;+ ; MMS flipbookify - adding 2D distribution slices to arbitrary tplot windows ; July 18, 2018 ; ; Please be sure to mute your phone during the webinar! ; ; questions? feel free to unmute and ask during the presentation or email egrimes@igpp.ucla.edu after! ; ; this file can be found on the web at: ; http://spedas.org/mms/mms_flipbook_webinar_jul18.pro ; ; -----> Phone to use: 510-643-3817 ; ; Tentative agenda: ; 1) Basic examples for FPI and HPCA ; 2) Change interpolation method ; 3) Change rotations of slices ; 4) Limit the time range to a subset of the tplot window ; 5) Subtract FPI distribution error, bulk velocity from slices prior to adding them to the window ; 6) Export to high quality postscript files instead of PNGs ; 7) Export to video file ; 8) Include 1-D cuts through the 2-D distributions ; ; ; $LastChangedBy: egrimes $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2018-07-18 10:58:32 -0700 (Wed, 18 Jul 2018) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 25487 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_6_1/projects/mms/examples/webinars/mms_flipbook_webinar_jul18.pro $ ;- ; basic example with FPI data ; mms_load_fpi, probe=1, trange=['2015-10-16/13:05:30', '2015-10-16/13:08'], data_rate='brst', datatype='dis-moms', /time_clip mms_load_fgm, probe=1, trange=['2015-10-16/13:05:30', '2015-10-16/13:08'], data_rate='brst', /time_clip tplot, ['mms1_dis_energyspectr_omni_brst', 'mms1_fgm_b_gse_brst_l2_bvec', 'mms1_dis_numberdensity_brst'] stop tlimit, ['2015-10-16/13:06:50', '2015-10-16/13:06:55'] stop mms_flipbookify, species='i', trange=['2015-10-16/13:06:50', '2015-10-16/13:06:55'] stop ; change the time step tlimit, ['2015-10-16/13:05:30', '2015-10-16/13:07:40'] mms_flipbookify, species='i', time_step=100 stop ; basic example with HPCA data mms_load_hpca, probe=1, trange=['2015-10-16/13:05:30', '2015-10-16/13:07:40'], data_rate='brst', /time_clip tplot, ['mms1_hpca_hplus_ion_bulk_velocity_GSM', 'mms1_hpca_hplus_number_density', 'mms1_hpca_hplus_tperp', 'mms1_hpca_hplus_tparallel', 'mms1_fgm_b_gse_brst_l2_bvec'] stop mms_flipbookify, instrument='hpca', species='hplus' stop ; change the time format in the title tplot, ['mms1_fgm_b_gse_brst_l2_bvec', 'mms1_dis_numberdensity_brst', 'mms1_dis_bulkv_gse_brst', 'mms1_dis_heatq_gse_brst', 'mms1_dis_energyspectr_omni_brst'] mms_flipbookify, species='i', time_step=1000, title='YYYY-MM-DD/hh:mm:ss.fff' stop ; change the interpolation method mms_flipbookify, species='i', time_step=2000, /geometric stop mms_flipbookify, species='i', time_step=500, /two_d_interp stop ; change the rotations mms_flipbookify, species='i', time_step=500, /two_d_interp, slices=['perp_yz', 'bv', 'perp'] stop ; limit the time range mms_flipbookify, trange=['2015-10-16/13:06', '2015-10-16/13:07'], species='i', time_step=500, /two_d_interp stop ; change the "box" characteristics mms_flipbookify, box_color=2, box_thickness=3, trange=['2015-10-16/13:06', '2015-10-16/13:07'], species='i', time_step=500, /two stop ; subtract FPI distribution error, bulk velocity from slices mms_flipbookify, /subtract_error, /subtract_bulk, /subtract_spintone, species='i', time_step=500, /two_d_interp stop ; save as postscript files mms_flipbookify, /postscript, species='i', time_step=100, /two_d_interp stop ; export as a movie tplot, ['mms1_fgm_b_gse_brst_l2_bvec', 'mms1_dis_numberdensity_brst', 'mms1_dis_bulkv_gse_brst', 'mms1_dis_heatq_gse_brst', 'mms1_dis_energyspectr_omni_brst'] mms_flipbookify, /video, species='i', time_step=100, /two_d_interp stop ; include 1D cuts through the 2D slices mms_flipbookify, /include_1d_vx, species='i', time_step=500, /two_d_interp stop mms_flipbookify, /include_1d_vx, /include_1d_vy, species='i', time_step=500, /two_d_interp stop end