This page was created by the IDL library routine
Last modified: Wed Jun 12 10:49:46 2024.
Procedure: agsm2gse Purpose: Converts between aberrated GSM coordinates and GSE coordinates Inputs: in_data: structure containing data to be transformed in AGSM coordinates Output: out_data: structure containing the transformed data in GSE coordinates Keywords: sw_velocity (optional): vector containing solar wind velocity data, [Vx, Vy, Vz] in GSE coordinates rotation_angle (optional): angle to rotate about the Z axis to point into the solar wind (degrees) Notes: Either the solar wind velocity (/sw_velocity) or rotation angle (/rotation_angle) keyword needs to be defined to do the transformation Examples: In the following example, the data to be transformed into GSE coordinates is in a standard tplot variable named 'position_agsm'. get_data, 'position_agsm', data=position_agsm ; load solar wind velocity data using OMNI (GSE coordinates, km/s) omni_hro_load, varformat=['Vx', 'Vy', 'Vz'] ; remove NaNs from the solar wind velocity tdeflag, ['OMNI_HRO_1min_Vx', 'OMNI_HRO_1min_Vy', 'OMNI_HRO_1min_Vz'], 'remove_nan' ; get the IDL structures containing the velocity components get_data, 'OMNI_HRO_1min_Vx_deflag', data=Vx_data get_data, 'OMNI_HRO_1min_Vy_deflag', data=Vy_data get_data, 'OMNI_HRO_1min_Vz_deflag', data=Vz_data option 1: ; do the transformation to aberrated GSM (aGSM) using a rotation angle agsm2gse, position_agsm, gse_pos_from_angle, rotation_angle=4.0 option 2: ; do the transformation to aberrated GSM (aGSM) using solar wind velocity loaded from OMNI agsm2gse, position_agsm, gse_pos_from_vel, sw_velocity = [[Vx_data.Y], [Vy_data.Y], [Vz_data.Y]] $LastChangedBy: egrimes $ $LastChangedDate: 2018-02-05 14:11:03 -0800 (Mon, 05 Feb 2018) $ $LastChangedRevision: 24646 $ $URL: svn+ssh:// $
(See general/cotrans/
procedure: cotrans, name_in, name_out [, time] Purpose: geophysical coordinate transformations GEI<-->GSE; GSE<-->GSM; GSM<-->SM; GEI<-->GEO; GEO<-->MAG; GEI<-->J2000; interpolates the spinphase, right ascension, declination updates coord_sys attribute of output tplot variable. inputs name_in ... data in the input coordinate system (t-plot variable name, or array) name_out ... variable name for output (t-plot variable name, or array) time ... optional input: array of times for input values, if provided then the first parameter is an array, and the second parameter is a named variable to contain the output array. keywords: TRANSFORMATIONS /GEI2GSE /GSE2GEI /GSE2GSM /GSM2GSE /GSM2SM /SM2GSM /GEI2GEO /GEO2GEI /GEO2MAG /MAG2GEO /GEI2J2000 /J20002GEI /IGNORE_DLIMITS: set so it won't require the coordinate system of the input tplot variable to match the coordinate system from which the data is being converted Examples: cotrans,'tha_fgl_gse','tha_fgl_gsm',/GSE2GSM cotrans,'tha_fgl_gsm','tha_fgl_gse',/GSM2GSE cotrans,'tha_fgl_gse','tha_fgl_gei',/GSE2GEI cotrans,'tha_fgl_gei','tha_fgl_gse',/GEI2GSE cotrans,'tha_fgl_gsm','tha_fgl_sm',/GSM2SM cotrans,'tha_fgl_sm','tha_fgl_gsm',/SM2GSM Notes: under construction!! clrussell, 03-30-12, added GEO2MAG and MAG2GEO conversions Written by: Hannes Schwarzl & Patrick Cruce( $LastChangedBy: egrimes $ $LastChangedDate: 2015-09-22 08:59:06 -0700 (Tue, 22 Sep 2015) $ $LastChangedRevision: 18869 $ $URL: svn+ssh:// $
(See general/cotrans/
Function: COTRANS_GET_COORD Purpose: determine the coordinate system of data by examining the contents of it's DLIMIT structure. Calling Sequence: tplot_var = 'tha_eff' get_data, tplot_var, data=d, limit=l, dlimit=dl coord = cotrans_get_coord( dl) ; -- or -- coord = cotrans_get_coord('tha_eff') Arguements: DL, Anonymous STRUCT, or tplot variable name. Notes: None. $LastChangedBy: kenb-mac $ $LastChangedDate: 2007-05-01 15:11:55 -0700 (Tue, 01 May 2007) $ $LastChangedRevision: 622 $ $URL $
(See general/cotrans/
procedure: subGSE2GEI Purpose: transforms data from GSE to GEI INPUTS: TIMES as time_struct, DATA_in as nx3 array keywords: Example: Notes: under construction!! will run faster in the near future!! $URL $
(See general/cotrans/
procedure: subGSE2GSM Purpose: transforms data from GSE to GSM INPUTS: TIMES as time_struct, DATA_in as nx3 array keywords: Example: Notes: under construction!! will run faster in the near future!!
