;+ ; Procedure: ; sosmag_hapi_query ; ; Purpose: ; Sends a query to SOSMAG HAPI server. ; Receives a json answer. ; ; ; Notes: ; SOSMAG HAPI server is: 'https://swe.ssa.esa.int/hapi/' ; As of 2021/12/03 the server has non-standard behavior that requires special treatment: ; 1. It requires username and password for each user. ; 2. The catalog contains 134 datasets, but only 2 are actually available. ; 3. By design, it returns Error 500 responses that cannot be parsed by json. ; All the above may be changed in the future. ; ; ;$LastChangedBy: nikos $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2023-09-05 16:26:53 -0700 (Tue, 05 Sep 2023) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 32080 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_6_1/projects/sosmag/hapi/sosmag_hapi_query.pro $ ;- function sosmag_get_status_filename ; This function provides a filename where all HTTPS responses are written. dir = FILE_DIRNAME(ROUTINE_FILEPATH(), /MARK_DIRECTORY) sfilename = dir + 'session_cookies.txt' return, sfilename end function url_callback_s, status, progress, data ; Callback function for HTTP. ; Writes server responses to file. sfilename = sosmag_get_status_filename() status_str = string(status) set_cookie = status_str.Contains('Set-Cookie') if set_cookie eq 1 then begin this_cookie = status_str.Substring(status_str.IndexOf('Set-Cookie')+12, status_str.IndexOf(';')-1) ; write it to the file openw, tokenunit, sfilename, /get_lun, /append printf, tokenunit, this_cookie free_lun, tokenunit endif location = status_str.Contains('Location: ') if location eq 1 then begin ; write it to the file openw, tokenunit, sfilename, /get_lun, /append printf, tokenunit, status_str free_lun, tokenunit endif return, 1 end function print_callback_s, status, progress, data ; Callback function for HTTP. ; Prints server responses to console. print, status return, 1 end pro sosmag_reset_cookies_file ; Create a file to store the next 2 tokens. sfilename = sosmag_get_status_filename() openw, tokenunit, sfilename, /get_lun ; Close the file. We'll write the tokens to it in the IDLnetURL callback function. free_lun, tokenunit end function sosmag_get_auth_cookie, username, password ; Send username password, receive three cookies. catch, Error_status IF Error_status NE 0 THEN BEGIN dprint, 'ERROR_STATE: ', !ERROR_STATE.MSG dprint, 'Error: Check username and password, file: sosmag_password.txt' dprint, 'Username:', username.trim(), ", Password:", password.trim() catch, /cancel return, '-1' ENDIF oUrl = OBJ_NEW('IDLnetUrl') oUrl->SetProperty, verbose = 1 oUrl->SetProperty, url_scheme = 'https' oUrl->SetProperty, ssl_verify_host = 0 oUrl->SetProperty, ssl_verify_peer = 0 oUrl->SetProperty, connect_timeout = 4 oUrl->SetProperty, timeout = 4 oUrl->SetProperty, url_host = 'sso.ssa.esa.int' oUrl->SetProperty, url_path = 'am/json/authenticate' oUrl->SetProperty, headers=["Content-Type: application/json", "X-OpenAM-Username: " + username, "X-OpenAM-Password: " + password] auth_cookie_data = oUrl->put("{}", /post, /buffer, /string_array) ; The response is going to be in json. cookie_json = sosmag_json_parse(auth_cookie_data) auth_cookie = cookie_json['tokenId'] success_cookie = cookie_json['successUrl'] if success_cookie eq '' then begin dprint, "Error: Authentication problem.' auth_cookie = '-1' endif ; Return the auth cookie. return, auth_cookie end function sosmag_get_session_cookie, auth_cookie ; Use the three cookies to request HAPI server capabilites. ; This is done in order to set: decision=Allow&save_consent=on. ; Return the three cookies. catch, Error_status IF Error_status NE 0 THEN BEGIN dprint, 'ERROR_STATE: ', !ERROR_STATE.MSG catch, /cancel return, '-1' ENDIF sfilename = sosmag_get_status_filename() sosmag_reset_cookies_file ; Contact HAPI server to receive session id hapi = OBJ_NEW('IDLnetUrl') hapi->SetProperty, verbose = 1 hapi->SetProperty, url_scheme = 'https' hapi->SetProperty, ssl_verify_host = 0 hapi->SetProperty, ssl_verify_peer = 0 hapi->SetProperty, connect_timeout = 4 hapi->SetProperty, timeout = 4 hapi->SetProperty, url_host = 'swe.ssa.esa.int' hapi->SetProperty, url_path = 'hapi/capabilities' hapi->SetProperty, callback_function = 'url_callback_s' hapi->SetProperty, headers=["Cookie: iPlanetDirectoryPro=" + auth_cookie] init_response = hapi->get(/buffer, /string_array) ; Read in the XSRF-TOKEN JSESSIONID and the consent URL consent_url = '' xsrf_token = '' jsessionid = '' openr, session_file, sfilename, /get_lun line = '' while ~eof(session_file) do begin readf, session_file, line line_str = string(line) if