This page was created by the IDL library routine
Last modified: Wed Jun 12 10:49:46 2024.
This class is an IDL representation of the BFieldModel element from the <a href="">Satellite Situation Center</a> (SSC) XML schema. @copyright Copyright (c) 2013-2016 United States Government as represented by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. No copyright is claimed in the United States under Title 17, U.S.Code. All Other Rights Reserved. @author B. Harris
(See external/spdfssc/
Creates an SpdfBFieldModel object. @keyword internalBFieldModel {in} {type=string} {default="IGRF"} internal magnetic field model (valid values: "IGRF", "SimpleDipole"). @keyword externalBFieldModel {in} {type=SpdfExternalBFieldModel} {default=SpdfTsyganenko89c} external magnetic field model. @keyword traceStopAltitude {in} {optional} {type=int} {default=100} stop altitude for downward tracing of field. @returns reference to an SpdfBFieldModel object.
(See external/spdfssc/
Performs cleanup operations when this object is destroyed.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the internal B field model value. @returns internal B field model value.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the external B field model. @returns a reference to the external B field model.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the trace stop altitude value. @returns trace stop altitude value.
(See external/spdfssc/
Creates an BFieldModel element using the given XML DOM document with the values of this object. @param doc {in} {type=IDLffXMLDOMDocument} document in which to create the DataRequest element. @returns a reference to a new IDLffXMLDOMElement representation of this object.
(See external/spdfssc/
Defines the SpdfBFieldModel class. @field internalBFieldModel internal B-Field model. @field externalBFieldModel external B-Field model. @field traceStopAltitude stop altitude for downward tracing of field lines.
(See external/spdfssc/
This class is an IDL representation of the BFieldTraceOptions element from the <a href="">Satellite Situation Center</a> (SSC) XML schema. @copyright Copyright (c) 2013 United States Government as represented by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. No copyright is claimed in the United States under Title 17, U.S.Code. All Other Rights Reserved. @author B. Harris
(See external/spdfssc/
Creates an SpdfBFieldTraceOptions object. @keyword coordinateSystem {in} {optional} {type=string} {default='Gse'} specifies the coordinate system is to be included in the output. @keyword hemisphere {in} {optional} {type=string} {default='North'} specifies the hemisphere to be included in the output. @keyword footpointLatitude {in} {optional} {type=boolean} {default=false} specifies whether the footpoint latitude value is to be included in the output. @keyword footpointLongitude {in} {optional} {type=boolean} {default=false} specifies whether the footpoint longitude value is to be included in the output. @keyword fieldLineLength {in} {optional} {type=boolean} {default=false} specifies whether the field line length value is to be included in the output. @returns reference to an SpdfBFieldTraceOptions object.
(See external/spdfssc/
Performs cleanup operations when this object is destroyed.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the coordinate system value. @returns coordinate system value.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the hemisphere value. @returns hemisphere value.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the footpoint latitude value. @returns footpoint latitude value.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the footpoint longitude value. @returns footpoint longitude value.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the field-line length value. @returns field-line length value.
(See external/spdfssc/
Creates an BFieldTraceOptions element using the given XML DOM document with the values of this object. @param doc {in} {type=IDLffXMLDOMDocument} document in which to create the DataRequest element. @returns a reference to a new IDLffXMLDOMElement representation of this object.
(See external/spdfssc/
Defines the SpdfBFieldTraceOptions class. @field coordinateSystem specifies whether the coordinate system is to be included in the output. @field hemisphere specifies whether the hemisphere to be included in the output. @field footpointLatitude specifies whether the footpoint latitude value is to be included in the output. @field footpointLongitude specifies whether the footpoint longitude value is to be included in the output. @field fieldLineLength specifies whether the field line length value is to be included in the output.
(See external/spdfssc/
This class is an IDL representation of the BTraceData element from the <a href="">Satellite Situation Center</a> (SSC) XML schema. @copyright Copyright (c) 2013 United States Government as represented by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. No copyright is claimed in the United States under Title 17, U.S.Code. All Other Rights Reserved. @author B. Harris
(See external/spdfssc/
Creates an SpdfBTraceData object. @param coordinateSystem {in} {type=string} coordinate system. @param hemisphere {in} {type=string} hemisphere. @keyword latitude {in} {type=fltarr} latitude values. @keyword longitude {in} {type=fltarr} longitude values. @keyword arcLength {in} {type=dblarr} arc length values. @returns reference to an SpdfBTraceData object.
(See external/spdfssc/
Performs cleanup operations when this object is destroyed.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the coordinate system value. @returns coordinate system value.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the hemisphere value. @returns hemisphere value.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the latitude values. @returns a fltarr contain latitude values or the scalar constant !values.d_NaN if there are no values.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the longitude values. @returns a fltarr contain longitude values or the scalar constant !values.d_NaN if there are no values.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the ArcLength values. @returns a dblarr contain ArcLength values or the scalar constant !values.d_NaN if there are no values.
(See external/spdfssc/
Defines the SpdfBTraceData class. @field coordinateSystem coordinate system. @field hemisphere hemisphere. @field latitude latitude values. @field longitude longitude values. @field arcLength arc length values.
(See external/spdfssc/
Defines the SpdfCoordinateData class. @field coordinateSystem coordinate system identifier. @field x X coordinate values. @field y Y coordinate values. @field z Z coordinate values. @field latitude latitude values. @field longitude longitude values. @field localTime localTime values.
(See external/spdfssc/
This class is an IDL representation of the CoordinateData element from the <a href="">Satellite Situation Center</a> (SSC) XML schema. @copyright Copyright (c) 2013 United States Government as represented by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. No copyright is claimed in the United States under Title 17, U.S.Code. All Other Rights Reserved. @author B. Harris
(See external/spdfssc/
Creates an SpdfCoordinateData object. @param coordinateSystem {in} {type=string} coordinate system (valid values: "Geo", "Gm", "Gse", "Gsm", "Sm", "GeiTod", "GeiJ2000"). @keyword x {in} {type=dblarr} X values. @keyword y {in} {type=dblarr} Y values. @keyword z {in} {type=dblarr} Z values. @keyword latitude {in} {type=fltarr} latitude values. @keyword longitude {in} {type=fltarr} longitude values. @keyword localTime {in} {type=dblarr} local time values. @returns reference to an SpdfCoordinateData object.
(See external/spdfssc/
Performs cleanup operations when this object is destroyed.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the coordinate system value. @returns the coordinate system value.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the X values. @returns a dblarr containing X values or the constant scalar !values.d_NaN if there are no values.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the Y values. @returns a dblarr containing Y values or the constant scalar !values.d_NaN if there are no values.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the Z values. @returns a dblarr containing Z values or the constant scalar !values.d_NaN if there are no values.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the latitude values. @returns a fltarr containing latitude values or the constant scalar !values.f_NaN if there are no values.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the longitude values. @returns a fltarr containing longitude values or the constant scalar !values.f_NaN if there are no values.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the local time values. @returns a fltarr containing local time values or the constant scalar !values.f_NaN if there are no values.
(See external/spdfssc/
This class is an IDL representation of the CoordinateOptions element from the <a href="">Satellite Situation Center</a> (SSC) XML schema. @copyright Copyright (c) 2013-2014 United States Government as represented by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. No copyright is claimed in the United States under Title 17, U.S.Code. All Other Rights Reserved. @author B. Harris
(See external/spdfssc/
Creates an SpdfCoordinateOptions object. @param coordinateSystem {in} {type=string} specifies the coordinateSystem. Must be one of the following values: Geo, Gm, Gse, Gsm, Sm, GeiTod, or GeiJ2000. @param component {in} {type=string} specifies the coordinate component. Must be one of the following values: X, Y, Z, Lat, Lon, or Local_Time. @returns reference to an SpdfCoordinateOptions object.
(See external/spdfssc/
Performs cleanup operations when this object is destroyed.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the coordinate system value. @returns coordinate system value.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the coordinate component value. @returns coordinate component value.
(See external/spdfssc/
Creates an CoordinateOptions element using the given XML DOM document with the values of this object. @param doc {in} {type=IDLffXMLDOMDocument} document in which to create the DataRequest element. @returns a reference to a new IDLffXMLDOMElement representation of this object.
