;+ ;NAME: ; spd_ui_page_options ; ;PURPOSE: ; user interface panel that allows user to change page parameters ; ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; spd_ui_page_options, gui_id ; ;INPUT: ; gui_id = the id number of the widget that calls this ; ;OUTPUT: ; ;HISTORY: ;$LastChangedBy: jwl $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2022-03-04 11:48:01 -0800 (Fri, 04 Mar 2022) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 30648 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_6_1/spedas_gui/panels/spd_ui_page_options.pro $ ; ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;+ ; ;Pro HANDLE_PAGETITLE_COMMAND updates the "titletext" widget, and the pagesettings object after a selection on one ;of the subbuttons of the "Token" and "Format" buttons (Graph -> Page Options... Text [tab]). For the format buttons, ;the FORMAT kw must be set. This routine reduces duplication in the case statement of SPD_UI_PAGE_OPTIONS_EVENT.PRO. ; ;W.M.Feuerstein, September 24, 2008. ; ; ;Function not currently in use. ; ;- Compile_opt idl2, hidden pro handle_pagetitle_command, state, event, ind, format=format if event.select then begin state.pagesettings->GetProperty,title=title title->GetProperty,value=value case 1 of ~keyword_set(format): begin tokenCommand= state.pagesettings->GetTokenCommand(ind) value+=tokenCommand end else: begin formatCommand= state.pagesettings->GetFormatCommand(ind) value+=formatCommand end endcase title->SetProperty,value=value id=widget_info(state.tlb,find_by_uname='titletext') widget_control,id,set_value=value endif end ;---------------------------------- PRO spd_ui_page_spacing_set_value, tlb, pagesettings, historywin, statusbar compile_opt idl2, hidden xid = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname='xpanelspacing') widget_control, xid, get_value = xspacing yid = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname='ypanelspacing') widget_control, yid, get_value = yspacing if (xspacing lt 0) or (yspacing lt 0) then begin historywin->Update, "Panel spacing cannot be negative; value set to 0.", /dontshow statusBar->Update, "Panel spacing cannot be negative; value set to 0." messageString = 'Panel spacing cannot be negative; value set to 0.' response=dialog_message(messageString,/CENTER) if xspacing lt 0 then begin xspacing = 0 widget_control,xid,set_value=0 endif if yspacing lt 0 then begin yspacing = 0 widget_control, yid, set_value=0 endif endif else begin historywin->Update, "Panel spacing set.", /dontshow ; statusBar->Update, "Panel spacing set." endelse if in_set(finite([xspacing, yspacing]),0) then begin statusBar->Update, 'Invalid panel spacing, value reset.' historywin->Update, 'Invalid panel spacing, value reset.', /dontshow messageString = 'Invalid panel spacing entered; value reset.' response=dialog_message(messageString,/CENTER) endif pagesettings->getproperty, xpanelspacing=xps, ypanelspacing=yps if (xspacing ge 0) && finite(xspacing) then pagesettings->SetProperty, xpanelspacing=xspacing $ else widget_control, xid, set_value=xps if (yspacing ge 0) && finite(yspacing) then pagesettings->SetProperty, ypanelspacing=yspacing $ else widget_control, yid, set_value=yps END ;---------------------------------- ;+ ; ;NAME: ; spd_ui_page_update_canvas ; ; PURPOSE: ; helper function, updates canvas size values when ; switching between portrait and landscape modes ; ; INPUTS: ; state: the panel's state structure ; orient: flag for landscape(1)/portrait(0) modes ; ;- pro spd_ui_page_canvas_update, state, orient compile_opt idl2, hidden tlb = state.tlb xid = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname='xsize') yid = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname='ysize') widget_control, xid, get_value=xsize widget_control, yid, get_value=ysize if (finite(xsize) && xsize gt 0) && (finite(ysize) && ysize gt 0) then begin dims = [xsize < ysize, xsize > ysize] if orient then dims = shift(dims,1) widget_control, xid, set_value = dims[0] widget_control, yid, set_value = dims[1] endif else begin state.info.historyWin->Update,'Invalid canvas size.', /dontshow state.statusbar->Update,'Invalid canvas size.' return endelse if orient then begin state.info.historyWin->Update,'Orientation: Landscape.', /dontshow state.statusbar->Update,'Orientation: Landscape.' endif else begin state.info.historyWin->Update,'Orientation: Portrait.', /dontshow state.statusbar->Update,'Orientation: Portrait.' endelse end ;Helper function ;Sets values associated with the page's canvas size. ; PRO spd_ui_page_canvas_set_value, tlb, pagesettings, historywin, statusbar,drawObject,windowStorage compile_opt idl2, hidden id = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname='landscape') orientation = widget_info(id, /button_set) xid = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname='xsize') yid = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname='ysize') widget_control, xid, get_value=xsize widget_control, yid, get_value=ysize if (xsize le 0 || ysize le 0) then begin statusbar->Update, 'Canvas size cannot be less than or equal to zero. Value reset.' historywin->update, 'Canvas size cannot be less than or equal to zero. Value reset.', /dontshow messageString = 'Canvas size cannot be less than or equal to zero. Value reset.' response=dialog_message(messageString,/CENTER) endif if in_set(finite([xsize, ysize]),0) then begin statusBar->Update, 'Invalid canvas size, value reset.' historywin->Update, 'Invalid canvas size, value reset.', /dontshow messageString = 'Invalid canvas size entered; value reset.' response=dialog_message(messageString,/CENTER) endif ; get the current values pageSettings->getProperty,canvasSize=oldsize ; if invalid or less than or equal to zero set to the previous set value (which should be valid) if ~finite(xsize) || xsize le 0 then begin xsize=oldsize[0] widget_control, xid, set_value=xsize endif if ~finite(ysize) || ysize le 0 then begin ysize=oldsize[1] widget_control, yid, set_value=ysize endif ; make sure new page resolution isn't too large to render cz = drawObject->getZoom() size_px = [xsize*2.54*!D.X_PX_CM,ysize*2.54*!D.Y_PX_CM]*cz drawObject->getProperty, pointmax=pmaxres ; get maximum resolution if (size_px[0] gt pmaxres) then begin ; x-size is too large xsize=oldsize[0] widget_control, xid, set_value=xsize statusBar->Update, 'Canvas size too large to render, value reset.' historywin->Update, 'Canvas size too large to render, value reset.', /dontshow messageString = 'Canvas size too large to render; value reset.' response=dialog_message(messageString,/CENTER) endif if (size_px[1] gt pmaxres) then begin ; y-size is too large ysize=oldsize[1] widget_control, yid, set_value=ysize statusBar->Update, 'Canvas size too large to render, value reset.' historywin->Update, 'Canvas size too large to render, value reset.', /dontshow messageString = 'Canvas size too large to render; value reset.' response=dialog_message(messageString,/CENTER) endif pageSettings->setProperty,orientation=orientation,canvasSize=[xsize,ysize] ; calling orientation update here causes problems because it is called if you save to template ; when saving to template we don't want to apply the settings ;spd_ui_orientation_update,drawObject,windowStorage ; drawObject->getProperty,destination=dest ; ; if obj_valid(dest) then begin ; cz = drawObject->getZoom() ; ;note this is done using !D values for consistency with spd_gui ; ;to get reliable behavior, both sections should probably be switched over ; ;to use the resolution property of the window object ; size_px = [xsize*2.54*!D.X_PX_CM,ysize*2.54*!D.Y_PX_CM] ; ;dest->getProperty,resolution=res ; ; size_px = size_cm/res ; drawObject->setZoom,1 ; dest->setProperty,virtual_dimensions=size_px ; drawObject->setZoom,cz ; endif END ; -------------------------------------------- PRO spd_ui_page_margins_set_value, tlb, pagesettings,historywin,statusBar compile_opt idl2, hidden tid = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname='tmargin') widget_control, tid, get_value=top bid = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname='bmargin') widget_control, bid, get_value=bottom lid = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname='lmargin') widget_control, lid, get_value=left