ;OUTPUT: ; none, there are buttons to push for plotting, setting limits, not ; sure what else yet... ;HISTORY: ; ;(lphilpott 06/2011) Delayed the handling of spinner events until user clicks OK/APPLY/SET ALL or changes panel. Dialog messages ;are issued for invalid entries. This avoids the issue of the text overwriting in spinners as the user types if values aren't valid. ; ;$LastChangedBy: jwl $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2022-03-04 11:48:01 -0800 (Fri, 04 Mar 2022) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 30648 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_6_1/spedas_gui/panels/spd_ui_panel_options.pro $ ; ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pro spd_ui_panel_update,tlb,state=state, nodraw=nodraw compile_opt idl2, hidden statedef = ~(~size(state,/type)) if ~statedef then begin Widget_Control, tlb, Get_UValue=state, /No_Copy ;Only get STATE if it is not passed in. endif else begin tlb = state.tlb endelse ;make sure settings are copied spd_ui_init_panel_options,tlb,state=state if ~keyword_set(nodraw) then begin ;now update state.drawObject->update,state.windowStorage,state.loadedData, errmsg=errmsg ; Issue a dialog message to user if an important error has occured. ; Note: not every drawObject error will return an errmsg structure. if keyword_set(errmsg) then begin if in_set('TYPE', tag_names(errmsg)) then begin if strupcase(errmsg.type) eq 'ERROR' then begin if in_set('VALUE', tag_names(errmsg)) then begin ok = dialog_message('Error: '+errmsg.value,/center) endif endif endif endif state.drawObject->draw endif ;now update panel coordinates with current info for i = 0,n_elements(state.panelObjs)-1 do begin info = state.drawObject->getPanelInfo(i) if is_struct(info) && obj_valid(state.panelObjs[i]) then begin newsize = state.drawObject->getpanelsize(info.xpos,info.ypos) state.panelObjs[i]->setPanelCoordinates,newsize endif endfor ;Mutate any structures to reflect current display settings spd_ui_init_panel_options,tlb,state=state if ~statedef then Widget_Control, tlb, Set_UValue=state, /No_Copy ;Only put STATE if it was not passed in. end pro spd_ui_init_panel_options, tlb, state=state compile_opt idl2, hidden statedef = ~(~size(state,/type)) if ~statedef then begin Widget_Control, tlb, Get_UValue=state, /No_Copy ;Only get STATE if it is not passed in. endif else begin tlb = state.tlb endelse ; Get currently selected panel object and settings cpanel = state.panelobjs[*state.panel_select] IF ~Obj_Valid(cpanel) THEN BEGIN traceSettings=Obj_New('SPD_UI_LINE_SETTINGS') panelSettings=Obj_New('SPD_UI_PANEL_SETTINGS') panelSettings->GetProperty, titleobj=panelTitle sensitive = 0 ENDIF ELSE BEGIN sensitive = 1 cpanel->GetProperty, traceSettings=traceSettings, settings=panelSettings panelSettings->GetProperty, titleobj=panelTitle ENDELSE ; Set panel select id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='layoutpanel') widget_control, id, set_combobox_select=*state.panel_select ; Get panel title and font options paneltitle->GetProperty, value=value, font=titlefont, size=titlesize, color=titlecolor id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='paneltitle') widget_control, id, set_value = value, sensitive = sensitive id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='titlecombo') widget_control, id, set_combobox_select=titlefont, sensitive = sensitive id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='titlesize') widget_control, id, set_value=titlesize, sensitive = sensitive tcolorwindow = widget_info(tlb,find_by_uname='tcolorwindow') Widget_Control, tcolorwindow, Get_Value=tcolorWin scene=obj_new('IDLGRSCENE', color=titlecolor) tcolorWin->setProperty,graphics_tree=scene tcolorWin->draw id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='tpalette') widget_control, id, sensitive=sensitive ; Get title margin panelSettings->GetProperty, titleMargin=titlemargin id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='titlemargin') widget_control, id, set_value = titlemargin, sensitive = sensitive ; Get bottom/left position settings panelSettings->GetProperty, bottom=bottom, bunit=bunit, left=left, lunit=lunit,lvalue=lvalue,bvalue=bvalue unitNames=panelSettings->GetUnitNames() id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='botbutton') widget_control, id, set_button=bottom, sensitive = sensitive id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='bvalue') widget_control, id, set_value=strcompress(string(bvalue), /remove_all), sensitive=bottom id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='bunit') widget_control, id, set_value=unitNames, set_combobox_select=bunit, sensitive=bottom id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='leftbutton') widget_control, id, set_button=left, sensitive = sensitive id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='lvalue') widget_control, id, set_value=strcompress(string(lvalue), /remove_all), sensitive=left