This page was created by the IDL library routine
Last modified: Wed Jun 12 10:49:46 2024.
PROCEDURE: cart_to_sphere2, x, y, z, r, lamda, phi PURPOSE: transform from cartesian to spherical coordinates INPUTS: x, y, z (array or scaler) OUTPUTS: r, lamda, phi (same as x,y,z) CREATED BY: Tai Phan (modified from Davin's procedure) LAST MODIFICATION: @(#) 1.4 95/08/24 NOTES: Lamda and phi are different from Cart_to_sphere's theta and phi
(See projects/wind/3dp/idl/
PROCEDURE change_pkquality, pkquality PURPOSE: Change the level of packet quality used when filtering packets through the WIND decommutation software. INPUTS: pkquality: set bits to determine level of packet quality. the following bits will allow packets with these possible quality problems through the decommutator filter: 1: frame contains some fill data 2: the following packet is invalid 4: packet contains fill data the most conservative option is to set pkquality = 0 CREATED BY: Peter Schroeder LAST MODIFICATION: @(#) 1.1 97/12/18
(See projects/wind/3dp/idl/
PROCEDURE: convert_sst_units PURPOSE: to convert units of data from the sst instruments INPUT: data: A 3d structure such as those generated by get_sf,get_so units: A string telling the procedure which units to convert to, such as ncounts,rate,nrate,eflux,flux,df KEYWORDS: scale: A named variable in which the scale factor is returned. SEE ALSO: "conv_units", "get_sf","get_so" WARNING: This procedure is NOT tested! CREATED BY: Davin Larson, 1995 LAST MODIFICATION: @(#) 1.10 96/08/22
(See projects/wind/3dp/idl/
FUNCTION get_3d_struct, time INPUTS: t: double (seconds since 1970., >1990) or t: string (format: YY-MM-DD/HH:MM:SS) or t: numeric (hours from reference date. < ) or t: string (format: HH:MM:SS hours from reference date) options: intarray (only first element is considered to determine instrument) KEYWORDS: advance: if set, advance to the next time OUTPUT: A structure that contains all pertinent information for a single 3D sample. CREATED BY: Davin Larson LAST MODIFICATION: @(#) 1.32 98/10/02 NOTE: This routine should NOT be called by users. Should only be called by one of the routines: get_el, get_eh, get_ph, get_pl, get_sf, get_so e.g. "get_el"
(See projects/wind/3dp/idl/
FUNCTION; get_bkg3d,dat PURPOSE: Uses energy steps defined by esteps array, computes average count rate in those steps and then copies that average value into all data values. Each angle bin is treated separately. The result can be used for background subtraction. INPUT: dat: 3d data structure such as is generated by "get_el" and other get routines KEYWORDS ESTEPS: Two element array of integers that corresponds to the first and last energy steps to be used. (default is [0,3]) CREATED BY: Davin Larson LAST MODIFICATION: @(#) 1.9 02/04/17 WARNING! This is a crude subroutine. Use at your own risk.
(See projects/wind/3dp/idl/
PROCEDURE: get_eatod PURPOSE: Gets analog to digital data for EESA INPUT: none, but "load_3dp_data" must be called 1st. KEYWORDS: DATA: named variable in which all data is returned. CREATED BY: Davin Larson FILE: VERSION: 1.6 LAST MODIFICATION: 01/06/06
(See projects/wind/3dp/idl/
FUNCTION: get_ecfg(t) INPUT: t: double, seconds since 1970. KEYWORDS: advance: advance to the next data point index: select data by sample index instead of by time. times: if non-zero, return an array of data times corresponding to data samples. PURPOSE: returns an Eesa Instrument Configuration data record. CREATED BY: Peter Schroeder LAST MODIFIED: @(#) 1.1 99/04/19 NOTES: The procedure "load_3dp_data" must be called first.
(See projects/wind/3dp/idl/
FUNCTION: get_eh(t) INPUT: t: double, seconds since 1970. If this time is a vector then the routine will get all samples in between the two times in the vector KEYWORDS: advance: advance to the next data point index: select data by sample index instead of by time. times: if non-zero, return and array of data times corresponding to data samples. PURPOSE: returns a 3d structure containing all data pertinent to a single eesa high 3d sample. See "3D_STRUCTURE" for a more complete description of the structure. CREATED BY: Peter Schroeder LAST MODIFIED: @(#) 1.23 99/03/02 NOTES: The procedure "load_3dp_data" must be called first.