rid = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname='rmargin') widget_control, rid, get_value=right if (left lt 0) or (right lt 0) or (top lt 0) or (bottom lt 0) then begin statusbar->Update, 'Page margin cannot be negative. Negative values set to 0.' historywin->update, 'Page margin cannot be negative. Negative values set to 0.', /dontshow messageString = 'Page margins cannot be negative; negative values set to 0.' response=dialog_message(messageString,/CENTER) if left lt 0 then begin left = 0 widget_control, lid, set_value=0 endif if right lt 0 then begin right = 0 widget_control, rid, set_value=0 endif if top lt 0 then begin top = 0 widget_control, tid, set_value=0 endif if bottom lt 0 then begin bottom = 0 widget_control, bid, set_value=0 endif endif else begin ; statusbar->Update, 'Page margins set' historywin->update, 'Page margins set.', /dontshow endelse pagesettings->getproperty, leftprintmargin=l, rightprintmargin=r, topprintmargin=t, bottomprintmargin=b if ~finite(left,/nan) && (left ge 0) then pagesettings->setproperty, leftprintmargin=left $ else widget_control, lid, set_value=l if ~finite(right,/nan) && (right ge 0) then pagesettings->setproperty, rightprintmargin=right $ else widget_control, rid, set_value=r if ~finite(top,/nan) && (top ge 0) then pagesettings->setproperty, topprintmargin=top $ else widget_control, tid, set_value=t if ~finite(bottom,/nan) && (bottom ge 0) then pagesettings->setproperty, bottomprintmargin=bottom $ else widget_control, bid, set_value=b if in_set(finite([left,right,top,bottom],/nan),1) then begin statusBar->Update, 'Invalid page margin, value not applied.' historywin->Update, 'Invalid page margin, value not applied.', /dontshow messageString = 'Invalid page margins entered; values reset.' response=dialog_message(messageString,/CENTER) endif return END ;--------------------------------------------- ;+ ; ;NAME: ; spd_ui_page_title_set_value ; ; PURPOSE: ; Reads the title settings out of the widgets and stores them in the appropriate location in the draw tree ; ; INPUTS: ; tlb: the top level base for this window ; pagesettings: the page settings associated with the current window ; ; NOTES: ;- pro spd_ui_page_title_set_value,tlb,pagesettings,historywin,statusBar, retain_title=retain_title compile_opt idl2,hidden pageSettings->getProperty,title=title if ~keyword_set(retain_title) then begin ;set the title only if retain_title does not exist ;get the title text widget titletext = widget_info(tlb,find_by_uname='titletext') ;get the value from the title text widget widget_control,titletext,get_value=textvalue ;set the value title->setProperty,value=textvalue ;title text ;--------- historywin->update,'Set Title Text', /dontshow endif ;title font ;---------- ;get font index title->setProperty,font=spd_ui_page_font_get_value(tlb,'titlecombo') historywin->update,'Set Title Font', /dontshow ;title format ;------------- ;get combobox formatcombo = widget_info(tlb,find_by_uname='titleformat') ;format text formattext = widget_info(formatcombo,/combobox_gettext) ;format list widget_control,formatcombo,get_value=formatnames idx = where(formattext eq formatnames) title->setProperty,format=idx ;show title flag ;--------------- ;get the widget showbutton = widget_info(tlb,find_by_uname='showtitle') ;store its value title->setProperty,show=widget_info(showbutton,/button_set) historywin->update,'Set Title Show Flag', /dontshow ;title size ;--------------- ;get the size spinner widget id sizespinner = widget_info(tlb,find_by_uname='titlesize') ;get the current spinner value widget_control,sizespinner,get_value=val ; if val lt 1 then begin historywin->update,'Current font less than 1. Font size set to 1.', /dontshow statusBar->update,'Current font less than 1. Font size set to 1.' widget_control,sizespinner,set_value=1 val = 1 messageString = 'Title font size cannot be less than 1. Size has been set to 1.' response=dialog_message(messageString,/CENTER) endif if ~finite(val,/nan) then begin title->setProperty,size=val historywin->update,'Set Title Size', /dontshow endif else begin historywin->update, 'Invalid title size, value reset.',/dontshow statusbar->update, 'Invalid title size, Value reset.' title->getProperty,size=size widget_control,sizespinner,set_value=size messageString = 'Invalid title font size entered. Size has been reset.' response=dialog_message(messageString,/CENTER) endelse ;title color ;----------- ;set the title color title->setProperty,color=spd_ui_page_color_get_value(tlb,'tcolorwindow') historywin->update,'Set Title Color', /dontshow end ;+ ; ;NAME: ; spd_ui_page_footer_set_value ; ; PURPOSE: ; Reads the footer settings out of the widgets and stores them in the appropriate location in the draw tree ; ; INPUTS: ; tlb: the top level base for this window ; pagesettings: the page settings associated with the current window ; ; NOTES: ;- pro spd_ui_page_footer_set_value,tlb,pagesettings,historywin,statusBar, retain_footer=retain_footer compile_opt idl2,hidden pageSettings->getProperty,footer=footer ;footer text ;--------- if ~keyword_set(retain_footer) then begin ;set the footer only if retain_footer does not exist ;get the footer text widget footertext = widget_info(tlb,find_by_uname='footertext') ;get the value from the footer text widget widget_control,footertext,get_value=textvalue ;set the value footer->setProperty,value=textvalue historywin->update,'Set Footer Text', /dontshow endif ;footer font ;---------- ;set footer font footer->setProperty,font=spd_ui_page_font_get_value(tlb,'footercombo') historywin->update,'Set footer Font', /dontshow ;footer format ;------------- ;get combobox formatcombo = widget_info(tlb,find_by_uname='footerformat') ;format text formattext = widget_info(formatcombo,/combobox_gettext) ;format list widget_control,formatcombo,get_value=formatnames idx = where(formattext eq formatnames) footer->setProperty,format=idx ;show footer flag ;--------------- ;get the widget showbutton = widget_info(tlb,find_by_uname='showfooter') ;store its value footer->setProperty,show=widget_info(showbutton,/button_set) historywin->update,'Set footer Show Flag', /dontshow ;footer size ;--------------- ;get the size spinner widget id sizespinner = widget_info(tlb,find_by_uname='footersize') ;get the current spinner value widget_control,sizespinner,get_value=val ; val = double(val) if val lt 1 then begin historywin->update,'Current font less than 1. Font size set to 1.', /dontshow statusBar->update,'Current font less than 1. Font size set to 1.' val = 1 widget_control,sizespinner,set_value=1 messageString = 'Footer font size cannot be less than 1. Size has been set to 1.' response=dialog_message(messageString,/CENTER) endif if ~finite(val,/nan) then begin footer->setProperty,size=val historywin->update,'Set footer Size', /dontshow endif else begin historywin->update,'Invalid footer size, value reset.', /dontshow statusBar->update,'Invalid footer size, value reset.' footer->getProperty,size=size widget_control,sizespinner,set_value=size messageString = 'Invalid footer font size entered. Size has been reset.' response=dialog_message(messageString,/CENTER) endelse ;footer color ;----------- footer->setProperty,color=spd_ui_page_color_get_value(tlb,'fcolorwindow') historywin->update,'Set footer Color', /dontshow end ;+ ; ;NAME: ; spd_ui_page_all_set_value ; ;PURPOSE: ; this procedure is used to change values for all pages. ; ;INPUTS: ; The top level base of the page window ; The state variable for the window ; ;NOTES: ; This routine mimics spd_ui_page_set_value which is applicable to a single page ; ;- pro spd_ui_page_all_set_value,tlb,state historywin = state.info.historywin statusBar = state.statusBar ; set title and footer of current page spd_ui_page_title_set_value,tlb,state.pagesettings,historywin,statusBar spd_ui_page_footer_set_value,tlb,state.pagesettings,historywin,statusBar ;get the background color state.pagesettings->GetProperty,backgroundcolor=currcolor mywindowObjs=state.windowstorage->GetObjects() IF N_Elements(mywindowObjs) GT 0 THEN BEGIN FOR i=0,N_Elements(mywindowObjs)-1 DO BEGIN mywindowObjs[i]->GetProperty,settings=settings ;settings->getProperty,title=title ;change