id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='lunit') widget_control, id, set_value=unitNames, set_combobox_select=lunit, sensitive=left ; Get width/height position settings panelSettings->GetProperty, width=width, wunit=wunit, height=height, $ hunit=hunit, relvertsize=relvertsize,$ hvalue=hvalue,wvalue=wvalue id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='widthbutton') widget_control, id, set_button=width, sensitive = sensitive id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='wvalue') widget_control, id, set_value=strcompress(string(wvalue), /remove_all), sensitive=width id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='wunit') widget_control, id, set_value=unitNames, set_combobox_select=wunit, sensitive=width id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='heightbutton') widget_control, id, set_button=height, sensitive = sensitive id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='hvalue') widget_control, id, set_value=strcompress(string(hvalue), /remove_all), sensitive=height id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='hunit') widget_control, id, set_value=unitNames, set_combobox_select=hunit, sensitive=height ; id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='relvertsize') ; widget_control, id, set_value=relvertsize ; Get background color and initialize background color window panelSettings->GetProperty, backgroundcolor=value Widget_Control, state.bgcolorWindow, Get_Value=bgcolorWin if obj_valid(scene) then scene->remove,/all scene=obj_new('IDLGRSCENE', color=value) bgcolorWin->draw, scene id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='bgpalette') widget_control, id, sensitive=sensitive ; Get frame color/thickness and initialize frame color window panelSettings->GetProperty, framecolor=value, framethick=framethick Widget_Control, state.fcolorWindow, Get_Value=fcolorWin if obj_valid(scene) then scene->remove,/all scene=obj_new('IDLGRSCENE', color=value) fcolorWin->draw, scene id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='fpalette') widget_control, id, sensitive=sensitive id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='framethick') widget_control, id, set_value=framethick, sensitive = sensitive state.historyWin->update,'SPD_UI_PANEL_OPTIONS: Widgets updated.' if ~statedef then Widget_Control, tlb, Set_UValue=state, /No_Copy ;Only put STATE if it was not passed in. END ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- pro spd_ui_panel_options_set_dims, origWindow, cWindow, panelObjs compile_Opt idl2, hidden if ~obj_valid(panelObjs[0]) then return origWindow->getproperty, nrows=o_nrows, ncols=o_ncols r=0 c=0 for i=0, n_elements(panelObjs)-1 do begin panelObjs[i]->getproperty, settings=panelSettings panelSettings->getproperty, row=row, col=col, rspan=rspan, cspan=cspan panelSettings->getproperty, rspan=rspan, cspan=cspan r = (row+rspan-1) > r c = (col+cspan-1) > c r = (rspan-1) > r c = (cspan-1) > c endfor r = o_nrows > r c = o_ncols > c cWindow->setproperty, nrows=r, ncols=c end ; procedure to update all relevant settings when the set all panels button is checked ; the title of the panels is preserved, everything else is copied pro spd_ui_panel_options_set_all, tlb, state=state, panelSettings=panelSettings panelSettings->GetProperty, titleobj=titleobj, titlemargin=titlemargin, $ backgroundcolor=backgroundcolor, framecolor=framecolor, $ framethick=framethick npanels = n_elements(state.panelobjs) for i=0,npanels-1 do begin state.panelobjs[i]->GetProperty, settings=panelSettings1 ; The following code preserves the panel title text, but copies all other properties panelSettings1->GetProperty,titleobj=titleobj1 titleobj1->GetProperty,value=titletext1 ; that's the current title text, we don't want to change this titleObj2 = titleObj->Copy() titleObj2->SetProperty,value=titletext1 ; do not change title text ; Now set the panel to new properties and save it into state object panelSettings1->SetProperty,titleobj=titleObj2,titlemargin=titlemargin, $ backgroundcolor=backgroundcolor, framecolor=framecolor, $ framethick=framethick state.panelobjs[i]->SetProperty, settings=panelSettings1 endfor end ; Procedure to check the entries in the spinner widgets for validity, update the settings, and issue any ; warning messages to the user. ; It is intended that this is called when the user clicks OK, APPLY, or changes to view a different panel. ; It should also be called if SET ALL is checked to update settings before they are propagated to other panels. pro spd_ui_panel_spinner_update,tlb,panelsettings ; Placement ; ; ROW testvar = !values.d_nan minval = 1 minval = 0 id = widget_info(tlb,find_by_uname='botbutton') if widget_info(id, /button_set) then begin spd_ui_panel_spinner_check, tlb, panelsettings, 'bvalue','Bottom value',minval,reset=1,bvalue=testvar panelSettings->GetProperty, bvalue=bvalue