(See general/cotrans/
procedure: subGSM2GSE Purpose: transforms data from GSM to GSE INPUTS: TIMES as time_struct, DATA_in as nx3 array keywords: Example: Notes: under construction!! will run faster in the near future!!
(See general/cotrans/
procedure: subGSM2SM Purpose: transforms data from GSM to SM INPUTS: TIMES as time_struct, DATA_in as nx3 array keywords: Example: Notes: under construction!!
(See general/cotrans/
procedure: subSM2GSM Purpose: transforms data from SM to GSM INPUTS: TIMES as time_struct, DATA_in as nx3 array keywords: Example: Notes: under construction!!
(See general/cotrans/
procedure: subGEI2GEO Purpose: transforms data from GEI to GEO INPUTS: TIMES as time_struct, DATA_in as nx3 array keywords: Example: Notes: under construction!!
(See general/cotrans/
procedure: subGEO2GEI Purpose: transforms data from GEO to GEI INPUTS: TIMES as time_struct, DATA_in as nx3 array keywords: Example: Notes: under construction!!
(See general/cotrans/
procedure: subGEO2MAG Purpose: transforms data from GEO to MAG INPUTS: TIMES as time_struct, DATA_in as nx3 array keywords: Example: Notes: under construction!!
(See general/cotrans/
procedure: subMAG2GEO Purpose: transforms data from MAG to GEO INPUTS: TIMES as time_struct, DATA_in as nx3 array keywords: Example: Notes: under construction!!
(See general/cotrans/
procedure: csundir_vect Purpose: calculates the direction of the sun (vectorized version of csundir from ROCOTLIB by Patrick Robert) INPUTS: integer time output : gst greenwich mean sideral time (radians) slong longitude along ecliptic (radians) sra right ascension (radians) sdec declination of the sun (radians) obliq inclination of Earth's axis (radians) Notes: under construction!!
(See general/cotrans/
pro sub_GSE2aGSM Purpose: transforms data from GSE to aberrated GSM coordinates keywords: /aGSM2GSE : inverse transformation Example: sub_GSE2aGSM,tha_fglc_gse,tha_fglc_agsm sub_GSE2aGSM,tha_fglc_agsm,tha_fglc_gse,/aGSM2GSE Notes: Same as sub_GSE2GSM, with "aberrated GSM" in the output message. The actual aberration occurs in the higher level routine, gse2agsm $LastChangedBy: nikos $ $LastChangedDate: 2020-07-14 19:02:59 -0700 (Tue, 14 Jul 2020) $ $LastChangedRevision: 28890 $ $URL: svn+ssh:// $
(See general/cotrans/
procedure: tgeigse_vect Purpose: GEI to GSE transformation (vectorized version of tgeigse from ROCOTLIB by Patrick Robert) Notes: under construction!!
(See general/cotrans/
procedure: tgsegei_vect Purpose: GSE to GEI transformation (vectorized version of tgsegei from ROCOTLIB by Patrick Robert) Notes: under construction!!