(See projects/wind/3dp/idl/
FUNCTION: get_ehb(t) INPUT: t: double, seconds since 1970. If this time is a vector then the routine will get all samples in between the two times in the vector KEYWORDS: advance: advance to the next data point index: select data by sample index instead of by time. times: if non-zero, return and array of data times corresponding to data samples. PURPOSE: returns a 3d structure containing all data pertinent to a single eesa high burst 3d sample. See "3D_STRUCTURE" for a more complete description of the structure. CREATED BY: Peter Schroeder LAST MODIFIED: @(#) 1.1 99/09/20 NOTES: The procedure "load_3dp_data" must be called first.
(See projects/wind/3dp/idl/
FUNCTION: get_ehs(t) INPUT: t: double, seconds since 1970. If this time is a vector then the routine will get all samples in between the two times in the vector KEYWORDS: advance: advance to the next data point index: select data by sample index instead of by time. times: if non-zero, return an array of data times corresponding to data samples. PURPOSE: returns a 3d structure containing all data pertinent to a single eesa high slice 3d sample. See "3D_STRUCTURE" for a more complete description of the structure. CREATED BY: Peter Schroeder LAST MODIFIED: @(#) 1.8 99/03/02 NOTES: The procedure "load_3dp_data" must be called first.
(See projects/wind/3dp/idl/
FUNCTION: get_el(t) INPUT: t: double, seconds since 1970. If this time is a vector then the routine will get all samples in between the two times in the vector KEYWORDS: advance: advance to the next data point index: select data by sample index instead of by time. times: if non-zero, return an array of data times corresponding to data samples. PURPOSE: returns a 3d structure containing all data pertinent to a single eesa low 3d sample. See "3D_STRUCTURE" for a more complete description of the structure. CREATED BY: Peter Schroeder LAST MODIFIED: @(#) 1.29 99/05/06 NOTES: The procedure "load_3dp_data" must be called first.
(See projects/wind/3dp/idl/
FUNCTION: get_el2(t) INPUT: t: double, seconds since 1970. If this time is a vector then the routine will get all samples in between the two times in the vector KEYWORDS: index: select data by sample index instead of by time. times: if non-zero, return an array of data times corresponding to data samples. PURPOSE: returns a 3d structure containing all data pertinent to a single eesa low or eesa low burst 3d sample. See "3D_STRUCTURE" for a more complete description of the structure. CREATED BY: Art Hull LAST MODIFIED: @(#) 1.1 99/08/24 NOTES: The procedure "load_3dp_data" must be called first.
(See projects/wind/3dp/idl/
FUNCTION: get_elb(t) INPUT: t: double, seconds since 1970. If this time is a vector then the routine will get all samples in between the two times in the vector KEYWORDS: advance: advance to the next data point index: select data by sample index instead of by time. times: if non-zero, return and array of data times corresponding to data samples. PURPOSE: returns a 3d structure containing all data pertinent to a single eesa low 3d sample. See "3D_STRUCTURE" for a more complete description of the structure. CREATED BY: Peter Schroeder LAST MODIFIED: @(#) 1.13 99/03/02 NOTES: The procedure "load_3dp_data" must be called first.
(See projects/wind/3dp/idl/
FUNCTION: get_elc(t) INPUT: t: double, seconds since 1970. If this time is a vector then the routine will get all samples in between the two times in the vector KEYWORDS: advance: advance to the next data point index: select data by sample index instead of by time. times: if non-zero, return an array of data times corresponding to data samples. PURPOSE: returns a 3d structure containing all data pertinent to a single eesa low cut 3d sample. See "3D_STRUCTURE" for a more complete description of the structure. CREATED BY: Peter Schroeder LAST MODIFIED: @(#) 1.10 99/03/02 NOTES: The procedure "load_3dp_data" must be called first.
(See projects/wind/3dp/idl/
FUNCTION: get_elm(t) INPUT: t: double, seconds since 1970. If this time is a vector then the routine will get all samples in between the two times in the vector KEYWORDS: advance: advance to the next data point index: select data by sample index instead of by time. times: if non-zero, return and array of data times corresponding to data samples. PURPOSE: returns a 3d structure containing all data pertinent to a single eesa low 3d sample. See "3D_STRUCTURE" for a more complete description of the structure. CREATED BY: Peter Schroeder LAST MODIFIED: @(#) 1.6 99/03/02 NOTES: The procedure "load_3dp_data" must be called first.