widget_control, (widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname='bvalue')), set_value=bvalue endif ;LEFT -nb: event handling saves valid values immediately, if you change the valid range change there too id = widget_info(tlb,find_by_uname='leftbutton') if widget_info(id, /button_set) then begin spd_ui_panel_spinner_check, tlb, panelsettings, 'lvalue','Left value',minval,reset=1,lvalue=testvar panelSettings->GetProperty, lvalue=lvalue widget_control, (widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname='lvalue')), set_value=lvalue endif ;WIDTH id = widget_info(tlb,find_by_uname='widthbutton') if widget_info(id, /button_set) then begin spd_ui_panel_spinner_check_greater_than, tlb, panelsettings, 'wvalue','Width value',minval,wvalue=testvar panelSettings->GetProperty, wvalue=wvalue widget_control, (widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname='wvalue')), set_value=wvalue endif ;HEIGHT id = widget_info(tlb,find_by_uname='heightbutton') if widget_info(id, /button_set) then begin spd_ui_panel_spinner_check_greater_than, tlb, panelsettings, 'hvalue','Height value',minval,hvalue=testvar panelSettings->GetProperty, hvalue=hvalue widget_control, (widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname='hvalue')), set_value=hvalue endif ; FRAME THICKNESS id = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname='framethick') widget_control, id, get_value=framethick if ~finite(framethick,/nan) then begin if framethick lt 1 then begin panelSettings->SetProperty,framethick=1 widget_control, id, set_value=1 messageString = 'Frame thickness must be greater than or equal to 1; value set to 1.' response=dialog_message(messageString,/CENTER) endif else if framethick gt 10 then begin panelSettings->SetProperty,framethick=10 widget_control, id, set_value=10 messageString = 'Maximum frame thickness is 10; value set to 10.' response=dialog_message(messageString,/CENTER) endif else begin panelSettings->SetProperty, framethick=framethick endelse endif else begin messageString = 'Invalid frame thickness entered; value reset.' response=dialog_message(messageString,/CENTER) panelSettings->GetProperty, framethick=prevframethick widget_control, id,set_value=prevframethick endelse ; TITLE MARGIN minval = 1 spd_ui_panel_spinner_check, tlb, panelSettings, 'titlemargin', 'Title margin', minval,maxvalue=1000,titlemargin=testvar panelSettings->GetProperty, titlemargin=titlemargin widget_control, (widget_info(tlb,find_by_uname='titlemargin')), set_value=titlemargin ; TITLE SIZE panelsettings->GetProperty, titleobj=title spd_ui_panel_spinner_check, tlb, title, 'titlesize','Title size',minval,maxvalue=100, reset=1,size=testvar title->Getproperty, size=size widget_control, (widget_info(tlb,find_by_uname='titlesize')), set_value=size end ;Helper procedure to avoid code repetition. ; set reset keyword if you want to reset to previous value (NB: this just means this helper function doesn't change the settings, widget must be updated elsewhere) ; if reset is not set it will update to the minvalue if value is less than minimum. pro spd_ui_panel_spinner_check, tlb,panelsettings,uname,namestring, minvalue,maxvalue=maxvalue, reset=reset, _extra=ex if ~keyword_set(maxvalue) then maxvalue = 1000 id = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname=uname) widget_control, id, get_value=val if ~finite(val,/nan) then begin if val lt minvalue then begin if keyword_set(reset) then begin messageString = namestring+' must be greater than or equal to '+strtrim(string(minvalue),1)+'; value reset.' response=dialog_message(messageString,/CENTER) endif else begin ex.(0)=minvalue panelSettings->SetProperty,_extra=ex widget_control, id, set_value=minvalue messageString = namestring+' must be greater than or equal to '+strtrim(string(minvalue),1)+'; value set to '+strtrim(string(minvalue),1)+'.' response=dialog_message(messageString,/CENTER) endelse endif else if val gt maxvalue then begin if keyword_set(reset) then begin messageString = namestring+' must be lower than or equal to '+strtrim(string(maxvalue),1)+'; value reset.' response=dialog_message(messageString,/CENTER) endif else begin ex.(0)=maxvalue panelSettings->SetProperty,_extra=ex widget_control, id, set_value=maxvalue messageString = namestring+' must be lower than or equal to '+strtrim(string(maxvalue),1)+'; value set to '+strtrim(string(maxvalue),1)+'.' response=dialog_message(messageString,/CENTER) endelse endif else begin ex.(0)=val panelSettings->SetProperty, _extra=ex endelse endif else begin messageString = 'Invalid '+namestring+' entered; value reset.' response=dialog_message(messageString,/CENTER) endelse end ;repeat of helper above, but checks if greater than rather than greater than or equal to the minvalue ; no reset keyword as setting to minvalue isn't valid pro spd_ui_panel_spinner_check_greater_than, tlb,panelsettings,uname,namestring, minvalue, _extra=ex id = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname=uname) widget_control, id, get_value=val if ~finite(val,/nan) then begin if val le minvalue then begin messageString = namestring+' must be greater than '+strtrim(string(minvalue),1)+'; value reset.' response=dialog_message(messageString,/CENTER) endif else begin ex.