This page was created by the IDL library routine
Last modified: Wed Jun 12 10:49:46 2024.
FUNCTION: accum_pad,dat,apad PURPOSE: makes a data pad from a 3d structure INPUT: dat: A 3d data structure such as those gotten from get_el,get_pl,etc. e.g. "get_el" KEYWORDS: bdir: Add B direction esteps: Energy steps to use bins: bins to sum over num_pa: number of the pad CREATED BY: Davin Larson LAST MODIFICATION: %W% %E%
(See general/science/wind/
PROCEDURE: add_all PURPOSE: adds user defined structure elements to the 3d structures. USAGE: add_all,dat,add INPUT: dat: A (3d) data structure. add: a structure such as: {vsw:'Vp' , magf:'B3', sc_pos:'pos'} RESULTS: for the above example, the elements, vsw, magf, and sc_pos are added to the dat structure. The values are obtained from the tplot variables 'Vp', 'B3' and 'pos' respectively.
(See general/science/wind/
PROCEDURE: add_magf,dat,source PURPOSE: Adds magnetic field vector [Bx,By,Bz] to a 3d structure. The new structure element will be a 3 element vector with the tag name 'magf'. INPUT: dat: 3D data structure (i.e. from 'GET_EL') [source] : (String) handle of magnetic field data. Notes: Magnetic field data must be loaded first. See 'GET_MFI'
(See general/science/wind/
PROCEDURE: add_sc_pos,dat,source PURPOSE: Adds orbital data to a 3d data structure. The new structure element will be a three element vector [x,y,z] with the tag name 'sc_pos'. INPUT: dat: 3D structure (obtained from get_??() routines) e.g. "GET_EL" Notes: Orbit data must be loaded first. See "GET_ORBIT"
(See general/science/wind/
PROCEDURE: bkg_file,bkg [,filename] PURPOSE: saves and restores background data files. if filename is not a string then a filename is generated automatically. INPUT: bkg: a 3d background data structure. filename: optional filename. KEYWORDS: One must be set! SAVE: set to save files. RESTORE:set to restore files.
(See general/science/wind/
PROCEDURE: dat_file,dat [,filename] PURPOSE: saves and restores 3d data files. if filename is not a string then a filename is generated automatically. INPUT: dat: a 3d background data structure. filename: optional filename. KEYWORDS: One must be set! SAVE: set to save files. RESTORE:set to restore files. DIR: (string) Directory to use. Default is current directory
(See general/science/wind/
NAME: distfunc FUNCTION: distfunc(vpar,vperp,param=dfpar) or distfunc(energy,angle,mass=mass,param=dfpar) PURPOSE: Interpolates distribution function in a smooth manner. USAGE: dfpar = distfunc(vx0,vy0,df=df0) ; Create structure dfpar using values of df0 known at the positions of vx0,vy0 df_new = distfunc(vx_new,vy_new,par=dfpar) return interpolated values of df at the new points.
(See general/science/wind/
PROCEDURE: get_moment3d,dat,ERANGE=erange,BINS=bins,HIGHRANGE=highrange INPUT: dat:function (string) function that returns 3d data structures function name must be "get_"+"dat" dat = 'pl' for get_pl, dat = 'el' for get_el, etc. KEYWORDS (all optional) erange: intarr(2), min,max energy bin numbers for integration PURPOSE: To generate moment time series data for TPLOT SEE ALSO: "MOMENT_3D" CREATED BY: Davin Larson LAST MODIFICATION: %E% FILE: %M% VERSION %I%
(See general/science/wind/
PROCEDURE: get_padspec PURPOSE: Creates "TPLOT" variable by summing 3D data over selected angle bins. INPUT: data_str, a string(either 'eh','el','ph','pl','sf',or 'so' at this point) telling which data to get. KEYWORDS: bins: a keyword telling which bins to sum over gap_time: time gap big enough to signify a data gap (def 200) no_data: returns 1 if no_data else returns 0 units: convert to these units if included NAME: New name of the Data Quantity BKG: A 3d data structure containing the background counts. FLOOR: Sets the minimum value of any data point to sqrt(bkg). ETHRESH: MISSING: value for bad data. CREATED BY: Davin Larson FILE: %M% VERSION: %I% LAST MODIFICATION: %E% NOTES: "LOAD_3DP_DATA" must be called first to load up WIND data.