(See general/cotrans/
procedure: tgsegsm_vect Purpose: GSE to GSM transformation (vectorized version of tgsegsm from ROCOTLIB by Patrick Robert) Notes: under construction!!
(See general/cotrans/
procedure: tgsmgse_vect Purpose: GSM to GSE transformation (vectorized version of tgsmgse from ROCOTLIB by Patrick Robert) Notes: under construction!!
(See general/cotrans/
procedure: tgsmsm_vect Purpose: GSM to SM transformation (vectorized version of tgsmsma from ROCOTLIB by Patrick Robert) Notes: under construction!!
(See general/cotrans/
procedure: tsmgsm_vect Purpose: SM to GSM transformation (vectorized version of tsmagsm from ROCOTLIB by Patrick Robert) Notes: under construction!!
(See general/cotrans/
procedure: cdipdir_vect Purpose: calls cdipdir from ROCOTLIB in a vectorized environment Notes: under construction!!; faster algorithm (for loop across all points avoided) Hannes 05/25/2007 $URL $
(See general/cotrans/
procedure: cdipdir Purpose: cdipdir from ROCOTLIB. direction of Earth's magnetic axis in GEO Notes: under construction!!
(See general/cotrans/
PROCEDURE cotrans_lib Loads the cotrans_lib library and sets configurations. USAGE Call cotrans_lib at the beginning of any routine that needs to use any cotrans_lib routines, to ensure that they are compiled. Configurations are valid until the next call to cotrans_lib. KEYWORDS /nolimit_igrf configure cotrans_lib to remove the arbitrary 5-year limit on extrapolation of IGRF model. This also isolates dprint code. NOTE: the configuration will be reset to 0 if cotrans_lib is called without keywords. This is for backwards compatibility: any routine that calls cotrans_lib without keywords will get the standard behavior, regardless of how cotrans_lib was previously configured. Note: Use this keyword at your own risk - extrapolating these coefficients too far into the future can produce non-physical results Written by Hannes Leinweber Modified by Ken Bromund: added /nolimit_igrf configuration
(See general/cotrans/
pro sub_GSE2GSM Purpose: transforms data from GSE to GSM keywords: /GSM2GSE : inverse transformation Example: sub_GSE2GSM,tha_fglc_gse,tha_fglc_gsm sub_GSE2GSM,tha_fglc_gsm,tha_fglc_gse,/GSM2GSE Notes: under construction!! will run faster in the near future!! Written by Hannes Schwarzl
(See general/cotrans/
pro: sub_GEI2GSE Purpose: transforms THEMIS fluxgate magnetometer data from GEI to GSE keywords: /GSE2GEI : inverse transformation Example: sub_GEI2GSE,tha_fglc_gei,tha_fglc_gse sub_GEI2GSE,tha_fglc_gse,tha_fglc_gei,/GSE2GEI Notes: under construction!! will run faster in the near future!!
(See general/cotrans/
pro sub_GSM2SM Purpose: transforms data from GSM to SM keywords: /SM2GSM : inverse transformation Example: sub_GSM2SM,tha_fglc_gsm,tha_fglc_sm sub_GSM2SM,tha_fglc_sm,tha_fglc_gsm,/SM2GSM Notes: under construction!! will run faster in the near future!!