(See external/spdfssc/
Defines the SpdfCoordinateOptions class. @field coordinateSystem specifies the coordinate system. @field component specifies the coordinate component.
(See external/spdfssc/
This class is an IDL representation of the Coordinates element from the <a href="">Satellite Situation Center</a> (SSC) XML schema. @copyright Copyright (c) 2013 United States Government as represented by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. No copyright is claimed in the United States under Title 17, U.S.Code. All Other Rights Reserved. @author B. Harris
(See external/spdfssc/
Creates an SpdfCoordinates object. @returns reference to an SpdfCoordinates object.
(See external/spdfssc/
Performs cleanup operations when this object is destroyed.
(See external/spdfssc/
Defines the (abstract) SpdfCoordinates class.
(See external/spdfssc/
This class is an IDL representation of the DistanceFromOptions element from the <a href="">Satellite Situation Center</a> (SSC) XML schema. @copyright Copyright (c) 2013 United States Government as represented by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. No copyright is claimed in the United States under Title 17, U.S.Code. All Other Rights Reserved. @author B. Harris
(See external/spdfssc/
Creates an SpdfDistanceFromOptions object. @keyword neutralSheet {in} {optional} {type=boolean} {default=false} specifies whether the distance from the neutral sheet is to be included in the output. @keyword bowShock {in} {optional} {type=boolean} {default=false} specifies whether the distance from the bow shock is to be included in the output. @keyword mPause {in} {optional} {type=boolean} {default=false} specifies whether the distance from the magneto pause is to be included in the output. @keyword bGseXYZ {in} {optional} {type=boolean} {default=false} specifies whether the B GSE X, Y, Z values is to be included in the output. @returns reference to an SpdfDistanceFromOptions object.
(See external/spdfssc/
Performs cleanup operations when this object is destroyed.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the distance from the neutral sheet value. @returns distance from the neutral sheet value.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the distance from the bow shock value. @returns distance from the bow shock value.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the distance from the magneto pause value. @returns distance from the magneto pause value.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the bGseXYZ value. @returns bGseXYZ value.
(See external/spdfssc/
Creates an DistanceFromOptions element using the given XML DOM document with the values of this object. @param doc {in} {type=IDLffXMLDOMDocument} document in which to create the DataRequest element. @returns a reference to a new IDLffXMLDOMElement representation of this object.
(See external/spdfssc/
Defines the SpdfDistanceFromOptions class. @field neutralSheet specifies whether the distance from the neutral sheet is to be included in the output. @field bowShock specifies whether the distance from the bow shock is to be included in the output. @field mPause specifies whether the distance from the magneto pause is to be included in the output. @field bGseXYZ specifies whether the B GSE X, Y, Z values are to be included in the output.
(See external/spdfssc/
This class is an IDL representation of the ExternalBFieldModel element from the <a href="">Satellite Situation Center</a> (SSC) XML schema. @copyright Copyright (c) 2013 United States Government as represented by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. No copyright is claimed in the United States under Title 17, U.S.Code. All Other Rights Reserved. @author B. Harris
(See external/spdfssc/
Creates an SpdfExternalBFieldModel object. @returns reference to an SpdfExternalBFieldModel object.
(See external/spdfssc/
Performs cleanup operations when this object is destroyed.
(See external/spdfssc/
Defines the (abstract) SpdfExternalBFieldModel class.
(See external/spdfssc/
This class is an IDL representation of the FilteredCoordinateOptions element from the <a href="">Satellite Situation Center</a> (SSC) XML schema. Note: SSC's filtering features do not support CDF output so this class is not required until this IDL library supports requests for text output. @copyright Copyright (c) 2014 United States Government as represented by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. No copyright is claimed in the United States under Title 17, U.S.Code. All Other Rights Reserved. @author B. Harris
(See external/spdfssc/
Creates an SpdfFilteredCoordinateOptions object. @param coordinateSystem {in} {type=string} specifies the coordinateSystem. Must be one of the following values: Geo, Gm, Gsm, Sm, GeiTod, or GeiJ2000. @param component {in} {type=string} specifies the coordinate component. Must be one of the following values: X, Y, Z, Lat, Lon, or Local_Time. @param filter {in} {type=SpdfLocationFilter} coordinate value filter. @returns reference to an SpdfFilteredCoordinateOptions object.
(See external/spdfssc/
Performs cleanup operations when this object is destroyed.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the filter value. @returns filter value.
(See external/spdfssc/
Creates an FilteredCoordinateOptions element using the given XML DOM document with the values of this object. @param doc {in} {type=IDLffXMLDOMDocument} document in which to create the DataRequest element. @returns a reference to a new IDLffXMLDOMElement representation of this object.
(See external/spdfssc/
Defines the SpdfFilteredCoordinateOptions class. @field filter specifies filter criteria.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the cdf value. @returns cdf value.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the linesPerPage value. @returns linesPerPage value.
(See external/spdfssc/
Creates an FormatOptions element using the given XML DOM document with the values of this object. @param doc {in} {type=IDLffXMLDOMDocument} document in which to create the DataRequest element. @returns a reference to a new IDLffXMLDOMElement representation of this object.
(See external/spdfssc/
Defines the SpdfFormatOptions class. @field dateFormat value indicating the format for date values ('yyyy_ddd', 'yy_mm_dd', 'yy_Mmm_dd', 'yy_CMMM_dd') @field timeFormat value indicating the format for time values ('hh_hhhh', 'hh_mm_ss', 'hh_mm') @field distanceFormat value indicating the format for distance values ('Re', 'Km', 'IntegerKm', 'ScientificNotationKm') @field distanceDigits integer value specifying the number of decimal digits to include when displaying distance values in scientific notation. @field degreeFormat value indicating the format for degree values ('Decimal', 'Minutes', 'MinutesSeconds') @field degreeDigits integer value specifying the number of decimal places to include when displaying degree values. @field latLonFormat value indicating the format for direction/range values ('Lat90Lon360', 'Lat90Lon180', 'Lat90SnLon180We') @field cdf boolean value indicating whether the output should be a CDF file. @field linesPerPage integer value indicating the number of lines per page for text output.
(See external/spdfssc/
This class is an IDL representation of the FormatOptions element from the <a href="">Satellite Situation Center</a> (SSC) XML schema. @copyright Copyright (c) 2014 United States Government as represented by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. No copyright is claimed in the United States under Title 17, U.S.Code. All Other Rights Reserved. @author B. Harris
(See external/spdfssc/
Creates an SpdfFormatOptions object. @keyword dateFormat {in} {optional} {type=string} {default='yyyy_ddd'} specifies the format for date values ('yyyy_ddd', 'yy_mm_dd', 'yy_Mmm_dd', 'yy_CMMM_dd') @keyword timeFormat {in} {optional} {type=string} {default='hh_hhhh'} specifies the format for time values ('hh_hhhh', 'hh_mm_ss', 'hh_mm') @keyword distanceFormat {in} {optional} {type=string} {default='Km'} specifies the units for distance values ('Re', 'Km', 'IntegerKm', 'ScientificNotationKm') @keyword distanceDigits {in} {optional} {type=int} {default=2} specifies the number of decimal places to include when displaying distance values in scientific notation. @keyword degreeFormat{in} {optional} {type=string} {default='Decimal'} specifies the format for degree values ('Decimal', 'Minutes', 'MinutesSeconds') @keyword degreeDigits {in} {optional} {type=int} {default=2} specifies the number of decimal places to include when displaying degree values. @keyword latLonFormat {in} {optional} {type=string} {default='Lat90Lon360'} specifies the format for direction/range values ('Lat90Lon360', 'Lat90Lon180', 'Lat90SnLon180We') @keyword cdf {in} {optional} {type=boolean} {default=false} boolean value indicating whether the output should be a CDF file. @keyword linesPerPage {in} {optional} {type=int} {default=55} specifies the number of lines per page for text output. @returns reference to an SpdfFormatOptions object.
(See external/spdfssc/
Performs cleanup operations when this object is destroyed.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the dateFormat value. @returns dateFormat value.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the timeFormat value. @returns timeFormat value.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the distanceFormat value. @returns distanceFormat value.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the distanceDigits value. @returns distanceDigits value.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the degreeFormat value. @returns degreeFormat value.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the degreeDigits value. @returns degreeDigits value.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the latLonFormat value. @returns latLonFormat value.