the background color settings->SetProperty, background = currcolor ; settings->SetProperty,backgroundcolor=bcolorWin ;mywindowObjs[i]->GetProperty,historywin=historywin ;cwindow = info.windowstorage->getactive() ;cwindow->GetProperty,settings = pagesettings ; pagesettings = state.pagesettings ; historywin = state.info.historywin ; statusBar = state.statusBar ;get the title text widget titletext = widget_info(tlb,find_by_uname='titletext') ;get the value from the title text widget widget_control,titletext,get_value=textvalue ;set the values ; For title and footer, we do not change the text but we change the other properties (font, color) spd_ui_page_title_set_value,tlb, settings, historywin, statusBar, retain_title=1 spd_ui_page_footer_set_value,tlb, settings, historywin, statusBar, retain_footer=1 spd_ui_page_margins_set_value, tlb, settings, historywin, statusBar spd_ui_page_canvas_set_value, tlb, settings, historywin, statusbar,state.drawObject,state.windowStorage spd_ui_page_spacing_set_value, tlb, settings, historywin, statusbar ENDFOR ENDIF end ;+ ; ;NAME: ; spd_ui_page_set_value ; ;PURPOSE: ; this procedure is here to provide a framework for the incremental implementation ; of lazy event handling in the page window. Rather than store a value every time an event ; occurs, this procedure queries widget values, when they are needed('OK' or 'Apply'). ; ; The advantages of this are: ; #1 Simplifies/Centralizes event handling code ; #2 Prevent routines from overwriting invalid user inputs when they are partially complete ; #3 Allows the window to perform more complex input validation(because it can be assumed that all inputs should be correct) ; ;INPUTS: ; The top level base of the page window ; The state variable for the window(If the state were not taken off the tlb by the time this is called, we could eliminate this parameter) ; ;NOTES: ; This routine is incomplete. As software maintainence tasks are performed, ; programmers should move functions into this routine at their perogative. ; Right now the title and the footer are processed using the lazy event handling. ; ;- pro spd_ui_page_set_value,tlb,state compile_opt idl2,hidden ;Get page settings ;We may not have to store this in the state in future versions pagesettings = state.pagesettings ;referencing into the main info structure is probably a bad way to get to the history window ;In a future version, it should be stored directly in the state. historywin = state.info.historywin statusBar = state.statusBar window = state.cWindow ;--------------- ;process title ;--------------- spd_ui_page_title_set_value,tlb,pagesettings,historywin,statusBar ;-------------- ;process footer ;-------------- spd_ui_page_footer_set_value,tlb,pagesettings,historywin,statusBar ;--------------- ;process labels ;--------------- ;spd_ui_page_label_set_value,tlb,window,historywin,statusBar ;--------------- ;process margins ;--------------- spd_ui_page_margins_set_value, tlb, pagesettings,historywin,statusBar ;--------------- ;process canvase size ;--------------- spd_ui_page_canvas_set_value, tlb, pagesettings, historywin, statusbar,state.drawObject,state.windowStorage ;--------------- ;process panel spacing ;--------------- spd_ui_page_spacing_set_value, tlb, pagesettings, historywin, statusbar end ;+ ; ;NAME: ; spd_ui_page_color_event ; ; PURPOSE: ; abstracts duplication in handling of color/palette events ; ; INPUTS: ; tlb: the top level base for this window ; uname: the user name of the widget in question ; messagename: the name to be used in the output message ; ; NOTES: ;- pro spd_ui_page_color_event,tlb,uname,messagename,historywin,statusbar compile_opt idl2,hidden colorwindow = widget_info(tlb,find_by_uname=uname) Widget_Control, colorwindow, Get_Value=colorWin ColorWin->getProperty,graphics_tree=scene scene->getProperty,color=currcolor color = PickColor(!p.color, Group_Leader=tlb, Cancel=cancelled,currentcolor=currcolor) if ~cancelled then begin scene->setProperty,color=reform(color) Colorwin->draw historyWin->Update,messagename + ' color changed.' statusbar->Update,messagename + ' color changed.' endif end ;+ ; ;NAME: ; spd_ui_page_font_get_value ; ; PURPOSE: ; abstracts duplication in acquisition of font values ; ; INPUTS: ; tlb: the top level base for this window ; uname: the user name of the widget in question ; ; NOTES: ;- function spd_ui_page_font_get_value,tlb,uname compile_opt idl2,hidden ;combobox widget index combo = widget_info(tlb,find_by_uname=uname) ;combobox text text = widget_info(combo,/combobox_gettext) ;combobox values list widget_control,combo,get_value=fontnames ;combobox index of current text return,where(text eq fontnames) end ;+ ; ;NAME: ; spd_ui_page_color_get_value ; ; PURPOSE: ; abstracts duplication in acquisition of font values ; ; INPUTS: ; tlb: the top level base for this window ; uname: the user name of the widget in question ; ; NOTES: ;- function spd_ui_page_color_get_value,tlb,uname compile_opt idl2,hidden ;current color display draw widget colorwindow = widget_info(tlb,find_by_uname=uname) ;get the actual window object Widget_Control, colorwindow, Get_Value=colorWin ;get the scene being drawn on the object ColorWin->getProperty,graphics_tree=scene ;get the color from the scene scene->getProperty,color=color return,color end PRO spd_ui_page_options_event, event, pagesettings Compile_Opt hidden Widget_Control, event.TOP, Get_UValue=state, /No_Copy ;Put a catch here to insure that the state remains defined err_xxx = 0 Catch, err_xxx IF (err_xxx NE 0) THEN BEGIN Catch, /Cancel Help, /Last_Message, Output = err_msg spd_ui_sbar_hwin_update, state, err_msg, /error, err_msgbox_title='Error in Page Options' if is_struct(state) then begin if obj_valid(state.pagesettings) then state.pagesettings->Reset endif Widget_Control, event.TOP, Set_UValue=state, /No_Copy widget_control, event.top,/destroy RETURN ENDIF ;kill request block IF(Tag_Names(event, /Structure_Name) EQ 'WIDGET_KILL_REQUEST') THEN BEGIN ;Reset old settings: ;******************* ; state.pagesettings->Reset ;Call reset method on all PANEL objects: ;*************************************** ; state.cwindow->GetProperty, Panels=panels IF Obj_Valid(panels) THEN BEGIN panelObjs = panels->Get(/all) IF obj_valid(panelobjs[0]) then begin FOR i=0, N_Elements(panelObjs)-1 do panelobjs[i]->reset endif state.info.historyWin->Update,'Panels reset.' state.statusbar->Update,'Panels reset.' endif ;Redraw: ;******* ; state.info.drawObject->update,state.info.windowStorage,state.info.loadedData state.info.drawObject->draw state.info.historyWin->Update,'Active window refreshed.' state.statusbar->Update,'Active window refreshed.' dprint, dlevel=4, 'widget killed' state.info.historyWin->Update,'SPD_UI_PAGE_OPTIONS: Widget killed' state.info.statusbar->update,'Page Options killed' Widget_Control, event.TOP, Set_UValue=state, /No_Copy Widget_Control, event.top, /Destroy RETURN ENDIF ;deal with tabs IF (Tag_Names(event, /Structure_Name) EQ 'WIDGET_TAB') THEN BEGIN Widget_Control, event.TOP, Set_UValue=state, /No_Copy RETURN EndIF ; Get the instructions from the widget causing the event and ; act on them. Widget_Control, event.id, Get_UValue=uval if size(uval, /type) ne 0 then begin if size(uval,/type) eq 8 then uvalname=uval.name else uvalname=uval endif else uvalname = strtrim(-1,2) state.info.historyWin->Update,'SPD_UI_PAGE_OPTIONS: User value: '+uvalname,/dontshow CASE uvalname OF 'CANC': BEGIN dprint, dlevel=4, 'Page widget canceled' ;Reset old settings: ;******************* mywindowObjs=state.windowstorage->GetObjects() IF N_Elements(mywindowObjs) GT 0 THEN BEGIN FOR i=0,N_Elements(mywindowObjs)-1 DO BEGIN mywindowObjs[i]->GetProperty,settings=settings ;settings->getProperty,title=title settings->Reset spd_ui_orientation_update,state.info.drawObject,state.info.windowStorage ;Call reset method on all PANEL objects: ;*************************************** ; mywindowObjs[i]->GetProperty, Panels=panels IF Obj_Valid(panels) THEN BEGIN panelObjs = panels->Get(/all) IF obj_valid(panelObjs[0]) then begin FOR j=0, N_Elements(panelObjs)-1 do begin panelObjs[j]->reset endfor endif endif endfor endif ;Redraw: ;******* ; state.info.drawObject->update,state.info.windowStorage,state.info.loadedData