;+ ; ; PROCEDURE: PSP_FLD_QUALITY_FLAG_EXAMPLES ; ; PURPOSE: Plot examples of FIELDS data with various quality flags active. ; ; KEYWORDS: ; ; qf_type: Specifies a quality flag. The routine will load and plot an ; example of FIELDS data where that quality flag is active. ; ; Options: 'BIAS_SWP', 'THRUSTER', 'SCM_CAL', ; 'MAG_ROLL', 'MAG_CAL', 'SPC_EMODE', ; 'SLS_CAL', 'OFF_UMBRA', 'OVERVIEW', 'ALL' ; ; The 'qf_type' options correspond to the quality flags ; included in the FIELDS Level 2 CDF files, with the ; exception of the 'OVERVIEW' and 'ALL' type. ; 'OVERVIEW' plots an overview of all quality flags over ; two example orbits, and 'ALL' plots all examples in ; sequence. ; ; If qf_type is set to 'BIAS_SWP' then two plots are created, ; one showing a bias sweep from Encounter 1 and one from ; Encounter 2. The difference between Encounter 1 sweeps ; and those from subsequent Encounters is described below. ; ; no_pause: By default, the routine pauses after a plot is made, and ; waits for a continue command at the IDL prompt. Setting ; this keyword eliminates this pause. ; ; EXAMPLE: ; ; IDL> psp_fld_quality_flag_examples, 'THRUSTER' ; ; $LastChangedBy: pulupalap $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2020-11-12 22:39:16 -0800 (Thu, 12 Nov 2020) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 29352 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_6_1/projects/SPP/fields/crib/psp_fld_quality_flag_examples.pro $ ; ;- pro psp_fld_quality_flag_examples, qf_type, $ no_pause = no_pause if n_elements(no_pause) EQ 0 then pause = 1 else pause = 0 if n_elements(qf_type) EQ 0 then begin print, "" print, "syntax: psp_fld_quality_flag_examples, qf_type" print, "" print, "See documentation in PSP_FLD_QUALITY_FLAG_EXAMPLES.PRO for details." print, "" return endif example_mag_roll = 0 example_mag_cal = 0 example_bias_sweep1 = 0 example_bias_sweep2 = 0 example_spc_emode = 0 example_sls_test = 0 example_thruster = 0 example_scm_cal = 0 example_off_umbra = 0 example_overall = 0 foreach type, qf_type do begin if type EQ 'ALL' or type EQ 'MAG_ROLL' then example_mag_roll = 1 if type EQ 'ALL' or type EQ 'MAG_CAL' then example_mag_cal = 1 if type EQ 'ALL' or type EQ 'BIAS_SWP' or type EQ 'BIAS_SWP1' then $ example_bias_sweep1 = 1 if type EQ 'ALL' or type EQ 'BIAS_SWP' or type EQ 'BIAS_SWP2' then $ example_bias_sweep2 = 1 if type EQ 'ALL' or type EQ 'SPC_EMODE' then example_spc_emode = 1 if type EQ 'ALL' or type EQ 'SLS_CAL' then example_sls_test = 1 if type EQ 'ALL' or type EQ 'THRUSTER' then example_thruster = 1 if type EQ 'ALL' or type EQ 'SCM_CAL' then example_scm_cal = 1 if type EQ 'ALL' or type EQ 'OFF_UMBRA' then example_off_umbra = 1 if type EQ 'ALL' or type EQ 'OVERALL' then example_overall = 1 endforeach if example_mag_roll or example_mag_cal then begin ; ; Magnetometer roll quality flag ; ------------------------------ ; ; Several times each orbit, the PSP spacecraft rotates around the ; Sun-spacecraft axis. The primary purpose for these rotations is ; to characterize the magnetometer offsets, although several other ; PSP instruments use the rotations for calibrations. ; ; Typically, rotations are performed three times per orbit: ; once prior to Encounter entry (0.25 au inbound) ; once after Encounter exit (0.25 au outbound) ; once near aphelion ; ; The pre- and post-Encounter rolls are performed with the spacecraft ; -Z axis aligned with the Sun-spacecraft line, as is the case during ; perihelion. ; ; The aphelion