(See external/spdfssc/
Corrects the case of the given value. @private @param coordinateSystem {in} {type=string} a coordinate system identifier. @returns a coordinate system identifier with the correct (camel) case. If the input value cannot be mapped to a valid coordinate system value, then an empty string ('') is returned.
(See external/spdfssc/
This file contains a procedure-oriented wrapper to a subset of functionality from the SpdfSsc class (IDL client interface to <a href=""> Satellite Situation Center Web Services</a> (SSC WSs)) library. @copyright Copyright (c) 2013-2017 United States Government as represented by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. No copyright is claimed in the United States under Title 17, U.S.Code. All Other Rights Reserved. @author B. Harris
(See external/spdfssc/
This function gets basic location information for a single satellite from <a href="">NASA</a>'s <a href="">Space Physics Data Facility</a> <a href="">Satellite Situation Center</a>. More comprehensive information if available by using <code>SpdfSsc::getLocations()</code>. @param satellite {in} {type=string} identifies the satellite whose location is to be gotten. @param timeSpan {in} {type=strarr(2)} ISO 8601 format strings of the start and stop times of the data to get. @keyword coordinateSystem {in} {optional} {type=string} {default='Gse'} specifies the coordinate system. Must be one of the following values: Geo, Gm, Gsm, Sm, GeiTod, or GeiJ2000. @keyword resolutionFactor {in} {optional} {type=int} {default=1} resolution factor. A value of 3 will return every third point. @keyword endpoint {in} {optional} {type=string} {default=''} URL of SSC web service. @keyword quiet {in} {optional} {type=boolean} {default=false} SpdfGetLocations normally prints an error message if no data is found. If QUIET is set, no error messages is printed. @keyword httpErrorReporter {in} {optional} {type=SpdfHttpErrorReporter} used to report an HTTP error. @keyword sslVerifyPeer {in} {optional} {type=int} {default=1} Specifies whether the authenticity of the peer's SSL certificate should be verified. When 0, the connection succeeds regardless of what the peer SSL certificate contains. @returns SpdfLocations object containing requested data. @examples <pre> l = spdfGetLocations('ace', ['2013-01-01T00:00:00.000Z', '2013-01-03T00:00:00.000Z']) p = plot3d(l->getX(), l->getY(), l->getZ(), window_title='Orbit') </pre>
(See external/spdfssc/
This class is an IDL representation of the GroundStation element from the <a href="">Satellite Situation Center</a> (SSC) XML schema. @copyright Copyright (c) 2013 United States Government as represented by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. No copyright is claimed in the United States under Title 17, U.S.Code. All Other Rights Reserved. @author B. Harris
(See external/spdfssc/
Creates an SpdfGroundStation object. @param id {in} {type=string} ground station identifier. @param name {in} {type=string} ground station name. @param location {in} {type=SpdfSurfaceGeographicCoordinates} ground station location. @returns reference to an SpdfGroundStation object.
(See external/spdfssc/
Performs cleanup operations when this object is destroyed.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the id of this ground station. @returns id of this ground station.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the name of this ground station. @returns name of this ground station.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the location of this ground station. @returns a reference to the location of this ground station.
(See external/spdfssc/
Prints a textual representation of this object.
(See external/spdfssc/
Defines the SpdfGroundStation class. @field id ground station identifier. @field name ground station's name. @field location ground station's location.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the dipole invariant latitude value filter value. @returns dipole invariant latitude value SpdfLocationFilter or a null object reference.
(See external/spdfssc/
Creates an LocationFilterOptions element using the given XML DOM document with the values of this object. @param doc {in} {type=IDLffXMLDOMDocument} document in which to create the DataRequest element. @returns a reference to a new IDLffXMLDOMElement representation of this object.
(See external/spdfssc/
Defines the SpdfLocationFilterOptions class. @field allFilters boolean flag indicating whether all specified location filters must be true. @field distanceFromCenterOfEarth distance from center of Earth filter. @field magneticFieldStrength magnetic field strength filter. @field distanceFromNeutralSheet distance from neutral sheet filter. @field distanceFromBowShock distance from bowshock filter. @field distanceFromMagnetopause distance from magnetopause filter. @field dipoleLValue dipole L value filter. @field dipoleInvariantLatitude dipole invariant latitude filter.
(See external/spdfssc/
This class is an IDL representation of the LocationFilterOptions element from the <a href="">Satellite Situation Center</a> (SSC) XML schema. Note: SSC's filtering features do not support CDF output so this class is not required until this IDL library supports requests for text output. @copyright Copyright (c) 2014 United States Government as represented by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. No copyright is claimed in the United States under Title 17, U.S.Code. All Other Rights Reserved. @author B. Harris
(See external/spdfssc/
Creates an SpdfLocationFilterOptions object. @keyword allFilters {in} {optional} {type=boolean} {default=true} specifies whether all or just one or more of the specified location filters must be satisfied. @keyword distanceFromCenterOfEarth {in} {optional} {type=SpdfLocationFilter} distance from the center of the Earth filter. @returns reference to an SpdfLocationFilterOptions object.
(See external/spdfssc/
Performs cleanup operations when this object is destroyed.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the all-filters value. @returns all-filters value.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the distance from center of Earth filter value. @returns distance from center of Earth SpdfLocationFilter or a null object reference.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the magnetic field strength filter value. @returns magnetic field strength SpdfLocationFilter or a null object reference.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the distance from neutral sheet filter value. @returns distance from neutral sheet SpdfLocationFilter or a null object reference.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the distance from bowshock filter value. @returns distance from bowshock SpdfLocationFilter or a null object reference.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the distance from magnetopause filter value. @returns distance from magnetopause SpdfLocationFilter or a null object reference.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the dipole L value filter value. @returns dipole L value SpdfLocationFilter or a null object reference.
(See external/spdfssc/
This class is an IDL representation of the LocationFilter element from the <a href="">Satellite Situation Center</a> (SSC) XML schema. Note: SSC's filtering features do not support CDF output so this class is not required until this IDL library supports requests for text output. @copyright Copyright (c) 2014 United States Government as represented by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. No copyright is claimed in the United States under Title 17, U.S.Code. All Other Rights Reserved. @author B. Harris
(See external/spdfssc/
Creates an SpdfLocationFilter object. @keyword minimum {in} {optional} {type=boolean} specifies that the minimum value that should be included in the results. @keyword maximum {in} {optional} {type=boolean} specifies that the maximum value that should be included in the results. @keyword lowerLimit {in} {optional} {type=double} specifies that the lower limit of values that should be included in the results. @keyword upperLimit {in} {optional} {type=double} specifies that the upper limit of values that should be included in the results. @returns reference to an SpdfLocationFilter object.
(See external/spdfssc/
Performs cleanup operations when this object is destroyed.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the Minimum value. @returns Minimum value.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the Maximum value. @returns Maximum value.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the LowerLimit value. @returns LowerLimit value.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the UpperLimit value. @returns UpperLimit value.
(See external/spdfssc/
Creates an LocationFilter element using the given XML DOM document with the values of this object. @param doc {in} {type=IDLffXMLDOMDocument} document in which to create the DataRequest element. @param subClassName {in} {type=string} name of sub-class. @returns a reference to a new IDLffXMLDOMElement representation of this object.
(See external/spdfssc/
Defines the SpdfLocationFilter class. @field minimum specifies that the minimum value should be included in the results. @field maximum specifies that the maximum value should be included in the results. @field lowerLimit specifies that the lower limit of values that should be included in the results. @field upperLimit specifies that the upper limit of values that should be included in the results. @field spdfTime constant object used to call "static" methods of SpdfTimeInterval class.
(See external/spdfssc/
This class is an IDL representation of the LocationRequest element from the <a href="">Satellite Situation Center</a> (SSC) XML schema. @copyright Copyright (c) 2013 United States Government as represented by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. No copyright is claimed in the United States under Title 17, U.S.Code. All Other Rights Reserved. @author B. Harris
(See external/spdfssc/
Creates an SpdfLocationRequest object. @param timeInterval {in} {type=SpdfTimeInterval} time interval of this request. @param satellites {in} {type=objarr of SpdfSatelliteSpecification} requested satellites. @keyword description {in} {optional} {type=string} a textual description of this request. @keyword bFieldModel {in} {optional} {type=SpdfBFieldModel} magnetic field model to use. If not given, the Tsyganenko 89c model is used. @returns reference to an SpdfLocationRequest object.
