;+ ; Procedure: ; goesr_overview_plot ; ; Purpose: ; Generates daily overview plots for GOES-R data (goes16-17) ; ; Keywords: ; date: start date for the overview plot ; duration: duration of the overview plot, in days; defaults to 1-day ; directory: local directory to save the overview plots to (should end with '/' or '\') ; makepng: generate png files ; device: change the plot device for cron plotting (for cron use device = 'z') ; geopack_lshell: calculate L-shell by tracing field lines ; to the equator instead of using the dipole assumption ; skip_ae_idx: set this keyword to skip downloading/plotting AE data ; error: 1 indicates an error, 0 for no error ; ; Keywords specific to creating overview plots in the GUI: ; gui_overplot: overview plot was created in the GUI ; oplot_calls: pointer to an int for tracking calls to overview plots - for ; avoiding overwriting tplot data already loaded during this session ; import_only: Used to make this routine import the data into the gui, but not plot it. ; ; ; $LastChangedBy: nikos $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2023-10-05 10:06:20 -0700 (Thu, 05 Oct 2023) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 32173 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_6_1/projects/goesr/goesr_overview_plot.pro $ ;- pro goesr_overview_plot, date = date, probe = probe_in, directory = directory, device = device, makepng=makepng, $ geopack_lshell = geopack_lshell, duration = duration, gui_overplot = gui_overplot, $ oplot_calls = oplot_calls, error = error, skip_ae_idx = skip_ae_idx, import_only=import_only, $ _extra=_extra compile_opt idl2 goesr_init ; Catch errors and return error = 0 catch, errstats if errstats ne 0 then begin error = 1 dprint, dlevel=1, 'Error: ', !ERROR_STATE.MSG catch, /cancel return endif ; Defaults for GOES-R overview plot if undefined(probe_in) then probe = '16' else probe=probe_in[0] if undefined(date) then overviewdate = '2021-02-01' else overviewdate = time_string(date) if undefined(duration) then duration = 1 ; days if undefined(oplot_calls) then suffix = '' else suffix = strcompress('_op'+string(oplot_calls[0]), /rem) createpngfiles = 1 timespan, overviewdate, duration, /day time = time_struct(overviewdate) tr = timerange(/current) prefix = 'goes'+probe ; Remove previous data. store_data, prefix+'*', /delete earth_radius = 6371. window_xsize = 750 window_ysize = 800 if undefined(directory) then dir = path_sep() + 'g'+probe+path_sep() else dir = directory if ~undefined(device) then begin set_plot, device device, set_resolution = [window_xsize, window_ysize] endif ;;============================================================================= ;; Panel 1: Kyoto and THEMIS AE if undefined(skip_ae_idx) then begin spd_gen_overplot_ae_panel, suffix=suffix endif panel_1 = 'kyoto_thm_combined_ae'+suffix ;;============================================================================= ; Panel 2: bfield, magnetic field components in SM coordinates ; Start with GSM field, perform GSM2SM transformation goesr_load_data, datatype='mag', probes = probe, suffix = suffix magfield = prefix + '_b_gsm' + suffix magtotal = prefix + '_b_total' + suffix b_field_tvarname = '_H_sm'+suffix panel_2 = prefix+b_field_tvarname if tnames(magfield) ne '' && tnames(magtotal) ne '' then begin ; Perform GSM->SM cotrans, magfield, magfield + '_sm' , /GSM2SM get_data, magfield + '_sm', dlimits = b_sm_dlimits, data=b_sm_data get_data, magtotal, data=b_total_data bvec_with_mag = [[b_sm_data.Y], [b_total_data.Y]] if is_struct(b_sm_data) && is_struct(b_total_data) then begin store_data, panel_2, dlimits = b_sm_dlimits, data={x: b_sm_data.X, y: bvec_with_mag} endif else begin filler=fltarr(2,4) filler[*,*]=float('NaN') store_data,panel_2,data={x:time_double(overviewdate)+findgen(2),y:filler} endelse endif else begin filler=fltarr(2,4) filler[*,*]=float('NaN') store_data,panel_2,data={x:time_double(overviewdate)+findgen(2),y:filler} endelse ; Plot options options, panel_2, 'labels', ['Bx','By','Bz', 'Bmag'] options, panel_2, 'colors', [2,4,6,0] options, panel_2, 'labflag', -1 options, panel_2, 'ytitle', 'B (SM)' options, panel_2, 'ysubtitle', '[nT]' ;;============================================================================= ; Panel 3: igrf_delta, magnetic field components subtracted from IGRF panel_3 = prefix+'_delta_b_sm'+suffix ; Load locations in GEO (lat, lon, r) goesloc = prefix + '_orbit_llr_geo' + suffix goesgeo = prefix + '_pos_geo' + suffix goesgei = prefix + '_pos_gei' + suffix goesgse = prefix + '_pos_gse' + suffix goesgsm = prefix + '_pos_gsm' + suffix goessm = prefix + '_pos_sm' + suffix goesmlt = prefix + '_pos_mlt' + suffix get_data, goesloc, data=d_loc, dl=dl_loc if is_struct(d_loc) then begin get_data, magtotal, data=d_b_total ;use this to find NaN values idx = where(~finite(d_b_total.y), countnan) if countnan gt 0 then begin d_loc.y[idx, *] = !VALUES.F_NAN endif sphere_to_cart,d_loc.y[*, 2]/1000., d_loc.y[*, 0],d_loc.y[*, 1], x, y, z,vec = vec0 store_data, goesgeo, data={x:d_loc.x, y:[vec0]}, dl=dl_loc options, goesgeo, 'ysubtitle', '[km]', /def options, goesgeo, 'data_att.units', 'km', /def options, goesgeo, 'data_att.COORD_SYS', 'geo', /def cotrans, goesgeo, goesgei, /GEO2GEI cotrans, goesgei, goesgse, /GEI2GSE cotrans, goesgse, goesgsm, /GSE2GSM cotrans, goesgsm, goessm, /GSM2SM endif else begin dprint, 'No lacation data found. No png files will be created.' createpngfiles=0 ; if there is no location data, do not create png files endelse if tnames(goesgsm) ne '' && igp_test() eq 1 then begin get_data, goesgsm, data=pos_data igrf_bx = fltarr(n_elements(pos_data.y[*,0])) igrf_by = fltarr(n_elements(pos_data.y[*,1])) igrf_bz = fltarr(n_elements(pos_data.y[*,2])) ; find the IGRF in GSM for each point for i=0, n_elements(pos_data.X)-1 do begin timestr = time_struct(pos_data.X[i]) geopack_recalc, timestr.year, timestr.doy, timestr.hour, timestr.min, timestr.sec, tilt=tilt ; input position units should be in Re geopack_igrf_gsm, pos_data.Y[i,0]/earth_radius, pos_data.Y[i,1]/earth_radius, pos_data.Y[i,2]/earth_radius, dummy_bx, dummy_by, dummy_bz igrf_bx[i] = dummy_bx igrf_by[i] = dummy_by igrf_bz[i] = dummy_bz endfor igrf_b_gsm = fltarr(n_elements(pos_data.Y[*,2]),3) igrf_b_gsm[*,0] = igrf_bx igrf_b_gsm[*,1] = igrf_by igrf_b_gsm[*,2] = igrf_bz store_data, prefix+'_igrf_b_gsm'+suffix, data={x: pos_data.X, y: igrf_b_gsm} ; transform the IGRF to SM coordinates cotrans, prefix+'_igrf_b_gsm'+suffix, prefix+'_igrf_b_sm'+suffix, /GSM2SM get_data, prefix+'_igrf_b_sm'+suffix, data=igrf_b_sm get_data, prefix+'_H_sm'+suffix, data=goes_h_sm deltaB = fltarr(n_elements(goes_h_sm.X), 3) for i=0l, n_elements(goes_h_sm.X)-1 do begin igrf_nearest_neighbor = find_nearest_neighbor(igrf_b_sm.X, goes_h_sm.X[i]) if igrf_nearest_neighbor ne -1 then begin deltaB[i,0] = goes_h_sm.Y[i,0]-igrf_b_sm.Y[where(igrf_b_sm.X eq igrf_nearest_neighbor),0] deltaB[i,1] = goes_h_sm.Y[i,1]-igrf_b_sm.Y[where(igrf_b_sm.X eq igrf_nearest_neighbor),1] deltaB[i,2] = goes_h_sm.Y[i,2]-igrf_b_sm.Y[where(igrf_b_sm.X eq igrf_nearest_neighbor),2] endif else begin deltaB[i,0] = !values.f_nan deltaB[i,1] = !values.f_nan deltaB[i,2] = !values.f_nan endelse endfor