(0)=val panelSettings->SetProperty, _extra=ex endelse endif else begin messageString = 'Invalid '+namestring+' entered; value reset.' response=dialog_message(messageString,/CENTER) endelse end ;function to handle color changing events ;returns chosen color function spd_ui_panel_options_color_event, tlb, panelsettings, colorwidget, currentcolor ;panelSettings->GetProperty, backgroundColor=currentcolor color = PickColor(!P.Color, Group_Leader=tlb, Cancel=cancelled, $ currentcolor=currentcolor) if cancelled then color=currentcolor Widget_Control, colorwidget, Get_Value=colorWin if obj_valid(scene) then scene->remove,/all scene=obj_new('IDLGRSCENE', color=reform(color)) colorWin->draw, scene return, color end ;--------------------------------------- PRO spd_ui_panel_options_event, event Compile_Opt hidden Widget_Control, event.TOP, Get_UValue=state, /No_Copy ;Put a catch here to insure that the state remains defined err_xxx = 0 Catch, err_xxx IF (err_xxx NE 0) THEN BEGIN Catch, /Cancel Help, /Last_Message, Output = err_msg spd_ui_sbar_hwin_update, state, err_msg, /error, err_msgbox_title='Error in Panel Options' Widget_Control, event.TOP, Set_UValue=state, /No_Copy widget_control, event.top,/destroy RETURN ENDIF cpanel = state.panelobjs[*state.panel_select] IF ~Obj_Valid(cpanel) THEN cpanel = Obj_New('SPD_UI_PANEL', 1) cpanel->GetProperty, tracesettings=tracesettings, settings=panelsettings, YAxis=yaxis ;kill request block IF (Tag_Names(event, /Structure_Name) EQ 'WIDGET_KILL_REQUEST') THEN BEGIN ; reset state.origWindow->GetProperty, panels=origPanels, nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols state.cWindow->SetProperty, panels=origPanels, nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols state.drawObject->update,state.windowStorage,state.loadedData state.drawObject->draw state.historyWin->Update,'SPD_UI_PANEL_OPTIONS: Panel Options window killed.' state.tlb_statusBar->update,'Panel Options killed' exit_sequence: dprint, dlevel=4, 'widget killed' Widget_Control, event.TOP, Set_UValue=state, /No_Copy Widget_Control, event.top, /Destroy RETURN ENDIF ; Get the instructions from the widget causing the event and ; act on them. Widget_Control, event.id, Get_UValue=uval IF Size(uval, /Type) NE 0 THEN BEGIN state.historywin->update,'SPD_UI_PANEL_OPTIONS: User value: '+uval ,/dontshow CASE uval OF 'APPLYTOALL': BEGIN ;apply to all panels ;Update spinner widget values if obj_valid(state.panelobjs[*state.panel_select]) then spd_ui_panel_spinner_update,state.tlb,panelsettings ;Update list of Panel names in combobox if setall has been set to true. ;Also copy all settings from current panel over to other panels. if obj_valid(state.panelobjs[*state.panel_select]) then spd_ui_panel_options_set_all, tlb, state=state, panelSettings=panelSettings IF Is_Num(panelNames) THEN panelNames=['No Panels'] IF N_Elements(panelNames) EQ 1 && panelNames EQ '' THEN panelNames=['No Panels'] id_layoutpanel = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='layoutpanel') widget_control, id_layoutpanel, set_value=panelNames,set_combobox_select=*state.panel_select if obj_valid(state.panelobjs[*state.panel_select]) then spd_ui_panel_spinner_update,state.tlb,panelsettings spd_ui_panel_options_set_dims, state.origWindow, state.cWindow, state.panelObjs if spd_ui_check_overlap(state.panelobjs, state.cwindow[0]) then break spd_ui_panel_update,event.top, state=state IF Is_Num(panelNames) THEN panelNames=['No Panels'] IF N_Elements(panelNames) EQ 1 && panelNames EQ '' THEN panelNames=['No Panels'] widget_control, id_layoutpanel, set_value=panelNames,set_combobox_select=*state.panel_select if obj_valid(state.panelobjs[*state.panel_select]) then begin state.historyWin->Update, 'Changes applied to All Panels.' state.statusBar->Update, 'Changes applied to All Panels.' endif else begin state.historywin->update,'No changes applied (no valid panels).' state.statusBar->update,'No changes applied (no valid panels).' endelse END 'APPLY': BEGIN ;update spinner widget values if obj_valid(state.panelobjs[*state.panel_select]) then spd_ui_panel_spinner_update,state.tlb,panelsettings spd_ui_panel_options_set_dims, state.origWindow, state.cWindow, state.panelObjs if spd_ui_check_overlap(state.panelobjs, state.cwindow[0]) then break spd_ui_panel_update,event.top, state=state IF Is_Num(panelNames) THEN panelNames=['No Panels'] IF N_Elements(panelNames) EQ 1 && panelNames EQ '' THEN panelNames=['No Panels'] id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='layoutpanel') widget_control, id, set_value=panelNames,set_combobox_select=*state.panel_select