(See external/spdfssc/
Performs cleanup operations when this object is destroyed.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the satellites. @returns objarr containing satellites or objarr(1) whose first element is !obj_valid().
(See external/spdfssc/
Creates a LocationRequest element using the given XML DOM document with the values of this object. @param doc {in} {type=IDLffXMLDOMDocument} document in which to create the LocationRequest element. @param subClassName {in} {type=string] sub-class name. @returns a reference to a new IDLffXMLDOMElement representation of this object.
(See external/spdfssc/
Defines the SpdfLocationRequest class. @field satellites requested satellites.
(See external/spdfssc/
This class is an IDL representation of the Locations element from the <a href="">Satellite Situation Center</a> (SSC) XML schema. @copyright Copyright (c) 2013-2014 United States Government as represented by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. No copyright is claimed in the United States under Title 17, U.S.Code. All Other Rights Reserved. @author B. Harris
(See external/spdfssc/
Creates an SpdfLocations object. @param id {in} {type=string} satellite identifier. @param time {in} {type=dblarr} juldate time of location. @param coordinateSystem {in} {type=string} coordinate system (valid values: "Geo", "Gm", "Gse", "Gsm", "Sm", "GeiTod", "GeiJ2000"). @keyword x {in} {type=dblarr} X values. @keyword y {in} {type=dblarr} Y values. @keyword z {in} {type=dblarr} Z values. @keyword latitude {in} {type=fltarr} latitude values. @keyword longitude {in} {type=fltarr} longitude values. @keyword localTime {in} {type=dblarr} local time values. @returns reference to an SpdfLocations object.
(See external/spdfssc/
Performs cleanup operations when this object is destroyed.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the id value. @returns the id value.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the time values. @returns a dblarr containing time values or the constant scalar !values.d_NaN if there are no values.
(See external/spdfssc/
Defines the SpdfLocations class. @field id satellite identifier. @field time juldate of locations.
(See external/spdfssc/
This class is an IDL representation of the ObservatoryDescription element from the <a href="">Satellite Situation Center</a> (SSC) XML schema. @copyright Copyright (c) 2013 United States Government as represented by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. No copyright is claimed in the United States under Title 17, U.S.Code. All Other Rights Reserved. @author B. Harris
(See external/spdfssc/
Creates an SpdfObservatoryDescription object. @param id {in} {type=string} observatory identifier. @param name {in} {type=string} observatory name. @param resolution {in} {type=int} resolution of trajectory information. @param startTime {in} {type=julday} start time of available information. @param endTime {in} {type=julday} end time of available information. @param geometry {in} {type=string} URL of the file containing the recommended X3D geometry description for rendering the satellite. @param trajectoryGeometry {in} {type=string} URL of the file containing the recommended X3D geometry description for rendering the satellite's trajectory. @param resourceId {in} {type=string} observatory resource identifier. @param groupIds {in} {type=strarr} /Spase/ObservatoryGroupID values. @returns reference to an SpdfObservatoryDescription object.
(See external/spdfssc/
Performs cleanup operations when this object is destroyed.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the resourceId of this satellite. @returns resourceId of this satellite.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the groupIds of this satellite. @returns groupIds of this satellite.
(See external/spdfssc/
Prints a textual representation of this object.
(See external/spdfssc/
Defines the SpdfObservatoryDescription class. @field resourceId observatory resource identifier.
(See external/spdfssc/
Creates an OutputOptions element using the given XML DOM document with the values of this object. @param doc {in} {type=IDLffXMLDOMDocument} document in which to create the DataRequest element. @returns a reference to a new IDLffXMLDOMElement representation of this object.
(See external/spdfssc/
Defines the SpdfOutputOptions class. @field allLocationFilters boolean flag indicating whether all specified location filters must be true. @field coordinateOptions coordinate options. @field regionOptions region options. @field valueOptions value options. @field distanceFromOptions distance from options. @field minMaxPoints number of point to define minimum/maximum. @field bFieldTraceOptions magnetic field trace options.
(See external/spdfssc/
This class is an IDL representation of the OutputOptions element from the <a href="">Satellite Situation Center</a> (SSC) XML schema. @copyright Copyright (c) 2013-2014 United States Government as represented by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. No copyright is claimed in the United States under Title 17, U.S.Code. All Other Rights Reserved. @author B. Harris
(See external/spdfssc/
Creates an SpdfOutputOptions object. @param coordinateOptions {in} {type=objarr of SpdfCoordinateOptions} specifies the coordinate options. @keyword allLocationFilters {in} {optional} {type=boolean} {default=true} specifies whether all or just one or more of the specified location filters must be satisfied. @keyword regionOptions {in} {optional} {type=SpdfRegionOptions} specifies the region options. @keyword valueOptions {in} {optional} {type=SpdfValueOptions} specifies the value options. @keyword distanceFromOptions {in} {optional} {type=SpdfDistanceFromOptions) specifies distance-from options. @keyword minMaxPoints {in} {optional} {type=int} {default=2} number of points used to determine minima or maxima values. @keyword bFieldTraceOptions {in} {optional} {type=objarr of SpdfBFieldTraceOptions} magnetic field trace options @returns reference to an SpdfOutputOptions object.
(See external/spdfssc/
Performs cleanup operations when this object is destroyed.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the all-location-filters value. @returns all-location-filters value.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the coordinate options value. @returns objarr of CoordinateOptions or an objarr(1) whose first element is ~obj_valid().
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the region options value. @returns RegionOptions or a null object reference.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the ValueOptions value. @returns ValueOptions or a null object reference.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the DistanceFromOptions value. @returns DistanceFromOptions value or a null object reference.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the minMaxPoints value. @returns minMaxPoints value or a null object reference.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the BFieldTraceOptions value. @returns objarr containing BFieldTraceOptions or objarr(1) whose first element is ~obj_valid.
(See external/spdfssc/
This class is an IDL representation of the RegionOptions element from the <a href="">Satellite Situation Center</a> (SSC) XML schema. @copyright Copyright (c) 2013 United States Government as represented by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. No copyright is claimed in the United States under Title 17, U.S.Code. All Other Rights Reserved. @author B. Harris
(See external/spdfssc/
Creates an SpdfRegionOptions object. @keyword spacecraft {in} {optional} {type=boolean} {default=false} specifies whether the spacecraft regions are to be included in the output. @keyword radialTracedFootpoint {in} {optional} {type=boolean} {default=false} specifies whether the radial traced footpoint regions are to be included in the output. @keyword northBTracedFootpoint {in} {optional} {type=boolean} {default=false} specifies whether the north B traced footpoint regions are to be included in the output. @keyword southBTracedFootpoint {in} {optional} {type=boolean} {default=false} specifies whether the south B traced footpoint regions are to be included in the output. @returns reference to an SpdfRegionOptions object.
(See external/spdfssc/
Performs cleanup operations when this object is destroyed.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the spacecraft value. @returns spacecraft value.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the radial traced footpoint value. @returns radial traced footpoint value.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the north B traced footpoint value. @returns north B traced footpoint value.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the south B traced footpoint value. @returns south B traced footpoint value.
(See external/spdfssc/
Creates an RegionOptions element using the given XML DOM document with the values of this object. @param doc {in} {type=IDLffXMLDOMDocument} document in which to create the DataRequest element. @returns a reference to a new IDLffXMLDOMElement representation of this object.
(See external/spdfssc/
Defines the SpdfRegionOptions class. @field spacecraft specifies whether the spacecraft regions are to be included in the output. @field radialTracedFootpoint specifies whether the radial traced footpoint regions are to be included in the output. @field northBTracedFootpoint specifies whether the north B traced footpoint regions are to be included in the output. @field southBTracedFootpoint specifies whether the south B traced footpoint regions are to be included in the output.
(See external/spdfssc/
This class is an IDL representation of the Request element from the <a href="">Satellite Situation Center</a> (SSC) XML schema. @copyright Copyright (c) 2013 United States Government as represented by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. No copyright is claimed in the United States under Title 17, U.S.Code. All Other Rights Reserved. @author B. Harris
(See external/spdfssc/
Creates an SpdfRequest object. @param timeInterval {in} {type=SpdfTimeInterval} time interval of this request. @keyword description {in} {optional} {type=string} a textual description of this request. @keyword bFieldModel {in} {optional} {type=SpdfBFieldModel} magnetic field model to use. If not given, the Tsyganenko 89c model is used. @returns reference to an SpdfRequest object.