endif if is_struct(goes_h_sm) && n_elements(deltaB) gt 0 then begin store_data, panel_3, data={x: goes_h_sm.X, y: deltaB}, dlimits=b_sm_dlimits endif else begin filler=fltarr(2,3) filler[*,*]=float('NaN') store_data,panel_3,data={x:time_double(overviewdate)+findgen(2),y:filler} endelse ; Plot options options, panel_3, 'labels', ['Bx','By','Bz'] options, panel_3, 'labflag', -1 options, panel_3, 'colors', [2,4,6] options, panel_3, 'ytitle', 'B (SM)-IGRF (SM)' options, panel_3, 'ysubtitle', '[nT]' ;============================================================================= ; Panel 4a, 4b: MPSH, protons, L2 SEISS/MPS-HI - 5-minute Flux Averages ; Proton flux, 5 telescopes, 11 energy bands ; Show telescopes 1,2 for protons goesr_load_data, datatype='mpsh', probes = probe, suffix = suffix panel_4a = prefix+'_AvgDiffProtonFlux'+suffix + '_0' get_data, panel_4a, data=d_4a if ~is_struct(d_4a) then begin filler=fltarr(2,11) filler[*,*]=float('NaN') store_data,panel_4a,data={x:time_double(overviewdate)+findgen(2),y:filler} endif ; plotting options, panel_4a options, /def, panel_4a, 'ylog', 1 options, /def, panel_4a, 'labels', ['P1', 'P2', 'P3', 'P4', 'P5', 'P6', 'P7', 'P8', 'P9', 'P10', 'P11'] options, /def, panel_4a, 'labflag', -1 options, /def, panel_4a, 'ytitle', 'Protons!CNorth T1!C ' options, /def, panel_4a, 'ysubtitle', '' options, /def, panel_4a, 'psym', 0 panel_4b = prefix+'_AvgDiffProtonFlux'+suffix + '_2' get_data, panel_4b, data=d_4b if ~is_struct(d_4b) then begin filler=fltarr(2,11) filler[*,*]=float('NaN') store_data,panel_4b,data={x:time_double(overviewdate)+findgen(2),y:filler} endif ; plotting options, panel_4b options, /def, panel_4b, 'ylog', 1 options, /def, panel_4b, 'labels', ['P1', 'P2', 'P3', 'P4', 'P5', 'P6', 'P7', 'P8', 'P9', 'P10', 'P11'] options, /def, panel_4b, 'labflag', -1 options, /def, panel_4b, 'ytitle', 'Protons!CEquator T2!C[p/(cm!U2!N-s-sr-keV)]' options, /def, panel_4b, 'ysubtitle', '' options, /def, panel_4b, 'psym', 0 panel_4 = [panel_4a, panel_4b] ;============================================================================= ; Panel 5a, 5b: MPSH, electrons, L2 SEISS/MPS-HI - 5-minute Flux Averages ; Electron flux, 5 telescopes, 10 energy bands ; Show telescopes 3,4 for electrons panel_5a = prefix+'_AvgDiffElectronFlux'+suffix + '_0' get_data, panel_5a, data=d_5a if ~is_struct(d_5a) then begin filler=fltarr(2,10) filler[*,*]=float('NaN') store_data,panel_5a,data={x:time_double(overviewdate)+findgen(2),y:filler} endif ; plotting options, panel_5a options, /def, panel_5a, 'ylog', 1 options, /def, panel_5a, 'labels', ['E1', 'E2', 'E3', 'E4', 'E5', 'E6', 'E7', 'E8', 'E9', 'E10'] options, /def, panel_5a, 'labflag', -1 options, /def, panel_5a, 'ytitle', 'Electrons!CNorth T3!C ' options, /def, panel_5a, 'ysubtitle', '' options, /def, panel_5a, 'psym', 0 panel_5b = prefix+'_AvgDiffElectronFlux'+suffix + '_2' get_data, panel_5b, data=d_5b if ~is_struct(d_5b) then begin filler=fltarr(2,10) filler[*,*]=float('NaN') store_data,panel_5b,data={x:time_double(overviewdate)+findgen(2),y:filler} endif ; plotting options, panel_5b options, /def, panel_5b, 'ylog', 1 options, /def, panel_5b, 'labels', ['E1', 'E2', 'E3', 'E4', 'E5', 'E6', 'E7', 'E8', 'E9', 'E10'] options, /def, panel_5b, 'labflag', -1 options, /def, panel_5b, 'ytitle', 'Electrons!CEquator T4!C[e/(cm!U2!N-s-sr-keV)]' options, /def, panel_5b, 'ysubtitle', '' options, /def, panel_5b, 'psym', 0 panel_5 = [panel_5a, panel_5b] ;============================================================================= ; Panel 6: XRS xrsf-l2-avg1m ; XRS-A, XRS-B primary average