if obj_valid(state.panelobjs[*state.panel_select]) then begin state.historyWin->Update, 'Changes applied.' state.statusBar->Update, 'Changes applied.' endif else begin state.historywin->update,'No changes applied (no valid panels).' state.statusBar->update,'No changes applied (no valid panels).' endelse END 'CANC': BEGIN state.origWindow->GetProperty, panels=origPanels, nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols state.cWindow->SetProperty, panels=origPanels, nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols state.drawObject->update,state.windowStorage,state.loadedData state.drawObject->draw dprint, dlevel=4, 'Panel Options widget cancelled. No changes made.' state.historyWin->Update, 'Panel Options window cancelled. No changes made.' state.tlb_statusBar->update,'Panel Options cancelled' Widget_Control, event.TOP, Set_UValue=state, /No_Copy Widget_Control, event.top, /Destroy RETURN END 'OK': BEGIN ;Update spinner widget values if obj_valid(state.panelobjs[*state.panel_select]) then spd_ui_panel_spinner_update,state.tlb,panelsettings spd_ui_panel_options_set_dims, state.origWindow, state.cWindow, state.panelObjs if spd_ui_check_overlap(state.panelobjs, state.cwindow[0]) then break spd_ui_panel_update,event.top, state=state dprint, dlevel=4, 'Panel options update. Panel Options widget closed.' state.historyWin->Update, 'Panel options update. Panel Options widget closed.' state.tlb_statusBar->update,'Panel Options closed' Widget_Control, event.TOP, Set_UValue=state, /No_Copy Widget_Control, event.top, /destroy RETURN END 'TEMP': begin if obj_valid(state.panelobjs[*state.panel_select]) then begin ;Update spinner widget values spd_ui_panel_spinner_update,state.tlb,panelsettings state.template->setProperty,panel=panelSettings->copy() state.historywin->update,'Current panel options stored for use in a Template' state.statusBar->update,'Current panel options stored for use in a Template' messageString = 'These values have now been stored!' + string(10B) + string(10B) + 'To save them in a template, click File->Graph Options Template->Save Template' response=dialog_message(messageString,/CENTER, /information) endif else begin state.historywin->update,'Cannot store options. Needs a valid panel to store options for a template.' state.statusBar->update,'Cannot store options. Needs a valid panel to store options for a template.' endelse end 'LAYOUTPANEL': BEGIN *state.panel_select = event.index *state.ctr_num = 0 if obj_valid(state.panelobjs[*state.panel_select]) then spd_ui_panel_spinner_update,state.tlb,panelsettings spd_ui_init_panel_options, state=state state.historyWin->Update, 'Panel Layout changed' state.statusbar->Update, 'Panel Layout changed' END 'PANELTITLE': BEGIN widget_control, event.id, get_value=value panelsettings->GetProperty, titleobj=panelTitle panelTitle->SetProperty, value=value ;update title in panel combobox if obj_valid(state.panelobjs[*state.panel_select]) then begin id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='layoutpanel') widget_control, id, get_value=panelNames panelNames[*state.panel_select] = state.panelObjs[*state.panel_select]->constructPanelName() widget_control, id, set_value=panelNames, set_combobox_select=*state.panel_select endif state.historyWin->Update, 'Panel Title changed' state.statusbar->Update, 'Panel Title changed' END 'TFONT': BEGIN panelsettings->getproperty, titleobj=title title->setproperty, font=event.index ; spd_ui_init_panel_options, state=state state.historyWin->Update, 'Title Font changed' state.statusbar->Update, 'Title Font changed' END 'TSIZE': BEGIN state.historyWin->Update, 'Title Font Size changed' state.statusbar->Update, 'Title Font Size changed' END 'TITLEMARGIN': BEGIN state.historyWin->Update, 'Title Margin changed' state.statusbar->Update, 'Title Margin changed' END 'BOTBUTTON': BEGIN panelSettings->SetProperty, bottom=event.select id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='bvalue') widget_control, id, sensitive=event.select id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='bunit') widget_control, id, sensitive=event.select state.historyWin->Update, 'Bottom Margin toggled' state.statusbar->Update, 'Bottom Margin toggled' END 'LEFTBUTTON': BEGIN panelSettings->SetProperty, left=event.select id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='lvalue') widget_control, id, sensitive=event.select id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='lunit') widget_control, id, sensitive=event.select state.historyWin->Update, 'Left Margin toggled' state.statusbar->Update, 'Left Margin toggled' END 'WIDTHBUTTON': BEGIN panelSettings->SetProperty, width=event.select id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='wvalue') widget_control, id, sensitive=event.select id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='wunit') widget_control, id, sensitive=event.select state.historyWin->Update, 