(See external/spdfssc/
Performs cleanup operations when this object is destroyed.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the description value. @returns description value.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the timeInterval value. @returns reference to timeInterval
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the bFieldModel value. @returns reference to bFieldModel
(See external/spdfssc/
Creates a Request element using the given XML DOM document with the values of this object. @param doc {in} {type=IDLffXMLDOMDocument} document in which to create the Request element. @param subClassName {in} {type=string} name of sub-class. @returns a reference to a new IDLffXMLDOMElement representation of this object.
(See external/spdfssc/
Defines the SpdfRequest class. @field description a textual description of this request. @field timeInterval time interval of query. @field bFieldModel magnetic field model to use.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the node's double value of the first child of the first item of the specified element of the given DOM element. @private @param domElement {in} {required} {type=IDLffXMLDOMElement} DOM element to search. @param tagName {in} {required} {type=string} A scalar string containing the tag name of the desired element. @returns dblarr containing the node's double value(s) of the first child of the item(s) of the specified element of the given DOM document. A scalar constant of !values.d_NaN is returned if the value cannot be found.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the node's float value of the first child of the first item of the specified element of the given DOM element. @private @param domElement {in} {required} {type=IDLffXMLDOMElement} DOM element to search. @param tagName {in} {required} {type=string} A scalar string containing the tag name of the desired element. @returns fltarr containing the node's float value(s) of the first child of the item(s) of the specified element of the given DOM document. A scalar constant of !values.f_NaN is returned if the value cannot be found.
(See external/spdfssc/
Converts the given Julian Day value to an ISO 8601 string representation. @private @param value {in} {type=julDay} Julian day value to convert. @returns ISO 8601 string representation of the given value
(See external/spdfssc/
Creates a SpdfTimeInterval object from a child TimeInterval element of the given node from a cdas:DataResult XML document. @private @param domNode {in} {type=IDLffXMLDOMNode} node from a cdas:DataResult XML document. @returns a reference to a SpdfTimeInterval object.
(See external/spdfssc/
Creates a SpdfTimeInterval object from the given TimeInterval element from a cdas:DataResult XML document. @private @param timeIntervalElement {in} {type=IDLffXMLDOMNode} element from a cdas:DataResult XML document. @returns a reference to a SpdfTimeInterval object.
(See external/spdfssc/
Creates a julday object from the given time element from a cdas:DataResult XML document. @private @param dateTimeElement {in} {type=IDLffXMLDOMNodeList} list whose first child is to be converted into a julday @returns julday representation of first child of given dateTimeElement.
(See external/spdfssc/
Perform an HTTP GET request to the given URL. This method provides functionality similar to doing obj_new('IDLffXMLDOMDocument', filename=url) except that this method will catch and attempt to deal with errors. @private @param url {in} {type=string} URL of GET request to make. @keyword errorReporter {in} {optional} {type=string} name of IDL procedure to call if an HTTP error occurs. @returns reference to IDLffXMLDOMDocument representation of HTTP response entity.
(See external/spdfssc/
Perform an HTTP POST request to the given URL. @private @param url {in} {type=string} URL of GET request to make. @param xmlRequest {in} {type=string} XML entity body to be include in the request. @keyword errorReporter {in} {optional} {type=string} name of IDL procedure to call if an HTTP error occurs. @returns reference to IDLffXMLDOMDocument representation of HTTP response entity.
(See external/spdfssc/
Function to handle HTTP request errors. If an errorReporter has been provided, it is called. @private @param request {in} {type=IDLnetURL} HTTP request that caused the error. @keyword errorReporter {in} {optional} {type=string} name of IDL procedure to call if an HTTP error occurs. @returns a value of 0.
(See external/spdfssc/
Create an IDLnetUrl object from the given URL with any supplied authentication values set. @private @param url {in} {type=string} URL. @param username {in} {type=string} username. @param password {in} {type=string} password. @returns reference to a IDLnetUrl with any supplied authentication values set.
(See external/spdfssc/
This class represents the remotely callable interface to <a href="">NASA</a>'s <a href="">Space Physics Data Facility</a> (SPDF) <a href=""> RESTful Web services</a>. @copyright Copyright (c) 2013-2017 United States Government as represented by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. No copyright is claimed in the United States under Title 17, U.S.Code. All Other Rights Reserved. @author B. Harris
(See external/spdfssc/
Defines the SpdfRest class. @field endpoint URL of SSC web service. @field userAgent HTTP <a href=""> user-agent value</a> to use in communications with SSC. @field version identifies the version of this class. @field currentVersionUrl URL to the file identifying the most up to date version of this class. @field proxy_authentication IDLnetURL PROXY_AUTHENTICATION property value. @field proxy_hostname IDLnetURL PROXY_HOSTNAME property value. @field proxy_password IDLnetURL PROXY_PASSWORD property value. @field proxy_port IDLnetURL PROXY_PORT property value. @field proxy_username IDLnetURL PROXY_USERNAME property value. @field ssl_verify_peer IDLnetURL SSL_VERIFY_PEER property value.
(See external/spdfssc/
Creates an object representing the SPDF Web service. If access to the Internet is through an HTTP proxy, the caller should ensure that the HTTP_PROXY environment variable is correctly set before this method is called. The HTTP_PROXY value should be of the form http://username:password@hostname:port/. NOTE: Due to support for the HTTP_PROXY environment variable, this class should not be used in a CGI-like environment where HTTP_PROXY can be set by untrusted entities (see httpoxy vulnerability). @param endpoint {in} {type=string} URL of SPDF web service. @param version {in} {type=string} class version. @param currentVersionUrl {in} {type=string} URL to the file identifying the most up to date version of this class. @keyword userAgent {in} {optional} {type=string} {default=WsExample} HTTP user-agent value used in communications with SPDF. @keyword sslVerifyPeer {in} {optional} {type=int} {default=1} Specifies whether the authenticity of the peer's SSL certificate should be verified. When 0, the connection succeeds regardless of what the peer SSL certificate contains. @returns a reference to a SSC object.
(See external/spdfssc/
Performs cleanup operations when this object is destroyed.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the current endpoint value. @returns current endpoint string value.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the current userAgent value. @returns current userAgent string value.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the current defaultDataview value. @returns current defaultDataview string value.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the version of this class. @returns version of this class.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the most up to date version of this class. @returns most up to date version of this class.
(See external/spdfssc/
Compares getVersion() and getCurrentVersion() to determine if this class is up to date. @returns true if getVersion() >= getCurrentVersion(). Otherwise false.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the node's value of the first child of the first item of the specified element of the given DOM document. @private @param domElement {in} {required} {type=IDLffXMLDOMElement} DOM element to search. @param tagName {in} {required} {type=string} A scalar string containing the tag name of the desired element. @returns strarr containing the node's string value(s) of the first child of the item(s) of the specified element of the given DOM document. An empty string is returned if the value cannot be found.
(See external/spdfssc/
This class is an IDL representation of the Result element from the <a href="">Satellite Situation Center</a> (SSC) XML schema. @copyright Copyright (c) 2013 United States Government as represented by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. No copyright is claimed in the United States under Title 17, U.S.Code. All Other Rights Reserved. @author B. Harris
(See external/spdfssc/
Creates an SpdfResult object. @keyword statusCode {in} {type=string} result status code. @keyword statusSubCode {in} {type=string} result status sub-code. @keyword statusText {in} {type=strarr} result status text. @returns reference to an SpdfResult object.
(See external/spdfssc/
Performs cleanup operations when this object is destroyed.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the status code value. @returns status code value.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the status sub-code value. @returns status sub-code value.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the status text. @returns a reference to strarr of status text.
(See external/spdfssc/
Prints a textual representation of this object.
