; $LastChangedBy: dmitchell $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2023-02-22 15:20:19 -0800 (Wed, 22 Feb 2023) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 31506 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_6_1/general/science/plot3d_new.pro $ ;+ ;NAME: ; PLOT3D_NEW ;PROCEDURE: plot3d_new, dat , latitude, longitude ;PURPOSE: ; Draws a series of 3d color plots, one plot per energy step. ;INPUT: ; dat: 3d data structure. ; latitude: latitude of center of plot ; longitude: longitude of center of plot ;KEYWORDS: ; EBINS: Specifies energy bins to plot. ; SUM_EBINS: Specifies how many bins to sum, starting with EBINS. If ; SUM_EBINS is a scalar, that number of bins is summed for ; each bin in EBINS. If SUM_EBINS is an array, then each ; array element will hold the number of bins to sum starting ; at each bin in EBINS. In the array case, EBINS and SUM_EBINS ; must have the same number of elements. ; BNCENTER: if > 0 then lat,lon set so that B direction is in center ; if < 0 then lat,lon set so that -B direction is in center ; ('magf' element must exist in dat structure. See "ADD_MAGF") ; BINS: bins to use for autoscaling. ; SMOOTH: smoothing parameter. 0=none, 2 is typical ; TITLE: overrides default plot title. ; NOTITLE: if set, suppresses plot title. ; NOCOLORBAR: if set, suppresses colorbar. ; NOBORDER: if set, suppresses plot border. ;SEE ALSO: "PLOT3D_OPTIONS" to see how to set other options. ; ;;NOTE: plot3d_new has been created to eliminate a naming conflict between plot3d and a library routine that was added to IDL in version 8.1. ; The original plot3d.pro remains to preserve backwards compatibility for users using IDL 7.1 or earlier. ; ;CREATED BY: Davin Larson ;LAST MODIFICATION: @(#)plot3d.pro 1.43 02/04/17 ;- pro plot3d_new,tbindata, latitude,longitude,rotation, $ BINS=bins, $ TBINS=tbins, $ BNCENTER=bncenter, $ LABELS=labs, $ SMOOTH= smoth, $ EBINS=eb, $ SUM_EBINS=seb, $ PTLIMIT=plot_limits, $ MAP= ptmap, $ UNITS = units, $ SETLIM = setlim, $ PROC3D = proc3d, $ ZRANGE = zrange, $ ZERO = zero, $ STACK = stack, $ ;!p.multi[1:2] ROW_MAJOR = row_major,$ ;!p.multi[4] NOERASE = noerase, $ ;!p.multi[0] TITLE = title, $ NOTITLE = notitle, $ SUBTITLE = subtitle, $ NOCOLORBAR = nocolorbar, $ NOBORDER = noborder,$ log=log @plot3d_com.pro plot3d_options ; Set Defaults if size(/type,tbindata) ne 8 || max(tbindata.valid) eq 0 then begin dprint,'Invalid data' return endif if not keyword_set(units) then units='Eflux' bindata = conv_units(tbindata,units) str_element,bindata,'magf',value=magf if keyword_set(magf) then begin xyz_to_polar,magf,theta=th,phi=phi bdir = [th,phi] endif str_element,bindata,'vsw',value=vsw if n_elements(latitude) eq 0 then latitude = latitude_3d if n_elements(longitude) eq 0 then longitude = longitude_3d if n_elements(rotation) eq 0 then rotation = 0d if n_elements(smoth) eq 0 then smoth = smooth_3d if n_elements(log) eq 0 then log = logscale_3d if keyword_set(bncenter) and n_elements(bdir) eq 2 then begin latitude = bdir[0] longitude = bdir[1] if bncenter lt 0 then begin latitude = - latitude longitude = longitude + 180 endif endif n_e = struct_value( bindata,'nenergy',default = 32) nbins = bindata.nbins if keyword_set(bins) eq 0 then str_element,bindata,'bins',bins if n_elements(bins) eq (nbins*n_e) then begin if n_elements(tbins) ne nbins then tbins = total(bins,1) gt 0 bins = total(bins,2) gt 0 binsindx = where(tbins