(See projects/wind/3dp/idl/
PROCEDURE: get_emom PURPOSE: Gets moment data for eesa, including velocity,density,and temperature. INPUT: none, but "load_3dp_data" must be called 1st. KEYWORDS: dens: Optionally returns density directly as well as storing it. temp: Optionally returns temperature directly as well as storing it. vx: Optionally returns vx directly as well as storing it. vy: Optionally returns vy directly as well as storing it. vz: Optionally returns vz directly as well as storing it. pe: Optionally returns Pe directly as well as storing it. qe: Optionally returns Qe directly as well as storing it. CREATED BY: Davin Larson LAST MODIFICATION: @(#) 1.9 97/09/08
(See projects/wind/3dp/idl/
PROCEDURE: get_emom2 PURPOSE: Gets eesa moment structure. INPUT: none, but "load_3dp_data" must be called 1st. KEYWORDS: POLAR VTHERMAL CREATED BY: Davin Larson FILE: VERSION: 1.3 LAST MODIFICATION: 97/11/14
(See projects/wind/3dp/idl/
FUNCTION: get_excfg(t) INPUT: t: double, seconds since 1970. KEYWORDS: advance: advance to the next data point index: select data by sample index instead of by time. times: if non-zero, return an array of data times corresponding to data samples. PURPOSE: returns an Eesa Extended Instrument Configuration data record. CREATED BY: Peter Schroeder LAST MODIFIED: @(#) 1.1 99/04/19 NOTES: The procedure "load_3dp_data" must be called first.
(See projects/wind/3dp/idl/
FUNCTION: get_fpc(t) INPUT: t: double, seconds since 1970. If this time is a vector than the routine will get all samples in between the two times in the vector KEYWORDS: advance: advance to the next data point index: select data by sample index instead of by time. times: if non-zero, return and array of data times corresponding to data samples. PURPOSE: returns a structure containing all data pertinent to a single correlator sample. See the file 3dp_help.doc for a more complete description of the structure. CREATED BY: Jonathan Loran LAST MODIFICATION: @(#) 1.4 01/29/98 NOTES: The procedure "load_3dp_data" must be called first.
(See projects/wind/3dp/idl/
PROCEDURE: get_frame_info PURPOSE: Gets frame info data for WIND data files. INPUT: none, but "load_3dp_data" must be called 1st. KEYWORDS: DATA: named variable in which all data is returned. CREATED BY: Davin Larson FILE: VERSION: 1.4 LAST MODIFICATION: 96/05/03
(See projects/wind/3dp/idl/
FUNCTION: get_fspb(t) INPUT: t: double, seconds since 1970. If this time is a vector than the routine will get all samples in between the two times in the vector KEYWORDS: advance: index: select data by sample index instead of by time. times: if non-zero, return and array of data times corresponding to data samples. PURPOSE: returns structure containing all data pertinent to a single foil burst spectra. See the file 3dp_help.doc for a more complete description of the structure. CREATED BY: Robert D. Campbell FILENAME: VERSION: 1.4 LAST MODIFICATION: 96/04/09 NOTES: The procedure "load_3dp_data" must be called first.
(See projects/wind/3dp/idl/
FUNCTION: get_fspc(t) INPUT: t: double, seconds since 1970. If this time is a vector than the routine will get all samples in between the two times in the vector KEYWORDS: advance: index: select data by sample index instead of by time. times: if non-zero, return and array of data times corresponding to data samples. PURPOSE: returns structure containing all data pertinent to a single foil spectra. See the file 3dp_help.doc for a more complete description of the structure. CREATED BY: Robert D. Campbell FILENAME: VERSION: 1.8 LAST MODIFICATION: 99/03/02 NOTES: The procedure "load_3dp_data" must be called first.
(See projects/wind/3dp/idl/
FUNCTION: get_ft6t INPUT: t: double, seconds since 1970. If this time is a vector than the routine will get all samples in between the two times in the vector KEYWORDS: advance: PURPOSE: for omniazimuuth average flux if electrons, for survey plots from SST foil+thick 3d data data from 402x packets produces array (FT6) for tplot CREATED BY: Robert D. Campbell FILENAME: VERSION: 1.2 LAST MODIFICATION: 95/10/06 NOTES: The procedure "load_3dp_data" must be called first.