'Width Margin toggled' state.statusbar->Update, 'Width Margin toggled' END 'HEIGHTBUTTON': BEGIN panelSettings->SetProperty, height=event.select id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='hvalue') widget_control, id, sensitive=event.select id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='hunit') widget_control, id, sensitive=event.select state.historyWin->Update, 'Height Margin toggled' state.statusbar->Update, 'Height Margin toggled' END ; This code was updating the state too aggressively. When invalid spinner entries were made, it would revert to the last valid entry ; Rather than the last applied entry. (.e.g. If bvalue is 7 and I change it to 56ff, it would reset to 56, when it should reset to 7 ; Commenting the code fixes the problem ; I'm not deleting this for now block because it is always possible removing it could cause regressions. ; Current date is 2014/05/08. If you read this comment and it is next year or something, it is probably safe to remove the block. ; ; 'BVALUE': BEGIN ; ; handle only valid cases (wait until the user switches panels or clicks apply/ok/setall to do anything about invalid entries) ; if event.valid and event.value ge 0 then panelSettings->SetProperty, bvalue=event.value ; ; state.historyWin->Update, 'Bottom Margin updated' ; state.statusbar->Update, 'Bottom Margin updated' ; END ; 'LVALUE': BEGIN ; ; handle only valid cases ; if event.valid and event.value ge 0 then panelSettings->SetProperty, lvalue=event.value ; ; state.historyWin->Update, 'Left Margin updated' ; state.statusbar->Update, 'Left Margin updated' ; END ; 'WVALUE': BEGIN ; ; handle only valid cases ; if event.valid and event.value gt 0 then panelSettings->SetProperty, wvalue=event.value ; ; state.historyWin->Update, 'Width Margin updated' ; state.statusbar->Update, 'Width Margin updated' ; END ; 'HVALUE': BEGIN ; ; handle only valid cases ; if event.valid and event.value gt 0 then panelSettings->SetProperty, hvalue=event.value ; ; state.historyWin->Update, 'Height Margin updated' ; state.statusbar->Update, 'Height Margin updated' ; END 'BUNIT': BEGIN panelSettings->SetProperty, bunit=event.index panelSettings->GetProperty, bvalue=bvalue id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='bvalue') widget_control, id, set_value=strcompress(string(bvalue), /remove_all) state.historyWin->Update, 'Bottom Margin Units updated' state.statusbar->Update, 'Bottom Margin Units updated' END 'LUNIT': BEGIN panelSettings->SetProperty, lunit=event.index panelSettings->GetProperty, lvalue=lvalue id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='lvalue') widget_control, id, set_value=strcompress(string(lvalue), /remove_all) state.historyWin->Update, 'Left Margin Units updated' state.statusbar->Update, 'Left Margin Units updated' END 'WUNIT': BEGIN panelSettings->SetProperty, wunit=event.index panelSettings->GetProperty, wvalue=wvalue id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='wvalue') widget_control, id, set_value=strcompress(string(wvalue), /remove_all) state.historyWin->Update, 'Width Margin Units updated' state.statusbar->Update, 'Width Margin Units updated' END 'HUNIT': BEGIN panelSettings->SetProperty, hunit=event.index panelSettings->GetProperty, hvalue=hvalue id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='hvalue') widget_control, id, set_value=strcompress(string(hvalue), /remove_all) state.historyWin->Update, 'Height Margin Units updated' state.statusbar->Update, 'Height Margin Units updated' END 'RELVERTSIZE': BEGIN if event.valid then begin if event.value lt 0 then begin panelSettings->SetProperty, relvertsize=0 widget_control, event.id, set_value=0 endif else panelSettings->SetProperty, relvertsize=event.value endif state.historyWin->Update, 'Relative Vertical Size updated' state.statusbar->Update, 'Relative Vertical Size updated' END 'TPALETTE': BEGIN panelSettings->GetProperty, titleobj=title title->GetProperty, color = currentcolor color = spd_ui_panel_options_color_event(state.tlb, panelsettings, state.tcolorWindow, currentcolor) title->SetProperty, color=color state.historyWin->Update, 'Font Color selected' state.statusbar->Update, 'Font Color selected' END 'BGPALETTE': BEGIN panelSettings->GetProperty, backgroundColor=currentcolor color = spd_ui_panel_options_color_event(state.tlb, panelsettings, state.bgcolorWindow, currentcolor) panelSettings->SetProperty, backgroundcolor=color state.historyWin->Update, 'Backgournd Color selected' state.statusbar->Update, 'Backgournd Color selected' END 'FPALETTE': BEGIN panelSettings->GetProperty, frameColor=currentcolor color = spd_ui_panel_options_color_event(state.tlb, panelsettings, state.fcolorWindow, currentcolor) panelSettings->SetProperty, framecolor=color state.historyWin->Update, 'Panel Frame Color selected' state.statusbar->Update, 'Panel Frame Color selected' END 'FRAMETHICK': BEGIN state.historyWin->Update, 