(See general/cotrans/
pro sub_GEI2GEO Purpose: transforms data from GEI to GEO keywords: /GEO2GEI : inverse transformation Example: sub_GEI2GEO,tha_fglc_gei,tha_fglc_geo sub_GEI2GEO,tha_fglc_geo,tha_fglc_gei,/GEO2GEI Notes:
(See general/cotrans/
pro sub_GEO2MAG Purpose: transforms data from GEO to MAG keywords: /MAG2GEO : inverse transformation Example: sub_GEO2MAG,tha_fglc_geo,tha_fglc_mag sub_GEO2MAG,tha_fglc_mag,tha_fglc_geo,/MAG2GEO Notes:
(See general/cotrans/
proceddure: subGEI2J2000 Purpose: transforms data from GEI TOD to J2000 INPUTS: TIMES as time_struct, DATA_in as nx3 array keywords: Example:
(See general/cotrans/
procedure: subJ20002GEI Purpose: transforms data from J2000 to GEI TOD INPUTS: TIMES as time_struct, DATA_in as nx3 array keywords: Example:
(See general/cotrans/
pro: sub_GEI2J2000 Purpose: transforms data from GEI to J2000 keywords: /J20002GEI : inverse transformation
(See general/cotrans/
proceddure: subGEI2GSE Purpose: transforms data from GEI to GSE INPUTS: TIMES as time_struct, DATA_in as nx3 array keywords: Example: Notes: under construction!! will run faster in the near future!!
(See general/cotrans/
Function: COTRANS_SET_COORD Purpose: set the coordinate system of data by setting the data_att structure of its DLIMIT structure. Calling Sequence: tplot_var = 'tha_eff' get_data, tplot_var, data=d, limit=l, dlimit=dl coord = cotrans_set_coord, dl, 'gei' store_data, tplot_var, data=d, limit=l, dlimit=dl Arguements: DL, Anonymous STRUCT. Notes: None. $LastChangedBy: kenb-mac $ $LastChangedDate: 2007-08-01 22:08:30 -0700 (Wed, 01 Aug 2007) $ $LastChangedRevision: 1318 $ $URL $
(See general/cotrans/
NAME: geo2mag PURPOSE: Convert from geographic to geomagnetic coordinates CALLING SEQUENCE: geo2mag, data_in, data_out, time INPUT: time = an array [n] of double precision time in seconds from 1970-Jan-01/00:00:00.000 data_in = an array [n,3] of position data in km. in GEO coordinates or a tplot variable KEYWORD INPUTS: None OUTPUT: data_out = an array [n,3] of the input data in MAG coordinates EXAMPLE: if data_in is a tplot variable: IDL> geo2mag, data_in, data_out otherwise: IDL> geo2mag, data_in, data_out, time NOTES: The algorithm and rotational matrices were developed by Pascal Saint-Hilaire (, May 2002 MODIFICATION HISTORY:
(See general/cotrans/
Procedure: gse2agsm Purpose: Converts between GSE coordinates and aberrated GSM coordinates Inputs: in_data: structure containing data to be transformed in GSE coordinates Output: out_data: structure containing the transformed data in aberrated GSM coordinates Keywords: sw_velocity (optional): vector containing solar wind velocity data, [Vx, Vy, Vz] in GSE coordinates rotation_angle (optional): angle to rotate about the Z axis to point into the solar wind (degrees) Notes: Either the solar wind velocity (/sw_velocity) or rotation angle (/rotation_angle) keyword needs to be defined to do the transformation Examples: In the following example, the data to be transformed into aGSM coordinates is in a standard tplot variable named 'position_gse'. get_data, 'position_gse', data=position_gse ; load solar wind velocity data using OMNI (GSE coordinates, km/s) omni_hro_load, varformat=['Vx', 'Vy', 'Vz'] ; remove NaNs from the solar wind velocity tdeflag, ['OMNI_HRO_1min_Vx', 'OMNI_HRO_1min_Vy', 'OMNI_HRO_1min_Vz'], 'remove_nan' ; get the IDL structures containing the velocity components get_data, 'OMNI_HRO_1min_Vx_deflag', data=Vx_data get_data, 'OMNI_HRO_1min_Vy_deflag', data=Vy_data get_data, 'OMNI_HRO_1min_Vz_deflag', data=Vz_data option 1: ; do the transformation to aberrated GSM (aGSM) using a rotation angle gse2agsm, position_gse, agsm_pos_from_angle, rotation_angle=4.0 option 2: ; do the transformation to aberrated GSM (aGSM) using solar wind velocity loaded from OMNI gse2agsm, position_gse, agsm_pos_from_vel, sw_velocity = [[Vx_data.Y], [Vy_data.Y], [Vz_data.Y]] $LastChangedBy: egrimes $ $LastChangedDate: 2018-02-05 14:11:03 -0800 (Mon, 05 Feb 2018) $ $LastChangedRevision: 24646 $ $URL: svn+ssh:// $
