This page was created by the IDL library routine mk_html_help2.

Last modified: Wed Jun 12 10:49:46 2024.

Directory Listing of Routines

Routine Descriptions


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 PROCEDURE map2d_coord
    Set the coordinate to the geographic or AACGM.

    coord: the name of the coordinate system.
        'geo' or 0 for Geographic coordinate
        'aacgm' or non-zero numbers for AACGM coordinate

   Yoshimasa Tanaka (E-mail:

   2014/08/12: Created

(See projects/iugonet/plot/map2d/


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 PROCEDURE map2d_grid

    Draw the latitude-longitude mesh with given intervals in Lat and Lon. 

    dlat:  interval in Latitude [deg]. If not set, 10 deg is used as default. 
    dlon:   interval in Longitude [deg]. If not set, 15 deg (1 hour in local time) is used as default. 
    color: number of color table to be used for drawing lat-LT mesh
    linethick: thickness of lines/curves used for the mesh
    map2d_set, /nogrid         ;map2d_set automatically calls map2d_grid unless nogrid keyword is set. 
    map2d_grid, dlat=10., dlon=15. 

    Tomo Hori (E-mail: horit at

    2014/08/12: Created

 $LastChangedBy: nikos $
 $LastChangedDate: 2018-08-01 11:03:38 -0700 (Wed, 01 Aug 2018) $
 $LastChangedRevision: 25538 $
 $URL: svn+ssh:// $

(See projects/iugonet/plot/map2d/


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 PROCEDURE map2d_init
    Initialize or modify the environment for drawing 2D data 

    reset: set to reset map2d system variables
    set_time: the time for which 2D data is drawn on the world map.
    coord: the name of the coordinate system.
           'geo' or 0 for geographic coordinate
           'aacgm' or 1 for AACGM coordinate
    glatc, glonc: geographic latitude and longitude of the center 
                  of the map.
    scale: same as the keyword 'scale' of map_set procedure.

   Yoshimasa Tanaka (E-mail:

   2014/07/07: Created

(See projects/iugonet/plot/map2d/


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 PROCEDURE map2d_set

    A wrapper routine for the IDL original "map_set" enabling some
    annotations regarding the visualization of 2D data.

    glatc: geographical latitude at which a plot region is centered.
    glonc: geographical longitude at which a plot region is centered.
           (both glatc and glonc should be given, otherwise ignored)
    scale: same as the keyword "scale" of map_set
    erase: aet to erase pre-existing graphics on the plot window.
    position: gives the position of a plot panel on the plot window as the normal coordinates.
    label: set to label the latitudes and longitudes.
    stereo: use the stereographic mapping, instead of satellite mapping (default)
    charsize: size of the characters used for the labels.
    coord: name of the coordinate system.
        'geo' or 0 for Geographic coordinate
        'aacgm' or non-zero numbers for AACGM coordinate
    set_time: this is used to calculate MLT when coord is 'aacgm'
    mltlabel: set to draw the MLT labels every 2 hour.
    lonlab: a latitude from which (toward the poles) the MLT labels are drawn.
    nogrid: set to suppress drawing the lat-lon mesh

    map2d_set, glatc=70., glonc=180., /mltlabel, lonlab=74.

    Yoshimasa Tanaka (E-mail:

    2014/07/07: Created

(See projects/iugonet/plot/map2d/


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 PROCEDURE map2d_time

    Describe the procedure/function.

    time:  Set the time for which 2D data is drawn on the world map

    quiet:   If not set, then the plot time is shown in the command-line console

    map2d_time, '2007-03-24/14:24' 
    map2d_time, 1424 

    Y.-M. Tanaka (E-mail:

    2014/07/28: Created

(See projects/iugonet/plot/map2d/