eq 0,binscnt) if binscnt eq 0 then tbins = 0 binsindx = where(bins eq 0,binscnt) if binscnt eq 0 then bins = 0 endif if n_elements(bins) ne nbins then bins = replicate(1,bindata.nbins) goodbins = where(bins,ngood) badbins = where(bins eq 0,nbad) if nbad ne 0 then bindata.data[*,badbins] = !values.f_nan triang = keyword_set(triang_3d) str_element,bindata,'map',value=ptmap if triang eq 0 then begin if keyword_set(ptmap) then begin np = dimen1(ptmap) ptmap = rotate(ptmap,7) ; this line and the next should be removed when ptmap = rotate(ptmap,5) ; the c-code is fixed ptmap = reverse(ptmap,2) ; assumes !order = 0 dprint,'Using supplied mapping' endif else begin ares = 16 ptmap = make_3dmap(bindata,64*ares,32*ares) ptmap = shift(ptmap,32*ares,0) ; map routine expects phi: -180 to 180 endelse endif ; handle ebins if n_elements(eb) eq 0 then $ ; undefined ebins start=indgen(n_e) $ else $ ; scalar or 1-D ebins start=eb ; handle sum_ebins if keyword_set(seb) eq 0 then $ ; SUM_EBINS keyword not set seb=1 $ else begin if n_elements(seb) gt 1 and (n_elements(seb) ne n_elements(eb)) then begin message,'if SUM_EBINS is an array, it must have same dimensions'+ $ ' as EBINS.' endif endelse ; get stop bins stop = start + seb - 1 n_p = dimen1(start) ; number of plots stacking= [ [1,1], [1,1], [1,2], [2,2], [2,2], [2,3], [2,3], $ [3,3], [3,3], [3,3], [3,4], [3,4], [3,4], [3,5], [3,5], $ [3,5], [4,4], [4,5], [4,5], [4,5], [4,5], [5,5], [5,5], $ [5,5], [5,5], [5,5], [5,6], [5,6], [5,6], [5,6], [5,6], $ [6,6], [6,6], [6,6], [6,6], [6,6], [6,6], [6,7], [6,7], $ [6,7], [6,7], [6,7], [6,7], [7,7], [7,7], [7,7], [7,7], $ [7,7], [7,7], [7,7], [7,8], [7,8], [7,8], [7,8], [7,8], $ [7,8], [7,8], [8,8], [8,8], [8,8], [8,8], [8,8], [8,8], $ [8,8], [8,8]] if n_elements(stack) ne 2 then stack=stacking[*,n_p] if not keyword_set(noerase) then noerase = 0 else noerase = 1 if not keyword_set(row_major) then row_major = 0 else row_major = 1 !p.multi=[noerase,stack[0],stack[1],0,row_major] if !p.charsize ne 0 then charsize = !p.charsize else charsize = 1 !y.omargin = [1,4] !x.omargin = [0,6] if !p.multi(1) gt 2 or !p.multi(2) gt 2 then begin ; charsize = !p.charsize *2 !y.omargin = !y.omargin * 2 !x.omargin = !x.omargin * 2 endif xposmax = 0. yposmax = 0. yposmin = 1. for plot_num=0,n_p-1 do begin e1 = start[plot_num] en1 = total(bindata.energy[e1,*])/n_elements(bindata.energy[e1,*]) e2 = stop[plot_num] en2 = total(bindata.energy[e2,*])/n_elements(bindata.energy[e2,*]) if e1 ne e2 then begin ttl = string(en1)+' - '+string(en2)+' eV' endif else begin ttl = strcompress(string(en1,format='(F12.1)')+' eV', $ /remove_all) endelse ttl=strcompress(ttl) if keyword_set(subtitle) then ttl = subtitle[plot_num] nsteps = e2-e1+1 mapname = strlowcase(strmid(mapname_3d,0,3)) if keyword_set(setlim) then begin map_set, latitude,longitude,0., /WHOLE_MAP, $ /noerase, $ MOLL = mapname eq 'mol' , $ CYLIN = mapname eq 'cyl' , $ ORTHO = mapname eq 'ort' , $ AITOFF= mapname eq 'ait' , $ LAMBERT=mapname eq 'lam' , $ GNOMIC =mapname eq 'gno' , $ MERCATO=mapname eq 'mer' , $ LIMIT=plot_limits , $ TITLE=ttl, $ charsize = charsize, $ XMARGIN=[1,1], YMARGIN=[1,1], noborder=noborder return endif data = total(bindata.data[e1:e2,*],1) ; sum over energies if keyword_set(zrange) then range = zrange[*] $ else begin range = minmax(data[goodbins],/pos) endelse if keyword_set(triang) then begin ; data = total(bindata.data(e1:e2,*),1) ; sum