(See projects/wind/3dp/idl/
PROCEDURE: get_hkp PURPOSE: Gets housekeeping data for eesa and pesa; INPUT: none, but "load_3dp_data" must be called 1st. CREATED BY: Davin Larson LAST MODIFICATION: @(#) 1.16 01/06/06
(See projects/wind/3dp/idl/
PROCEDURE: get_latest_dates PURPOSE: look at and see what dates the files in it have This is useful because you can call this from a procedure like "make_plot" to do something with the latest data. INPUTS: none KEYWORDS: none CREATED BY: Jasper Halekas LAST MODIFICATION: @(#) 1.4 95/10/06
(See projects/wind/3dp/idl/
FUNCTION: get_mcfg(t) INPUT: t: double, seconds since 1970. KEYWORDS: advance: advance to the next data point index: select data by sample index instead of by time. times: if non-zero, return an array of data times corresponding to data samples. PURPOSE: returns a SST Instrument Configuration data record. CREATED BY: Peter Schroeder LAST MODIFIED: @(#) 1.1 99/04/19 NOTES: The procedure "load_3dp_data" must be called first.
(See projects/wind/3dp/idl/
FUNCTION: get_ospb(t) INPUT: t: double, seconds since 1970. If this time is a vector than the routine will get all samples in between the two times in the vector KEYWORDS: advance: index: select data by sample index instead of by time. times: if non-zero, return and array of data times corresponding to data samples. PURPOSE: returns a structure containing all data pertinent to a single open burst spectra. See the file 3dp_help.doc for a more complete description of the structure. CREATED BY: Robert D. Campbell FILENAME: VERSION: 1.4 LAST MODIFICATION: 96/04/09 NOTES: The procedure "load_3dp_data" must be called first.
(See projects/wind/3dp/idl/
FUNCTION: get_ospc(t) INPUT: t: double, seconds since 1970. If this time is a vector than the routine will get all samples in between the two times in the vector KEYWORDS: advance: index: select data by sample index instead of by time. times: if non-zero, return and array of data times corresponding to data samples. PURPOSE: returns a structure containing all data pertinent to a single open spectra. See the file 3dp_help.doc for a more complete description of the structure. CREATED BY: Robert D. Campbell FILENAME: VERSION: 1.8 LAST MODIFICATION: 99/03/02 NOTES: The procedure "load_3dp_data" must be called first.
(See projects/wind/3dp/idl/
FUNCTION: get_ot6t INPUT: t: double, seconds since 1970. If this time is a vector than the routine will get all samples in between the two times in the vector KEYWORDS: advance: PURPOSE: for omniazimuuth average flux if electrons, for survey plots from SST open+thick 3d data data from 402x packets produces array (OT6) for tplot CREATED BY: Robert D. Campbell FILENAME: VERSION: 1.2 LAST MODIFICATION: 95/10/06 NOTES: The procedure "load_3dp_data" must be called first.
(See projects/wind/3dp/idl/
PROCEDURE: get_padflux,source,symm_dir PURPOSE: Calculates flux from eesa_L and mfi data. You are expected to have loaded these already using "GET_MFI". INPUT: source: (string) source of 3d data (ie. 'el') symm_dir: (string) handle of symmetry direction data (ie. 'Bexp') KEYWORDS: units: units to convert to bins: bins to sum over CREATED BY: Davin Larson LAST MODIFICATION: @(#) 1.9 02/04/17
(See projects/wind/3dp/idl/
FUNCTION: get_pcfg(t) INPUT: t: double, seconds since 1970. KEYWORDS: advance: advance to the next data point index: select data by sample index instead of by time. times: if non-zero, return an array of data times corresponding to data samples. PURPOSE: returns a Pesa Instrument Configuration data record. CREATED BY: Peter Schroeder LAST MODIFIED: @(#) 1.1 99/04/19 NOTES: The procedure "load_3dp_data" must be called first.
(See projects/wind/3dp/idl/
FUNCTION: get_ph(t) PURPOSE: Returns a 3d structure containing all data pertinent to a single pesa high 3d sample. See "3D_STRUCTURE" for a more complete description of the structure. INPUT: t: double, seconds since 1970. If this time is a vector then the routine will get all samples in between the two times in the vector KEYWORDS: advance: advance to the next data point index: select data by sample index instead of by time. times: if non-zero, return and array of data times corresponding to data samples. CREATED BY: Frank Marcoline from Davin Larson's routines. LAST MODIFICATION: @(#) 1.32 99/05/03 NOTES: The procedure "load_3dp_data" must be called first.