(See external/spdfssc/
Defines the SpdfResult class. @field statusCode result status code. @field statusSubCode result status sub-code. @field statusText result status text.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the bow shock distance values. @returns a dblarr containing bow shock distance values or the constant scaler !values.d_NaN if there are no values.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the magneto pause distance values. @returns a dblarr containing magneto pause distance values or the constant scalar !values.d_NaN if there are no values.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the dipole L values. @returns a dblarr containing dipole L values or the constant scalar !values.d_NaN if there are no values.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the dipole invariant latitude values. @returns a dblarr containing dipole invariant latitude values or the constant scalar !values.d_NaN if there are no values.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the spacecraft region values. @returns a strarr containing spacecraft region values or the constant scalar '' if there are no values.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the radial trace footpoint region values. @returns a strarr containing radial trace footpoint region values or the constant scalar '' if there are no values.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the B GSE X values. @returns a dblarr containing B GSE X values or the constant scalar !values.d_NaN if there are no values.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the B GSE Y values. @returns a dblarr containing B GSE Y values or the constant scalar !values.d_NaN if there are no values.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the B GSE Z values. @returns a dblarr containing B GSE Z values or the constant scalar !values.d_NaN if there are no values.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the north B traced regions values. @returns a strarr containing north B traced regions values or the constant scalar '' if there are no values.
(See external/spdfssc/
This class is an IDL representation of the SatelliteData element from the <a href="">Satellite Situation Center</a> (SSC) XML schema. @copyright Copyright (c) 2013 United States Government as represented by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. No copyright is claimed in the United States under Title 17, U.S.Code. All Other Rights Reserved. @author B. Harris
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the south B traced regions values. @returns a strarr containing south B traced regions values or the constant scalar '' if there are no values.
(See external/spdfssc/
Defines the SpdfSatelliteData class. @field id satellite identifier. @field coordinateData satellite coordinate data. @field time time associated with each data point. @field bTraceData magnetic field trace data. @field radialLength distance from center of Earth. @field magneticStrength magnetic field strength. @field neutralSheetDistance distance from neutral sheet. @field bowShockDistance distance from bow shock. @field magnetoPauseDistance distance from magneto pause. @field dipoleLValue dipole L values. @field dipoleInvariantLatitude dipole invariant latitude values. @field spacecraftRegion spacecraft region. @field radialTracedFootpointRegions radial trace footpoint region. @field bGseX B GSE X values. @field bGseY B GSE Y values. @field bGseZ B GSE Z values. @field northBTracedFootpointRegions north B traced regions. @field southBTracedFootpointRegions south B traced regions.
(See external/spdfssc/
Creates an SpdfSatelliteData object. @param id {in} {type=string} satellite identifier. @param coordinateData {in} {type=SpdfCoordinateData} satellite coordinate data. @param time {in} {type=dblarr} julday time associated with each data point. @keyword bTraceData {in} {optional} {type=SpdfBTraceData} magnetic field trace data. @keyword radialLength {in} {optional} {type=dblarr} distance from center of Earth. @keyword magneticStrength {in} {optional} {type=dblarr} magnetic field strength. @keyword neutralSheetDistance {in} {optional} {type=dblarr} distance from neutral sheet. @keyword bowShockDistance {in} {optional} {type=dblarr} distance from bow shock. @keyword magnetoPauseDistance {in} {optional} {type=dblarr} distance from magneto pause. @keyword dipoleLValue {in} {optional} {type=dblarr} dipole L values. @keyword dipoleInvariantLatitude {in} {optional} {type=dblarr} dipole invariant latitude values. @keyword spacecraftRegion {in} {optional} {type=strarr} spacecraft region. @keyword radialTracedFootpointRegions {in} {optional} {type=strarr} radial traced footpoint region. @keyword bGseX {in} {optional} {type=dblarr} B GSE X values. @keyword bGseY {in} {optional} {type=dblarr} B GSE Y values. @keyword bGseZ {in} {optional} {type=dblarr} B GSE Z values. @keyword northBTracedFootpointRegions {in} {optional} {type=strarr} north B traced regions. @keyword southBTracedFootpointRegions {in} {optional} {type=strarr} south B traced regions. @returns reference to an SpdfSatelliteData object.
(See external/spdfssc/
Performs cleanup operations when this object is destroyed.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the id value. @returns id value.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the coordinate data. @returns a reference to coordinate data.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the time values. @returns the time values.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the B field trace data. @returns a reference to SpdfBTraceData.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the radial length values. @returns a dblarr containing radial length values or the constant scalar !values.d_NaN if there are no values.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the magnetic strength values. @returns a dblarr containing magnetic strength values or the constant scalar !values.d_NaN if there are no values.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the neutral sheet distance values. @returns a dblarr containing neutral sheet distance values or the constant scalar !values.d_NaN if there are no values.
(See external/spdfssc/
Prints a textual representation of this object.
(See external/spdfssc/
Defines the SpdfSatelliteDescription class. @field id ground station identifier. @field name ground station's name. @field resolution trajectory resolution. @field startTime julday start time value. @field endTime julday end time value. @field geometry satellite geometry. @field trajectoryGeometry trajectory geometry.
(See external/spdfssc/
This class is an IDL representation of the SatelliteDescription element from the <a href="">Satellite Situation Center</a> (SSC) XML schema. @copyright Copyright (c) 2013 United States Government as represented by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. No copyright is claimed in the United States under Title 17, U.S.Code. All Other Rights Reserved. @author B. Harris
(See external/spdfssc/
Creates an SpdfSatelliteDescription object. @param id {in} {type=string} satellite identifier. @param name {in} {type=string} satellite name. @param resolution {in} {type=int} resolution of trajectory information. @param startTime {in} {type=julday} start time of available information. @param endTime {in} {type=julday} end time of available information. @param geometry {in} {type=string} URL of the file containing the recommended X3D geometry description for rendering the satellite. @param trajectoryGeometry {in} {type=string} URL of the file containing the recommended X3D geometry description for rendering the satellite's trajectory. @returns reference to an SpdfSatelliteDescription object.
(See external/spdfssc/
Performs cleanup operations when this object is destroyed.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the id of this satellite. @returns id of this satellite.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the name of this satellite. @returns name of this satellite.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the resolution of this satellite. @returns resolution of this satellite.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the start time of this satellite. @returns start time of this satellite.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the end time of this satellite. @returns end time of this satellite.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the geometry of this satellite. @returns geometry of this satellite.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the trajectory geometry of this satellite. @returns trajectory geometry of this satellite.
(See external/spdfssc/
This class is an IDL representation of the SatelliteSpecification element from the <a href="">Satellite Situation Center</a> (SSC) XML schema. @copyright Copyright (c) 2013 United States Government as represented by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. No copyright is claimed in the United States under Title 17, U.S.Code. All Other Rights Reserved. @author B. Harris
(See external/spdfssc/
Creates an SpdfSatelliteSpecification object. @param id {in} {type=string} satellite identifier. @param resolutionFactor {in} {type=int} resolution factor. @returns reference to an SpdfSatelliteSpecification object.
(See external/spdfssc/
Performs cleanup operations when this object is destroyed.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the id value. @returns id value.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the resolutionFactor value. @returns resolutionFactor value.
(See external/spdfssc/
Creates a SatelliteSpecification element using the given XML DOM document with the values of this object. @param doc {in} {type=IDLffXMLDOMDocument} document in which to create the SatelliteSpecification element. @returns a reference to a new IDLffXMLDOMElement representation of this object.
(See external/spdfssc/
Defines the SpdfSatelliteSpecification class. @field id satellite identifier. @field resolutionFactor resolution factor.
(See external/spdfssc/
This class is an IDL representation of the DataRequest element from the <a href="">Satellite Situation Center</a> (SSC) XML schema. @copyright Copyright (c) 2013-2016 United States Government as represented by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. No copyright is claimed in the United States under Title 17, U.S.Code. All Other Rights Reserved. @author B. Harris
(See external/spdfssc/
Creates an SpdfSscDataRequest object. @param timeInterval {in} {type=SpdfTimeInterval} time interval of this request. @param satellites {in} {type=SpdfSatelliteSpecification objarr} requested satellites. @param outputOptions {in} {type=SpdfOutputOptions} requested output options. @keyword description {in} {optional} {type=string} a textual description of this request. @keyword bFieldModel {in} {optional} {type=SpdfBFieldModel} magnetic field model to use. If not given, a default model of IGRF and Tsyganenko 89c with KP values of 3-,3,3+ is used. @keyword regionOptions {in} {optional} {type=SpdfRegionOptions} requested region options. @keyword locationFilterOptions {in} {optional} {type=SpdfLocationFilterOptions} requested location filter options. @keyword formatOptions {in} {optional} {type=SpdfFormatOptions} requested format options. @returns reference to an SpdfSscDataRequest object.