rotation attitude depends on solar distance--typically, ; during the first two years of the mission, the aphelion rotation was ; performed with the spacecraft -Z axis at an angle of 45 degrees from ; the Sun-spacecraft line. ; ; The rotations are planned and executed by the PSP guidance and control ; team. The rotations use the spacecraft reaction wheels, not the ; thrusters. Each rotation typically takes ~24 minutes. ; ; Following a rotation, the MAG instruments typically perform a MAG ; calibration sequence, which involves cycling several times through ; the ranges of the MAG instrument. ; ; In the FIELDS quality flag variable, a rotation is indicated by ; setting the MAG_ROLL flag to 1. The magnetometer calibration following ; the rotation is indicated by setting the MAG_CAL flag to 1. ; ; The example shown here is a rotation on 2018 December 17. The plot shows ; magnetometer data in both spacecraft and RTN coordinates. The rotation ; is apparent as a quasi-sinusoidal variation in the spacecraft coordinate ; data. In the RTN data, the effects of the rotation have been removed ; via the transformation from SC to RTN coordinates. ; ; Following the rotation, there is a MAG calibration. The steps in the ; waveform represent changes in the MAG range. Outside of these calibration ; times, the magnetometer range is chosen automatically--and for the ; first two years of the mission, the magnetometer has remained in the ; lowest amplitude range (range 0, +/-1024 nT). ; timespan, '2018-12-17', 2 psp_fld_load, type = 'mag_SC_4_Sa_per_Cyc' psp_fld_load, type = 'mag_RTN_4_Sa_per_Cyc' if example_mag_roll then begin tplot_options, 'title', 'PSP/FIELDS MAG Roll + MAG Cal Quality Flag' tplot, ['psp_fld_l2_mag_*_4_Sa_per_Cyc', 'psp_fld_l2_quality_flags'], $ trange = ['2018-12-17/00:00:00','2018-12-19/00:00:00'] if pause then stop endif if example_mag_cal then begin tplot_options, 'title', 'PSP/FIELDS MAG Cal Quality Flag' tplot, ['psp_fld_l2_mag_*_4_Sa_per_Cyc', 'psp_fld_l2_quality_flags'], $ trange = ['2018-12-18/12:00:00','2018-12-18/12:40:00'] if pause then stop endif end if example_bias_sweep1 then begin ; ; Bias sweep flag ; --------------- ; ; The FIELDS electric field sensors are current biased. The bias current ; applied to the sensors brings the sensor potential close to the ; potential of the nearby plasma. This bias current places the antenna ; in an optimal position on the sensor Langmuir curve (minimum dV / dI) ; which minimizes the sensor response to density fluctuations. Minimizing ; this response minimizes the error in the electric field measurement. ; ; The electric field whip antennas are current biased in this manner. In ; addition, the stub and shield components of the antenna assemblies ; can be voltage biased, primarily for photo- and secondary electron ; control. ; ; Due to the changing plasma environment over the PSP orbit, the ; required bias currents and voltages must be adjusted (thus far, the ; primary adjustment has been to apply more bias current as the ; spacecraft approaches closer to the Sun, and the photoemission ; currents from the antennas grow. ; ; The optimum bias currents and voltages are determined by bias sweeps, ; which typically occur twice per day during the encounter phase of the ; orbit (solar distance < 0.25 au). ; ; More information on biasing the FIELDS antennas is available in: ; Bale et al. (2016), https://doi.org/10.1007/s11214-016-0244-5 ; ; The bias sweep sequences during Encounter 1 included