(See projects/wind/3dp/idl/
FUNCTION: get_ph2(t) PURPOSE: Returns a 3d structure containing all data pertinent to a single pesa high or pesa high burst 3d sample. See "3D_STRUCTURE" for a more complete description of the structure. INPUT: t: double, seconds since 1970. If this time is a vector then the routine will get all samples in between the two times in the vector KEYWORDS: index: select data by sample index instead of by time. times: if non-zero, return and array of data times corresponding to data samples. CREATED BY: Art Hull LAST MODIFICATION: @(#) 1.1 99/08/24 NOTES: The procedure "load_3dp_data" must be called first.
(See projects/wind/3dp/idl/
FUNCTION: get_ph30(t) PURPOSE: Get a 30 energy step ph structure containing the center (sunward) bins. INPUT: t: double, seconds since 1970. If this time is a vector then the routine will get all samples in between the two times in the vector KEYWORDS: advance: advance to the next data point index: select data by sample index instead of by time. times: if non-zero, return and array of data times corresponding to data samples. CREATED BY: Frank Marcoline from Davin Larson's routines. LAST MODIFICATION: @(#) 1.4 99/03/02 NOTES: The procedure "load_3dp_data" must be called first.
(See projects/wind/3dp/idl/
FUNCTION: get_phb(t) PURPOSE: Returns a 3d structure containing all data pertinent to a single pesa high burst 3d sample. See "3D_STRUCTURE" for a more complete description of the structure. INPUT: t: double, seconds since 1970. If this time is a vector then the routine will get all samples in between the two times in the vector KEYWORDS: advance: advance to the next data point index: select data by sample index instead of by time. times: if non-zero, return and array of data times corresponding to data samples. CREATED BY: Peter Schroeder LAST MODIFICATION: @(#) 1.16 99/05/03 NOTES: The procedure "load_3dp_data" must be called first.
(See projects/wind/3dp/idl/
NAME: get_phb_mapcode PURPOSE: get the current mapcode for phb see map3d.c for definitions of mapcodes typically get_ph_mapcode will only be called from other get_ph* routines CALLING SEQUENCE: type=get_ph_ph_type(t,advance=advance,index=index,preset=preset) INPUTS: t: double or dblarr(2) time KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ADVANCE: get the mapcode for the next ph packet INDEX: get the mapcode for the ph packet with index INDEX OPTIONS: options array decides how the packet is chosen: IF OPTIONS(1) GE 0, get packet by index IF OPTIONS(1) EQ -1, get packet by time PRESET: If set: t, advance, and index are preset and no changes to these variables will be made OUTPUTS: At the moment there are only two possible valid outputs 1: MAP11b, or 2: MAP11d (constants defined in map3d.h) COMMON BLOCKS: wind_com EXAMPLE: load_3dp_data,'1995-09-28',24 map0 = get_phb_mapcode(index=0) map1 = get_phb_mapcode(str_to_time('1995-09-28/20')) print,'Map0: ',map0,', Map1: ',map1,format='(a,z,a,z)' --> Map0: D4A4, Map1: D4FE ;on 9/28/95 the telemetry rate changed from S2x to S1x ;See: CREATED BY: Peter Schroeder
(See projects/wind/3dp/idl/
NAME: get_ph_mapcode PURPOSE: get the current mapcode for ph see map3d.c for definitions of mapcodes typically get_ph_mapcode will only be called from other get_ph* routines CALLING SEQUENCE: type=get_ph_ph_type(t,advance=advance,index=index,preset=preset) INPUTS: t: double or dblarr(2) time KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ADVANCE: get the mapcode for the next ph packet INDEX: get the mapcode for the ph packet with index INDEX OPTIONS: options array decides how the packet is chosen: IF OPTIONS(1) GE 0, get packet by index IF OPTIONS(1) EQ -1, get packet by time PRESET: If set: t, advance, and index are preset and no changes to these variables will be made OUTPUTS: At the moment there are only two possible valid outputs 1: MAP11b, or 2: MAP11d (constants defined in map3d.h) COMMON BLOCKS: wind_com EXAMPLE: load_3dp_data,'1995-09-28',24 map0 = get_ph_mapcode(index=0) map1 = get_ph_mapcode(str_to_time('1995-09-28/20')) print,'Map0: ',map0,', Map1: ',map1,format='(a,z,a,z)' --> Map0: D4A4, Map1: D4FE ;on 9/28/95 the telemetry rate changed from S2x to S1x ;See: CREATED BY: Frank Marcoline
(See projects/wind/3dp/idl/
FUNCTION: get_pl(t) INPUT: t: double, seconds since 1970. If this time is a vector then the routine will get all samples in between the two times in the vector KEYWORDS: advance: advance to the next data point index: select data by sample index instead of by time. times: if non-zero, return and array of data times corresponding to data samples. PURPOSE: returns a 3d structure containing all data pertinent to a single pesa low 3d sample. See "3D_STRUCTURE" for a more complete description of the structure. CREATED BY: Davin Larson LAST MODIFICATION: @(#) 1.24 99/04/27 NOTES: The procedure "load_3dp_data" must be called first.