line_str.Contains('XSRF-TOKEN=') and strlen(xsrf_token) eq 0 then begin xsrf_token = line_str.Substring(line_str.IndexOf('XSRF-TOKEN=')+11, strlen(line_str)) endif if line_str.Contains('JSESSIONID=') and strlen(jsessionid) eq 0 then begin jsessionid = line_str.Substring(line_str.IndexOf('JSESSIONID=')+11, strlen(line_str)) endif endwhile free_lun, session_file ; Receive consent_url sosmag_reset_cookies_file consent = OBJ_NEW('IDLnetUrl') consent->SetProperty, verbose = 1 consent->SetProperty, ssl_verify_host = 0 consent->SetProperty, ssl_verify_peer = 0 consent->SetProperty, connect_timeout = 4 consent->SetProperty, timeout = 4 consent->SetProperty, url_scheme = 'https' consent->SetProperty, callback_function = 'url_callback_s' consent->SetProperty, url_host = 'swe.ssa.esa.int' consent->SetProperty, url_path = 'login/openam' cookies_string = "Cookie: iPlanetDirectoryPro=" + auth_cookie+"; XSRF-TOKEN=" + xsrf_token+"; JSESSIONID=" + jsessionid consent->SetProperty, headers=[cookies_string] consent_loc = consent->put('{"decision":"Allow","save_consent":"on"}', /buffer,/post) ; Find the first Location Header, it is the correct one openr, session_file, sfilename, /get_lun line = '' while ~eof(session_file) do begin readf, session_file, line line_str = string(line) if line_str.Contains('Location: https://sso.ssa.esa.int') then begin consent_url = line_str.Substring(line_str.IndexOf('Location: ')+10, strlen(line_str)) break endif endwhile free_lun, session_file ; Send the consent along with all cookies to the consent url. consent = OBJ_NEW('IDLnetUrl') consent->SetProperty, verbose = 1 consent->SetProperty, ssl_verify_host = 0 consent->SetProperty, ssl_verify_peer = 0 consent->SetProperty, connect_timeout = 4 consent->SetProperty, timeout = 4 consent->SetProperty, url_scheme = 'https' consent->SetProperty, callback_function = 'url_callback_s' consent->SetProperty, url_host = 'swe.ssa.esa.int' consent->SetProperty, url_path = strmid(consent_url, 24) consent->SetProperty, headers=[cookies_string] consent_url = consent_url + "&decision=Allow&save_consent=on" ; data = '{"decision":"Allow","save_consent":"on"}' data = '{""}' consent_response = consent->put(data, url=consent_url, /buffer, /string_array, /post) consent_response = strtrim(strjoin(consent_response), 2) ;dprint, consent_response if consent_response eq '' || ~consent_response.Contains('"message":"OK"') then begin ; Problem with server response. return, '-1' endif return, cookies_string end pro sosmag_hapi_query, hquery=hquery, query_response=query_response ; Send a query to HAPI server and get a response. compile_opt idl2 query_response = '' catch, Error_status IF Error_status NE 0 THEN BEGIN dprint, 'ERROR_STATE: ', !ERROR_STATE.MSG catch, /cancel return ENDIF sosmag_read_password, username=username, password=password if username eq '' or password eq '' then begin dprint, 'Error: Could not read username and/or password.' query_response = '-1' return endif ; Get the cookies auth_cookie = sosmag_get_auth_cookie(username, password) if auth_cookie eq '-1' then begin dprint, 'Error: Could not communicate with HAPI server.' return endif ; Get the capabilities to verify that communication with server is functioning cookies_string = sosmag_get_session_cookie(auth_cookie) if cookies_string eq '-1' then begin dprint, 'Error: Could not communicate with HAPI server.' return endif ; hquery can be: capabilities, info, catalog, data if ~keyword_set(hquery) then hquery='capabilities' hquery_parts = strsplit(hquery, '?', /extract) switch hquery_parts[0] of 'catalog': begin query_str = 'catalog' break end 'info': begin query_str = hquery break end 'data': begin query_str = hquery break end 'capabilities': begin query_str = 'capabilities' break end else: begin dprint, "Error. HAPI query has a problem. Using 'capabilities' instead." query_str = 'capabilities' break end endswitch ; Send the query along with all cookies to the consent url. hapi_query = OBJ_NEW('IDLnetUrl') hapi_query->SetProperty, verbose = 1 hapi_query->SetProperty, ssl_verify_host = 0 hapi_query->SetProperty, ssl_verify_peer = 0 hapi_query->SetProperty, connect_timeout = 4 hapi_query->SetProperty, timeout = 4 hapi_query->SetProperty, url_scheme = 'https' hapi_query->SetProperty, callback_function = 'url_callback_s' hapi_query->SetProperty, url_host = 'swe.ssa.esa.int' hapi_query->SetProperty, url_path = 'hapi/' + query_str hapi_query->SetProperty, headers=[cookies_string] url_full = 'https://swe.ssa.esa.int/hapi/' + query_str query_response = hapi_query->get(/buffer, /string_array) query_response = strtrim(strjoin(query_response), 2) end