state.info.drawObject->draw state.info.historyWin->Update,'Active window refreshed.' state.statusbar->Update,'Active window refreshed.' ;Exit: ;***** ; state.info.historyWin->Update,'Exiting Page Options.' state.statusbar->Update,'Exiting Page Options.' state.info.statusBar->update,'Page Options cancelled' Widget_Control, event.TOP, Set_UValue=state, /No_Copy Widget_Control, event.top, /Destroy RETURN END 'OK': BEGIN ;Update values from widgets ;****** ; spd_ui_page_set_value,event.top,state spd_ui_orientation_update, state.info.drawObject, state.info.windowStorage ;Redraw: ;******* ; state.info.drawObject->update,state.info.windowStorage,state.info.loadedData state.info.drawObject->draw state.info.historyWin->Update,'Active window refreshed.' state.statusbar->Update,'Active window refreshed.' ;Exit: ;***** ; state.info.historyWin->Update,'Exiting Page Options.' state.statusbar->Update,'Exiting Page Options.' state.info.statusBar->update,'Page Options closed' Widget_Control, event.TOP, Set_UValue=state, /No_Copy Widget_Control, event.top, /Destroy dprint, dlevel=4, 'Settings updated. Page widget closed.' RETURN END 'TEMP':begin ;make sure internal state is updated before save spd_ui_page_set_value,event.top,state ; NO orientation update as this will change the way the page appears NOW. state.template->setProperty,page=state.pagesettings->Copy() state.statusbar->update,'Current page options stored for use in a Template' state.historywin->update,'Current page options stored for use in a Template' messageString = 'These values have now been stored!' + string(10B) + string(10B) + 'To save them in a template, click File->Graph Options Template->Save Template' response=dialog_message(messageString,/CENTER, /information) end 'BPALETTE': begin ; background palette state.pagesettings->GetProperty,backgroundcolor=currcolor color = PickColor(!p.color, Group_Leader=state.tlb, Cancel=cancelled,currentcolor=currcolor) if ~cancelled then begin state.pagesettings->SetProperty,backgroundcolor=color bcolorwindow = widget_info(state.tlb,find_by_uname='bcolorwindow') Widget_Control, bcolorwindow, Get_Value=bcolorWin if obj_valid(scene) then scene->remove,/all scene=obj_new('IDLGRSCENE', color=reform(color)) bcolorWin->draw, scene state.info.historyWin->Update,'Background color changed.' state.statusbar->Update,'Background color changed.' endif END 'TPALETTE': begin ;header palette spd_ui_page_color_event,state.tlb,'tcolorwindow','Title',state.info.historyWin,state.statusBar END ; 'LPALETTE': BEGIN ;UNUSED! ; ; state.pagesettings->GetProperty,Labels=labels ; labels->GetProperty,Color=currcolor ; color = reform(PickColor(!p.color, Group_Leader=state.tlb, Cancel=cancelled,currentcolor=currcolor)) ; if ~cancelled then begin ; labels->SetProperty,Color=color ; lcolorwindow = widget_info(state.tlb,find_by_uname='lcolorwindow') ; Widget_Control, lcolorwindow, Get_Value=lcolorWin ; lColorWin->getProperty,graphics_tree=scene ; scene->SetProperty,color=color ; lcolorWin->draw ; endif ; ; ; state.cwindow->GetProperty, Panels=panels ; IF Obj_Valid(panels) THEN BEGIN ; panelObjs = panels->Get(/all) ; IF NOT Is_Num(panelObjs) THEN BEGIN ; FOR j=0, N_Elements(panelObjs)-1 DO BEGIN ; panelObjs[j]->GetProperty, XAxis=xaxis, yAxis=yaxis, zAxis=zaxis ; IF Obj_Valid(xaxis) THEN BEGIN ; xaxis->GetProperty, Labels=labels ; if obj_valid(labels[0]) then begin ; labelObjs=labels->Get(/all) ; IF Obj_Valid(labelObjs[0]) THEN BEGIN ; FOR i=0, N_Elements(labelObjs)-1 DO labelObjs[i]->SetProperty, Color=color ; ENDIF ; endif ; ENDIF ; IF Obj_Valid(yaxis) THEN BEGIN ; yaxis->GetProperty, Labels=labels ; if obj_valid(labels[0]) then begin ; labelObjs=labels->Get(/all) ; IF Obj_Valid(labelObjs[0]) THEN BEGIN ; FOR i=0, N_Elements(labelObjs)-1 DO labelObjs[i]->SetProperty, Color=color ; ENDIF ; endif ; ENDIF ; IF Obj_Valid(zaxis) THEN BEGIN ; zaxis->GetProperty, Labeltextobject=Labeltextobject ; if obj_valid(Labeltextobject) then labeltextobject->SetProperty, Color=color ; ENDIF ; ENDFOR ; ENDIF ; ; state.info.historyWin->Update,'Label color changed. ; state.statusbar->Update,'Label color changed. ; ENDIF ; END 'FPALETTE': BEGIN ;footer palette spd_ui_page_color_event,state.tlb,'fcolorwindow','Footer',state.info.historyWin,state.statusBar END 'PORTRAIT': if event.select then $ spd_ui_page_canvas_update, state, ~event.select 'LANDSCAPE': if event.select then $ spd_ui_page_canvas_update, state, event.select 'TMARGIN': begin state.statusbar->update, 'Top Margin changed.' state.info.historywin->update, 'Top Margin changed.' ; Replaced by spd_ui_page_margins_set_value end 'BMARGIN': begin state.info.historywin->update, 'Bottom Margin changed.' ; Replaced by spd_ui_page_margins_set_value state.statusbar->update, 'Bottom Margin changed.' end 'RMARGIN': begin state.info.historywin->update, 'Right Margin changed.' ; Replaced by spd_ui_page_margins_set_value state.statusbar->update, 'Right Margin changed.' end 'LMARGIN': begin state.info.historywin->update, 'Left Margin changed.'; Replaced by spd_ui_page_margins_set_value state.statusbar->update, 'Left Margin changed.' end 'XPANELSPACING': begin state.info.historywin->update, 'Horizontal panel spacing changed.' ; Replaced by spd_ui_page_spacing_set_value state.statusbar->update, 'Horizontal panel spacing changed.' end 'YPANELSPACING': begin state.info.historywin->update, 'Vertical panel spacing changed.' ; Replaced by spd_ui_page_spacing_set_value state.statusbar->update, 'Vertical panel spacing changed.' end 'XSIZE': begin state.info.historywin->update, 'Canvas width changed.' ; Replaced with spd_ui_page_canvas_set_value state.statusbar->update, 'Canvas width changed.' end 'YSIZE': begin state.info.historywin->update, 'Canvas height changed.' ; Replaced with spd_ui_page_canvas_set_value state.statusbar->update, 'Canvas height changed.' end ; 'HEIGHTPROP': state.pagesettings->SetProperty, heightprop=event.select ; 'GUTTERWIDTH': if event.valid then state.pagesettings->SetProperty, gutterwidth=event.value ; 'DISPLAYONSCREEN': state.pagesettings->SetProperty, displayonscreen=event.select ; 'ALTTOPBOTTOM': state.pagesettings->SetProperty, alttopbottom=event.select ; 'OFFSETFIRSTPAGE': state.pagesettings->SetProperty, offsetfirstpage=event.select 'TITLE': begin ;replaced by delayed event handling in the set value routine end 'LABEL': begin state.pagesettings->GetProperty,labels=labels labels->SetProperty, font=event.index state.cwindow->GetProperty, Panels=panels IF Obj_Valid(panels) THEN BEGIN panelObjs = panels->Get(/all) IF NOT Is_Num(panelObjs) THEN BEGIN FOR i=0, N_Elements(panelObjs)-1 DO BEGIN panelObjs[i]->GetProperty, XAxis=xaxis, yAxis=yaxis, zAxis=zaxis IF Obj_Valid(xaxis) THEN BEGIN xaxis->GetProperty, Labels=labels labelObjs=labels->Get(/all) IF Obj_Valid(labelObjs[0]) && N_Elements(labelObjs) GT 0 THEN BEGIN FOR i=0, N_Elements(labelObjs)-1 DO labelObjs[i]->SetProperty, Font=event.index ENDIF ENDIF IF Obj_Valid(yaxis) THEN BEGIN yaxis->GetProperty, Labels=labels labelObjs=labels->Get(/all) IF Obj_Valid(labelObjs[0]) && N_Elements(labelObjs) GT 0 THEN BEGIN FOR i=0, N_Elements(labelObjs)-1 DO labelObjs[i]->SetProperty, Font=event.index ENDIF ENDIF IF Obj_Valid(zaxis) THEN BEGIN zaxis->GetProperty, labelTextObject=labelTextObject ; labelObjs=labels->Get(/all) IF Obj_Valid(labelTextObject) THEN labelTextObject->SetProperty, Font=event.index ENDIF state.info.historywin->Update, "Label font changed." state.statusBar->Update, "Label font changed." ENDFOR ENDIF ENDIF end 'FOOTER': begin ;replaced by delayed event handling in the set value routine end 'APPLYTOALLPAGES': begin ;Update values from widgets ;****** ; spd_ui_page_all_set_value,event.top,state spd_ui_orientation_update, state.info.drawObject, state.info.windowStorage state.info.historyWin->Update,'Apply to All Pages.' state.statusbar->Update,'Apply to All Pages.' ;Redraw: ;******* ; state.info.drawObject->update,state.info.windowStorage,state.info.loadedData state.info.drawObject->draw ; state.info.historyWin->Update,'Active window refreshed.' state.statusbar->Update,'Active window refreshed.' end 'APPLY': begin ;Update values from widgets ;****** ; spd_ui_page_set_value,event.top,state