(See general/cotrans/
procedure: hdz2geo Purpose: Coordinate transformation between HDZ coordinates & GEO coordinates HDZ is defined as: H = horizontal field strength, in the plane formed by Z and GEO graphic north D = field strength in the Z x X direction in nT Z = downward field strength H should be a projection onto a basis vector pointing north from station in nT D should be a projection onto a basis vector perpendicular to H in the horizontal plane. Total field strength should be sqrt(H^2+D^2+Z^2) not sqrt(H^2+Z^2) D must be in nT not degrees GEO is defined as: X = Vector parallel to vector pointing outward at the intersection of the equatorial plane and the 0 degree longitudinal meridean(Greenwich Meridean) Y = Z x X Z = Vector parallel to orbital Axis of Earth Pointing northward. inputs: data_in: Name of input tplot variable to be transformed, or Nx3 array of data for transformation. If no tplot variable is specific latitude and longitude must be set. data_out: Name of tplot variable in which to store output. If this is a named variable and not a string, output data will instead be returned in variable. latitude: latitude of the HDZ station, must be set if data_in is not tplot variable, or latitude and longitude not stored in dlimit.data_att or dlimit.cdf.vatt longitude: longitude of the HDZ station, must be set if data_in is not tplot variable, or latitude and longitude not stored in dlimit.data_att or dlimit.cdf.vatt geo2hdz: If set, performs inverse transformation from GEO to HDZ error: Set to named variable that will return 1 if an error occurs and 0 otherwise rotation_matrix: Returns the rotation matrix that will be used to transform keywords: /SSE2GSE inverse transformation /IGNORE_DLIMITS: Dlimits normally used to determine if coordinate system is correct, to decide if position needs offset, or to stop incorrect transforms. This option will stop this behavior. Examples: hdz2geo,hdz_arr_in,geo_arr_out,latitude=60.4,longitude=173.6 hdz2geo,'in_tvar_name_hdz','out_tvar_name_geo' hdz2geo,'in_tvar_name_geo','out_tvar_name_hdz',/geo2hdz ;inverse transformation Notes: #1 HDZ coordinates only make sense relative to a location, assumedly a ground station(gmag) #2 Specific latitude and longitude keywords must be set if: (1) data_in is not a tplot variable name -OR- (2) tplot variable named by data_in does not specific site_latitude & site_longitude in dlimits #3 If latitude or longitude keywords are set, these values will be used, not dlimit values. #4 This transformation is a first order approximation. It treats the earth as if it is a true sphere, ignoring distortions due to the fact that the earth is actually an oblate spheroid. Written by Patrick Cruce( $LastChangedBy: pcruce $ $LastChangedDate: 2010-03-29 15:27:35 -0700 (Mon, 29 Mar 2010) $ $LastChangedRevision: 7445 $ $URL: svn+ssh:// $
(See general/cotrans/
NAME: PURPOSE: Convert from geomagnetic to geographic coordinates CALLING SEQUENCE: mag2geo, data_in, data_out, time INPUT: data_in = an [n,3] element array of position data in km and in MAG coordinates or a tplot variable time = an n-element array containing double precision time values corresponding to the points in data_in KEYWORD INPUTS: None OUTPUT: data_out = an [n,3] element array of position data in km in newly transformed GEO coordinates EXAMPLE: if data_in is a tplot variable: IDL> mag2geo, data_in, data_out otherwise: IDL> mag2geo, data_in, data_out, time NOTES: The algorithm and rotational matrices were developed by Pascal Saint-Hilaire (, May 2002 MODIFICATION HISTORY:
