This page was created by the IDL library routine
Last modified: Wed Jun 12 10:49:46 2024.
FUNCTION: GET_SOURCE_URL_LIST url_out=get_source_url_list(url_in, xmldir, xmlfile) PURPOSE: Gets URLs of data files from the metadata database. KEYWORDS: url_in = Query in the OpenSearch format xmldir = Directory where XML file will be downloaded to. xmlfile = Returned XML file for search result url_out = URLs of data files returned by the Metadata databese EXAMPLE: url_in=''+$ 'query=nipr_1sec_fmag_syo_20100101_v02.cdf' url_out=get_source_url_list(url_in, './', 'tmp.xml') Written by Y.-M. Tanaka, Sep. 15, 2011 (ytanaka at
(See projects/iugonet/tools/mddb/
Name: iug_get_datainfo PURPOSE: Search granule at the IUGONET metadata database. Example: iug_get_datainfo, nlat=60, slat=40, elon=15, wlon=0, $ ts='2005-1-1', te='2005-1-2', query='Kyoto', data=data KEYWORDS: nlat: the northernmost latitude (degree) slat: the southernmost latitude (degree) elon: the easternmost longitude (degree) wlon: the westernmost longitude (degree) ts: start time of observation te: end time of observation rpp: number of records per a query query: free word to search data: information of obtained data files (structure) Written by Y.-M. Tanaka, Feb. 13, 2010 (ytanaka at
(See projects/iugonet/tools/mddb/
Name: iug_get_obsinfo PURPOSE: Search observatories at the IUGONET metadata database. Example: iug_get_obsinfo, nlat=40, slat=35, elon=140, wlon=130, $ query='Kyoto', obs=obs KEYWORDS: nlat: the northernmost latitude (degree) slat: the southernmost latitude (degree) elon: the easternmost longitude (degree) wlon: the westernmost longitude (degree) rpp: number of records per a query query: free word to search obs: information of obtained observatories (structure) Written by Y.-M. Tanaka, Feb. 13, 2010 (ytanaka at
(See projects/iugonet/tools/mddb/
Name: iug_makequery_mddb PURPOSE: Make a query for IUGONET metadata databese. Written by Y.-M. Tanaka, Feb. 13, 2010 (ytanaka at
(See projects/iugonet/tools/mddb/
FUNCTION: iug_parsexml_mddb PURPOSE: Parses XML file and extract information. KEYWORDS: filename: filename of the XML file. tag: tag name to extract information. EXAMPLE: iug_parsexml_mddb, filename='tmp.xml', tag='ResourceID' Written by Y.-M. Tanaka, Feb. 13, 2010 (ytanaka at
(See projects/iugonet/tools/mddb/
:PROCEDURE: iug_plotmap_obs :PURPOSE: Plots observatories on the world map. :KEYWORDS: glatlim: geographic latitude range glonlim: geographic longitude range query: free word to search charsize: font size of observatory name charcolor: color of observatory name psym: plot symbol for observatories symsize: symbol size symcolor: symbol color noname: If set, no observatory name will be written on the map. position: Set the location of the plot frame in the plot window isotropic: Set to produce a map that has the same scale in X and Y. obs: information of observatories returned from metadata database. :EXAMPLES: iug_plotmap_obs, glatlim=[55, 75], glonlim=[0, 40], $ query='wdc' :Author: Y.-M. Tanaka (E-mail:
(See projects/iugonet/tools/mddb/
NAME: iug_show_obsinfo PURPOSE: Show site information obtained from IUGONET metadata database. Written by Y.-M. Tanaka, Feb. 13, 2013 (ytanaka at
(See projects/iugonet/tools/mddb/
:PROCEDURE: overlay_map_obs :DESCRIPTION: Plot observatories on the world map. :PARAMS: obs: structure for observatories obtained by iug_get_obsinfo. :KEYWORDS: obs: structure for observatories obtained by iug_get_obsinfo. position: Set the location of the plot frame in the plot window charsize: font size of observatory name charcolor: color of observatory name psym: plot symbol for observatories symsize: symbol size symcolor: symbol color noname: If set, no observatory name will be written on the map. :AUTHOR: Y.-M. Tanaka (E-mail:
(See projects/iugonet/tools/mddb/