(See external/spdfssc/
Performs cleanup operations when this object is destroyed.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the output options. @returns reference to output options.
(See external/spdfssc/
Creates a DataRequest element using the given XML DOM document with the values of this object. @param doc {in} {type=IDLffXMLDOMDocument} document in which to create the DataRequest element. @returns a reference to a new IDLffXMLDOMElement representation of this object.
(See external/spdfssc/
Defines the SpdfSscDataRequest class. @field outputOptions request's output options. @field regionFilterOptions request's region filter options. @field locationFilterOptions request's location filter options. @field formatOptions request's format options.
(See external/spdfssc/
This class is an IDL representation of the DataResult element from the <a href="">Satellite Situation Center</a> (SSC) XML schema. @copyright Copyright (c) 2013 United States Government as represented by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. No copyright is claimed in the United States under Title 17, U.S.Code. All Other Rights Reserved. @author B. Harris
(See external/spdfssc/
Creates an SpdfSscDataResult object. @param data {in} {type=SpdfSatelliteData objarr} result data. @keyword statusCode {in} {type=string} result status code. @keyword statusSubCode {in} {type=string} result status sub-code. @keyword statusText {in} {type=strarr} result status text. @returns reference to an SpdfSscDataResult object.
(See external/spdfssc/
Performs cleanup operations when this object is destroyed.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the data. @returns a reference to objarr of SatelliteData.
(See external/spdfssc/
Defines the SpdfSscDataResult class. @field data result data.
(See external/spdfssc/
This class is an IDL representation of the FileResult element from the <a href="">Satellite Situation Center</a> (SSC) XML schema. @copyright Copyright (c) 2014 United States Government as represented by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. No copyright is claimed in the United States under Title 17, U.S.Code. All Other Rights Reserved. @author B. Harris
(See external/spdfssc/
Creates an SpdfSscFileResult object. @param files {in} {type=SpdfFileDescription objarr} result files. @keyword statusCode {in} {type=string} result status code. @keyword statusSubCode {in} {type=string} result status sub-code. @keyword statusText {in} {type=strarr} result status text. @returns reference to an SpdfSscFileResult object.
(See external/spdfssc/
Performs cleanup operations when this object is destroyed.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the files. @returns a reference to objarr of FileDescriptions.
(See external/spdfssc/
Defines the SpdfSscFileResult class. @field files result files.
(See external/spdfssc/
This program is an example to demonstrate calling the <a href="">Satellite Situation Center's</a> <a href=""> REST Web Services</a> from an <a href="">Exelis Visual Information Solutions</a> (VIS) Interactive Data Language (IDL) program. It demonstrates the following: <ul> <li>Using a JSON representation for the request and response entity body.</li> <li>Requesting the magnetic conjunction of a set of satellites.</li> </ul> @copyright Copyright (c) 2017 United States Government as represented by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. No copyright is claimed in the United States under Title 17, U.S.Code. All Other Rights Reserved. @author B. Harris
(See external/spdfssc/
This procedure is an example to demonstrate calling the SSC REST Web Services from an IDL program. It demonstrates the following: <ul> <li>Using a JSON representation for the request and response entity body.</li> <li>Requesting the magnetic conjunction of a set of satellites.</li> </ul> @requires 8.2
(See external/spdfssc/
This program is an example to demonstrate calling the <a href="">Satellite Situation Center's</a> <a href=""> REST Web Services</a> from an <a href="">Exelis Visual Information Solutions</a> (VIS) Interactive Data Language (IDL) program. It demonstrates the following: <ul> <li>Getting the available observatories.</li> <li>Getting the available ground stations.</li> <li>Getting and displaying satellite location data.</li> <li>Some basic HTTP error handling.</li> </ul> @copyright Copyright (c) 2013-2014 United States Government as represented by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. No copyright is claimed in the United States under Title 17, U.S.Code. All Other Rights Reserved. @author B. Harris
(See external/spdfssc/
Prints an SpdfSssDataResult object. @private @param dataResult {in} {type=SpdfSscDataResult} DataResult to print.
(See external/spdfssc/
Prints an SpdfSssFileResult object and downloads the remote files. @private @param fileResult {in} {type=SpdfSscFileResult} FileResult to print.
(See external/spdfssc/
This procedure is an example to demonstrate calling the SSC REST Web Services from an IDL program. It demonstrates the following: <ul> <li>Getting the available observatories.</li> <li>Getting the available ground stations.</li> <li>Getting and displaying satellite location data.</li> <li>Some basic HTTP error handling.</li> </ul>
(See external/spdfssc/
Creates an array of SpdfFileDescription objects from the given ssc:Files XML document. @private @param doc {in} {type=IDLffXMLDOMDocument} SpdfFileResult XML document. @returns objarr containing SpdfFileDescriptions or an objarr(1) whose first element is ~obj_valid().
(See external/spdfssc/
Creates an SpdfSscDataResult object from the given ssc:DataResult XML document. @private @param doc {in} {type=IDLffXMLDOMDocument} SpdfSscDataResult XML document. @returns SpdfSscDataResult object.
(See external/spdfssc/
Creates an SpdfSatelliteData object from the given ssc:SatelliteData XML document. @private @param doc {in} {type=IDLffXMLDOMDocument} SpdfSatelliteData XML document. @returns objarr containing SpdfSatelliteData or an objarr(1) whose first element is ~obj_valid().
(See external/spdfssc/
Creates an SpdfCoordinateData object from the given ssc:SatelliteData XML element. @private @param satDataElement {in} {type=IDLffXMLDOMElement} SpdfSatelliteData XML element. @returns SpdfCoordinateData object.
(See external/spdfssc/
Creates an SpdfBTraceData object from the given ssc:BTraceData XML element. @private @param satDataElement {in} {type=IDLffXMLDOMElement} SpdfSatelliteData XML element. @returns SpdfCoordinateData object.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the specified double data values from the given satellite data. @private @param satDataElement {in} {type=IDLffXMLDOMElement} Satellite XML element. @param name {in} {type=string} name of satellite data to get. @returns array of double values.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the specified float data values from the given satellite data. @private @param satDataElement {in} {type=IDLffXMLDOMElement} Satellite XML element. @param name {in} {type=string} name of satellite data to get. @returns array of float values.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the specified region data values from the given satellite data. @private @param satDataElement {in} {type=IDLffXMLDOMElement} Satellite XML element. @param name {in} {type=string} name of region data to get. @returns strarr of region values. An empty string is returned if the value cannot be found.
(See external/spdfssc/
Defines the SpdfSsc class.
(See external/spdfssc/
This class represents the remotely callable interface to <a href="">NASA</a>'s <a href="">Space Physics Data Facility</a> (SPDF) <a href="">Satellite Situation Center</a> (SSC). The current implementation only support the <a href=""> "data locations" functionality</a>. Supporting the "text (listing) locations", "conjunctions" and/or "graphs" functionality is a future possibility if there were sufficient interest. @copyright Copyright (c) 2013-2017 United States Government as represented by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. No copyright is claimed in the United States under Title 17, U.S.Code. All Other Rights Reserved. @author B. Harris
(See external/spdfssc/
Creates an object representing SSC. @keyword endpoint {in} {optional} {type=string} {default=self->getDefaultEndpoint()} URL of SSC web service . @keyword userAgent {in} {optional} {type=string} {default=WsExample} HTTP user-agent value used in communications with SSC. @keyword sslVerifyPeer {in} {optional} {type=int} {default=1} Specifies whether the authenticity of the peer's SSL certificate should be verified. When 0, the connection succeeds regardless of what the peer SSL certificate contains. @returns a reference to a SSC object.
(See external/spdfssc/
Performs cleanup operations when this object is destroyed.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the default endpoint value. @returns default endpoint string value.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets a description of all the observatories that are available. @keyword httpErrorReporter {in} {optional} {type=SpdfHttpErrorReporter} used to report an HTTP error. @returns array of SpdfObservatoryDescription objects.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets a description of all the ground stations that are available. @keyword httpErrorReporter {in} {optional} {type=SpdfHttpErrorReporter} used to report an HTTP error. @returns array of SpdfGroundStation objects.
