;+ ; ; mms_wavpol_crib ; ; ; This crib sheet demonstrates usage of the wave polarization routines ; using MMS SCM data ; ;This version stores these outputs as tplot variables with the ;specified prefix ; These are follows: ; ; Wave power: On a linear scale (units of nT^2/Hz if input Bx, By, Bz are in nT) ; ; Degree of Polarisation: ; This is similar to a measure of coherency between the input ; signals, however unlike coherency it is invariant under ; coordinate transformation and can detect pure state waves ; which may exist in one channel only.100% indicates a pure ; state wave. Less than 70% indicates noise. For more ; information see J. C. Samson and J. V. Olson 'Some comments ; on the description of the polarization states ; of waves' Geophys. J. R. Astr. Soc. (1980) v61 115-130 ; ; Wavenormal Angle: ; the angle between the direction of minimum ; variance calculated from the complex off diagonal ; elements of the spectral matrix and the Z direction ; of the input ; ac field data. For magnetic field data in ; field aligned coordinates this is the ; wavenormal angle assuming a plane wave. ; ; Ellipticity:The ratio (minor axis)/(major axis) of the ; ellipse transcribed by the field variations of the ; components transverse to the Z direction. The sign ; indicates the direction of rotation of the field vector in ; the plane. Negative signs refer to left-handed ; rotation about the Z direction. In the field ; aligned coordinate system these signs refer to ; plasma waves of left and right handed ; polarisation. ; ; Helicity:Similar to Ellipticity except defined in terms of the ; direction of minimum variance instead of Z. Strictly the Helicity ; is defined in terms of the wavenormal direction or k. ; However since from single point observations the ; sense of k cannot be determined, helicity here is ; simply the ratio of the minor to major axis transverse to the ; minimum variance direction without sign. ; ; ; Last updated by: ; O. Le Contel, LPP, in order to manage data gaps in the waveform ; using test written by K. Bromund (in thm_cal_scm.pro) ; ; For more informations about SCM data, please contact olivier.lecontel@lpp.polytechnique.fr ; ; ; Suggestions for this crib sheet: ; https://github.com/spedas/bleeding_edge/issues ; ; $LastChangedBy: egrimes $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2023-08-14 12:51:35 -0700 (Mon, 14 Aug 2023) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 31999 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_6_1/projects/mms/examples/advanced/mms_wavpol_crib.pro $ ;- del_data,'*' ;; ============================= ;; Select date and time interval ;; ============================= trange = ['2016-01-16/00:13:00', '2016-01-16/00:19:14']; example with datagap ;trange = ['2015-10-16/13:05:40', '2015-10-16/13:07:25']; Burch et al., Science event ; ;; ============================= ;; Select probe and data type ;; ============================= sc = '4' scm_data_rate = 'brst' ;; Select mode ('scsrvy' for survey data rate (both slow and fast have 32 S/s), ; 'scb' (8192 S/s) or 'schb' (16384 S/s) for burst data rate) scm_datatype = 'scb' ;; ============================================================== ;; Get SCM data ;; ============================================================== mms_load_scm, probe=sc, datatype=scm_datatype, level='l2', trange=trange, data_rate=scm_data_rate mms_scm_name = 'mms'+sc+'_scm_acb_gse_'+scm_datatype+'_'+scm_data_rate+'_l2 ;; ===================================================================== ;; Get FGM data in order to define Field-Aligned Coordinate (FAC) system ;; ===================================================================== fgm_data_rate = 'srvy' mms_load_fgm, probes=sc, trange=trange, data_rate = fgm_data_rate mms_fgm_name = 'mms'+sc+'_fgm_b_gse_'+fgm_data_rate+'_l2_bvec' store_data,'all_b',data=[mms_fgm_name, 'mms'+sc+'_fgm_b_gse_'+fgm_data_rate+'_l2_btot'] ;make transformation matrix fac_matrix_make, mms_fgm_name,other_dim='xgse',newname = mms_fgm_name+'_fac_mat' ;other_dim='xgse', newname = 'thc_fgs_gse_sm601_fac_mat' ;transform Bfield vector (or any other) vector into field aligned coordinates tvector_rotate, mms_fgm_name+'_fac_mat', mms_scm_name, newname = mms_scm_name+'_fac' ;; ======================= ;; Calculate polarization ;; ======================= ;;; number of points for FFT nopfft_input = 8192;1024 ;;; number of points for shifting between 2 FFT steplength_input = nopfft_input/2 ;;; number of bins for frequency averaging bin_freq_input = 3 twavpol,mms_scm_name+'_fac' $ ,nopfft=nopfft_input,steplength=steplength_input,bin_freq=bin_freq_input ;, error=error, freqline = freqline, $ ; timeline = timeline, ;=== change of units from radians to degrees for wave angle variable get_data,mms_scm_name+'_fac_waveangle',time_wa,val_wa,val_freq val_wa = val_wa*180./!pi store_data,mms_scm_name+'_fac_waveangle',data={x:time_wa,y:val_wa,v:val_freq} ;;; only plot polarization results if the degree of polarization is larger than 0.7 deg_pol_c = 0.7 get_data,mms_scm_name+'_fac_degpol',time,val,val_freq index_deg_pol = where(val lt deg_pol_c) val[index_deg_pol] = !VALUES.F_NAN store_data,mms_scm_name+'_fac_degpol',data={x:time,y:val,v:val_freq} get_data,mms_scm_name+'_fac_powspec',time,val,val_freq val[index_deg_pol] = !VALUES.F_NAN store_data,mms_scm_name+'_fac_powspec',data={x:time,y:val,v:val_freq} get_data,mms_scm_name+'_fac_waveangle',time,val,val_freq val[index_deg_pol] = !VALUES.F_NAN store_data,mms_scm_name+'_fac_waveangle',data={x:time,y:val,v:val_freq} get_data,mms_scm_name+'_fac_elliptict',time,val,val_freq val[index_deg_pol] = !VALUES.F_NAN store_data,mms_scm_name+'_fac_elliptict',data={x:time,y:val,v:val_freq} get_data,mms_scm_name+'_fac_elliptict',time,val,val_freq val[index_deg_pol] = !VALUES.F_NAN store_data,mms_scm_name+'_fac_helict',data={x:time,y:val,v:val_freq} ;; ===================== ;; Plot calculated data ;; ===================== if scm_datatype eq 'scb' then samp_freq = 8192. if scm_datatype eq 'scsrvy' then samp_freq = 32. freq_min = floor(samp_freq/nopfft_input) if scm_datatype eq 'scb' then freq_max = 4096. if scm_datatype eq 'scsrvy' then freq_max = 16. nlog_f = 1 options, ['*'], 'labflag', -1 options, mms_scm_name, colors=[2, 4, 6] options, mms_scm_name, labels=['X GSE', 'Y GSE', 'Z GSE'] options, mms_scm_name, labflag=-1 options, mms_scm_name,ytitle='MMS'+sc+'!C SCM !C' options, mms_scm_name+'_fac',colors=[2,4,6] options, mms_scm_name+'_fac', labels=['X FAC', 'Y FAC', 'Z FAC'] options, mms_scm_name+'_fac', labflag=-1 options, mms_scm_name+'_fac',ytitle='MMS'+sc+'!C SCM !C' ylim, mms_scm_name+'_fac_powspec',freq_min,freq_max,nlog_f ylim, mms_scm_name+'_fac_degpol',freq_min,freq_max,nlog_f ylim, mms_scm_name+'_fac_waveangle',freq_min,freq_max,nlog_f ylim, mms_scm_name+'_fac_elliptict',freq_min,freq_max,nlog_f ylim, mms_scm_name+'_fac_helict',freq_min,freq_max,nlog_f options, mms_scm_name+'_fac_powspec',ztitle='nT!U2!N/Hz' options, mms_scm_name+'_fac_powspec',ytitle='f', ysubtitle='[Hz]' options, mms_scm_name+'_fac_degpol',ztitle='Deg. Pol.' options, mms_scm_name+'_fac_waveangle',ztitle='Wave !C!CAngle' options, mms_scm_name+'_fac_elliptict',ztitle='Ellipticity' options, mms_scm_name+'_fac_helict',ztitle='Helicity' options, mms_scm_name+'_fac_degpol',ytitle='f', ysubtitle='[Hz]' options, mms_scm_name+'_fac_waveangle',ytitle='f', ysubtitle='[Hz]' options, mms_scm_name+'_fac_elliptict',ytitle='f', ysubtitle='[Hz]' options, mms_scm_name+'_fac_helict',ytitle='f', ysubtitle='[Hz]' zlim,'*_powspec',0.0,0.0,1 zlim,'*_degpol',0.7,1.,0 zlim,'*_waveangle',0.,90.,0 zlim,'*_elliptict',-1.0,1.0,0 zlim,'*_helict',-1.0,1.0,0 tplot_options, 'xmargin', [15, 15] tplot_options,title= 'MMS'+sc+' '+ fgm_data_rate+' FGM data, '+scm_data_rate +' SCM data used for polarisation analysis' tplot, ['all_b' ,mms_scm_name,mms_scm_name+'_fac'+['','_powspec', '_degpol', '_waveangle', '_elliptict', '_helict']] tlimit,trange end