(See general/science/wind/
FUNCTION: moments_3d,data INPUT: data: structure, 3d data structure. (i.e. see "GET_EL") erange: bins: PURPOSE: Returns all useful moments as a structure KEYWORDS: dmoments: If set to a named varaible this will output a structure identical to the return structure but containing error esimates assuming an error of sqrt(N) for an initial measurement of N counts (poisson distribution). unit_scaling: Input array specifying the values used to convert from counts to the current units. If not set, a unit conversion will be called to determine the values instead. no_unit_conversion: Flag indicating that data is already in eflux and no unit conversion is required. These optional keywords control calculations: ERANGE intarr(2), min,max energy bin numbers for integration. BINS bytarr(nbins), Angle bins for integration, see "EDIT3DBINS" CREATED BY: Davin Larson LAST MODIFICATION: %E% $Id:$
(See general/science/wind/
FUNCTION: moments_3du,data,ddata INPUT: data: structure, 3d data structure, contains raw data for moment calculation. (i.e. see "GET_EL") ddata: Named variable in which to return moments uncertainties.(returned as 3d particle data structure) Return Value: Function call returns 3d moment data structure with moments calculated. PURPOSE: Returns all useful moments as a structure KEYWORDS: These optional keywords control calculations: ERANGE intarr(2), min,max energy bin numbers for integration. BINS bytarr(nbins), Angle bins for integration, see "EDIT3DBINS" Example: moments_out = moments_3du(raw_data_in,moment_uncertainties_out) CREATED BY: Davin Larson, Jim McTiernan $LastChangedBy: jimmpc1 $ $LastChangedDate: 2013-08-05 14:26:49 -0700 (Mon, 05 Aug 2013) $ $LastChangedRevision: 12796 $ $URL: svn+ssh:// $ $Id: 12796 2013-08-05 21:26:49Z jimmpc1 $
(See general/science/wind/
FUNCTION: moments_3d_omega_weights PURPOSE: Helper function used by moments_3d and moments_3du KEYWORDS: CREATED BY: Davin Larson, Jim McTiernan $LastChangedBy: lphilpott $ $LastChangedDate: 2012-06-25 14:55:35 -0700 (Mon, 25 Jun 2012) $ $LastChangedRevision: 10636 $ $URL: svn+ssh:// $ $Id: 10636 2012-06-25 21:55:35Z lphilpott $
(See general/science/wind/
PROCEDURE: reduce_var_dimensions,data,limits INPUT: data: a structure with elements: x (typically time) y (3 dimensional data array) v1 v2 limits: a structure with elements: v1_range: bin range for dimension 1 (two element array) v2_range: bin range for dimension 2 (two element array) avg_var: 1 or 2. variable to sum over Caution: This procedure is still in development. Created by: Davin Larson, Sept 1995 File: %M% Version: %I% Last Modified: %E%
(See general/science/wind/
FUNCTION: rotate_data,x,rotmatrix INPUT: several options exist for x: string: data associated with the string is used. structure: data.y is used 1 dimensional array 2 dimensional array rotmatrix: typically a 3 by 3 rotation matrix. RETURN VALUE: Same dimensions and type as the input value of x. KEYWORDS: name: a string that is appended to the input string. EXAMPLES: name
(See general/science/wind/
PROCEDURE: tsmooth2, name, width, newname=newname PURPOSE: Smooths the tplot data. INPUTS: name: The tplot handle. width: Integer array, same dimension as the data. Default is 10.[NB: the IDL routine used to smooth the data will automatically add 1 if the width is even] newname: name to assign to the output tplot variable. Default is name+'_sm' preserve_nans: (Added 20 dec 2011 lphilpott) set this keyword to not smooth over nans in the data. edge_truncate: If set, this keyword is passed to the smooth routine median: flag to use median instead of arithmetic average (added 2016-08-05) even: flag to use average of the two middle points when median is requested with an even width (normally uses larger) NOTES: -Finite values larger than 1.9e20 are ignored and replaced with 2.0e20 in the result. The average of the two adjacent points is used instead when calculating the mean/median. The adjacent points are not re-checked so multiple adjacent values > 1.9e20 will still be used. Documentation not complete.... CREATED BY: REE 10/11/95 Modified by: D Larson. LAST MODIFICATION: %M% $LastChangedBy: aaflores $ $LastChangedDate: 2016-08-05 19:02:36 -0700 (Fri, 05 Aug 2016) $ $LastChangedRevision: 21605 $ $URL: svn+ssh:// $
(See general/science/wind/
FUNCTION: velocity(energy,mass) PURPOSE: Returns the relativistic momentum over mass given the energy and mass
(See general/science/wind/