;+ ;NAME: DSC_CRIB ; ;DESCRIPTION: ; Crib sheet to demonstrate the loading, plotting, and miscellaneous ; routines added to support the DSCOVR mission data. ; ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; .run dsc_crib OR cut-and-paste relevant portions ; ;NOTES: ; DSCOVR launch: 2015-02-11 ; Data product availability start dates - ; 2015-02-11: Ephemeris & Definitive Attitude ; 2015-06-08: Magnetometer ('h0': 1-sec Definitive Data) ; 2016-06-04: Faraday Cup ('h1': 1-minute Isotropic Maxwellian parameters for solar wind protons) ; ;OUTLINE: ; 1) Configuration ; 1.1) Initialization ; 1.2) Read Configuration ; 1.3) Modify Configuration ; 1.4) Save Configuration ; 1.5) Reset Configuration ; ; 2) Loading Data ; 2.1) Load Routine Basics ; 2.2) Working with Time Ranges ; 2.3) Examining Loaded Data ; 2.3.1) General Notes ; 2.3.2) Faraday Cup Confidence Intervals ; 2.4) Loading Subsets with VARFORMAT= ; ; 3) Plotting ; 3.1) Plotting Basics ; 3.1.1) Using TPLOT ; 3.1.2) Modifying Plot Options ; 3.1.3) Using DSC_DYPLOT ; Introduction ; Using DSC_GET_YLIMITS ; Use with Multiple Windows ; 3.2) Overview Plots ; 3.2.1) Routines and Basic Usage ; 3.2.2) Time Splits ; 3.2.3) Saving Images ; ; 4) Helper Routines ; 4.1) DSC_NOWIN ; 4.2) DSC_CLEAROPTS ; 4.3) DSC_EZNAME ; 4.4) DSC_DELETEVARS ; ;CREATED BY: Ayris Narock (ADNET/GSFC) 2017 ; ; $LastChangedBy: nikos $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2018-03-12 09:55:28 -0700 (Mon, 12 Mar 2018) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 24869 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_6_1/projects/dscovr/examples/dsc_crib.pro $ ;- ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; 1) Configuration ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; 1.1) Initialization ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ dsc_init ; Initialize !dsc system variable if not yet defined stop ; Uses last saved config file help,!dsc ; View the config values that are in use stop ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; 1.2) Read Configuration ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ stored_cfg = dsc_read_config(header=hh) ;Read last stored config file stop foreach line,hh do print,line ;Header shows file creation timestamp stop help,stored_cfg ;Show stored configuration settings stop ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; 1.3) Modify Configuration ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Modify the configuration for your current session !dsc.local_data_dir = 'D:\NewDir\mySpedasDir\dsc\' ; Local directory for copies of downloaded DSCOVR data files !dsc.remote_data_dir = 'https://newserver.com/dscovrdata/' ; Remote DSCOVR data server !dsc.save_plots_dir = 'D:\Plots\i_want_spedas_plots_here\dsc\' ; Local directory for storing DSCOVR overview plot PNG files !dsc.no_download = 1 ; Do not download from remote server !dsc.no_update = 1 ; Do not check for newer file versions !dsc.verbose = 4 ; Set verbosity level ; 1 - Report only Errors/Usage Warnings ; 2 - Also report informational messages ; 4 - Also include Debug level statements stop ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; 1.4) Save Configuration ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Store config. At *next session* 'dsc_init' will load the above values. dsc_write_config stop ; Change configuration in this session !dsc.verbose = 1 !dsc.no_update = 0 help,!dsc stop ;**N.B.- Running init again now will *not* change !dsc b/c it already exists in this session dsc_init help,!dsc stop ; Simulate a new session !dsc = dsc_read_config() help,!dsc ; Now values match those stored with 'dsc_write_config' call stop ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; 1.5) Reset Configuration ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Those config values don't work. Let's reset to the defaults. dsc_init,/reset stop ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; 2) Loading Data ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; 2.1) Load Routine Basics ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Set TPLOT timerange timespan,'2016-08-04',2 ;2 days beginning 2016-08-04/00:00:00 print,time_string(timerange()) stop ; Using the set TPLOT timerange . . . dsc_load_mag ; Load Magnetometer data dsc_load_fc ; Load Faraday Cup data dsc_load_att ; Load Attitude data dsc_load_or ; Load Orbit data stop dsc_load_all ; OR just load them all with one call stop ; Keywords common to all load routines . . . dsc_load_fc,/downloadonly ;Download files but *not* store data in TPLOT. stop dsc_load_mag,/no_update ;Only download if a new filename exists. Uses !dsc.no_update by default stop dsc_load_or,/no_download ;Load only locally available files into TPLOT. Uses !dsc.no_download by default. stop dsc_load_all,verbose=1 ;Override verbosity set in !dsc.verbose stop ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; 2.2) Working with Time Ranges ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;Clear stored TPLOT timerange info tplot_options,'trange_full' tplot_options,'trange' tplot_options,'refdate' stop ;If TPLOT timerange not set - routines will prompt for and set timerange dsc_load_or stop ; Or load a timerange other than the stored TPLOT timerange ; - can vary across variables dsc_load_fc,trange=['2017-01-01/12:00:00','2017-01-02/12:00:00'] ;As a string array trg = timerange(['2017-01-01','2017-01-02']) dsc_load_or,trange=trg ;Or a double array stop ;**N.B. - May actually store more than the requested range depending on data file contents. ; Passsing 'trange=' to load routines will *not* alter the stored TPLOT timerange. ; Adjust plotted range by setting the TPLOT timerange. ;Load all with same timerange matching TPLOT timerange timespan,'2016-12-13',1 dsc_load_all stop ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; 2.3) Examining Loaded Data ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; 2.3.1) General Notes ; See what's loaded tn = tnames() ;Retrieve list of loaded variables foreach name,tn do print,name stop tplot_names ;Prints list of loaded variables with index number stop ; Or use 'tplotnames' keyword in load call dsc_load_mag,tplotnames=magnames ;'magnames' shows only what was loaded in this call foreach name,magnames do print,name stop ; Get data and options for a given variable get_data,'dsc_h0_mag_B1F1',data=d,dlimits=dl,limits=l ;By variable name ; or get_data,2,data=d,dlimits=dl,limits=l ;By variable index number stop help,d ;Data array help,dl ;Structure holding default variable options help,l ;Structure holding user modified variable options stop ; 2.3.2) Faraday Cup Confidence Intervals ; A closer look at the Faraday Cup variables tplot_names,'dsc_h1_fc*' ;All loaded h1 FC variables stop ; Most Faraday Cup variables include data confidence ; For example - proton density tplot_names,'*fc*Np*' ;All loaded FC vars dealing with proton density stop ; Note there is reduncancy here to support both command line and gui interfaces get_data,'dsc_h1_fc_Np',data=dataNp get_data,'dsc_h1_fc_Np+DY',data=data_pDy get_data,'dsc_h1_fc_Np-DY',data=data_mDy get_data,'dsc_h1_fc_Np_wCONF',data=data_wCONF help,dataNp ; data holds x=time, y=Np, and dy=confidence_delta help,data_pDY ; data holds x=time, y=Np + confidence_delta help,data_mDY ; data holds x=time, y=Np - confidence_delta help,data_wCONF ; data holds a string array of TPLOT variable names included in this combined variable foreach var,data_wCONF do print,var stop ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; 2.4) Loading Subsets with VARFORMAT= ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; The datatype specific load routines also take the keyword VARFORMAT= ; to only load a subset of the CDF data, based on the CDF variable names store_data,delete='*' ; Delete all TPLOT variables dsc_load_or,varformat='*GSE*' ; Load only CDF vars with 'GSE' in the name dsc_load_mag,varformat='*SD*' ; Load standard deviation vars tn = tnames() foreach name,tn do print,name stop ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; 3) Plotting ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; 