This page was created by the IDL library routine
Last modified: Wed Jun 12 10:49:46 2024.
PROCEDURE: elf_cal_epd PURPOSE: Calibrate EPD raw data (counts/sector) into calibrated products. Supported product types are: - 'raw': raw data from epd packets - 'cps': counts per second [counts/s] in 16 ADC pulse-height channels - 'nflux': differential-directional number flux [#/cm^2-s-str-MeV] in 16 energy channels - 'eflux': differential-directional energy flux [MeV/cm^2-s-str-MeV] in 16 energy channels KEYWORDS: tplotname: name of tplot variable containing epd data. tvars include ela_pef, ela_pif, ela_pes, ela_pis (and same for elb) trange: time range of interest [starttime, endtime] with the format ['YYYY-MM-DD','YYYY-MM-DD'] or to specify more or less than a day ['YYYY-MM-DD/hh:mm:ss','YYYY-MM-DD/hh:mm:ss'] type: type of calibrated data cps, nflux, eflux probe: name of probe 'a' or 'b' nodownload: set this flag to force routine to use local files deadtime_corr: set this flag to zero to not correct for deadtime, or to your preferred deadtime (default = 8.e-6 seconds) AUTHOR: 2021-03-21 (VA) added capability for summed spins [normalizes cps etc. accordingly] also vectorized dt (accumulation time) division, avoiding do-loops (faster) 2021-02-19 (VA) fixed: dt to median over spin (does not falter if it includes gaps) overaccumulation now applied along with dt, prior to deadtime dead time correction now applied on total cps in sector revised maxcps to 1.25e5 +2% after review of all 2019 data eliminated <0 val's from deadtime cor. (set=0 & then nearest-neighbor interpol.) Version: xprmnt4_wIBO_collection Initially written by Colin Wilkins (
(See projects/elfin/cal_data/
PROCEDURE: elf_cal_fgm PURPOSE: Calibrate ELFIN FGM data INPUT: tvars: tplot variable names to be calibrated KEYWORDS: level: processing level error: 1 indicates an error occurred, 0 indicates success units: 'nT' or 'ADC' default is 'nT' EXAMPLES: elf> elf_cal_fgm, tvars, level='l1' NOTES: HISTORY: - egrimes, fixed bug in calibration calculations reported by Andrei, 14 March 2019 $LastChangedBy: clrussell $ $LastChangedDate: 2018-12-06 11:58:25 -0700 (Mon, 06 Aug 2018) $ $LastChangedRevision: 25588 $ $URL: svn+ssh:// $
(See projects/elfin/cal_data/
PROCEDURE: elf_cal_mrma PURPOSE: Calibrate ELFIN MRM ACB data KEYWORDS: tvars: tplot variable names to be calibrated level: 'l1' or 'l2', default value is 'l1' EXAMPLES: elf> elf_cal_mrma, tvars NOTES: HISTORY: $LastChangedBy: clrussell $ $LastChangedDate: 2018-12-06 11:58:25 -0700 (Mon, 06 Aug 2018) $ $LastChangedRevision: 25588 $ $URL: svn+ssh:// $
(See projects/elfin/cal_data/
PROCEDURE: elf_cal_mrmi PURPOSE: Calibrate ELFIN MRM IDPU data KEYWORDS: tvars: tplot variable names to be calibrated level: 'l1' or 'l2', default is 'l1' EXAMPLES: elf> elf_cal_mrmi, tvars NOTES: HISTORY: $LastChangedBy: clrussell $ $LastChangedDate: 2018-12-06 11:58:25 -0700 (Mon, 06 Aug 2018) $ $LastChangedRevision: 25588 $ $URL: svn+ssh:// $
(See projects/elfin/cal_data/
NAME: elf_convert_epd_mV2eng PURPOSE: This procedure converts epd engineering units to mV2end INPUTS: trange: time range of epd engineering data to be converted Ex: ['2022-04-15','2022-04-16'] CALLING SEQUENCE: elf_convert_epd_mV2eng, trange=trange $LastChangedBy: $LastChangedDate: $LastChangedRevision: $URL: svn+ssh:// $
(See projects/elfin/cal_data/
