This page was created by the IDL library routine mk_html_help2.

Last modified: Wed Jun 12 10:49:46 2024.

Directory Listing of Routines

Routine Descriptions


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 Purpose: command line test script for loading ELFIN epd data

 Notes: run it by compiling in idl and then typing ".go"
        or copy and paste.

Test 1: No parameters or keywords used
Test 2: Single probe
Test 3: Multiple probe parameters passed as an array of strings)
Test 4: All probes requested (*)
Test 5: Requested predictive data, all datatypes
Test 6: Tested suffix for tplot var names
Test 7: One data type
Test 8: Mixed case datatype parameter used
Test 9: All upper case datatype
Test 10: All upper case multiple datatypes used
Test 11: Time range passed as an array of 2 strings
Test 12: Time range passed as an array of 2 doubles; Datatype as an array of multiple strings
Test 13: Invalid probe
Test 14: Invalid datatype
Test 15: No data available for date
Test 16: Bad date

(See projects/elfin/tests/


[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]

 Purpose: command line test script for loading ELFIN fgm data

 Notes: run it by compiling in idl and then typing ".go"
        or copy and paste.

Test 1: No parameters or keywords used
Test 2: Single probe
Test 3: Multiple probe parameters passed as an array of strings)
Test 4: All probes requested (*)
Test 5: Requested predictive data, all datatypes
Test 6: Tested suffix for tplot var names
Test 7: One data type
Test 8: Mixed case datatype parameter used
Test 9: All upper case datatype
Test 10: All upper case multiple datatypes used
Test 11: Time range passed as an array of 2 strings
Test 12: Time range passed as an array of 2 doubles; Datatype as an array of multiple strings
Test 13: Invalid probe
Test 14: Invalid datatype
Test 15: No data available for date
Test 16: Bad date

(See projects/elfin/tests/


[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]

 Purpose: command line test script for loading ELFIN MRM data

 Notes: run it by compiling in idl and then typing ".go"
        or copy and paste.

Test 1: No parameters or keywords used
Test 2: Single probe
Test 3: Multiple probe parameters passed as an array of strings)
Test 4: All probes requested (*)
Test 5: Requested predictive data, all datatypes
Test 6: Tested suffix for tplot var names
Test 7: One data type
Test 8: Mixed case datatype parameter used
Test 9: All upper case datatype
Test 10: All upper case multiple datatypes used
Test 11: Time range passed as an array of 2 strings
Test 12: Time range passed as an array of 2 doubles; Datatype as an array of multiple strings
Test 13: Invalid probe
Test 14: Invalid datatype
Test 15: No data available for date
Test 16: Bad date

(See projects/elfin/tests/


[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]

 Purpose: command line test script for loading ELFIN MRM data

 Notes: run it by compiling in idl and then typing ".go"
        or copy and paste.

Test 1: No parameters or keywords used
Test 2: Single probe
Test 3: Multiple probe parameters passed as an array of strings)
Test 4: All probes requested (*)
Test 5: Requested predictive data, all datatypes
Test 6: Tested suffix for tplot var names
Test 7: One data type
Test 8: Mixed case datatype parameter used
Test 9: All upper case datatype
Test 10: All upper case multiple datatypes used
Test 11: Time range passed as an array of 2 strings
Test 12: Time range passed as an array of 2 doubles; Datatype as an array of multiple strings
Test 13: Invalid probe
Test 14: Invalid datatype
Test 15: No data available for date
Test 16: Bad date

(See projects/elfin/tests/


[Previous Routine] [List of Routines]

 Purpos_geie: command line test script for loading ELFIN state data

 Notes: run it by compiling in idl and then typing ".go"
        or copy and paste.

Test 1: No parameters or keywords used
Test 2: Single probe 
Test 3: Multiple probe parameters passed as an array of strings)
Test 4: All probes requested (*)
Test 5: Requested predictive data, all datatypes
Test 6: Tested suffix for tplot var names
Test 7: One data type
Test 8: Mixed case datatype parameter used
Test 9: All upper case datatype
Test 10: All upper case multiple datatypes used
Test 11: Time range passed as an array of 2 strings
Test 12: Time range passed as an array of 2 doubles; Datatype as an array of multiple strings
Test 13: Invalid probe
Test 14: Invalid datatype
Test 15: No data available for date
Test 16: Bad date

(See projects/elfin/tests/