;+ ;procedure: ssl2dsl ; ;Purpose: despins (spins) THEMIS data ; ; SSL<-->DSL; ; ; interpolates the spinphase, spin period ; updates coord_sys atribute of output tplot variable. ; ;inputs ; ; name_thx_xxx_in ... data in the input coordinate system (t-plot variable name) ; ;keywords: ; /NAME_INPUT : Always required; this argument is the name of a tplot ; variable to use as the input data. ; ; /NAME_OUTPUT: Always required; this argument is the name of a tplot ; variable to receive the output. ; ; TRANSFORMATIONS ; ; /DSL2SSL inverse transformation ; ; /IGNORE_DLIMITS if the specified from coord is different from the ;coord system labeled in the dlimits structure of the tplot variable ;setting this keyword prevents an error ; ; /INTERPOLATE_STATE : if specified, interpolate the spin phase ; from the 1-minute samples in the state CDF. Otherwise, ; use the spinmodel routines by default. ; ; /NAME_THX_SPINPER : required if /INTERPOLATE_STATE is specified; ; this is the name of a tplot variable containing the 1-minute ; spinper samples from the state CDF. ; ; /NAME_THX_SPINPHASE : required if /INTERPOLATE_STATE is specified; ; this is the name of a tplot variable containing the 1-minute ; spinphase samples from the state CDF. ; ; /SPINMODEL_PTR : required if /INTERPOLATE_STATE is NOT specified; ; this argument is a pointer to the appropriate spin model data structure. ; ;Example: ; ssl2dsl,name_input='tha_fgl_ssl',$ ; name_output='tha_fgl_dsl',$ ; /INTERPOLATE_STATE,$ ; name_thx_spinper='tha_state_spinper',$ ; name_thx_spinphase='tha_state_spinphase' ; ; ssl2dsl,name_input='tha_fgl_dsl',$ ; /INTERPOLATE_STATE,$ ; name_thx_spinper='tha_state_spinper',$ ; name_thx_spinphase='tha_state_spinphase',$ ; name_output='tha_fgl_ssl',$ ; /DSL2SSL ; ; ssl2dsl,name_input='tha_fgl_dsl',$ ; spinmodel_ptr=spinmodel_get_ptr('a'),$ ; name_output='tha_fgl_ssl' ; ;Notes: under construction!! ; ;Written by Hannes Schwarzl ; $LastChangedBy: jwl $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2012-06-04 10:26:03 -0700 (Mon, 04 Jun 2012) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 10493 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_6_1/projects/themis/state/cotrans/ssl2dsl.pro $ ;- pro ssl2dsl,name_input=name_input,name_thx_spinper=name_thx_spinper,$ name_thx_spinphase=name_thx_spinphase,name_output=name_output,$ DSL2SSL=DSL2SSL,ignore_dlimits=ignore_dlimits,$ INTERPOLATE_STATE=INTERPOLATE_STATE,spinmodel_ptr=spinmodel_ptr,$ use_spinphase_correction=use_spinphase_correction ; Check required arguments if n_elements(name_input) EQ 0 then begin message,'Missing required argument name_input' end if n_elements(name_output) EQ 0 then begin message,'Missing required argument name_output' end if keyword_set(interpolate_state) then begin if n_elements(name_thx_spinphase) EQ 0 then begin message,'/INTERPOLATE_STATE specified, but name_thx_spinphase not specified' end if n_elements(name_thx_spinper) EQ 0 then begin message,'/INTERPOLATE_STATE specified, but name_thx_spinper not specified' end end else begin if n_elements(spinmodel_ptr) EQ 0 then begin message,'/INTERPOLATE_STATE not specified; missing required argument