(See projects/wind/3dp/idl/
FUNCTION: get_pl2(t) INPUT: t: double, seconds since 1970. If this time is a vector then the routine will get all samples in between the two times in the vector KEYWORDS: index: select data by sample index instead of by time. times: if non-zero, return and array of data times corresponding to data samples. PURPOSE: returns a 3d structure containing all data pertinent to a single pesa low or pesa low burst 3d sample. See "3D_STRUCTURE" for a more complete description of the structure. CREATED BY: Art Hull LAST MODIFICATION: @(#) 1.1 99/08/24 NOTES: The procedure "load_3dp_data" must be called first.
(See projects/wind/3dp/idl/
FUNCTION: get_plb(t) INPUT: t: double, seconds since 1970. If this time is a vector then the routine will get all samples in between the two times in the vector KEYWORDS: advance: advance to the next data point index: select data by sample index instead of by time. times: if non-zero, return and array of data times corresponding to data samples. PURPOSE: returns a 3d structure containing all data pertinent to a single pesa low 3d sample. See "3D_STRUCTURE" for a more complete description of the structure. CREATED BY: Peter Schroeder LAST MODIFICATION: @(#) 1.17 99/04/27 NOTES: The procedure "load_3dp_data" must be called first.
(See projects/wind/3dp/idl/
PROCEDURE: get_pmom PURPOSE: Gets moment data for pesa, including velocity,density,and temperature. INPUT: none, but "load_3dp_data" must be called first. KEYWORDS: NONE. CREATED BY: Davin Larson FILE: VERSION: 1.13 LAST MODIFICATION: 97/09/08
(See projects/wind/3dp/idl/
PROCEDURE: get_pmom2 PURPOSE: Gets pesa moment structure. INPUT: none, but "load_3dp_data" must be called 1st. KEYWORDS: POLAR VTHERMAL CREATED BY: Davin Larson FILE: VERSION: 1.4 LAST MODIFICATION: 02/11/01
(See projects/wind/3dp/idl/
PROCEDURE: get_sdotb PURPOSE: INPUT: none KEYWORDS: none CREATED BY: Davin Larson LAST MODIFICATION: @(#) 1.3 95/08/24
(See projects/wind/3dp/idl/
FUNCTION: get_sf(t) INPUT: t: double, seconds since 1970. If this time is a vector then the routine will get all samples in between the two times in the vector KEYWORDS: chanmode: if set, load only channels that are read out for the selected packet. index: select data by sample index instead of by time. times: if non-zero, return and array of data times corresponding to data samples. PURPOSE: returns a 3d structure containing all data pertinent to a single SST Foil sample. See "3D_STRUCTURE" for a more complete description of the structure. CREATED BY: Peter Schroeder LAST MODIFIED: @(#) 1.28 99/03/02 NOTES: The procedure "load_3dp_data" must be called first.
(See projects/wind/3dp/idl/
FUNCTION: get_sfb(t) INPUT: t: double, seconds since 1970. If this time is a vector then the routine will get all samples in between the two times in the vector KEYWORDS: index: select data by sample index instead of by time. times: if non-zero, return and array of data times corresponding to data samples. PURPOSE: returns a 3d structure containing all data pertinent to a single SST Foil burst sample. See "3D_STRUCTURE" for a more complete description of the structure. CREATED BY: Peter Schroeder LAST MODIFIED: %W% %E% NOTES: The procedure "load_3dp_data" must be called first.