flux. Electron contamination has been removed. ; 0.05 to 0.4 nm and 0.1 to 0.8 nm (Channel B) xrsa = 'goes' + probe +'_xrsa_flux' + suffix xrsb = 'goes' + probe +'_xrsb_flux' + suffix panel_6 = 'goes' + probe +'_xrsab_flux' + suffix goesr_load_data, datatype = 'xrs', probes = probe, suffix = suffix if tnames(xrsa) ne '' && tnames(xrsb) ne '' then begin get_data, xrsa, data=dxa, dl=dlxa get_data, xrsb, data=dxb, dl=dlxb endif if is_struct(dxa) && is_struct(dxb) then begin store_data, panel_6, data={x:dxa.x, y:[[dxa.y],[dxb.y]]}, dl=dlxa endif else begin filler=fltarr(2,2) filler[*,*]=float('NaN') store_data, panel_6,data={x:time_double(overviewdate)+findgen(2),y:filler} endelse ; plotting options, panel_6 options, /def, panel_6, 'ylog', 1 options, /def, panel_6, 'labels', ['0.05-0.4 nm', '0.1-0.8 nm'] options, /def, panel_6, 'colors', [2,6] options, /def, panel_6, 'labflag', 1 options, /def, panel_6, 'ytitle', 'Xray flux!C[W/m^2]' options, /def, panel_6, 'ysubtitle', '' ; no errors up to this point error = 0 ;============================================================================= ; Panel below X-Axis: Spacecraft position, only for GOES-R outnames = '' outnamesi = '' if probe ge 16 then begin gprefix = 'goes' + probe outnames = gprefix + '_pos_gsm_' + ['x', 'y', 'z'] outnamesi = gprefix + '_pos_gsm_' + ['z', 'y', 'x'] ; tplot needs inverse order from tplot_gui ; Split GSM x, y, z get_data, goesgsm, data=tmp_gsm if is_struct(tmp_gsm) then begin data_att = {project:'GOES', observatory:'g'+probe, instrument:'mag', units:'RE', coord_sys:'gsm', st_type:'pos'} dlimits0 = {data_att: data_att, colors: [2], labels: 'x_gsm', ytitle:'X-GSM'} dlimits1 = {data_att: data_att, colors: [4], labels: 'y_gsm', ytitle:'Y-GSM'} dlimits2 = {data_att: data_att, colors: [6], labels: 'z_gsm', ytitle:'Z-GSM'} store_data, outnames[0], data={x:tmp_gsm.x, y:tmp_gsm.y[*,0]/earth_radius}, dlimits=dlimits0 store_data, outnames[1], data={x:tmp_gsm.x, y:tmp_gsm.y[*,1]/earth_radius}, dlimits=dlimits1 store_data, outnames[2], data={x:tmp_gsm.x, y:tmp_gsm.y[*,2]/earth_radius}, dlimits=dlimits2 time_clip, outnames, tr[0], tr[1], replace=1, error=error endif else begin dprint,'No GSM position data found' endelse ; MLT get_data, goessm, data=goes_pos_sm if is_struct(goes_pos_sm) then begin mlt_values = sm2mlt(goes_pos_sm.y[*, 0], goes_pos_sm.y[*, 1], goes_pos_sm.y[*, 2]) store_data, goesmlt, data={x: goes_pos_sm.X, y: mlt_values} options, goesmlt, ytitle='MLT' outnames = [outnames, goesmlt] outnamesi = [goesmlt, outnamesi] endif else begin dprint,'No SM position data found' endelse end ;============================================================================= ; Plot options all_panels = [panel_1, panel_2, panel_3, panel_4, panel_5, panel_6] time_clip, all_panels, tr[0], tr[1], replace=1, error=error !p.background=255. !p.color=0. time_stamp,/off loadct2,43 !p.charsize=0.8 tplot_options, 'title', 'GOES-'+probe if undefined(gui_overplot) then begin if ~undefined(device) then begin tplot, all_panels, var_label=outnamesi endif else begin window, 1, xsize=window_xsize, ysize=window_ysize tplot, all_panels, window=1, var_label=outnamesi endelse if createpngfiles eq 1 and keyword_set(makepng) then begin ; Does not create png files if there is no location data loaded ; This prevents the creation of empty summary plot files thm_gen_multipngplot, 'goes_goes'+probe, overviewdate, directory = dir, /mkdir endif endif else begin tplot_gui, all_panels, var_label=outnames, /no_verify, /add_panel, import_only=import_only endelse ; turn off the variable labels tplot_options, var_label='' end