numerous sweeps ; of the whip bias current, with the shield and stub bias voltages ; set to different values for each whip current bias sweep. ; For all Encounters subsequent to Encounter 1, the bias sweep only varies ; the current applied to the whip, and the shield and stub bias voltages ; are held constant. Post-Encounter 1, the bias sweeps ; typically contain several phases: ; ; - bias current of the V1 and V2 whips is swept at the same time ; - bias current of the V3 and V4 whips is swept at the same time ; - bias current of V5 is swept individually ; ; During the V1, V2 and V5 bias sweeps, the bias current on V3, V4 is zero. ; During the V3, V4 and V5 bias sweeps, the bias current on V1, V2 is zero. ; ; The FIELDS science team is preparing a new data product which will ; contain detailed information on the currents and voltages applied ; to each sensor during the bias sweeps. ; ; The plot below shows a typical bias sweep during Encounter 1. Bias ; sweeps are apparent in all electric field data products. ; timespan, '2018-11-06/12:00:00', 1./2 psp_fld_load, type = 'rfs_lfr' psp_fld_load, type = 'dfb_wf_vdc' tplot_options, 'title', 'PSP/FIELDS Bias Sweep (Encounter 1) Quality Flag' options, 'psp_fld_l2_dfb_wf_V1dc', 'ytitle', 'DFB WF!CV1_DC' options, 'psp_fld_l2_dfb_wf_V3dc', 'ytitle', 'DFB WF!CV3_DC' options, 'psp_fld_l2_dfb_wf_V5dc', 'ytitle', 'DFB WF!CV5_DC' options, 'psp_fld_l2_rfs_lfr_auto_averages_ch?_V?V?', 'panel_size', 1. tplot, ['psp_fld_l2_rfs_lfr_auto_averages_ch0_V1V2', $ 'psp_fld_l2_rfs_lfr_auto_averages_ch1_V3V4', $ 'psp_fld_l2_dfb_wf_V1dc', $ 'psp_fld_l2_dfb_wf_V3dc', $ 'psp_fld_l2_dfb_wf_V5dc', $ 'psp_fld_l2_quality_flags'], $ trange = ['2018-11-06/17:45:00','2018-11-06/18:30:00'] if pause then stop endif if example_bias_sweep2 then begin ; ; The plot below shows a typical bias sweep post-Encounter 1. ; timespan, '2019-04-06' psp_fld_load, type = 'rfs_lfr' psp_fld_load, type = 'dfb_wf_vdc' options, 'psp_fld_l2_dfb_wf_V1dc', 'ytitle', 'DFB WF!CV1_DC' options, 'psp_fld_l2_dfb_wf_V3dc', 'ytitle', 'DFB WF!CV3_DC' options, 'psp_fld_l2_dfb_wf_V5dc', 'ytitle', 'DFB WF!CV5_DC' options, 'psp_fld_l2_rfs_lfr_auto_averages_ch?_V?V?', 'panel_size', 1. tplot_options, 'title', 'PSP/FIELDS Bias Sweep (Encounter 2) Quality Flag' tplot, ['psp_fld_l2_rfs_lfr_auto_averages_ch0_V1V2', $ 'psp_fld_l2_rfs_lfr_auto_averages_ch1_V3V4', $ 'psp_fld_l2_dfb_wf_V1dc', $ 'psp_fld_l2_dfb_wf_V3dc', $ 'psp_fld_l2_dfb_wf_V5dc', $ 'psp_fld_l2_quality_flags'], $ trange = ['2019-04-06/23:00:00','2019-04-06/23:30:00'] if pause then stop endif if example_spc_emode then begin ; ; Solar Probe Cup (SPC) Electron Mode quality flag ; ------------------------------------------------ ; ; The PSP/SWEAP Faraday cup (SPC) instrument can operate in ; 'electron mode', a mode where the grid voltages on the cup are ; configured to collect and measure electron currents on the ; cup collector plates. ; ; Times when SPC is in electron mode are flagged in the FIELDS data, ; and shown in the 'psp_fld_l2_quality_flags' variable as ; SPC_EMODE = 1. ; ; Prior to launch, it was imagined that running the SPC in electron ; mode might generate distinguishable signals in some FIELDS data products, ; by creating a localized electric potential in the ; vicinity of the SPC that could be sensed by one or more FIELDS antennas. ; ; Through the first several PSP encounters, electron mode has been enabled ; only rarely, and there has been no apparent effect on any FIELDS ; data