This page was created by the IDL library routine
Last modified: Wed Jun 12 10:49:46 2024.
Warning: This routine is deprecated. Use the TFORMAT keyword to time_double/time_struct instead FUNCTION str2time(string, informat=string) INPUT: scalar string. Returns seconds since 1970 given virtually any input string. (Assumes the string is GMT) The user should specify the input order of Year, Month, Date, hour, min, second is with INFORMAT keyword INFORMAT should be a 6 character string: "YMDhms" specifies Year/Mon/Date-hour:minute:second examples: time = str2time(systime(),informat='MDhmsY') time = str2time('tue, 04 jul 2006 19:00:04 gmt',informat='DMYhms') Written by Davin Larson - 2007 This routine is deprecated. Use the TFORMAT keyword to time_double/time_struct instead
(See general/misc/time/deprecated/