(See general/cotrans/
FUNCTION: sm2mlt PURPOSE: Converts a Cartesian vector in SM coordinates to Magnetic Local Time (MLT) $LastChangedBy: egrimes $ $LastChangedDate: 2016-01-21 13:42:42 -0800 (Thu, 21 Jan 2016) $ $LastChangedRevision: 19770 $ $URL: svn+ssh:// $
(See general/cotrans/
Procedure: spd_cotrans_update_dlimits Purpose: This routine will replace coordinate plot labels only in the dlimits. If the coordinate name is clearly delineated, so that it will not accidentally modify substrings that look like coordinate names Notes: $LastChangedBy: egrimes $ $LastChangedDate: 2016-10-27 12:25:53 -0700 (Thu, 27 Oct 2016) $ $LastChangedRevision: 22221 $ $URL: svn+ssh:// $
(See general/cotrans/
Procedure: spd_cotrans_validate_transform Purpose: Helper function to call when moving to/from non-inertial frames. A warning is printed if the variables metadata denotes it as a velocity. Notes: $LastChangedBy: aaflores $ $LastChangedDate: 2015-12-08 21:21:58 -0800 (Tue, 08 Dec 2015) $ $LastChangedRevision: 19549 $ $URL: svn+ssh:// $
(See general/cotrans/
SPD_GET_NUT_ANGLES_VEC Vectorized version of spd_get_nut_angles from History: 2016-02-10 - Optimized to reduce memory spike for large data sets (combined a few lines and added temporary() calls) $LastChangedBy: aaflores $ $LastChangedDate: 2016-02-10 12:59:53 -0800 (Wed, 10 Feb 2016) $ $LastChangedRevision: 19928 $ $URL: svn+ssh:// $
(See general/cotrans/
SPD_MAKE_J2000_MATRIX_VEC Vectorized version0 of spd_make_j2000_matrix_vec from $LastChangedBy: nikos $ $LastChangedDate: 2018-06-11 13:13:02 -0700 (Mon, 11 Jun 2018) $ $LastChangedRevision: 25346 $ $URL: svn+ssh:// $
(See general/cotrans/
Procedure: spd_set_coord Purpose: Set coordinates of tplot variable Calling Sequence: spd_set_coord, tplotnames, coord Input: tplotnames: List of tplot variables coord: New coordinate system, e.g. 'gse', 'gsm' If not defined "unknown" will be used Output: none, alters dlimits.data_att.coord_sys Notes: $LastChangedBy: aaflores $ $LastChangedDate: 2016-05-25 18:14:39 -0700 (Wed, 25 May 2016) $ $LastChangedRevision: 21213 $ $URL: svn+ssh:// $
(See general/cotrans/
procedure: spg2ssl Purpose: coordinate transformation SPG<-->SSL; inputs name_thx_xxx_in ... data in the input coordinate system (t-plot variable name) name_thx_xxx_out ... name for output (t-plot variable name) keywords: probe : explicitly specify a probe, rather than inferring from tplot name TRANSFORMATIONS /SSL2SPG inverse transformation /IGNORE_DLIMITS if the specified from coord is different from the coord system labeled in the dlimits structure of the tplot variable setting this keyword prevents an error Example: spg2ssl,'tha_fgl_spg','tha_fgl_ssl' spg2ssl,'tha_fgl_ssl','tha_fgl_spg',/SSL2SPG Notes: under construction!! Written by Hannes Schwarzl $LastChangedBy: kenb-mac $ $LastChangedDate: 2007-05-05 10:29:05Z $ $LastChangedRevision: 645 $ $URL: svn+ssh:// $
(See general/cotrans/
PROCEDURE: tgsm2mlt PURPOSE: Allows a user to convert position data in a tplot variable into a tplot variable containing MLT data INPUT: in_varname: tplot name of position variable in GSM coordinates out_varname: name of the tplot variable to store the MLT data in KEYWORDS: mlat: name of the tplot variable to store the magnetic latitude data in NOTES: Works on MMS position variables loaded from FGM files (which include the magnitude of the vector as the 4-th component) $LastChangedBy: egrimes $ $LastChangedDate: 2016-01-21 14:59:30 -0800 (Thu, 21 Jan 2016) $ $LastChangedRevision: 19772 $ $URL: svn+ssh:// $
(See general/cotrans/