'Frame Thickness updated' state.statusbar->Update, 'Frame Thickness updated' END ELSE:; dprint, '' ENDCASE ENDIF ; ALWAYS reset state Widget_Control, event.TOP, Set_UValue=state, /No_Copy RETURN END ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRO spd_ui_panel_options, gui_id, windowStorage, loadedData, historyWin, $ drawObject, panel_select=panel_select, ctr_num=ctr_num,$ template, tlb_statusbar ; kill top base in case of init error catch, err if err ne 0 then begin catch, /cancel help, /last_message, output=err_msg for i = 0, n_elements(err_msg)-1 do historywin->update,err_msg[i] print, 'Error--See history' widget_control, tlb, /destroy ok = error_message('An unknown error occured while starting Panel Options. See console for details.',$ /noname, /center, title='Error in Panel Options') spd_gui_error, gui_id, historywin return endif ;top level and main base widgets tlb_statusBar->update,'Panel Options opened' tlb = Widget_Base(/Col, Title='Panel Options', Group_Leader=gui_id, $ /Modal, /Floating, /tlb_kill_request_events, TAB_MODE=1) mainBase = Widget_Base(tlb, /Col) mainButtonBase = Widget_Base(tlb, /Row, /Align_Center) ;layout panel bases layoutBase = Widget_Base(mainBase, Title='Layout', /Col, ypad=2) panellBase = Widget_Base(layoutBase, /ROW, YPad=2, XPad=2) titleBase = Widget_Base(layoutBase, /Row, YPad=1, XPad=2) titleFontBase = widget_base(layoutBase,/row, ypad=0, xpad=2) plabelBase = Widget_Base(layoutBase, /Row, YPad = 2, XPad=2) placeBase = Widget_Base(layoutBase, /Col, Frame=3) ; overlayBase = Widget_Base(placeBase, /Row, YPad=1, XPad=2) rcBase = Widget_Base(placeBase, /Row, YPad=2) col1 = Widget_Base(rcBase, /Col, XPad=2, ypad=10) col2 = Widget_Base(rcBase, /Col, XPad=30) topBase = Widget_Base(placeBase, /Row) tcol1 = Widget_Base(col2, /Row, XPad=80) tcol2 = Widget_Base(col2, /Row, XPad=80) tcol3 = Widget_Base(col2, /Row, XPad=80) tcol4 = Widget_Base(col2, /Row, XPad=80) tButBase = Widget_Base(tcol1, /Col, /NonExclusive) tSizeBase = Widget_Base(tcol1, /Col) tPullBase = Widget_Base(tcol1, /Col) t2ButBase = Widget_Base(tcol2, /Col, /NonExclusive) t2SizeBase = Widget_Base(tcol2, /Col) t2PullBase = Widget_Base(tcol2, /Col) t3ButBase = Widget_Base(tcol3, /Col, /NonExclusive) t3SizeBase = Widget_Base(tcol3, /Col) t3PullBase = Widget_Base(tcol3, /Col) t4ButBase = Widget_Base(tcol4, /Col, /NonExclusive) t4SizeBase = Widget_Base(tcol4, /Col) t4PullBase = Widget_Base(tcol4, /Col) bottomBase = Widget_Base(placeBase, /Row) relBase = Widget_Base(placeBase, /Row, /Align_Center) clabelBase = Widget_Base(layoutBase, /Row, YPad=1, XPad=2) colorColBase = Widget_Base(layoutBase, /col, Frame=3) colorBase = Widget_Base(colorColBase, /Row, YPad=1, XPad=2) thicknessBase = Widget_Base(colorColBase, /row) if ~ptr_valid(panel_select) then panel_select = ptr_new(0) if ~ptr_valid(ctr_num) then ctr_num = ptr_new(0) else *ctr_num = 0 cWindow = windowStorage->GetActive() origWindow = cWindow->Copy() IF NOT Obj_Valid(cWindow) THEN BEGIN panelNames=['No Panels'] ENDIF ELSE BEGIN cWindow->GetProperty, Panels=panels, nRows=nRows, nCols=nCols IF Obj_Valid(panels) THEN BEGIN panelObjs = panels->Get(/all) IF obj_valid(panelobjs[0]) then begin FOR i=0, N_Elements(panelObjs)-1 do panelobjs[i]->save endif endif IF NOT Obj_Valid(panels) THEN BEGIN panelNames=['No Panels'] ENDIF ELSE BEGIN panelObjs = panels->Get(/all) IF Is_Num(panelObjs) THEN BEGIN panelNames=['No Panels'] ENDIF ELSE BEGIN FOR i=0, N_Elements(panelObjs)-1 DO BEGIN name = panelObjs[i]->constructPanelName() IF i EQ 0 THEN panelNames=[name] ELSE panelNames=[panelNames, name] ENDFOR panelobjs[0]->getproperty, settings=panelsettings panelsettings->getproperty, titleobj=title ENDELSE ENDELSE IF Is_Num(panelNames) THEN panelNames=['No Panels'] IF N_Elements(panelNames) EQ 1 && panelNames EQ '' THEN panelNames=['No Panels'] ENDELSE if ~obj_valid(title) then title = obj_new('spd_ui_text') ;Get path to bitmap icons getresourcepath,rpath palettebmp = read_bmp(rpath + 'color.bmp', /rgb) spd_ui_match_background, tlb, palettebmp ;layout panel widgets ;pldBase = widget_base(panellbase, /row) pldLabel = widget_label(panellBase, value = 'Panel: ') panellDroplist = Widget_combobox(panellBase, Value=panelNames, $ UValue='LAYOUTPANEL', uname='layoutpanel') TitleLabel = Widget_Label(TitleBase, Value='Title: ') TitleText = Widget_Text(TitleBase, /Editable, /all_events, XSize = 55, ysize=1, $ uvalue='PANELTITLE', uname='paneltitle') marginBase = Widget_Base(TitleBase, /Row) marginIncrement = spd_ui_spinner(marginBase, Label='Margin: ', Increment=1, Value=1, $ UValue='TITLEMARGIN', uname='titlemargin', min_value=1) ;Title font and options widgets spacelabel = widget_label(titleFontBase, value='') titleFontDroplist = Widget_Combobox(titleFontBase, Value=title->getfonts(), uval='TFONT', uname='titlecombo') titleFontIncBase = widget_base(titleFontBase, /row, xpad=8, ypad=0, space=0) titleFontIncrement = spd_ui_spinner(titleFontIncBase, incr=1, uval='TSIZE', uname='titlesize',min_value=1) titleColorBase = Widget_Base(titleFontBase, /row, xpad=4, ypad=0, space=0) paletteButton = Widget_Button(titleColorBase, Value=palettebmp, /Bitmap, UValue='TPALETTE', uname = 'tpalette',Tooltip='Choose color from Palette') geo_struct = widget_info(paletteButton,/geometry) tcolorWindow = Widget_Draw(titleFontBase, XSize=50, YSize=geo_struct.scr_ysize,uname='tcolorwindow', $ graphics_level=2,renderer=1,retain=1,units=0,frame=1, /expose_events) placemLabel = Widget_Label(plabelBase, Value='Placement: ' ) botButton = Widget_Button(tbutBase, Value = 'Bottom:', uval='BOTBUTTON', uname='botbutton') leftButton = Widget_Button(t2butBase, Value = 'Left:', uval='LEFTBUTTON', uname='leftbutton') botText = spd_ui_spinner(tsizeBase, Increment=1, uval='BVALUE', uname='bvalue', $ min_value=0, tooltip='Measured from the bottom of the page') leftText = spd_ui_spinner(t2sizeBase, Increment=1, uval='LVALUE', uname='lvalue', $ min_value=0, tooltip='Measured from the left side of the page') botDroplist = Widget_combobox(tpullBase, uval='BUNIT', uname='bunit') leftDroplist = Widget_combobox(t2pullBase, uval='LUNIT', uname='lunit') widthButton = Widget_Button(t3butBase, Value = 'Width:', uval='WIDTHBUTTON', uname='widthbutton') heightButton = Widget_Button(t4butBase, Value = 'Height:', uval='HEIGHTBUTTON', uname='heightbutton') widthText = spd_ui_spinner(t3sizeBase, Increment=1, uval='WVALUE', uname='wvalue',min_value=0) heightText = spd_ui_spinner(t4sizeBase, Increment=1, uval='HVALUE', uname='hvalue',min_value=0) widthDroplist = Widget_combobox(t3pullBase, uval='WUNIT', uname='wunit') heightDroplist = Widget_combobox(t4pullBase, uval='HUNIT', uname='hunit') ; relLabel = Widget_Label(relBase, Value='Relative Vertical Size (%): ', /Align_Center, sensitive=0) ; relText = spd_ui_spinner(relBase, /Align_Center, Increment=1, uval='RELVERTSIZE', uname='relvertsize', sensitive=0) colorLabel = Widget_Label(clabelBase, Value='Color: ' ) bgpaletteBase = Widget_Base(colorBase, /Row) bgcolorLabel = Widget_Label(bgpaletteBase, Value='Background Color: ') geo_struct = widget_info(bgcolorLabel,/geometry) labelXSize = geo_struct.scr_xsize getresourcepath,rpath palettebmp = read_bmp(rpath + 'color.bmp', /rgb) spd_ui_match_background, tlb, palettebmp bgpaletteButton = Widget_Button(bgpaletteBase, Value=palettebmp, /Bitmap, $ UValue='BGPALETTE',uname='bgpalette', Tooltip='Choose background color from palette') bgspaceLabel = Widget_Label(bgpaletteBase, Value=' ') bgcolorWindow = WIDGET_DRAW(bgpaletteBase,graphics_level=2,renderer=1, $ retain=1, XSize=50, YSize=20, units=0, frame=1, /expose_events) fpaletteBase = Widget_Base(thicknessBase, /Row) fcolorLabel = Widget_Label(fpaletteBase, Value=' Panel Frame Color: ') fpaletteButton = Widget_Button(fpaletteBase, Value=palettebmp, /Bitmap, $ UValue='FPALETTE',uname='fpalette', Tooltip='Choose panel frame color from palette') fspaceLabel = Widget_Label(fpaletteBase, Value=' ') fcolorWindow = WIDGET_DRAW(fpaletteBase,graphics_level=2,renderer=1, $ retain=1, XSize=50, YSize=20, units=0, frame=1, /expose_events) frametBase = WIDGET_BASE(thicknessBase, /row, xpad = 30) linetIncrement = spd_ui_spinner(frametBase, label='Frame Thickness: ', Increment=1, $ uval='FRAMETHICK', uname='framethick', min_value=1, max_value=10) ;(IDLgrAxis/IDLgrPolyline restrict thickness to 1:10) linetLabel = Widget_Label(frametBase, Value=' (pts)') okButton = Widget_Button(mainButtonBase, Value='OK', Uvalue='OK') applyButton = Widget_Button(mainButtonBase, Value='Apply', Uvalue='APPLY') applyToAllButton = Widget_Button(mainButtonBase, Value='Apply to All Panels', Uvalue='APPLYTOALL') cancelButton = Widget_Button(mainButtonBase, Value='Cancel', UValue='CANC') templateButton = Widget_Button(mainButtonBase,Value='Store for a Template', UValue='TEMP',tooltip='Use these settings when saving a Graph Options Template') statusBar = obj_new('spd_ui_message_bar',tlb) state = {tlb:tlb, tcolorWindow:tcolorWindow, bgcolorWindow:bgcolorWindow, fcolorWindow:fcolorWindow, loadedData:loadedData, $ panelObjs:panelObjs, windowStorage:windowStorage, origWindow:origWindow, $ cWindow:cWindow, drawObject:drawObject, $ historyWin:historyWin, nRows:nRows, nCols:nCols, $ panel_select:panel_select, ctr_num:ctr_num, $ gui_id:gui_id, template:template, statusBar:statusBar,$ panelNames:panelNames,is_trace_spec:0, tlb_statusbar:tlb_statusbar} Widget_Control, tlb, Set_UValue=state, /No_Copy centertlb, tlb widget_control, tlb, /Realize spd_ui_panel_update,tlb, /nodraw historyWin->update,'SPD_UI_PANEL_OPTIONS: Widget started' ;keep windows in X11 from snaping back to ;center during tree widget events if !d.NAME eq 'X' then begin widget_control, tlb, xoffset=0, yoffset=0 endif XManager, 'spd_ui_panel_options', tlb, /No_Block RETURN END ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------