;+ ; ; Written by: ; ; Davin Larson ; Roberto Livi ; Original: spp_raw_file_read.pro ; ; $LastChangedBy: rlivi04 $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2023-02-27 13:24:38 -0800 (Mon, 27 Feb 2023) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 31562 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_6_1/projects/escapade/esa/common/esc_raw_file_read.pro $ ; ; PROGRAM: ; PURPOSE: ; INPUT: ; ; TYPICAL USAGE: ; ; KEYWORDS: ; ;- PRO esc_raw_file_read, files, no_products=no_products, no_clear=no_clear ;; Time when the packet was read by IDL t0 = systime(1) info = { socket_recorder } info.run_proc = 1 on_ioerror, nextfile FOR i=0,n_elements(files)-1 DO BEGIN info.input_sourcename = files[i] info.input_sourcehash = info.input_sourcename.hashcode() tplot_options,title=info.input_sourcename ;; Open file name and pass on LUN file_open,'r',info.input_sourcename,unit=lun,dlevel=3 ;;,compress=-1 fi = file_info(info.input_sourcename) dprint,dlevel=1,'Reading '+file_info_string(info.input_sourcename)+' LUN:'+strtrim(lun,2) if lun eq 0 then CONTINUE esc_raw_lun_read,lun,info=info fst = fstat(lun) dprint,dlevel=2,'Compression: ',float(fst.cur_ptr)/fst.size free_lun,lun IF 0 THEN BEGIN nextfile: dprint,!error_state.msg dprint,'Skipping file' ENDIF ENDFOR dt = systime(1)-t0 dprint,format='("Finished loading in ",f0.1," seconds")',dt END ;; --- old code --- ;; Initialize all APID products ;;esc_apdat_init ;;esc_apdat_info,current_filename = info.input_sourcename ;; ;;esc_apdat_info, rt_flag=0, save_flag=1, /clear ;;esc_apdat_info,current_filename='' ;;esc_apdat_info,/finish,/rt_flag,/all ;;if not keyword_set(no_clear) then del_data,'esc_*' ; store_data,/clear,'*' ;;dt = systime(1)-t0 ;;dprint,format='("Finished loading in ",f0.1," seconds")',dt ;;sizebuf = bytarr(2)