;+ ; ; This crib sheet shows how to create a figure with multiple panels, one ; of which contains 2 variables with independent axes (FPI DES perpendicular temp and density) ; i.e., line plots of two tplot variables in a single panel where one has its ; y-axis/title on the left and the other has its y-axis/title on the right ; ; Suggestions for this crib sheet: ; https://github.com/spedas/bleeding_edge/issues ; ; ; $LastChangedBy: egrimes $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2023-08-14 12:51:35 -0700 (Mon, 14 Aug 2023) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 31999 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_6_1/projects/mms/examples/advanced/mms_multiaxis_crib.pro $ ;- ; load the data mms_load_fgm, trange=['2015-10-16/13:00', '2015-10-16/14:00'], probe=1, /time_clip mms_load_fpi, trange=['2015-10-16/13:00', '2015-10-16/14:00'], probe=1, datatype='des-moms', /time_clip ; remove the ytitle/labels options, 'mms1_des_numberdensity_fast', labels='', colors=0 ; black options, 'mms1_des_tempperp_fast', labels='', colors=2 ; blue ; turn off the time stamp for these examples time_stamp, /off ; plot temperature and density on the same plot tplot_multiaxis, ['mms1_fgm_b_gse_srvy_l2_bvec', 'mms1_des_numberdensity_fast', 'mms1_des_bulkv_gse_fast', 'mms1_des_energyspectr_omni_fast'], $ ; left plots 'mms1_des_tempperp_fast', $ ; right plots 2 ; panel of the right plot (starts at 1) stop ; you can also plot line plots over spectra tplot_multiaxis, ['mms1_fgm_b_gse_srvy_l2_bvec', 'mms1_des_numberdensity_fast', 'mms1_des_bulkv_gse_fast', 'mms1_des_energyspectr_omni_fast'], $ ; left plots 'mms1_des_tempperp_fast', 4 stop ; to get the color bar back for the spectra, simply increase the margins: tplot_options, 'xmargin', [15, 25] tplot_multiaxis, ['mms1_fgm_b_gse_srvy_l2_bvec', 'mms1_des_numberdensity_fast', 'mms1_des_bulkv_gse_fast', 'mms1_des_energyspectr_omni_fast'], $ ; left plots 'mms1_des_tempperp_fast', 4 stop end