;+ ;program: SPICE_INSTALL ; ;Purpose: Installs SPICE dlm and binary object modules. ; ;Note: This routine has not been tested on all platforms. (But should be safe) ; ; Author: Davin Larson ; $LastChangedBy: davin-mac $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2019-05-11 00:00:35 -0700 (Sat, 11 May 2019) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 27221 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_6_1/general/spice/spice_install.pro $ ;- pro spice_install,no_download=no_download,force=force,localdir=localdir if keyword_set(localdir) then dlmdir = localdir+'/' else dlmdir = !dlm_path+'/' if (file_test(dlmdir,/write,/direc) ne 1) and ~keyword_set(localdir) then begin dprint,dlmdir+' is write protected.' dprint,'Download to a different directory, i.e.: SPICE_INSTALL,localdir="TEMP/icyDLMs"' dprint,'and then manually copy the files to: '+ !dlm_path dprint,'(or use DLM_REGISTER routine - not recommended)' message,'Sorry!' endif OS = file_basename(!dlm_path) serverdir = 'http://sprg.ssl.berkeley.edu/data/misc/spice/lib/'+OS+'/' help,/dlm,'icy',output=s for i=0,n_elements(s)-1 do dprint,s[i] if ~keyword_set(force) && spice_test(verbose=0) then begin dprint,'SPICE/ICY already installed in '+!dlm_path return endif else begin dprint,'This procedure will download ICY modules from: '+serverdir dprint,'And install them in the directory: '+dlmdir dprint,'Previous versions of these modules will be given the extension: ".arc*"' if ~keyword_set(force) then begin dprint,'Must verify....' answer = '' read,answer,Prompt = 'Are you sure you want to do this? (must type "yes") ' if answer ne 'yes' then return endif endelse modules='icy.*' file_http_copy,modules,serverdir=serverdir,localdir=dlmdir,url_info=ui,archive_ext='.arc',/preserve_mtime,no_download=no_download,force_download=force,verbose=3 if n_elements(ui) eq 1 && ui.localname eq '' then begin dprint,'Sorry. No icy library found for your platform.' endif else begin dprint, 'Found: ',ui.localname ; dlm_load,'icy' if keyword_set(localdir) then dprint,'You must copy these files to: '+!dlm_path + ' to complete the installation.' dprint, 'You may need to exit IDL and run IDL again to use any new installation.' endelse end