products. This may change as plasma conditions vary with ; radial distance, or if electron mode is enabled more frequently ; in future encounters. ; ; Detailed information on SPC operating modes is available in the ; instrument paper, Case et al. (2020), doi:10.3847/1538-4365/ab5a7b ; timespan, '2019-04-06' psp_fld_load, type = 'rfs_lfr' psp_fld_load, type = 'dfb_wf_vdc' options, 'psp_fld_l2_dfb_wf_V1dc', 'ytitle', 'DFB WF!CV1_DC' options, 'psp_fld_l2_dfb_wf_V3dc', 'ytitle', 'DFB WF!CV3_DC' options, 'psp_fld_l2_dfb_wf_V5dc', 'ytitle', 'DFB WF!CV5_DC' options, 'psp_fld_l2_rfs_lfr_auto_averages_ch?_V?V?', 'panel_size', 1. tplot_options, 'title', 'PSP/FIELDS SPC Electron Mode Quality Flag' tplot, ['psp_fld_l2_rfs_lfr_auto_averages_ch0_V1V2', $ 'psp_fld_l2_rfs_lfr_auto_averages_ch1_V3V4', $ 'psp_fld_l2_dfb_wf_V1dc', $ 'psp_fld_l2_dfb_wf_V3dc', $ 'psp_fld_l2_dfb_wf_V5dc', $ 'psp_fld_l2_quality_flags'], $ trange = ['2019-04-06/11:40:00','2019-04-06/12:10:00'] if pause then stop endif if example_sls_test then begin ; ; Solar Limb Sensor test quality flag ; ----------------------------------- ; ; The PSP spacecraft includes solar limb sensors (SLS) which are ; used to ensure the spacecraft remains in a nominal attitude ; throughout perihelion. In this attitude, the sensors are in shadow ; behind the heat shield. If a sensor is illuminated during perihelion, ; the spacecraft autonomous guidance and control will correct the ; attitude. ; ; During an SLS test, which occurs far from perihelion, the spacecraft ; attitude is adjusted slightly, in order to illuminate the SLS ; detectors and confirm that they detect the illumination. ; ; During an SLS test, the potential of the boom-mounted sensor can change ; rapidly, as the sensor transitions from shadowed to sunlit. ; ; The example plot below shows an SLS test on 2019 March 3. Before and ; after the test, the spacecraft was at aphelion attitude, with the ; OFF_UMBRA flag set to 1. For the SLS test, the spacecraft transitions ; to the umbra attitude (spacecraft -Z axis aligned with Sun-spacecraft ; line. ; ; The effects of the SLS test are shown most clearly in the single ; ended voltage sensor data. ; timespan, '2019-03-03' psp_fld_load, type = 'mag_SC_4_Sa_per_Cyc' psp_fld_load, type = 'dfb_wf_vdc' options, 'psp_fld_l2_dfb_wf_V1dc', 'ytitle', 'DFB WF!CV1_DC' options, 'psp_fld_l2_dfb_wf_V5dc', 'ytitle', 'DFB WF!CV5_DC' tplot_options, 'title', 'PSP/FIELDS SLS Test Quality Flag' tplot, ['psp_fld_l2_dfb_wf_V1dc', $ 'psp_fld_l2_dfb_wf_V5dc', $ 'psp_fld_l2_quality_flags'], $ trange = ['2019-03-03/13:00:00','2019-03-03/15:00:00'] if pause then stop endif if example_overall then begin ; ; Overall summary plot of quality flags ; ------------------------------------- ; ; This plot shows an overall view of Orbits 3 and 4, with all quality ; flags. It illustrates typical occurrence times of particular ; quality flags. Note: for PSP, the official encounter period for ; each orbit is defined by the interval when the spacecraft is at ; a radial distance from the Sun of <0.25 au. ; ; BIAS_SWEEP flags occur throughout Encounter (typically for 2 intervals ; per day) ; ; THRUSTER flags can occur at any point in the orbit. Typically an ; encounter includes several thruster events. ; ; SCM_CAL always occurs near the start and end of the encounter period. ; On occasion, additional SCM_CAL sequences are commanded for ; diagnostic purposes. ; ; MAG_ROLL and MAG_CAL events typically occur together (with the CAL ; shortly after the ROLL). Each orbit includes a rotation/cal before ; and after encounter, and most orbits also include a rotation/cal ; near aphelion. ; ; SPC_EMODE intervals are commanded by the SWEAP SPC, and typically ; occur during encounter. ; ; SLS_CAL sequences are commanded by the spacecraft, and always occur ; outside of encounter. ; ; The OFF_UMBRA flag is set when the spacecraft is not in umbra ; orientation, with the SC -Z axis aligned with the Sun-spacecraft ; line. Beyond 0.79 au, the spacecraft is always in OFF_UMBRA ; attitude. Closer than 0.70 au, the spacecraft is always in umbra ; orientation. In between these distances, the spacecraft attitude ; can vary. ; timespan, '2019-07-01', 275 psp_fld_load, type = 'mag_RTN_1min' options, 'psp_fld_l2_mag_RTN_1min', 'datagap', 300d options, 'psp_fld_l2_mag_RTN_1min', 'max_points' tplot_options, 'title', 'PSP/FIELDS Quality Flags' tplot, ['psp_fld_l2_mag_RTN_1min', $ 'psp_fld_l2_quality_flags'] if pause then stop end if example_thruster then begin ; ; Thruster Firing quality flag ; ---------------------------- ; ; The attitude of the PSP spacecraft is maintained primarily by the ; reaction wheels. Thrusters are also used for major trajectory ; correction maneuvers (TCM) and for automated and commanded ; momentum dumps (where built up momentum of the wheels is unloaded). ; ; For major TCMs, all instruments are turned off. For the smaller ; momentum dump thruster firings, the thruster plume creates a transient ; ionized plasma which is visible as a large disruption in the ; single ended voltage and dipole electric field measurements. The ; currents which open and close the thruster valves are also visible in ; magnetometer data. ; ; Automated momentum dumps occur at a rate of a few per Encounter, and ; consist of a series of several individual firings over seconds or ; tens of seconds. These times are marked in the FIELDS quality flags ; by setting the THRUSTER flag to 1. ; ; The below plot shows an example thruster firing, which occurred on ; 2019 April 7, close to PSP perihelion 2. The disruption from the ; ionized plasma is clearly visible in the DFB DC spectra and single ; ended voltage data, and the thruster valve openings and closings are ; visible in the MAG data (particularly the Bz component). ; timespan, '2019-04-07', 1./4 psp_fld_load, type = 'dfb_dc_spec' psp_fld_load, type = 'dfb_wf_dvdc' psp_fld_load, type = 'mag_SC' tplot_options, 'title', 'PSP/FIELDS Thruster Flag' options, 'psp_fld_l2_dfb_dc_spec_dV12hg', 'ytitle', 'DC SC SPEC!CdV12' tplot, ['psp_fld_l2_dfb_dc_spec_dV12hg',$ 'psp_fld_l2_dfb_wf_dVdc_sensor',$ 'psp_fld_l2_mag_SC','psp_fld_l2_quality_flags'], $ trange = ['2019-04-07/04:04:55','2019-04-07/04:05:25'] if pause then stop end if example_scm_cal then begin ; ; Search Coil Magnetometer calibration quality flag ; ------------------------------------------------- ; ; Several times per encounter, a calibration sequence designed to ; characterize the response of the Search Coil Magnetometer (SCM) is ; run on the spacecraft. Typically, this sequence is performed at least ; twice per orbit, prior to the start of the encounter phase (at 0.25 au ; inbound) and just after the end of encounter (at 0.25 au outbound). ; ; The SCM cal sequence is sometimes run more often, for example during ; Encounter 3, when it was used to help characterize the SCM u axis ; response. The SCM u axis response is discussed in more detail here ; https://fields.ssl.berkeley.edu/data/ ; ; The SCM cal sequence is generated by the FIELDS DFB. It consists of ; a series of constant amplitude sine waves which step through ; several frequencies in the SCM bandpass range. ; ; The SCM sequence is apparent in all SCM data products, including the ; DFB SCM waveform and burst waveform, the DFB AC and DC spectra, ; and the DFB AC and DC bandpass filter. ; ; The plot below shows an SCM CAL sequence on 2018 October 31, at about ; 10:40. The first plot shows a DFB DC spectrum from the SCM, ; and the DFB SCM waveform. The spectrum measurement at 10:40 shows ; stripes corresponding to several of the discrete sine waves in the ; cal sequence. (They all appear in a single spectrum because the ; spectrum is averaged over the ~1 minute cadence of the DC spectra ; data product.) ; ; The zoomed in plot shows two of the lower freqency ; sine waves, towards the end of the sequence. The higher frequency ; sine waves are filtered out of the waveform data product. ; ; During a each SCM cal sequence, high and low gain DBM burst waveforms ; are also captured. The zoomed in plot shows the higher frequency sine ; waves visible in the DFB burst waveform data. ; timespan, '2018-10-31/06:00:00', 1./4 psp_fld_load, type = 'dfb_dc_spec' psp_fld_load, type = 'dfb_wf_scm' psp_fld_load, type = 'dfb_dbm_scm' tplot_options, 'title', 'PSP/FIELDS SCM CAL Flag' options, 'psp_fld_l2_dfb_dc_spec_SCMdlfhg', 'ytitle', 'DC SC SPEC!CSCM d hg' tplot, ['psp_fld_l2_dfb_dc_spec_SCMdlfhg', $ 'psp_fld_l2_dfb_wf_scm_hg_sensor','psp_fld_l2_quality_flags'], $ trange = ['2018-10-31/10:35:00','2018-10-31/10:45:00'] if pause then stop tplot, ['psp_fld_l2_dfb_wf_scm_hg_sensor','psp_fld_l2_quality_flags'], $ trange = ['2018-10-31/10:39:59','2018-10-31/10:40:09'] if pause then stop get_data, 'psp_fld_l2_dfb_dbm_scmhgu', data = d_dbm_scmhgu get_data, 'psp_fld_l2_dfb_dbm_scmlgu', data = d_dbm_scmlgu store_data, 'psp_fld_l2_dfb_dbm_scmhgu_scm_cal', $ data = {x:d_dbm_scmhgu.x[9] + reform(d_dbm_scmhgu.v[9,*]), $ y:reform(d_dbm_scmhgu.y[9,*])} options, 'psp_fld_l2_dfb_dbm_scmhgu_scm_cal', 'ytitle', $ 'DFB DBM SCM u' options, 'psp_fld_l2_dfb_dbm_scmhgu_scm_cal', 'ysubtitle', $ '[nT]' tplot, ['psp_fld_l2_dfb_dbm_scmhgu_scm_cal', $ 'psp_fld_l2_dfb_wf_scm_hg_sensor','psp_fld_l2_quality_flags'], $ trange = ['2018-10-31/10:39:59.5','2018-10-31/10:40:05.5'] if pause then stop end if example_off_umbra then begin ; ; Off Umbra quality flag ; ---------------------- ; ; The OFF_UMBRA flag is set when the spacecraft is not in umbra ; orientation, with the SC -Z axis aligned with the Sun-spacecraft ; line. Beyond 0.79 au, the spacecraft is always in OFF_UMBRA ; attitude. Closer than 0.70 au, the spacecraft is always in umbra ; orientation. In between these distances, the spacecraft attitude ; can vary. ; ; The example plot below shows several days during the outbound ; section of Encounter 3, when the spacecraft crosses the 0.79 au ; threshold and transitioned to off umbra orientation. ; ; The spacecraft often has the opportunity to transmit Ka band ; data to Earth at these solar distances--and during those Ka ; contacts the FIELDS instrument is turned off. Therefore data ; coverage is often intermittent at or near OFF_UMBRA periods. ; timespan, '2019-10-09', 5 psp_fld_load, type = 'mag_RTN_1min' options, 'psp_fld_l2_mag_RTN_1min', 'datagap', 300d tplot_options, 'title', 'PSP/FIELDS Off Umbra Flag' tplot, ['psp_fld_l2_mag_RTN_1min', 'psp_fld_l2_quality_flags'] if pause then stop endif end