;+ ;NAME: ; Thm_ui_dproc_reset_act_data ;PURPOSE: ; helper function to reset the active data window in dproc panel ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; spd_ui_dproc_reset_act_data, dproc_id ;INPUT: ; dproc_id = the widget_id for the dproc panel, or the state structure ;OUTPUT: ; None explicit, the active data widget is updated ;HISTORY: ; 15-jan-2009, jmm, jimm@ssl.berkeley.edu ; 23-jan-2009, jmm, uses the dproc_id to update so that part_getspec ; options can update active data window correctly ; 1-apr-2009, jmm, Added update_tree keyword ;$LastChangedBy: jwl $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2022-03-04 11:48:01 -0800 (Fri, 04 Mar 2022) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 30648 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_6_1/spedas_gui/panels/spd_ui_dproc_reset_act_data.pro $ ;- Pro spd_ui_dproc_reset_act_data, dproc_id, update_tree = update_tree If(is_struct(dproc_id)) Then Begin state = dproc_id ;i've passed in the state structure Endif Else Begin widget_control, dproc_id, get_uval = state, /no_copy ;i've passed in the widget id Endelse If(is_struct(state) Eq 0) Then Begin message, 'Undefined state structure' Endif dobj = state.info.loadeddata ;Now get the loaded data, active data, and set up strings val_data = '' act_data = '' val_data_temp = 'No Data Loaded' act_data_temp = 'No Active Data' If(obj_valid(dobj)) Then Begin val_data = dobj -> getall(/parent) act_data = dobj -> getactive(/parent) ;create names with times in single strings for display If(is_string(val_data)) Then Begin val_data_temp = dobj -> getall(/parent, /times) val_data_temp = reform(val_data_temp[0, *]+': '+$ val_data_temp[1, *]+' to '+val_data_temp[2, *]) If(is_string(act_data)) Then Begin isactive = sswhere_arr(val_data, act_data) If(isactive[0] Ne -1) Then act_data_temp = val_data_temp[isactive] Endif Endif Endif Else Begin dprint, 'Invalid Data Object' state.statusbar -> update, 'Invalid Data Object' Endelse ;Fill the pointers If(ptr_valid(state.val_data)) Then ptr_free, state.val_data If(is_string(val_data)) Then Begin state.val_data = ptr_new(val_data) Endif Else state.val_data = ptr_new() If(ptr_valid(state.val_data_t)) Then ptr_free, state.val_data_t state.val_data_t = ptr_new(val_data_temp) ;Active data pointers If(ptr_valid(state.act_data)) Then ptr_free, state.act_data If(is_string(act_data)) Then Begin state.act_data = ptr_new(act_data) Endif Else state.act_data = ptr_new() If(ptr_valid(state.act_data_t)) Then ptr_free, state.act_data_t state.act_data_t = ptr_new(act_data_temp) ;Update list widgets if they exist If(widget_valid(state.activelist)) Then $ widget_control, state.activelist, set_value = *state.act_data_t ;Update tree object, if asked to If(keyword_set(update_tree)) Then Begin If(obj_valid(state.treeobj)) Then state.treeobj -> update Endif If(is_struct(dproc_id) Eq 0) Then Begin ;reset in widget widget_control, dproc_id, set_uval = state, /no_copy Endif Else Begin dproc_id = temporary(state) ;be sure that changes are made Endelse Return End