;+ ;NAME: ; ttensor_rotate ;PURPOSE: ; Wrapper for tvector_rotate, to allow rotation of pressure and ; momentum flux tensors defined as ntimes, 6 arrays ; CALLING SQEUENCE: (same as tvector_rotate) ; Using tplot variables: ; ttensor_rotate, 'matrix_var', 'tensor_var' [,newname='out_var'] ; [,invert=invert] [,suffix=suffix] [,error=error] ; [,/vector_skip_nonmonotonic] ; [,/matrix_skip_nonmonotonic] ; ;Arguments: ; mat_var_in: The name of the tplot variable storing input matrices ; The y component of the tplot variable's data struct should be ; an Mx3x3 array, storing a list of transformation matrices. ; tens_var_in: The name of tplot variable(s) storing a pressure or mf tensor ; The y component of the tplot variable's data ; struct should be an Nx6 array. ; newname(optional): the name of the output variable, defaults to ; tens_var_in + '_rot' ; Newname should only be used if a single tensor ; variable is rotated ; suffix: The suffix to be appended to the tplot variable(s) ; (Default: '_rot') ; error(optional): named variable in which to return the error state ; of the computation. 1 = success 0 = failure ;NOTES: the program will change the input tensor or tplot variable(s) ; to mx3x3 inputs suitable for tvector_rotate and reset at the end ;SEE ALSO: tvector_rotate.pro, mva_matrix_make.pro, ; fac_matrix_make.pro,rxy_matrix_make ; $LastChangedBy: jimm $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2019-02-05 15:58:04 -0800 (Tue, 05 Feb 2019) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 26557 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_6_1/general/cotrans/special/ttensor_rotate.pro $ ;- Pro ttensor_rotate, mat_var_in, tens_var_in, newname=newname, $ invert=invert,suffix=suffix,error=error, $ vector_skip_nonmonotonic = vector_skip_nonmonotonic,$ matrix_skip_nonmonotonic = matrix_skip_nonmonotonic mat_var = tnames(mat_var_in) tens_var = tnames(tens_var_in) ;Subscripts for returning tensor to 3x3 map3x3 = [[0,3,4],[3,1,5],[4,5,2]] ;subscripts for creating 6 element tensor from 3x3 symmetric tensor mapt = [0,4,8,1,2,5] ;check data variables, if the array is nx6, then reform to 3x3 and ;process If(~is_string(mat_var) || ~is_string(tens_var)) Then Begin dprint, 'Invalid rotation matrix variable or tensor variable' Return Endif ntens = n_elements(tens_var) For j = 0, ntens-1 Do Begin get_data, tens_var[j], data = t If(~is_struct(t)) Then Begin dprint, dlevel=2, tens_var[j]+' has no data' Continue Endif nyt = n_elements(t.y[0,*]) If(nyt Eq 6) Then Begin ;Do the rotation nx = n_elements(t.y[*,0]) tynew = replicate(t.y[0,0], nx, 3, 3) & tynew[*] = 0 For k = 0, nx-1 Do tynew[k, *, *] = t.y[k, map3x3] store_data, tens_var[j], data = {x:t.x, y:tynew} ;Catch tvector rotate errors here errj = 0 catch, errj If(errj Ne 0) Then Begin errj = 0 catch, /cancel dprint, 'Error Caught, resetting '+tens_var[j] ;Reset original tensor to nX6, and continue If(is_struct(t)) Then Begin store_data, tens_var[j], data = t undefine, t Endif Continue Endif tvector_rotate, mat_var, tens_var[j], $ newname=newname,suffix=suffix,$ vector_skip_nonmonotonic=vector_skip_nonmonotonic,$ matrix_skip_nonmonotonic=matrix_skip_nonmonotonic,$ error=error,invert=invert,/tensor_rotate ;Convert back into ntimesX6 arrays If(keyword_set(newname)) Then nnew = newname $ Else If(keyword_set(suffix)) Then nnew = tens_var[j]+suffix $ Else nnew = tens_var[j]+'_rot' get_data, nnew, data = t1 If(is_struct(t1)) Then Begin nx = n_elements(t1.y[*, 0]) tynew = replicate(t1.y[0, 0], nx, 6) & tynew[*] = 0 For k = 0, nx-1 Do Begin tyk = reform(t1.y[k, *, *]) tynew[k, *] = tyk[mapt] Endfor store_data, nnew, data = {x:t1.x, y:tynew} undefine, t1, tynew Endif ;original needs to be transformed back too store_data, tens_var[j], data = t undefine, t Endif Else Begin dprint, dlevel=2, tens_var[j]+' is not an nX6 tensor variable' Endelse Endfor Return End