;+ ; Function: spinmodel_post_process ; ; Purpose: Performs post-load corrections on spinmodel data. ; ; Notes: Somewhat finicky about data requirements. Will throw an error that ; causes interpreter to halt unless the error is explicitly caught. Error's ; will be returned in the SPINMODEL_POST_PROCESS message block. ; ; If you find execution halted here and you aren't sure why, it is probably ; because the state support data was not loaded. ; This occurs most commonly because ; 1. there is no data available on this day, or ; 2. because of internet connection issues, ; 3. because the !themis.no_download flag is on. ; ; ; ; ; $LastChangedBy: bsadeghi $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2012-05-22 10:48:29 -0700 (Tue, 22 May 2012) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 10447 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_6_1/projects/themis/spin/spinmodel_post_process.pro $ ;- pro spinmodel_post_process,sname=sname,filetype=filetype,datatype=datatype,$ suffix=suffix,coord=coord,level=level,verbose=verbose,$ progobj=progobj,midfix=midfix,_extra=_extra common spinmodel_common, tha_std_obj, thb_std_obj, thc_std_obj,$ thd_std_obj, the_std_obj, thf_std_obj,$ tha_ecl_obj, thb_ecl_obj, thc_ecl_obj,$ thd_ecl_obj, the_ecl_obj, thf_ecl_obj,$ tha_full_obj, thb_full_obj, thc_full_obj,$ thd_full_obj, the_full_obj, thf_full_obj, init_flag ; define message block ename = ['INVAL_PROBE', 'NO_TVAR', 'ZERO_SPINPER', 'OBJ_INVALID'] efmt = ['Unrecognized sname value: %s', $ 'spinmodel_post_process: tplot variable not found: %s, This indicates that State Support Data is unavailable, unloaded, or incorrect.', $ 'spinper[0] = 0 for probe %s, probably due to empty tplot variable.',$ 'The standard spinmodel object for probe %s could not be constructed, probably due to a missing tplot variable.'] DEFINE_MSGBLK, 'SPINMODEL_POST_PROCESS', PREFIX='THM_SPINMODEL_POST_PROCESS_', $ ename, efmt, /ignore_duplicate if n_elements(init_flag) EQ 0 then begin ; Initialize all spinmodel object to null pointers tha_std_obj=obj_new() thb_std_obj=obj_new() thc_std_obj=obj_new() thd_std_obj=obj_new() the_std_obj=obj_new() thf_std_obj=obj_new() tha_ecl_obj=obj_new() thb_ecl_obj=obj_new() thc_ecl_obj=obj_new() thd_ecl_obj=obj_new() the_ecl_obj=obj_new() thf_ecl_obj=obj_new() tha_full_obj=obj_new() thb_full_obj=obj_new() thc_full_obj=obj_new() thd_full_obj=obj_new() the_full_obj=obj_new() thf_full_obj=obj_new() endif ; Set the initialization flag, indicating that it's safe to use ; all the variables in the common block (even if they happen ; to be initialized to null pointers or object references). init_flag=1 ; Make spinmodel objects ; Standard model dprint,'Constructing standard spinmodel object for probe ' + sname + '.' std_obj = obj_new('thm_spinmodel',probe=sname,midfix=midfix,suffix=suffix,eclipse=0) if ~obj_valid(std_obj) then begin message, name='thm_spinmodel_post_process_obj_invalid', block='spinmodel_post_process', $ sname endif ; Partially corrected eclipse model ; If an eclipse model cannot be constructed (maybe old state CDFs without ; the new eclipse spin model variables), it is not a fatal error. dprint,'Constructing partially corrected eclipse spinmodel object for probe ' + sname + '.' ecl_obj = obj_new('thm_spinmodel',probe=sname,midfix=midfix,suffix=suffix,eclipse=1) if ~obj_valid(ecl_obj) then begin dprint, 'An eclipse spin model could not be produced for probe '+sname+ '. This is a non-fatal error...the standard spin model will be used instead.' ; Setting ecl_obj=std_obj might be tempting here, but then we'd have ; two references to the same object, and we could end up double-freeing it. ; So we make an identical, but distinct, object, from scratch, with the ; eclipse flag disabled. ecl_obj = obj_new('thm_spinmodel',probe=sname,midfix=midfix,suffix=suffix,eclipse=0) endif ; Fully corrected eclipse model ; If an eclipse model cannot be constructed (maybe old state CDFs without ; the new eclipse spin model variables), it is not a fatal error. dprint,'Constructing fully corrected eclipse spinmodel object for probe ' + sname + '.' full_obj = obj_new('thm_spinmodel',probe=sname,midfix=midfix,suffix=suffix,eclipse=2) if ~obj_valid(full_obj) then begin dprint, 'A fully corrected eclipse spin model could not be produced for probe '+sname+ '. This is a non-fatal error...falling back to partial or standard model.' full_obj = obj_new('thm_spinmodel',probe=sname,midfix=midfix,suffix=suffix,eclipse=1) if ~obj_valid(full_obj) then begin full_obj = obj_new('thm_spinmodel',probe=sname,midfix=midfix,suffix=suffix,eclipse=0) endif endif case sname of 'a': begin obj_destroy,tha_std_obj tha_std_obj=std_obj obj_destroy,tha_ecl_obj tha_ecl_obj=ecl_obj obj_destroy,tha_full_obj tha_full_obj=full_obj end 'b': begin obj_destroy,thb_std_obj thb_std_obj=std_obj obj_destroy,thb_ecl_obj thb_ecl_obj=ecl_obj obj_destroy,thb_full_obj thb_full_obj=full_obj end 'c': begin obj_destroy,thc_std_obj thc_std_obj=std_obj obj_destroy,thc_ecl_obj thc_ecl_obj=ecl_obj obj_destroy,thc_full_obj thc_full_obj=full_obj end 'd': begin obj_destroy,thd_std_obj thd_std_obj=std_obj obj_destroy,thd_ecl_obj thd_ecl_obj=ecl_obj obj_destroy,thd_full_obj thd_full_obj=full_obj end 'e': begin obj_destroy,the_std_obj the_std_obj=std_obj obj_destroy,the_ecl_obj the_ecl_obj=ecl_obj obj_destroy,the_full_obj the_full_obj=full_obj end 'f': begin obj_destroy,thf_std_obj thf_std_obj=std_obj obj_destroy,thf_ecl_obj thf_ecl_obj=ecl_obj obj_destroy,thf_full_obj thf_full_obj=full_obj end endcase end