spinmodel_ptr' end endelse ; get the data using t-plot names get_data,name_input,data=thx_xxx_in, limit=l_in, dl=dl_in ; krb data_in_coord = cotrans_get_coord(dl_in) ; krb thx_xxx_out=thx_xxx_in if keyword_set(DSL2SSL) then begin DPRINT, 'DSL-->SSL' if keyword_set(ignore_dlimits) then begin data_in_coord='dsl' endif ; krb if ~ strmatch(data_in_coord, 'unknown') && ~ strmatch(data_in_coord, $ 'dsl') then begin dprint, 'coord of input '+name_input+': '+data_in_coord+ $ ' must be DSL' return end out_coord = 'ssl' ; krb isDSL2SSL=1 endif else begin DPRINT, 'SSL-->DSL' if keyword_set(ignore_dlimits) then begin data_in_coord='ssl' endif ; krb if ~ strmatch(data_in_coord, 'unknown') && ~ strmatch(data_in_coord, $ 'ssl') then begin dprint, 'coord of input '+name_input+': '+data_in_coord+ $ ' must be SSL' return end out_coord = 'dsl' ; krb isDSL2SSL=0 endelse count=SIZE(thx_xxx_in.X,/N_ELEMENTS) DPRINT, 'number of DATA records: ',count ;interpolate phase thx_xxx_in=thx_xxx_out if keyword_set(interpolate_state) then begin get_data,name_thx_spinper,data=thx_spinper get_data,name_thx_spinphase,data=thx_spinphase if size(thx_spinper, /type) ne 8 || size(thx_spinphase, /type) ne 8 then begin message, 'aborted: must load spin data from state file' endif if min(thx_spinper.x,/nan)-min(thx_xxx_in.x,/nan) gt 60*60 || max(thx_xxx_in.x,/nan) - max(thx_spinper.x,/nan) gt 60*60 then begin dprint,'NON-FATAL-ERROR: ' + name_thx_spinper + ' and ' + name_input + ' fail to overlap for time greater than 1 hour. Data may have significant interpolation errors.' endif if min(thx_spinphase.x,/nan)-min(thx_xxx_in.x,/nan) gt 60*60 || max(thx_xxx_in.x,/nan) - max(thx_spinphase.x,/nan) gt 60*60 then begin dprint,'NON-FATAL-ERROR: ' + name_thx_spinphase + ' and ' + name_input + ' fail to overlap for time greater than 1 hour. Data may have significant interpolation errors.' endif countPhase=SIZE(thx_spinphase.X,/N_ELEMENTS) DPRINT, 'number of Phase records: ',countPhase ; phase constructed according to the nearest neighbor spin phase, ; spin period thx_spinphase_highres=thm_interpolate_state(thx_xxx_in=thx_xxx_in,$ thx_spinper=thx_spinper,$ thx_spinphase=thx_spinphase) phase=thx_spinphase_highres.Y*!dpi/180.d0 endif else begin dprint, 'Using spin model to calculate phase versus time...' spinmodel_interp_t,model=spinmodel_ptr,time=thx_xxx_in.X,spinphase=phase_deg,use_spinphase_correction=use_spinphase_correction spinmodel_phase=phase_deg*!dpi/180.0D phase=spinmodel_phase endelse if isDSL2SSL eq 0 then begin ;despin thx_xxx_out.Y[*,0]=thx_xxx_in.Y[*,0]* cos(phase) -thx_xxx_in.Y[*,1]* sin(phase) thx_xxx_out.Y[*,1]=thx_xxx_in.Y[*,0]* sin(phase) +thx_xxx_in.Y[*,1]* cos(phase) endif else begin ;spin thx_xxx_out.Y[*,0]= thx_xxx_in.Y[*,0]* cos(phase) +thx_xxx_in.Y[*,1]* sin(phase) thx_xxx_out.Y[*,1]=-thx_xxx_in.Y[*,0]* sin(phase) +thx_xxx_in.Y[*,1]* cos(phase) endelse dl_out=dl_in ; krb cotrans_set_coord, dl_out, out_coord ; krb ;; clear ytitle, so that it won't contain wrong info. str_element, dl_out, 'ytitle', /delete l_out=l_in str_element, l_out, 'ytitle', /delete store_data,name_output,data=thx_xxx_out, limit=l_out, dl=dl_out ; krb DPRINT, 'done' end