(See external/spdfssc/
Request the specified satellite location information from SSC. @private @param locationRequest {in} {type=SpdfLocationRequest} specifies the information to get. @keyword httpErrorReporter {in} {optional} {type=SpdfHttpErrorReporter} used to report an HTTP error. @returns an SpdfSscDataResult or SpdfSscFileResult object.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the node's time values from the given DOM element. @private @param domElement {in} {required} {type=IDLffXMLDOMElement} DOM element to search. @keyword name {in} {optional} {type=string} {default='Time'} name of time tag. @returns node's julday time value(s) from the given DOM element. A scalar value of !values.d_NaN is returned if no value is found.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the specified node values from the given ssc:DataResult XML document. @private @param resultDoc {in} {type=IDLffXMLDOMDocument} SpdfSscDataResult XML document. @param type {in} {type=string} name of elements whose value is to be gotten. @returns strarr of the specified node values from the given document.
(See external/spdfssc/
Creates an SpdfSscFileResult object from the given ssc:DataResult XML document. @private @param doc {in} {type=IDLffXMLDOMDocument} SpdfSscDataResult XML document. @returns SpdfSscFileResult object.
(See external/spdfssc/
This class is an IDL representation of the SurfaceGeographicCoordinates element from the <a href="">Satellite Situation Center</a> (SSC) XML schema. @copyright Copyright (c) 2013 United States Government as represented by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. No copyright is claimed in the United States under Title 17, U.S.Code. All Other Rights Reserved. @author B. Harris
(See external/spdfssc/
Creates an SpdfSurfaceGeographicCoordinates object. @param latitude {in} {type=double} latitude value. @param longitude {in} {type=double} longitude value. @returns reference to an SpdfSurfaceGeographicCoordinates object.
(See external/spdfssc/
Performs cleanup operations when this object is destroyed.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the latitude value. @returns latitude value.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the longitude value. @returns longitude value.
(See external/spdfssc/
Prints a textual representation of this object.
(See external/spdfssc/
Defines the SpdfSurfaceGeographicCoordinates class. @field latitude latitude value. @field longitude longitude value.
(See external/spdfssc/
This class is an IDL representation of the Tsyganenko87BFieldModel element from the <a href="">Satellite Situation Center</a> (SSC) XML schema. @copyright Copyright (c) 2013 United States Government as represented by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. No copyright is claimed in the United States under Title 17, U.S.Code. All Other Rights Reserved. @author B. Harris
(See external/spdfssc/
Creates an SpdfTsyganenko87BFieldModel object. @keyword keyParameterValues {in} {optional} {type=string} {default='KP3_3_3'} Model's key parameter values. Must be one of the following: KP0_0, KP1_1_1, KP2_2_2, KP3_3_3, KP4_4_4, or KP5. @returns reference to an SpdfTsyganenko87BFieldModel object.
(See external/spdfssc/
Performs cleanup operations when this object is destroyed.
(See external/spdfssc/
Creates an ExternalBFieldModel element using the given XML DOM document with the values of this object. @param doc {in} {type=IDLffXMLDOMDocument} document in which to create the DataRequest element. @returns a reference to a new IDLffXMLDOMElement representation of this object.
(See external/spdfssc/
Defines the SpdfTsyganenko87BFieldModel class. @field keyParameterValues model's key parameter values.
(See external/spdfssc/
This class is an IDL representation of the Tsyganenko89cBFieldModel element from the <a href="">Satellite Situation Center</a> (SSC) XML schema. @copyright Copyright (c) 2013 United States Government as represented by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. No copyright is claimed in the United States under Title 17, U.S.Code. All Other Rights Reserved. @author B. Harris
(See external/spdfssc/
Creates an SpdfTsyganenko89cBFieldModel object. @keyword keyParameterValues {in} {optional} {type=string} {default='KP3_3_3'} Model's key parameter values. Must be one of the following: KP0_0, KP1_1_1, KP2_2_2, KP3_3_3, KP4_4_4, KP5_5_5, or KP6. @returns reference to an SpdfTsyganenko89cBFieldModel object.
(See external/spdfssc/
Performs cleanup operations when this object is destroyed.
(See external/spdfssc/
Creates an ExternalBFieldModel element using the given XML DOM document with the values of this object. @param doc {in} {type=IDLffXMLDOMDocument} document in which to create the DataRequest element. @returns a reference to a new IDLffXMLDOMElement representation of this object.
(See external/spdfssc/
Defines the SpdfTsyganenko89cBFieldModel class. @field keyParameterValues model's key parameter values.
(See external/spdfssc/
This class is an IDL representation of the Tsyganenko96BFieldModel element from the <a href="">Satellite Situation Center</a> (SSC) XML schema. @copyright Copyright (c) 2013 United States Government as represented by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. No copyright is claimed in the United States under Title 17, U.S.Code. All Other Rights Reserved. @author B. Harris
(See external/spdfssc/
Creates an SpdfTsyganenko96BFieldModel object. @keyword solarWindPressure {in} {optional} {type=double} solar wind pressure (range: 0 - 30 nP, default=2.1). @keyword dstIndex {in} {optional} {type=int} Disturbance Storm Time (DST) index (range: -400 - 200 nT, default=-20). @keyword byImf {in} {optional} {type=double} BY Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) (range: -100 - 100 nT, default=0.0). @keyword bzImf {in} {optional} {type=double} BZ Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) (range: -100 - 100 nT, default=0.0). @returns reference to an SpdfTsyganenko96BFieldModel object.
(See external/spdfssc/
Performs cleanup operations when this object is destroyed.
(See external/spdfssc/
Get the solar wind pressure value. @returns the solar wind pressure value.
(See external/spdfssc/
Creates an ExternalBFieldModel element using the given XML DOM document with the values of this object. @param doc {in} {type=IDLffXMLDOMDocument} document in which to create the DataRequest element. @returns a reference to a new IDLffXMLDOMElement representation of this object.
(See external/spdfssc/
Defines the SpdfTsyganenko96BFieldModel class. @field solarWindPressure solar wind pressure (range: 0 - 30 nP, default=2.1). @field dstIndex Disturbance Storm Time (DST) index (range: -400 - 200 nT, default=-20). @field byImf BY Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) (range: -100 - 100 nT, default=0.0). @field bzImf BZ Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) (range: -100 - 100 nT, default=0.0).
(See external/spdfssc/
This class is an IDL representation of the ValueOptions element from the <a href="">Satellite Situation Center</a> (SSC) XML schema. @copyright Copyright (c) 2013 United States Government as represented by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. No copyright is claimed in the United States under Title 17, U.S.Code. All Other Rights Reserved. @author B. Harris
(See external/spdfssc/
Creates an SpdfValueOptions object. @keyword radialDistance {in} {optional} {type=boolean} {default=false} specifies whether the radial distance is to be included in the output. @keyword bFieldStrength {in} {optional} {type=boolean} {default=false} specifies whether the magnetic field strength is to be included in the output. @keyword dipoleLValue {in} {optional} {type=boolean} {default=false} specifies whether the dipole L value is to be included in the output. @keyword dipoleInvLat {in} {optional} {type=boolean} {default=false} specifies whether the dipole invariant latitude is to be included in the output. @returns reference to an SpdfValueOptions object.
(See external/spdfssc/
Performs cleanup operations when this object is destroyed.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the radialDistance value. @returns radialDistance value.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the magnetic field strength value. @returns magnetic field strength value.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the dipole L value. @returns dipole L value.
(See external/spdfssc/
Gets the dipole invariant latitude value. @returns dipole invariant latitude value.
(See external/spdfssc/
Creates an ValueOptions element using the given XML DOM document with the values of this object. @param doc {in} {type=IDLffXMLDOMDocument} document in which to create the DataRequest element. @returns a reference to a new IDLffXMLDOMElement representation of this object.
(See external/spdfssc/
Defines the SpdfValueOptions class. @field radialDistance specifies whether the radial distance is to be included in the output. @field bFieldStrength specifies whether the magnetic field strength is to be included in the output. @field dipoleLValue specifies whether the dipole L value is to be included in the output. @field dipoleInvLat specifies whether the dipole invariant latitude is to be included in the output.
(See external/spdfssc/