spd_ui_orientation_update, state.info.drawObject, state.info.windowStorage ;Redraw: ;******* ; state.info.drawObject->update,state.info.windowStorage,state.info.loadedData state.info.drawObject->draw ; state.info.historyWin->Update,'Active window refreshed.' state.statusbar->Update,'Active window refreshed.' END 'PAGETITLE': begin state.info.historywin->update, 'Page Title changed.' state.statusbar->update, 'Page Title changed.' ;replaced by delayed event handling in the set value routine end 'PAGEFOOTER': begin state.info.historywin->update, 'Page Footer changed.' state.statusbar->update, 'Page Footer changed.' ;replaced by delayed event handling in the set value routine end 'TITLESIZE': begin if event.valid then begin ;if event.value lt 0 then begin ; state.pageSettings->getProperty,title=title ; title->setProperty,size=0 ; sizespinner = widget_info(state.tlb,find_by_uname='titlesize') ; widget_control,sizespinner,set_value=0 ;endif else state.info.historywin->update, 'Page Title font size changed.' state.statusbar->update, 'Page Title font size changed.' endif ;replaced by delayed event handling in the set value routine end 'LABELSIZE': begin state.pagesettings->GetProperty, Labels=labels labels->GetProperty, Size=size IF double(event.value) LT 0 THEN BEGIN state.info.historywin->Update, "Font size values cannot be negative." state.statusBar->Update, "Font size values cannot be negative." ENDIF ELSE BEGIN state.info.historywin->Update, "Label font size changed." state.statusBar->Update, "Label font size changed." ENDELSE size=fix(event.value) labels->SetProperty, size=size state.cwindow->GetProperty, Panels=panels IF Obj_Valid(panels) THEN BEGIN panelObjs = panels->Get(/all) IF NOT Is_Num(panelObjs) THEN BEGIN FOR j=0, N_Elements(panelObjs)-1 DO BEGIN panelObjs[j]->GetProperty, XAxis=xaxis, yAxis=yaxis, zAxis=zaxis IF Obj_Valid(xaxis) THEN BEGIN xaxis->GetProperty, Labels=Labels if obj_valid(labels) then begin labelObjs=labels->Get(/all) IF Obj_Valid(labelObjs[0]) && N_Elements(labelObjs) GT 0 THEN BEGIN FOR i=0, N_Elements(labelObjs)-1 DO labelObjs[i]->SetProperty, Size=size ENDIF endif ENDIF IF Obj_Valid(yaxis) THEN BEGIN yaxis->GetProperty, Labels=Labels if obj_valid(labels) then begin labelObjs=labels->Get(/all) IF Obj_Valid(labelObjs[0]) && N_Elements(labelObjs) GT 0 THEN BEGIN FOR i=0, N_Elements(labelObjs)-1 DO labelObjs[i]->SetProperty, Size=size ENDIF endif ENDIF IF Obj_Valid(zaxis) THEN BEGIN zaxis->GetProperty, Labeltextobject=Labeltextobject if obj_valid(Labeltextobject) then labeltextobject->SetProperty, Size=size ENDIF ENDFOR ENDIF ENDIF Widget_Control, event.id, set_value=size end 'FOOTERSIZE': begin state.info.historywin->update, 'Page Footer font size changed.' state.statusbar->update, 'Page Footer font size changed.' ;replaced by delayed event handling in the set value routine end 'TOKEN': BEGIN state.pageSettings->SetProperty, Token=uval.ind token = state.pageSettings->GetTokenCommand(uval.ind) titletext = widget_info(state.tlb,find_by_uname='titletext') widget_control,titletext,get_value=value textselect = widget_info(titletext,/text_select) offset = (widget_info(titletext,text_offset_to_xy=textselect[0]))[0] if offset gt strlen(value) then begin titleString = value+token endif else begin titleString = strmid(value,0,offset) + token + strmid(value,offset,strlen(value)) endelse ; title->setProperty,value=titleString widget_control, titletext, set_value=titlestring widget_control, titletext, set_text_select=textselect ; state.info.historywin->Update, "Token inserted into title." state.statusBar->Update, "Token inserted into title." END 'FOOTERTOKEN': BEGIN state.pageSettings->SetProperty, ifooterToken=uval.ind token = state.pageSettings->GetTokenCommand(uval.ind) footertext = widget_info(state.tlb,find_by_uname='footertext') widget_control,footertext,get_value=value textselect = widget_info(footertext,/text_select) offset = (widget_info(footertext,text_offset_to_xy=textselect[0]))[0] if offset gt strlen(value) then begin footerString = value+token endif else begin footerString = strmid(value,0,offset) + token + strmid(value,offset,strlen(value)) endelse Widget_Control, footerText, set_value=footerString Widget_control, footertext, set_text_select=textselect ; state.info.historywin->Update, "Token inserted into footer." state.statusBar->Update, "Token inserted into footer." END 'FORMAT': BEGIN state.info.historywin->update, 'Page Title format changed.' state.statusbar->update, 'Page Title format changed.' ;replaced by delayed event handling in the set value routine END 'FOOTERFORMAT': BEGIN state.info.historywin->update, 'Page Footer format changed.' state.statusbar->update, 'Page Footer format changed.' ;replaced by delayed event handling in the set value routine END 'SHOWTITLE': begin state.info.historywin->update, 'Show Title changed.' state.statusbar->update, 'Show Title changed.' ;replaced by delayed event handling in the set value routine end 'SHOWFOOTER': begin state.info.historywin->update, 'Show Footer changed.' state.statusbar->update, 'Show Footer changed.' ;replaced by delayed event handling in the set value routine end ; 'MARKERTITLE': begin ; ; widget_control,event.id,get_value=value ; state.pageSettings->GetProperty,marker=marker ; marker->SetProperty,value=value ; ; ; state.info.historywin->Update, "Marker title changed." ; state.statusBar->Update, "Marker title changed." ; end 'OVERLAPMAJORTICKS': begin widget_control,event.id,get_value=value if ~stregex(value,'[^0-9]',/boolean) then begin state.pagesettings->SetProperty, overlapmajorticks=fix(value) ; state.info.historywin->Update, "Marker title changed." ; state.statusBar->Update, "Marker title changed." endif else begin state.pagesettings->GetProperty, overlapmajorticks=curr_value widget_control,event.id, set_value=strtrim(curr_value,2) endelse end 'SHOWVALUES': begin state.pagesettings->SetProperty,showvalues=event.select id=widget_info(state.tlb,find_by_uname='closertext') widget_control,id,sensitive=event.select id=widget_info(state.tlb,find_by_uname='closerdroplist') widget_control,id,sensitive=event.select end 'CLOSERTHANVALUE': begin widget_control,event.id,get_value=value if ~stregex(value,'[^0-9]',/boolean) then begin state.pagesettings->SetProperty, CloserThanValue=fix(value) endif else begin state.pagesettings->GetProperty, CloserThanValue=curr_value widget_control,event.id, set_value=strtrim(curr_value,2) endelse end 'CLOSERTHANUNITS': begin state.pagesettings->SetProperty,CloserThanUnits=event.index end 'USESAMEYRANGE': begin state.pagesettings->SetProperty,UseSameYRange=event.select id=widget_info(state.tlb,find_by_uname='yminorlabel') widget_control,id,sensitive=event.select id=widget_info(state.tlb,find_by_uname='yminortext') widget_control,id,sensitive=event.select id=widget_info(state.tlb,find_by_uname='ymajorlabel') widget_control,id,sensitive=event.select id=widget_info(state.tlb,find_by_uname='ymajortext') widget_control,id,sensitive=event.select end 'YMINORTEXT': begin widget_control,event.id,get_value=value if ~stregex(value,'[^0-9]',/boolean) then begin state.pagesettings->SetProperty, numMinorTicks=fix(value) endif else begin state.pagesettings->GetProperty, numMinorTicks=curr_value widget_control,event.id, set_value=strtrim(curr_value,2) endelse end 'YMAJORTEXT': begin widget_control,event.id,get_value=value if ~stregex(value,'[^0-9]',/boolean) then begin state.pagesettings->SetProperty, numMajorTicks=fix(value) endif else begin state.pagesettings->GetProperty, numMinorTicks=curr_value widget_control,event.id, set_value=strtrim(curr_value,2) endelse end 'SKIPBLANKS': state.pagesettings->SetProperty,skipBlanks = event.select ; 'TITLECOLOR': begin ; unneeded, colors now handled using the palette events ; end ELSE: ;Print, '' ENDCASE ; must ALWAYS reset state value Widget_Control, event.TOP, Set_UValue=state, /No_Copy RETURN END ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pro spd_ui_page_options, info ;Get PAGESETTINGS from active window: ;************************************ ; cwindow = info.windowstorage->getactive() cwindow->GetProperty,settings = pagesettings gui_id=info.master ;n pagesettings->save mywindowObjs=info.windowstorage->GetObjects() IF