(See projects/wind/3dp/idl/
FUNCTION: get_sft(t) INPUT: t: double, seconds since 1970. If this time is a vector then the routine will get all samples in between the two times in the vector KEYWORDS: chanmode: if set, load only channels that are read out for the selected packet. index: select data by sample index instead of by time. times: if non-zero, return and array of data times corresponding to data samples. PURPOSE: returns a 3d structure containing all data pertinent to a single SST Foil sample. See "3D_STRUCTURE" for a more complete description of the structure. CREATED BY: Peter Schroeder LAST MODIFIED: @(#) 1.10 99/03/02 NOTES: The procedure "load_3dp_data" must be called first.
(See projects/wind/3dp/idl/
FUNCTION: get_so(t) INPUT: t: double, seconds since 1970. If this time is a vector then the routine will get all samples in between the two times in the vector KEYWORDS: chanmode: if set, load only channels that are read out for the selected packet. index: select data by sample index instead of by time. times: if non-zero, return and array of data times corresponding to data samples. PURPOSE: returns a 3d structure containing all data pertinent to a single SST Open sample. See "3D_STRUCTURE" for a more complete description of the structure. CREATED BY: Peter Schroeder LAST MODIFIED: @(#) 1.21 99/03/02 NOTES: The procedure "load_3dp_data" must be called first.
(See projects/wind/3dp/idl/
FUNCTION: get_sob(t) INPUT: t: double, seconds since 1970. If this time is a vector then the routine will get all samples in between the two times in the vector KEYWORDS: index: select data by sample index instead of by time. times: if non-zero, return and array of data times corresponding to data samples. PURPOSE: returns a 3d structure containing all data pertinent to a single SST Open Burst sample. See "3D_STRUCTURE" for a more complete description of the structure. CREATED BY: Peter Schroeder LAST MODIFIED: @(#) 1.8 99/03/02 NOTES: The procedure "load_3dp_data" must be called first.
(See projects/wind/3dp/idl/
FUNCTION: get_sot(t) INPUT: t: double, seconds since 1970. If this time is a vector then the routine will get all samples in between the two times in the vector KEYWORDS: chanmode: if set, load only channels that are read out for the selected packet. index: select data by sample index instead of by time. times: if non-zero, return and array of data times corresponding to data samples. PURPOSE: returns a 3d structure containing all data pertinent to a single SST Open sample. See "3D_STRUCTURE" for a more complete description of the structure. CREATED BY: Peter Schroeder LAST MODIFIED: @(#) 1.8 99/03/02 NOTES: The procedure "load_3dp_data" must be called first.
(See projects/wind/3dp/idl/
PROCEDURE: get_spec PURPOSE: Creates "TPLOT" variable by summing 3D data over selected angle bins. INPUT: data_str, a string(either 'eh','el','ph','pl','sf',or 'so' at this point) telling which data to get. KEYWORDS: bins: a keyword telling which bins to sum over gap_time: time gap big enough to signify a data gap (def 200) no_data: returns 1 if no_data else returns 0 units: convert to these units if included NAME: New name of the Data Quantity BKG: A 3d data structure containing the background counts. FLOOR: Sets the minimum value of any data point to sqrt(bkg). MISSING: value for bad data. KEV: If set, energy array and energy labels are put in keV. The default is to put energy in eV. CREATED BY: Jasper Halekas FILE: VERSION: 1.48 LAST MODIFICATION: 02/04/17 MOD HISTORY: 95/10/5 by REE (added bkg subtraction) 96/4/9 by JML now use index feature of get_* to walk through the data 96/5/6 Mods plus clean up. NOTES: "LOAD_3DP_DATA" must be called first to load up WIND data.
(See projects/wind/3dp/idl/
FUNCTION: get_tspc(t) INPUT: t: double, seconds since 1970. If this time is a vector than the routine will get all samples in between the two times in the vector KEYWORDS: advance: index: select data by sample index instead of by time. times: if non-zero, return and array of data times corresponding to data samples. PURPOSE: returns a structure containing all data pertinent to a single f+t & o+t spectra. See the file 3dp_help.doc for a more complete description of the structure. CREATED BY: Robert D. Campbell LAST MODIFICATION: %W% %E% NOTES: The procedure "load_3dp_data" must be called first.