over energies ; range = minmax(data(goodbins),/pos) theta = total(bindata.theta[e1:e2,*],1)/nsteps phi = total(bindata.phi[e1:e2,*],1)/nsteps if keyword_set(tbins) then ind = where(tbins ne 0) $ else ind = where(finite(theta) and finite(phi)) if ind[0] eq -1 then goto, contu data = data[ind] theta = theta[ind] phi = phi[ind] triangulate,phi,theta,fvalue=data,sphere=sphere,/degrees image = trigrid(data,sphere=sphere,[2.,2.],[-180.,-90.,178.,90.],/deg) image = bytescale(image,log=log, range=range,zero=zero) endif else begin ; data = total(bindata.data(e1:e2,*),1) ; sum over energies ; range = minmax(data(goodbins)) data = [!values.f_nan,data] ; data = [0.,data] data = data[ptmap+1] ; make 2-dimensional if( keyword_set(smoth)) then begin dim = dimen(data) * 1*smoth ; increase the dimensions data = rebin(data,dim[0],dim[1]) data = smooth_periodic(data,smoth) endif image = bytescale(data,log=log, range=range,zero=zero) image = congrid(image,360,180) ; assumes !order eq 0 endelse mapname = strlowcase(strmid(mapname_3d,0,3)) map_set, latitude,longitude,rotation, /advance, /WHOLE_MAP, $ MOLL = mapname eq 'mol' , $ CYLIN = mapname eq 'cyl' , $ ORTHO = mapname eq 'ort' , $ AITOFF= mapname eq 'ait' , $ LAMBERT=mapname eq 'lam' , $ GNOMIC =mapname eq 'gno' , $ MERCATO=mapname eq 'mer' , $ LIMIT=plot_limits , $ TITLE=ttl, $ charsize = charsize, $ XMARGIN=[1,1], YMARGIN=[1,1], noborder = noborder new = map_image(image,sx,sy,xsize,ysize, $ COMPRESS=compress_3d, BILIN=0) ; new = map_patch(image,xstart=sx,ystart=sy,xsize=xsize,ysize=ysize) tv,new,sx,sy,xsize=xsize,ysize=ysize,order=0 if n_elements(bdir) eq 2 then begin ; draw mag field plots,bdir[1],bdir[0],psym=1 plots,bdir[1]+180,-bdir[0],psym=4 endif if n_elements(vsw) then begin xyz_to_polar,vsw,theta=th,phi=ph plots,ph,th,psym=2 endif else plots,179.99,0.,psym=2 ; draw the sun. if keyword_set(grid_3d) then map_grid,londel=grid_3d[0],latdel=grid_3d[1] str_element,opts,'plot3d_proc',value=proc3d str_element,bindata,'plot3d_proc',value=proc3d if keyword_set(proc3d) then begin proc = '' if ndimen(proc3d) eq 0 then proc=proc3d else begin if plot_num lt n_elements(proc3d) then proc = proc3d[plot_num] endelse if keyword_set(proc) then call_procedure,proc,bindata,en2,plot_num endif if keyword_set(labs) then begin lab=strcompress(indgen(nbins),/rem) colorcode = [!p.background,!p.color] xyouts,phi,theta,lab,align=.5,COLOR=colorcode[bins] endif ;map_grid,/label,latdel =45,londel=45,CHARSIZE=charsize ;map_continents if xposmax lt !x.window(1) then xposmax=!x.window(1) if yposmax lt !y.window(1) then yposmax=!y.window(1) if yposmin gt !y.window(1) then yposmin=!y.window(0) contu: endfor if keyword_set(notitle) then ttl = '' else $ if not keyword_set(title) then begin str_element,bindata,'trange',trange if not keyword_set(trange) then trange=[bindata.time,bindata.end_time] ttl = bindata.project_name+' '+bindata.data_name ; ttl =ttl+'!C'+ trange_str(bindata.time,bindata.end_time) ttl =ttl+'!C'+ trange_str(trange) endif else ttl = title tcharsize = 1.25 * charsize titleheight = tcharsize * float(!d.y_ch_size)/!d.y_size xyouts, 0.5,1.-titleheight,ttl,/normal,alignment=.5,charsize=tcharsize time_stamp !p.multi = 0 !y.omargin=0 !x.omargin=0 space = charsize * float(!d.x_ch_size)/!d.x_size pos =[xposmax+space,yposmin,xposmax+3*space,yposmax] if not keyword_set(nocolorbar) then $ draw_color_scale,range=range,pos=pos,chars=charsize return end