PROCEDURE: elf_get_epd_calibration PURPOSE: returns epd calibration parameters OUTPUT: EPD calibration data structure cal_params include: epd_gf epd_overaccumulation_factors epd_thresh_factors epd_ch_efficiencies epd_cal_ch_factors epd_ebins epd_ebins_logmean epd_ebin_lbls KEYWORDS: trange: start/stop time frame ['mmmm-yy-dd/hh:mm:ss','mmmm-yy-dd/hh:mm:ss'] probe: elfin probe name, 'a' or 'b' instrument: epd instrument name, 'epde' or 'epdi' no_download: set this flag to turn off download and use local files only EXAMPLES: elf> cal_params = elf_get_epd_calibration(probe='a', instrument='epde', trange=tr) NOTES: There are still a few hard coded variables. There is also no calibration data for epdi HISTORY: $LastChangedBy: clrussell $ $LastChangedDate: 2018-12-06 11:58:25 -0700 (Mon, 06 Aug 2018) $ $LastChangedRevision: 25588 $ $URL: svn+ssh:// $
(See projects/elfin/cal_data/
PROCEDURE: elf_get_epd_calibration_log PURPOSE: This routine reads the epd calibration logs for ELFIN-A and ELFIN-B. The calibration logs contain information from operations such as threshold and efficiency values. This routine returns a structure with the following values epd_cal_logs = {cal_date:time_double(this_data[0]), $ probe:probe, $ epd_thresh_factors:float(this_data[24:25]), $ epd_ch_efficiencies:float(this_data[108:123]), $ epd_ebins:float(this_data[74:89])} KEYWORDS: trange: time range of interest [starttime, endtime] with the format ['YYYY-MM-DD','YYYY-MM-DD'] or to specify more or less than a day ['YYYY-MM-DD/hh:mm:ss','YYYY-MM-DD/hh:mm:ss'] instrument: 'epde' or 'epdi' probe: name of probe 'a' or 'b' nodownload: set this flag to force routine to use local files
(See projects/elfin/cal_data/
PROCEDURE: elf_read_epd_calibration PURPOSE: returns epd calibration parameters OUTPUT: EPD calibration data structure cal_params include: epd_gf epd_overaccumulation_factors epd_thresh_factors epd_ch_efficiencies epd_cal_ch_factors epd_ebins epd_ebins_logmean epd_ebin_lbls KEYWORDS: probe: elfin probe name, 'a' or 'b' instrument: epd instrument name, 'epde' or 'epdi' no_download: if set this routine will look locally for calibration file EXAMPLES: elf> cal_params = elf_get_epd_calibration(probe='a', instrument='epde') NOTES: This routine is obsolete and has been replaced by elf_read_epd_cal_data. Originally this routine was written to read the initial calibration data. The calibration data has now been split into 2 different files - one containing calibration data, the other containing operational data. HISTORY: $LastChangedBy: clrussell $ $LastChangedDate: 2018-12-06 11:58:25 -0700 (Mon, 06 Aug 2018) $ $LastChangedRevision: 25588 $ $URL: svn+ssh:// $
(See projects/elfin/cal_data/
PROCEDURE: elf_read_epd_cal_data PURPOSE: This routine retrieves and reads the epd calibration data files for ELFIN-A and ELFIN-B. The calibration files contain information needed to calibrate epd data. This routine returns a structure with the following values epd_cal_logs = {date:date, $ probe:probe, $ gf:gf, $ overaccumulation_factors:overaccumulation_factors, $ thresh_factors:thresh_factors, $ ch_efficiencies:ch_efficiencies, $ ebins:ebins} The structure returned is based on the time stamp passed as a parameter. KEYWORDS: trange: time range of interest [starttime, endtime] with the format ['YYYY-MM-DD','YYYY-MM-DD'] or to specify more or less than a day ['YYYY-MM-DD/hh:mm:ss','YYYY-MM-DD/hh:mm:ss'] instrument: 'epde' or 'epdi' probe: name of probe 'a' or 'b' nodownload: set this flag to force routine to use local files
(See projects/elfin/cal_data/