;+ ;PROCEDURE: TCROSSP ;Purpose: ; Vectorized routine to calculate the cross product of two tplot ; variables containing arrays of 3d vectors and storing the result ; in a tplot variable. Also, can perform vectorized cross product on ; arrays. ; ;Arguments: ; v1: The name of the tplot variable or an Nx3 length array storing the first vector in the cross product ; ; v2: The name of the tplot variable or an Nx3 length array storing the second vector in the ; cross product ; ; newname(optional): the name of the output tplot variable ; ; error(optional): named variable in which to return error state of ; the computation. 1 = success 0 = failure ; ; diff_tsize_ok = if set, allows the arrays to have a different number ; of elements in time, uses data_cut, which ; interpolates the data in v2 to the number of times ; given by v1 ; multiplier: scale factor to multiply by ; Outputs(optional): ; out: ; Returns output in array format, if this argument is present, no tplot variable will be created ; ; Example: ; TPLOT; ; tcrossp,'tvarname1','tvarname2' ; Array: ; tcrossp,array_2d_1,array_2d_2,out=array_output ; ;NOTES: ;---> its not really clear how the dlimits should be set in the ;output from this function...at the moment the output variable just ;inherits from v1 ;---> Time data from v1 will also be inherited for the output variable, unless v1 is an array ; ;---> The dimensions of v1 and v2 must match or an error will be thrown ; ;---> Arguments can be mixed array/tplot type.(ie one array, one tplot variable) If no argument is a tplot variable, no tplot variable can be created as an argument. ; ;---> Does not currently accept multiple inputs. Can only cross two variables at a time. ; $LastChangedBy: davin-mac $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2020-03-18 19:39:21 -0700 (Wed, 18 Mar 2020) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 28439 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_6_1/general/cotrans/special/tcrossp.pro $ ;- ; pro tcrossp, v1, v2, newname = newname, error = error, out = out_d, diff_tsize_ok = diff_tsize_ok,multiplier=multiplier if n_elements(multiplier) eq 0 then multiplier = 1. if arg_present(error) then error = 0 ;input checks if n_elements(v1) eq 0 then begin dprint, 'tcrossp: argument v1 must be set' return endif if is_string(v1) || n_elements(v1) eq 1 then begin ;input v1 is a tplot variable v1_name = tnames(v1) if v1_name eq '' then begin dprint, 'tcrossp: argument v1 tplot variable must be exist' return endif get_data, v1_name, data = v1_d, dlimits = v1_dl,limits=v1_l if ~is_struct(v1_d) || ~in_set(strlowcase(tag_names(v1_d)),'y') then begin dprint,v1_name + ' has bad data' return endif data1 = v1_d.y time1 = v1_d.x endif else begin data1 = v1 v1_name = 'var1' endelse if n_elements(v2) eq 0 then begin dprint, 'tcrossp: argument v2 must be set' return endif if is_string(v2) || n_elements(v2) eq 1 then begin v2_name = tnames(v2) if v2_name eq '' then begin dprint, 'tcrossp: argument v2 must be set' return endif get_data, v2_name, data = v2_d, dlimits = v2_dl,limits=v2_l if ~is_struct(v2_d) || ~in_set(strlowcase(tag_names(v2_d)),'y') then begin dprint,v2_name + ' has bad data' return endif data2 = v2_d.y time2 = v2_d.x endif else begin v2_name = 'var2' data2 = v2 endelse if ~keyword_set(newname) then newname = v1_name+'_cross_'+v2_name v1_s = size(data1,/dimension) v2_s = size(data2,/dimension) ;make sure the number of dimensions in input arrays is correct if(n_elements(v1_s) ne 2 || n_elements(v2_s) ne 2) then begin dprint, 'tcrossp: V1 and V2 may contain only 2-d data arrays' return endif If(keyword_set(diff_tsize_ok)) Then Begin If(n_elements(time1) Eq 0 Or n_elements(time2) Eq 0) Then Begin dprint, 'Use of diff_tsize_ok keyword is only possible for input tplot variables' return Endif d2tmp = {x:time2, y:data2} data2 = data_cut(temporary(d2tmp), time1) v2_s = size(data2, /dimension) v2_d = {x:time1, y:data2} Endif ;make sure the dimensions match if(not array_equal([v1_s[0],3],v2_s)) then begin dprint, 'tcrossp: Dimensions of v2 incorrect' return endif if(not array_equal([v2_s[0],3],v1_s)) then begin dprint, 'tcrossp: Dimensions of v1 incorrect' return endif if is_struct(v1_d) && is_struct(v2_d) && ~array_equal(v1_d.x,v2_d.x) then begin dprint,'WARNING: time arrays do not match' endif ;the calculation(delightfully symmetric) x = multiplier* (data1[*,1] * data2[*,2] - data1[*,2] * data2[*,1]) y = multiplier* (data1[*,2] * data2[*,0] - data1[*,0] * data2[*,2]) z = multiplier* (data1[*,0] * data2[*,1] - data1[*,1] * data2[*,0]) ;stick em together as a single array out_d = [[x],[y],[z]] if ~arg_present(out_d) then begin if ~is_struct(v1_d) && ~is_struct(v2_d) then begin dprint, 'tcrossp: No tplot arguments are present, cannot construct output' return endif if is_struct(v1_d) then begin str_element,v1_d,'v',success=s if s then $ out = {x:v1_d.x, y:out_d, v:v1_d.v} $ else $ out = {x:v1_d.x, y:out_d} dl = v1_dl l = v1_l endif else begin str_element,v2_d,'v',success=s if s then $ out = {x:v2_d.x, y:out_d, v:v2_d.v} $ else $ out = {x:v2_d.x, y:out_d} dl = v2_dl l = v2_l endelse store_data, newname, data = out, dlimits = dl,limits=l endif error = 1 return end