;+ ;Procedure: ; mms_cotrans_qtransformer ; ;Purpose: ; Helps simplify transformation logic code using a recursive formulation. ; Rather than specifying the set of transformations for each combination of ; in_coord & out_coord, this routine will perform only the nearest transformation ; then make a recursive call to itself, with each call performing one additional ; step in the chain. This makes it so only neighboring coordinate transforms ; need be specified. ; ; All possible transformations currently go through ECI coordinates ; ;Input: ; in_name: name of variable to be transformed ; out_name: output name for transformed variable ; in_coord: coordinate system of the input ; out_coord: coordinate system of the output ; probe: probe designation for input variable ; ;Output: ; No explicit output, calls transformation routines and itself ; ;Notes: ; Modeled after thm_cotrans_transform_helper ; ; ;$LastChangedBy: aaflores $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2016-05-25 18:22:33 -0700 (Wed, 25 May 2016) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 21214 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_6_1/projects/mms/common/cotrans/mms_cotrans_qtransformer.pro $ ;- pro mms_cotrans_qtransformer, $ ; names and coords in_name, $ out_name, $ in_coord, $ out_coord, $ probe, $ ; other ignore_dlimits=ignore_dlimits compile_opt idl2, hidden ; Final coordinate system reached ;------------------------------------------------ if in_coord eq out_coord then begin if in_name ne out_name then begin copy_data, in_name, out_name endif return endif ; Do not transform to/from spinning frames if quaternion time resolution ; is lower than nyquist rate. All transforms have a single middle step (ECI) ; so this should catch all cases w/o leaving a partially transformed var. if mms_qcotrans_check_rate(in_coord,out_coord,probe) then return ; Execute next step in transformation tree ; -everything goes through ECI at the moment, so this is very simple ; -j2000 is identical to ECI ;------------------------------------------------ case in_coord of ; ECI ;---------- 'eci': begin if in_set(out_coord[0],['bcs','dbcs','dmpa','smpa','dsl','ssl','gse','gse2000','gsm','sm','geo']) then begin q_name = 'mms'+probe+'_mec_quat_eci_to_'+out_coord spd_cotrans_validate_transform, in_name, in_coord, out_coord mms_cotrans_qrotate, in_name, q_name, out_name recursive_in_coord = out_coord endif else if out_coord[0] eq 'j2000' then begin recursive_in_coord = 'j2000' if in_name ne out_name then copy_data, in_name, out_name spd_set_coord, out_name, 'j2000' endif else begin dprint, dlevel=0, sublevel=1, 'Unknown transformation: "'+ in_coord+'" to "'+out_coord+'"' recursive_in_coord = out_coord endelse end ; Other ;--------------------------- else: begin if in_set(in_coord[0],['bcs','dbcs','dmpa','smpa','dsl','ssl','gse','gse2000','gsm','sm','geo']) then begin q_name = 'mms'+probe+'_mec_quat_eci_to_'+in_coord spd_cotrans_validate_transform, in_name, in_coord, out_coord mms_cotrans_qrotate, in_name, q_name, out_name, /inverse recursive_in_coord = 'eci' endif else if in_coord[0] eq 'j2000' then begin recursive_in_coord = 'eci' if in_name ne out_name then copy_data, in_name, out_name spd_set_coord, out_name, 'eci' endif else begin dprint, dlevel=0, sublevel=1, 'Unknown transformation: "'+ in_coord+'" to "'+out_coord+'"' recursive_in_coord = out_coord endelse endelse endcase ; Recurse ; -if this was the final step then the next iteration will return ;------------------------------------------------ mms_cotrans_qtransformer,$ out_name, $ ;don't create new vars as we iterate out_name, $ recursive_in_coord, $ ;result of this iteration out_coord, $ probe, $ ignore_dlimits=ignore_dlimits end