;+ ; FUNCTION: ; spd_extract_tvar_metadata ; ; PURPOSE: ; Returns metadata extracted from a tplot variable; mostly for tplot2ap and tplot2cdf ; ; NOTES: ; prefers the following order: ; - limits structure (set by the user during the session) ; - dlimnits structure (set by the load routine) ; - dlimits.cdf structure (stored in the CDF file) ; ; $LastChangedBy: egrimes $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2018-03-07 15:27:45 -0800 (Wed, 07 Mar 2018) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 24849 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_6_1/general/spedas_tools/spd_extract_tvar_metadata.pro $ ;- function spd_extract_tvar_metadata, tvar tvar = tnames(tvar) if tvar eq '' then begin dprint, dlevel = 0, 'tplot variable not found!' return, -1 endif out = create_struct('units', '', 'labels', '', 'catdesc', '', 'ztitle', '', 'ytitle', strjoin(strsplit(tvar, '_', /extract), '!C'), 'spec', 0b, 'ylog', 0b, 'zlog', 0b, 'yrange', [0, 0], 'zrange', [0, 0]) get_data, tvar, dlimits=dl, limits=l if is_struct(dl) then begin ; check that the CDF structure exists str_element, dl, 'cdf', success=s ; first try the CDF info if s && is_struct(dl.cdf.vatt) then begin str_element, dl.cdf.vatt[0], 'catdesc', success=s if s then out.catdesc = dl.cdf.vatt[0].catdesc str_element, dl.cdf.vatt[0], 'units', success=s if s then out.units = dl.cdf.vatt[0].units endif ; now override of the load routine set the metadata str_element, dl, 'units', success=exists if exists then out.units = dl.units str_element, dl, 'data_att', success=data_att_exists if data_att_exists then begin str_element, dl.data_att, 'units', success=exists if exists then out.units = dl.data_att.units endif str_element, dl, 'ztitle', success=ztitle_exists if ztitle_exists then out.ztitle = dl.ztitle str_element, dl, 'ytitle', success=ytitle_exists if ytitle_exists then out.ytitle = dl.ytitle str_element, dl, 'labels', success=labels_exists if labels_exists then str_element, out, 'labels', dl.labels, /add str_element, dl, 'spec', success=exists if exists && byte(dl.spec) ne 0b then out.spec = 1b str_element, dl, 'ylog', success=exists if exists && byte(dl.ylog) ne 0b then out.ylog = 1b str_element, dl, 'zlog', success=exists if exists && byte(dl.zlog) ne 0b then out.zlog = 1b str_element, dl, 'yrange', success=exists if exists then out.yrange = dl.yrange str_element, dl, 'zrange', success=exists if exists then out.zrange = dl.zrange endif if is_struct(l) then begin ; try to extract data from the limits last, as 'limits' are set by the user str_element, l, 'units', success=exists if exists then out.units = l.units str_element, l, 'data_att', success=data_att_exists if data_att_exists then begin str_element, l.data_att, 'units', success=exists if exists then out.units = l.data_att.units endif str_element, l, 'ztitle', success=ztitle_exists if ztitle_exists then out.ztitle = l.ztitle str_element, l, 'ytitle', success=ytitle_exists if ytitle_exists then out.ytitle = l.ytitle str_element, l, 'labels', success=labels_exists if labels_exists then str_element, out, 'labels', l.labels, /add str_element, l, 'spec', success=exists if exists && byte(l.spec) ne 0b then out.spec = 1b str_element, l, 'ylog', success=exists if exists && byte(l.ylog) ne 0b then out.ylog = 1b str_element, l, 'zlog', success=exists if exists && byte(l.zlog) ne 0b then out.zlog = 1b str_element, l, 'yrange', success=exists if exists then out.yrange = l.yrange str_element, l, 'zrange', success=exists if exists then out.zrange = l.zrange endif return, out end