(See projects/wind/3dp/idl/
FUNCTION: get_wind_times PURPOSE: To get an array of all the times loaded in memory for a given data type. INPUTS: STRING data type. OUTPUTS: array of time tags if successful, else 0D MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written 1995/09/22 By J. M. Loran
(See projects/wind/3dp/idl/
PROCEDURE: help_3dp PURPOSE: Calls netscape and brings up our on_line help. One of the pages accessed by this on_line help provides documentation on all of our procedures and is produced by"makehelp" INPUT: none KEYWORDS: MOSAIC: if set uses mosaic instead of netscape CREATED BY: Jasper Halekas FILE: VERSION: 1.7 LAST MODIFICATION: 02/04/17
(See projects/wind/3dp/idl/
PROCEDURE: init_wind_lib PURPOSE: Initializes common block variables for the WIND 3DP library. There is no reason for the typical user to execute this routine as it is automatically called from "LOAD_3DP_DATA". However it can be used to overide the default directories and/or libraries. RESTRICTIONS: This procedure is operating system dependent! (UNIX only) This procedure expects to find two environment variables: WIND_DATA_DIR: the directory containing the master file: 'wi_lz_3dp_files' please see the file help_3dp.html for information on creating this file. IDL_3DP_DIR: the directory containing the source code and the sub- directory/file: lib/ KEYWORDS: (used to overide defaults.) WLIB: (string) full pathname of shared object code for wind data extraction library. Default is $IDL_3DP_DIR/lib/ MASTFILE: (string) full pathname of the 3DP master data file. default is: $WIND_DATA_DIR/wi_lz_3dp_files CREATED BY: Davin Larson LAST MODIFICATION: @(#) 1.12 02/04/18
(See projects/wind/3dp/idl/
PROCEDURE load_3dp_data, time, delta_time,quality=quality PURPOSE: Opens and loads into memory the 3DP LZ data file(s) within the given time range. This must be called prior to any data retrieval! INPUTS: (optional, prompted if not provided) time: start time.string of the form: 'yy-mm-dd/hh:mm:ss' deltat; int,float or double: number of hours of data to load quality; set bits to determine level of packet quality. the following bits will allow packets with these possible problems through the decommutator filter: 1: frame contains some fill data 2: the following packet is invalid 4: packet contains fill data default is quality = 0 (most conservative option) CREATED BY: Davin Larson LAST MODIFICATION: @(#) 1.20 02/11/05
(See projects/wind/3dp/idl/
BATCH FILE: makehelp NAME: makehelp PURPOSE: Uses "mk_html_help2" to create an html help file called 3dp_ref_man.html. "help_3dp" will call up a browser and open our on_line help facility, which provides a link to the page generated by this procedure. INPUT: none KEYWORDS: N/A CREATED BY: Jasper Halekas LAST MODIFICATION: @(#) 1.25 99/04/22
(See projects/wind/3dp/idl/
PROCEDURE: make_plot (batchfile) PURPOSE: makes summary plots daily when called by make_sum_plots script INPUT: none KEYWORDS: none CREATED BY: Jasper Halekas LAST MODIFICATION: @(#) 1.19 01/06/06
(See projects/wind/3dp/idl/
PROCEDURE: plot_orbit, data_name PURPOSE: To do an xyplot of orbital or other data INPUT: String associated with spacecraft position data quantity. Default is 'GSE_pos_def'. (see "get_orbit") KEYWORDS: ZPLOT: will produce an x-z plot, rather than x-y BOW: structure that determines bow shock parameters. TLABEL: Draws a label for each time value specified. FREQ: if set will draw a star every freq days INIT_FREQ: first date to label. (date string: yy-mm-dd) DATE_LAB: if set will label a date every date_lab days INIT_DATE_LAB: first date to start labeling. (date string: yy-mm-dd) LIMITS: A limit structure that defines plot limits. (see "OPTIONS", "XLIM" or "YLIM") TRANGE: Two element vector of time values giving the time range. (see "GETTIME") DAT3D: A data structure that contains some of the following: magf: 3 components of magnetic field. sc_pos: 3 components of spacecraft position. vsw: 3 components of solar wind velocity. Modified by: Peter Schroeder 97-5-21 Written by: Davin Larson 95-9-12 Modified from by Jasper Halekas. FILE: VERSION: 1.18 LAST MODIFICATION: 02/04/17
(See projects/wind/3dp/idl/
WIND 3D Plasma startup procedure. Calling procedure: @start3dp PURPOSE: Initializes 3DP code. CREATED BY: Davin Larson LAST MODIFICATION: @(#) 1.10 97/02/10
(See projects/wind/3dp/idl/
COMMON BLOCK: wind_com PURPOSE: Common block for wind procedures CREATED BY: Davin Larson LAST MODIFICATION: @(#) 1.6 02/11/01
(See projects/wind/3dp/idl/