N_Elements(mywindowObjs) GT 0 THEN BEGIN FOR i=0,N_Elements(mywindowObjs)-1 DO BEGIN mywindowObjs[i]->GetProperty,settings=settings settings->save endfor endif err_xxx = 0 Catch, err_xxx IF (err_xxx NE 0) THEN BEGIN Catch, /Cancel Help, /Last_Message, Output = err_msg FOR j = 0, N_Elements(err_msg)-1 DO info.historywin->update,err_msg[j] Print, 'Error--See history' ok=error_message('Unknown error starting Page Options. See console for details.',$ /noname, /center, title='Error in Page Options') widget_control, tlb,/destroy spd_gui_error,gui_id,info.historywin RETURN ENDIF ;top level base info.statusBar->update,'Page Options opened' tlb = Widget_Base(/Col, Title='Page Options ', Group_Leader=info.master, /Modal, /Floating,/TLB_KILL_REQUEST_EVENTS, tab_mode=1) ;main base widgets tabBase = Widget_Tab(tlb, Location=location) buttonBase = Widget_Base(tlb, /Row, /Align_Center) statusBase = Widget_Base(tlb, /Row, /Align_Center) mainBase = Widget_Base(tabBase, Title='Text', /Col, YPad=1) ;text panel bases textBase = Widget_Base(mainBase, Title='Text', /Col) titleBase = Widget_Base(textBase, /Row) tokenBase = Widget_Base(textBase, /Row, /Align_Center) footerBase = Widget_Base(textBase, /Row, YPad=2) footertokenBase = Widget_Base(textBase, /Row, /Align_Center) ; markerBase = Widget_Base(textBase, /Row, ypad=2) fontlabelBase=Widget_Base(textBase, /row) fontFrameBase=Widget_Base(textBase, /row) fontBase = Widget_Base(textBase, /row, /Align_Left, frame=3) fontsBase = Widget_Base(fontBase, /col, space=6) layoutBase = Widget_Base(tabBase, title='Layout', /Col, YPad=2) row1Base = Widget_Base(layoutBase, /Row, YPad=2) panelBase = Widget_Base(row1Base, /Col) ; gutterBase = Widget_Base(row1Base, /Col) canvasSizeBase = Widget_Base(row1Base, /Col) row2Base = Widget_Base(layoutBase, /Row) marginBase = Widget_Base(row2Base, /Col) row2Col2Base = Widget_Base(row2Base, /Col) ; canvasSizeBase = Widget_Base(row2Col2Base, /Col) backgroundBase = Widget_Base(row2Col2Base, /Col) ;data panel bases ; dataBase = Widget_Base(tabBase,title='Data', /Col) ; overlapBase = Widget_Base(dataBase, /Row, XPad=5, YPad=10) ; showVarBase = Widget_Base(dataBase, /Col, XPad=5, YPad=5) ; sameYBase = Widget_Base(dataBase, /Col,XPad=5, YPad=5) ; skipBase = Widget_Base(dataBase, /Col, /Nonexclusive, XPad=5, YPad=5) ;text panel widgets pagesettings->GetProperty, $ xpanelspacing=xpanelspacing, $ ypanelspacing=ypanelspacing, $ ; heightprop=heightprop, $ ; gutterwidth=gutterwidth, $ ; displayonscreen=displayonscreen, $ ; alttopbottom=alttopbottom, $ ; offsetfirstpage= offsetfirstpage, $ title=title, $ labels=labels, $ variables=variables, $ footer=footer, $ marker=marker, $ overlapmajorticks=overlapmajorticks, $ topprintmargin=topprintmargin, $ bottomprintmargin = bottomprintmargin, $ rightprintmargin = rightprintmargin, $ leftprintmargin = leftprintmargin, $ ShowValues=ShowValues, $ CloserThanValue= CloserThanValue, $ CloserThanUnits= CloserThanUnits, $ useSameYRange= useSameYRange, $ numMinorTicks= numMinorTicks, $ numMajorTicks= numMajorTicks, $ canvasSize=canvassize, $ orientation=orientation, $ backgroundcolor=backgroundcolor, $ skipBlanks= skipBlanks title->GetProperty, $ value=pagetitle, $ size=titlesize, $ font=titlefont, $ format=titleformat,$ color=titlecolor, $ show=showtitle labels->GetProperty, $ size=labelsize, $ color=labelcolor, $ font=labelfont variables->GetProperty, $ size=varsize, $ color=variablescolor, $ font=varsfont footer->GetProperty, $ size=footersize, $ font=footerfont, $ format=footerformat,$ value=pagefooter, $ color=footercolor, $ show=showfooter marker->GetProperty, $ size=markersize, $ font=markerfont, $ color=markercolor ;Call save method on all PANEL objects: ;************************************** ; ;n cwindow->GetProperty, Panels=panels ;n IF Obj_Valid(panels) THEN BEGIN ;n panelObjs = panels->Get(/all) ;n IF obj_valid(panelobjs[0]) then begin ;n FOR i=0, N_Elements(panelObjs)-1 do panelobjs[i]->save ;n endif ;n endif ;Call save method on all PANEL objects for every window: ;************************************** ; mywindowObjs=info.windowstorage->GetObjects() IF N_Elements(mywindowObjs) GT 0 THEN BEGIN FOR i=0,N_Elements(mywindowObjs)-1 DO BEGIN mywindowObjs[i]->GetProperty, Panels=panels IF Obj_Valid(panels) THEN BEGIN panelObjs = panels->Get(/all) IF obj_valid(panelObjs[0]) then begin FOR j=0, N_Elements(panelObjs)-1 do begin panelObjs[j]->save endfor endif endif endfor endif getresourcepath,rpath palettebmp = read_bmp(rpath + 'color.bmp', /rgb) spd_ui_match_background, tlb, palettebmp tokennames = pagesettings->GetTokenNames() formatnames= pagesettings->GetFormatNames() ;detect size of largest label, so that we can mandate that each label has the same width. ;Space padding is not effective at this task because space sizes are not consistent across platforms ; markerLabel = Widget_Label(markerBase, Value='Default Marker Title: ',/align_left) footerLabel = Widget_Label(footerBase, Value='Page Footer: ',/align_left) geo_struct = widget_info(footerLabel,/geometry) labelXSize = geo_struct.scr_xsize ;footerLabel = Widget_Label(footerBase, Value='Page Footer: ',xsize=labelXSize,/align_left) titleLabel = Widget_Label(titleBase, Value='Page Title: ',/align_left) titleText = Widget_Text(titleBase,/all_events, /Editable, Value=pagetitle, XSize=35, ysize=1, uval='PAGETITLE', uname='titletext') showTitleBase = Widget_Base(titleBase, /Row, /Nonexclusive) showTitleButton = Widget_Button(showTitleBase, Value = 'Show Title', uval='SHOWTITLE',uname='showtitle') if showtitle then Widget_Control, showtitleButton, /Set_Button ;Title buttons (token and format): ; tokenButton = Widget_Button(tokenBase, Value=' Token... ', /Menu) tokenSubButtons=lonarr(n_elements(tokennames)) for i = 0,n_elements(tokennames)-1 do tokenSubButtons[i]= Widget_Button(tokenButton, Value=tokennames[i], uval={name:'TOKEN', ind:i, format:0}) spaceLabel = Widget_Label(tokenBase, Value=' ') ; ; ; formatButton = Widget_Button(tokenBase, Value=' Format... ', /Menu) ; formatSubButtons=lonarr(n_elements(formatnames)) ; for i = 0,n_elements(formatnames)-1 do formatSubButtons[i]= Widget_Button(formatButton, Value=formatnames[i], uval={name:'FORMAT', ind:i, format:1}) noformatidx = where(formatNames eq 'No Format') ;title format now a combobox formatbox = widget_combobox(tokenBase,value=formatNames,UVALUE='FORMAT',uname='titleformat') if titleformat eq -1 then begin widget_control,formatbox,set_combobox_select=noformatidx endif else begin widget_control,formatbox,set_combobox_select=titleformat endelse ;Footer buttons (token and format): ; footerTokenButton = Widget_Button(footerTokenBase, Value=' Token... ', /Menu) footerTokenSubButtons=lonarr(n_elements(tokennames)) for i = 0,n_elements(tokennames)-1 do footertokenSubButtons[i]= Widget_Button(footerTokenButton, Value=tokennames[i], uval={name:'FOOTERTOKEN', $ ind:i, format:0}) spaceLabel = Widget_Label(footerTokenBase, Value=' ') formatbox = widget_combobox(footertokenBase,value=formatNames,UVALUE='FOOTERFORMAT',uname='footerformat') if footerformat eq -1 then begin widget_control,formatbox,set_combobox_select=noformatidx endif else begin widget_control,formatbox,set_combobox_select=footerformat endelse ;footer format now a combobox ;footerformatButton = Widget_Button(footerTokenBase, Value=' Format... ', /Menu) ;footerformatSubButtons=lonarr(n_elements(formatnames)) ;for i = 0,n_elements(formatnames)-1 do footerformatSubButtons[i]= Widget_Button(footerformatButton, Value=formatnames[i], uval={name:'FOOTERFORMAT', $ ; ind:i, format:1}) footerText = Widget_Text(footerBase, /all_events , /Editable, Value=pagefooter, XSize=35, YSize=1, uval='PAGEFOOTER',uname='footertext') showFooterBase = Widget_Base(footerBase, /Row, /Nonexclusive) showFooterButton = Widget_Button(showfooterBase, Value = 'Show Footer', uval='SHOWFOOTER',uname='showfooter') if showfooter then Widget_Control, showfooterButton, /Set_Button ; markerText = Widget_Text(markerBase, /all_events, /Editable, Value = markertitle, XSize=35, uval='MARKERTITLE', sensitive=0) fontLabel = Widget_Label(fontLabelBase, Value = 'Font Styles: ', /Align_Left) fontValues = pagesettings->GetFontnames() fontslabelsBase = widget_base(fontsbase,/row,ypad=0) titleFontBase = widget_base(fontsBase,/row,ypad=0) ; labelFontBase = widget_base(fontsBase,/row,ypad=0) ;varFontBase = widget_base(fontsBase,/row,ypad=0) ; markerFontBase = widget_base(fontsBase,/row,ypad=0) footerFontBase = widget_base(fontsBase,/row,ypad=0) ;varFontLabel = widget_label(varFontBase,value='Variables: ') ; geo_struct = widget_info(varFontLabel,/geometry) label_xsize = geo_struct.scr_xsize label_ysize = geo_struct.scr_ysize fontTitleLabel = widget_label(titleFontBase,value='Title: ') ; fontLabelLabel = widget_label(labelFontBase,value='Label: ',xsize=label_xsize) ; fontMarkerLabel = widget_label(markerFontBase,value='Markers: ',xsize=label_xsize) fontFooterLabel = widget_label(footerFontBase,value='Footer: ') fontname_xsize = 150 ;this base allows the droplist to be undersized, if necessary combobase = widget_base(titleFontBase,/row,ypad=0,xpad=0) fontTitleDroplist = Widget_Combobox(combobase, Value=fontValues, uval='TITLE',uname='titlecombo') widget_control,fontTitleDroplist,set_combobox_select=titlefont ;make sure the setting for the current window is the default when opened ;this base allows the droplist to be undersized, if necessary ; combobase = widget_base(labelFontBase,/row,ypad=0,xpad=0) ; fontLabelDroplist = Widget_Combobox(combobase, XSize=fontname_xsize, value=fontValues,UValue='LABEL',uname='labelcombo') ; widget_control,fontLabelDroplist,set_combobox_select=labelfont ;make sure the setting for the current window is the default when opened ;this base allows the droplist to be undersized, if necessary ; combobase = widget_base(varFontBase,/row,ypad=0,xpad=0) ;fontVarsDroplist = Widget_Combobox(comboBase, XSize=fontname_xsize, Value=fontValues, uval='VARIABLES',uname='variablecombo') ;widget_control,fontVarsDroplist,set_combobox_select=varsfont ;make sure the setting for the current window is the default when opened ;this base allows the droplist to be undersized, if necessary ; combobase = widget_base(markerFontBase,/row,ypad=0,xpad=0) ;marker combobox uname and uval are incorrect, rename if code is to be used ; fontMarkerDroplist = Widget_Combobox(comboBase, XSize=fontname_xsize, Value=fontValues, uval='VARIABLES',uname='variablecombo') ; widget_control,fontMarkerDroplist,set_combobox_select=varsfont ;make sure the setting for the current window is the default when opened ;this base allows the droplist to be undersized, if necessary combobase = widget_base(footerFontBase,/row,ypad=0,xpad=0) fontFooterdroplist = Widget_Combobox(comboBase, Value=fontValues, uval='FOOTER',uname='footercombo') widget_control,fontFooterDroplist,set_combobox_select=footerfont ;make sure the setting for the current window is the default when opened ; ;this base allows the droplist to be undersized, if necessary ; combobase = widget_base(markerFontBase,/row,ypad=0,xpad=0) widget_control,fontTitleDroplist,set_combobox_select=titlefont fontTitleIncrement = spd_ui_spinner(titleFontBase, Increment=1, Value=titlesize, uval='TITLESIZE',/all_events,uname='titlesize', min_value=1) cb1Base = Widget_Base(titleFontBase, /row) ; palettebmp = filepath('palette.bmp', Subdir=['resource', 'bitmaps']) tpaletteButton = Widget_Button(cb1Base, Value=palettebmp, /Bitmap, UValue='TPALETTE', Tooltip='Choose color from Palette') geo_struct = widget_info(tpaletteButton,/geometry) rowysize = geo_struct.scr_ysize tcolorWindow = Widget_Draw(titleFontBase, XSize=50, YSize=rowysize,uname='tcolorwindow', $ graphics_level=2,renderer=1,retain=1,units=0,frame=1, /expose_events) ; widget_control,fontLabelDroplist,set_combobox_select=labelfont ; fontLabelIncrement = spd_ui_spinner(labelFontBase, Increment=1, Value=labelsize, uval='LABELSIZE') ; cb2Base = Widget_Base(labelFontBase, /row,ypad=pad) ; palettebmp = filepath('palette.bmp', Subdir=['resource', 'bitmaps']) ; lpaletteButton = Widget_Button(cb2Base, Value=palettebmp, /Bitmap, UValue='LPALETTE', Tooltip='Choose color from Palette') ; lcolorWindow = Widget_Draw(labelFontBase, XSize=50, YSize=rowysize,uname='lcolorwindow',graphics_level=2,renderer=1,retain=1,units=0,frame=1) ;widget_control,fontVarsDroplist,set_combobox_select=varsfont ; fontVarsIncrement = spd_ui_spinner(varFontBase, Increment=1, Value=varsize, uval='VARSIZE') ; cb3Base = Widget_Base(varFontBase, /row,ypad=pad) ; palettebmp = filepath('palette.bmp', Subdir=['resource', 'bitmaps']) ;vpaletteButton = Widget_Button(cb3Base, Value=palettebmp, /Bitmap, $ ; UValue='VPALETTE', Tooltip='Choose color from Palette') ; vcolorWindow = Widget_Draw(varFontBase, XSize=50, YSize=rowysize,uname='vcolorwindow',graphics_level=2,renderer=1,retain=1,units=0,frame=1) widget_control,fontFooterDroplist,set_combobox_select=footerfont fontFooterIncrement=spd_ui_spinner(footerFontBase, Increment=1, Value=footersize, uval='FOOTERSIZE',uname='footersize', min_value=1) cb4Base = Widget_Base(footerFontBase, /row,ypad=pad) ; palettebmp = filepath('palette.bmp', Subdir=['resource', 'bitmaps']) fpaletteButton = Widget_Button(cb4Base, Value=palettebmp, /Bitmap, $ UValue='FPALETTE', Tooltip='Choose color from Palette') fcolorWindow = Widget_Draw(footerFontBase, XSize=50, YSize=rowysize,uname='fcolorwindow', $ graphics_level=2,renderer=1,retain=2,units=0,frame=1, /expose_events) ; widget_control,fontMarkerDroplist,set_combobox_select=markerfont ; fontMarkerIncrement=spd_ui_spinner(markerFontBase, Increment=1, Value=markersize, uval='MARKERSIZE') ; cb5Base = Widget_Base(markerFontBase, /row,ypad=pad) ;; palettebmp = filepath('palette.bmp', Subdir=['resource', 'bitmaps']) ; mpaletteButton = Widget_Button(cb5Base, Value=palettebmp, /Bitmap, $ ; UValue='MPALETTE', Tooltip='Choose color from Palette') ; mcolorWindow = Widget_Draw(markerFontBase, XSize=50, YSize=rowysize,uname='mcolorwindow',graphics_level=2,renderer=1,retain=1,units=0,frame=1) ; getresourcepath,rpath ; palettebmp = rpath + 'color.bmp' ;labels get created later so we know how large to make them spaceLabel = widget_label(fontsLabelsBase,value=' ',/align_center,/dynamic_resize) fontNamelabel = Widget_Label(fontsLabelsBase, value='Font Name', /align_center,/dynamic_resize) sizeLabel = Widget_Label(fontsLabelsBase, value='Size (points)', /align_center) spaceLabel = Widget_Label(fontsLabelsBase, value=' ', /align_center) ; colorLabel = Widget_Label(fontsLabelsBase, value='Color', /align_center) ;layout panel widgets arrangeLabel = Widget_Label(panelBase, Value= 'Panel Arrangement: ', /Align_Left) arrangeBase = Widget_Base(panelBase, /Col, frame=3, tab_mode=1) label1txt = 'Horizontal Panel Spacing (pts): ' label2txt = 'Vertical Panel Spacing (pts): ' xspacingBase = Widget_Base(arrangeBase, /Row) yspacingBase = Widget_Base(arrangeBase, /Row) if strlen(label1txt) ge strlen(label2txt) then begin spacingIncrement=spd_ui_spinner(xspacingBase, label= label1txt, uname='xpanelspacing',$ Increment=1, Value=xpanelspacing, uval='XPANELSPACING',getXLabelSize=xsize, min_value=0) spacingIncrement=spd_ui_spinner(yspacingBase, label= label2txt, uname='ypanelspacing',$ Increment=1, Value=ypanelspacing, uval='YPANELSPACING',xlabelsize=xsize,min_value=0) endif else begin spacingIncrement=spd_ui_spinner(yspacingBase, label= label2txt, uname='ypanelspacing',$ Increment=1, Value=ypanelspacing, uval='YPANELSPACING',getXLabelSize=xsize,min_value=0) spacingIncrement=spd_ui_spinner(xspacingBase, label= label1txt, uname='xpanelspacing',$ Increment=1, Value=xpanelspacing, uval='XPANELSPACING',xlabelsize=xsize, min_value=0) endelse ; heightBase = Widget_Base(arrangeBase, /Row, /Nonexclusive) ; heightButton = Widget_Button(heightBase, Value = 'Mark Proportional to Range', uval='HEIGHTPROP') ; if heightprop then widget_control, HeightButton, /set_button ; widget_control,heightButton,sensitive=0 ; gutterLabel= Widget_Label(gutterBase, Value='Gutter:', /Align_Left, sensitive=0) ; gframeBase = Widget_Base(gutterBase, /Col, Frame=3, YPad=3) ; widthBase = Widget_Base(gframeBase, /Row) ; widthIncrement = spd_ui_spinner(widthBase, Label='Width (pts): ', $ ; Increment=1, Value=gutterwidth, uval='GUTTERWIDTH',sensitive=0) ; gbuttonBase = Widget_Base(gframeBase, /Col, /Nonexclusive, YPad=2) ; displayButton = Widget_Button(gbuttonBase, Value = 'Display on screen', uval='DISPLAYONSCREEN', $ ; sensitive=0) ; if displayonscreen then widget_control, displayButton, /set_button ; alternateButton = Widget_Button(gbuttonBase, Value = 'Alternate top/bottom when printing', $ ; uval='ALTTOPBOTTOM', sensitive=0) ; if alttopbottom then widget_control, alternateButton, /set_button ; firstButton = Widget_Button(gbuttonBase, Value = 'First page has offset at bottom', $ ; uval='OFFSETFIRSTPAGE', sensitive=0) ; if offsetfirstpage then widget_control, alternateButton, /set_button canvasSizeLabel = Widget_Label(canvasSizeBase, Value='Canvas Size (inches):', /Align_Left) xSizeBase = Widget_Base(canvasSizeBase, /col, frame=3, /Align_Center, ypad=5, space=6) xSizeBase2 = Widget_Base(xSizeBase, /row, /Align_Center, ypad=0, space=0) xSizeIncrement = spd_ui_spinner(xSizeBase2, Label='X:', Value=canvassize[0], uval='XSIZE', uname='xsize', min_value=0) ySizeIncrement = spd_ui_spinner(xSizeBase2, Label='Y:', Value=canvassize[1], uval='YSIZE', uname='ysize', min_value=0) orientationBase = widget_base(xsizebase, /row, /exclusive, ypad=0) portrait = widget_button(orientationbase, value='Portrait', uval='PORTRAIT', uname='portrait') landscape = widget_button(orientationbase, value='Landscape', uval='LANDSCAPE', uname='landscape') if orientation then widget_control, landscape, set_button=1 $ else widget_control, portrait, set_button=1 backgroundLabel = Widget_Label(backgroundBase, Value='Background:', /Align_Left) backFrameBase = Widget_Base(backgroundBase, /Row, Frame=3, XPad=2, YPad=3) paletteBase = Widget_Base(backframeBase, /Row, XPad=3, ypad=2, space=3) colorLabel = Widget_Label(paletteBase, Value='Color: ') ; getresourcepath,rpath ; palettebmp = rpath + 'color.bmp' ; palettebmp = FilePath('palette.bmp', Subdir=['resource', 'bitmaps']) paletteButton = Widget_Button(paletteBase, Value=palettebmp, /Bitmap, UValue='BPALETTE', Tooltip='Choose color from Palette') vspaceLabel = Widget_Label(paletteBase, Value=' ') bcolorWindow = Widget_Draw(paletteBase, XSize=50, YSize=21,uname='bcolorwindow', $ graphics_level=2,renderer=1,retain=2,units=0,frame=1, /expose_events, Tooltip='Current Color') spaceLabel = Widget_Label(paletteBase, Value=' ') marginLabel = Widget_Label(marginBase, Value='Margins: ', /Align_Left) mframeBase = Widget_Base(marginBase, /Col, Frame=3, tab_mode=1) topMarginBase = Widget_Base(mframeBase, /Row, /Align_Center) ; passing precision setting to spinners to avoid issues with display eg 1.65 becoming 1.6499999 tmIncrement = spd_ui_spinner(topmarginBase, Label='Top: ', Value=topprintmargin, uval='TMARGIN', uname='tmargin', min_value=0,precision=5) centerMarginBase = Widget_Base(mframeBase, /Row) lmIncrement = spd_ui_spinner(centerMarginBase, Label='Left: ', Value=leftprintmargin, uval='LMARGIN', uname='lmargin',min_value=0,precision=5) rmIncrement = spd_ui_spinner(centerMarginBase, Label=' Right: ', Value=rightprintmargin, uval='RMARGIN', uname='rmargin',min_value=0,precision=5) bottomMarginBase = Widget_Base(mframeBase, /Row, /Align_Center) bmIncrement = spd_ui_spinner(bottomMarginBase, Label='Bottom: ', Value=bottomprintmargin, uval='BMARGIN', uname='bmargin',min_value=0,precision=5) dimensionLabel = Widget_Label(mframeBase, Value='All dimensions in inches', /Align_Center) ;data panel widgets ; overlapLabel = Widget_Label(overlapBase, Value='Overlap data in each page by ', sensitive=0); ; overlapText = Widget_Text(overlapBase, /all_events, Value=strtrim(overlapmajorticks,2), XSize=4, /Editable, uval='OVERLAPMAJORTICKS', sensitive=0) ; majorLabel = Widget_Label(overlapBase, Value=' major ticks.', sensitive=0) ; showVarNonBase = Widget_Base(showVarBase, /Nonexclusive) ; showVarButton = Widget_Button(showVarnonBase, Value='Show variable values if nearest points to tick is ', uval='SHOWVALUES', sensitive=0) ; if ShowValues then Widget_Control, showvarButton, /Set_Button ; closerBase = Widget_Base(showvarBase, /Row, Frame=3, YPad=4, XPad=4) ; closerLabel = Widget_Label(closerBase, Value='closer than ', sensitive=0) ; closerText= $ ; Widget_Text(closerBase, /all_events, Value=strtrim(CloserThanValue,2), XSize=12, /Editable, sensitive=ShowValues, uval='CLOSERTHANVALUE',uname='closertext') ; closerDroplist = $ ; Widget_combobox(closerBase,Value=[' hours ',' minutes ',' seconds ',' days ',''],sensitive=ShowValues, $ ; uval='CLOSERTHANUNITS',uname='closerdroplist') ; widget_control,closerDroplist,set_combobox_select=CloserThanUnits ; yAxisBase = Widget_Base(sameyBase, /Nonexclusive) ; yAxisButton = Widget_Button(yaxisBase, Value='Use same y-axis range for all autoscaled panels ',uval='USESAMEYRANGE', sensitive=0) ; ;if useSameYRange then widget_control,yAxisButton,/set_button ; yTextBase = Widget_Base(sameyBase, /Col, Frame=3, YPad=2, XPad=2) ; yMinorBase = Widget_Base(ytextBase, /Row) ; yMinorLabel = Widget_Label(yMinorBase, Value='# minor ticks: ', Sensitive=0,uname='yminorlabel') ; yMinorText = Widget_Text(yMinorBase, Value=strtrim(numMinorTicks,2),/all_events,/Editable, Sensitive=0,uname='yminortext',uval='YMINORTEXT') ; yMajorBase = Widget_Base(yTextBase, /Row) ; yMajorLabel = Widget_Label(yMajorBase, Value='# major ticks: ', Sensitive=0,uname='ymajorlabel') ; yMajorText = Widget_Text(yMajorBase, Value=strtrim(numMajorTicks,2), /all_events, /Editable, Sensitive=0,uname='ymajortext',uval='YMAJORTEXT') ; skipButton = Widget_Button(skipBase, Value='Skip blank pages',uval='SKIPBLANKS', sensitive=0) ; if skipBlanks then Widget_Control, skipButton, /Set_Button okButton = Widget_Button(buttonBase, Value='OK', uval='OK') applyButton = Widget_Button(buttonBase, Value='Apply', uval='APPLY') applytoallButton = Widget_Button(buttonBase, Value='Apply to All Pages', uval='APPLYTOALLPAGES') cancelButton = Widget_Button(buttonBase, Value='Cancel', UValue='CANC') templateButton = Widget_Button(buttonBase, Value='Store for a Template', UValue='TEMP',tooltip='Use these settings when saving a Graph Options Template') ; helpButton = Widget_Button(buttonBase, Value='Help', XSize = 75) ; Create Status Bar Object statusBar = Obj_New('SPD_UI_MESSAGE_BAR', Value='Status information is displayed here.', statusBase,Xsize=75, YSize=1) pagesettings->getProperty,orientation=orient state = {tlb:tlb, gui_id:gui_id, pagesettings:pagesettings, lcolorWin:0, $ mcolorWin:0, info:info,drawObject:info.drawObject,windowStorage:info.windowStorage,historywin:info.historywin,template:info.template_object,statusBar:statusBar, cwindow:cwindow,orient:orient} centerTLB,tlb Widget_Control, tlb, Set_UValue=state, /No_Copy Widget_Control, tlb, /Realize ;No longer uses CT to look up color values ; Device, Decomposed=0 ; LoadCT, 39 ; red=[255,0,0] ; blue=[0,0,255] ; gray=[110,110,110] tcolorwindow = widget_info(tlb,find_by_uname='tcolorwindow') Widget_Control, tcolorwindow, Get_Value=tcolorWin scene=obj_new('IDLGRSCENE', color=titlecolor) tcolorWin->setProperty,graphics_tree=scene tcolorWin->draw ; lcolorwindow = widget_info(tlb,find_by_uname='lcolorwindow') ; Widget_Control, lcolorwindow, Get_Value=lcolorWin ; scene=obj_new('IDLGRSCENE', color=labelcolor) ; lcolorWin->setProperty,graphics_tree=scene ; lcolorWin->draw, scene ;vcolorwindow = widget_info(tlb,find_by_uname='vcolorwindow') ;Widget_Control, vcolorwindow, Get_Value=vcolorWin ;scene=obj_new('IDLGRSCENE', color=variablescolor) ;vcolorWin->setProperty,graphics_tree=scene ;vcolorWin->draw, scene fcolorwindow = widget_info(tlb,find_by_uname='fcolorwindow') Widget_Control, fcolorwindow, Get_Value=fcolorWin scene=obj_new('IDLGRSCENE', color=footercolor) fcolorWin->setProperty,graphics_tree=scene fcolorWin->draw, scene ; mcolorwindow = widget_info(tlb,find_by_uname='mcolorwindow') ; Widget_Control, mcolorwindow, Get_Value=mcolorWin ; scene=obj_new('IDLGRSCENE', color=markercolor) ; mcolorWin->setProperty,graphics_tree=scene ; mcolorWin->draw, scene bcolorwindow = widget_info(tlb,find_by_uname='bcolorwindow') Widget_Control, bcolorwindow, Get_Value=bcolorWin if obj_valid(scene) then scene->remove,/all scene=obj_new('IDLGRSCENE', color=backgroundcolor) bcolorWin->draw, scene ;keep windows in X11 from snaping back to ;center during tree widget events if !d.NAME eq 'X' then begin widget_control, tlb, xoffset=0, yoffset=0 endif XManager, 'spd_ui_page_options', tlb, /No_Block RETURN END