3.1) Plotting Basics ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; For a more detailed description see crib_tplot.pro ; ;----------------------------------- ; 3.1.1) Using TPLOT ;----------------------------------- store_data,delete='*' ; Delete all TPLOT variables dsc_load_mag,tplotnames=mnames ; Still using the timerange set with 'timespan,'2016-12-13',1' dsc_load_fc,tplotnames=fnames tplot,'dsc_h0_mag_B1F1' ; Set the variable to plot by name tplot,9 ; or TPLOT index number stop tplot,[2,21,22] ; Mult-panel plot stop tplot,[21,22,2] ; Reorder the multi-panel plot stop tplot,['dsc_h0_mag_B1GSE_PHI','dsc_h0_mag_B1GSE_THETA'] ; Same with strings stop ;**N.B. - Loaded variable data timerange may not match that stored as the TPLOT timerange. ; Adjust plotted range by setting the TPLOT timerange with 'timespan' or 'tlimit' call ; If TPLOT timerange is undefined - Plot defaults to timerange of the loaded data for plotted variables tlimit,'2016-12-13/08:00:00','2016-12-13/12:00:00' ; Zoom-in on smaller time range programmatically stop tlimit,/full ; Restore plot to TPLOT full time range stop tlimit ; Use cursor (2 clicks) to select new time interval on plot stop tplot,'dsc_h0_mag_B1F1' ;**Note- new plot still using the timerange set by 'tlimit' cursors stop ;----------------------------------- ; 3.1.2) Modifying Plot Options ;----------------------------------- ; Plot options are set as structure field/value pairs for each TPLOT variable. ; Some defaults have been set by the load routines. These may be overridden using 'options' ; Most routines can reference variables by name or TPLOT index number get_data,'dsc_h0_mag_B1F1',dlimit=dl,limit=l help,dl ; (default options stored here) help,l ; (user set options here) stop ; Options are a combination of both structures with the values ; in 'l' taking precedence when a field is present in both structures. ; Change line color options,'dsc_h0_mag_B1F1',colors='r' tplot ; If called with no params will repeat the last tplot call stop ; Change multiple options at a time options,2,yrange=[2,10],title='DSCOVR Magnetic Field' tplot stop ; Remove the user-set option for color options,'dsc_h0_mag_B1F1','colors' ; Can only remove one at a time by name tplot stop ; Remove all user-set options by resetting the options structure store_data,2,limits=0l tplot stop options,[2,21,22],colors='b' ; Can set options for multiple variables at one time tplot,[2,21,22] stop options,2,title='panel 1' options,21,title='panel 2' options,22,title='panel 3' tplot stop ; Global plot options can also be set using 'tplot_options' tplot_options,'ygap',3 ;Vertical spacing between panels tplot_options,'ynozero',1 ;Don't force y=0 to be included tplot ;**Remember - axis modifiers like 'ynozero' are ignored if a range is specifically set stop ; Vector variables can set multiple colors tplot_options,'ygap' options,'dsc_h0_mag_B1GSE',colors='krb' ; By string tplot,'dsc_h0_mag_B1GSE' stop options,'dsc_h0_mag_B1GSE',colors=[42,200,10] ; Or by array of color table values tplot stop ;----------------------------------- ; 3.1.3) Using DSC_DYPLOT ;----------------------------------- ; Introduction ; After a tplot call, use the 'dsc_dyplot' utility to show a shaded area ; representing the confidence interval for the DSCOVR Faraday Cup variable tlimit,/full tplot,['dsc_h1_fc_Np','dsc_h1_fc_THERMAL_TEMP','dsc_h1_fc_THERMAL_SPD','dsc_h1_fc_V_GSE_x'] ;aka [25,26,24,27] dsc_dyplot stop ; dsc_dyplot overplots the existing window ; => When clearing panels of shading, use another call to tplot first options,24,dsc_dy=0 tplot dsc_dyplot stop ;--Color options to DSC_DYPLOT disabled. Currently uses a transparent gray ; ;; DSC_DYPLOT looks for special variable options flags: ;; dsc_dy: 1 --> Shade the confidence interval for this variable ;; 0 or undefined --> Do not shade the confidence interval ;; dsc_dycolor: Color of the shaded area (int reference to color table. Can be array for vector variables) ;options,26,dsc_dycolor=190 ; Change shading for variable #26 ;dsc_dyplot ;stop ;; Can override the variable color options for all panels by passing keyword COLOR= ;tplot ;dsc_dyplot,color=120 ;stop ; Use the PANEL keyword to select a subset of panels to shade (1 indexed) tplot dsc_dyplot,panel=[1,3,4] ; Only try to shade panels 1,3, and 4 stop ;Note - panel 3 still remains unshaded because its 'dsc_dy' flag = 0 ;Use the /FORCE flag to override the variable's 'dsc_dy' setting tplot dsc_dyplot,panel=[1,3,4],/force ; Now the selected panels are all shaded stop ; dsc_dyplot will ignore panels where no DY information is available tplot,['dsc_h1_fc_Np','dsc_h0_mag_B1GSE_x','dsc_h1_fc_THERMAL_TEMP'] dsc_dyplot stop ; Can call 'dsc_dyplot' multiple times without a tplot call if you are adding ; panels or changing colors tplot,[25,27,28,29] dsc_dyplot,panel=3 stop ;dsc_dyplot,panel=3,color=200 ;stop dsc_dyplot,panel=[3,2] stop dsc_dyplot stop options,[25,27],dsc_dycolor=200 options,[28,29],dsc_dycolor=5 dsc_dyplot stop ; Using DSC_GET_YLIMITS ; Find range fit to the max/min of measured data trg = timerange() name1 = tnames(28) name2 = tnames(29) dsc_get_ylimits,name1,lstruct,trg ;Returns yrange as a field in 'lstruct' structure print,lstruct.yrange stop ;Find range fit to measured data with confidence intervals dsc_get_ylimits,name1,lstruct,trg,/include_err print,lstruct.yrange options,name1,yrange=lstruct.yrange,ystyle=1 ;Set range using 'options' tplot dsc_dyplot stop ;Use /buff to include a 10% buffer around max/min values dsc_get_ylimits,name2,lstruct,trg,/include_err,/buff options,name2,yrange=lstruct.yrange,ystyle=1 tplot dsc_dyplot stop ; Use with Multiple Windows ; Use dsc_dyplot with multiple windows by saving the reference information ; from your tplot call using 'new_tvar=' keyword ; Create and plot in 2 windows window,1 window,2 tplot,[25,27,28,29],window=1,new_tvar=tinfo1 tplot,[24,45],window=2,new_tvar=tinfo2 stop ; Calling dsc_dyplot defaults to the active window dsc_dyplot ;In this case, window 2 stop ; Use tinfo1 structure to shade confidence intervals on window 1 dsc_dyplot,tvinfo=tinfo1 stop ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; 3.2) Overview Plots ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; 3.2.1) Routines and Basic Usage trg = timerange(['2017-02-18/03:00:00','2017-02-18/15:00:00']) dsc_overview,trange=trg ; Overview for a given timerange dsc_overview_mag,trange=trg ; Overview of Magnetometer data dsc_overview_fc,trange=trg ; Overview of Faraday Cup data stop dsc_overview,'2017-04-18' ;Or pass a date to see a 24hour overview stop ; 3.2.2) Time Splits ; Use /splits keyword to see given range broken into quarters dsc_overview_fc,'2017-04-18',/splits stop ; 3.2.3) Saving Images ; Use /save to store png files containing the generated plots ; in the directory specified in !dsc.save_plots_dir dsc_overview_mag,'2017-04-18',/splits,/save stop ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; 4) Helper Routines ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; 4.1) DSC_NOWIN ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Delete all open direct graphics windows dsc_nowin stop ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; 4.2) DSC_CLEAROPTS ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Remove non-default TPLOT variable options . . . dsc_clearopts,'dsc_h1_fc_Np' ;... from variable 'dsc_h1_fc_Np' stop tn = tnames('dsc*h1*') dsc_clearopts,tn ;... from variable list stop dsc_clearopts,/all ;... from all loaded DSCOVR variables stop ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; 4.3) DSC_EZNAME ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Given a DSCOVR shortcut string or string array, returns the full TPLOT variable name(s). ; Vector quantities refer to variables in GSE coordinate system var1 = dsc_ezname('vx') print,var1 stop tn = dsc_ezname(['b','bphi','btheta','vx','vy','vz']) tplot,tn stop ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; 4.4) DSC_DELETEVARS ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Delete all loaded DSCOVR TPLOT variables dsc_deletevars stop END